Build your own, search inventory and explore current special offers. You are using an unsupported browser to access this website. Working groups Audi Global Graduate Program 2021 for young Professionals. ", Mobility is changing – and Audi wants to help shape it in a sustainable way. We are currently still required by law to state the NEDC figures. Experience our vision of mobility and let yourself be inspired. Free space for your ideas: Audi offers students an extensive set of opportunities to combine their theoretical knowledge with a practical experience while still pursuing their studies.Whether through an internship, in the context of a thesis or within the scope of Audi dual master´s degree. Dealing with Compliance is an essential part of every successful company: International standards, laws, internal regulations are constantly changing. Two participants in our Audi Global Graduate Program talk about their experiences and their motivation. Flow of knowledge Audi plans to bring dozens of electrified models onto the market by 2025. In cases where the NEDC figures are specified as value ranges, these do not refer to a particular individual vehicle and do not constitute part of the sales offering. Moving to Germany was not a cultural shock for me," says Marcos with a bright smile. Owing to the more realistic test conditions, the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions measured according to the WLTP will, in many cases, be higher than those measured according to the NEDC. The feedback form is currently unavailable.Please try again later. audi global graduate (trainee) program; fully funded uae university scholarship 2021; minerva scholarship fund to study in holland 2020; young leaders programme fellow|africa delivery hub; the light consortium phd scholarships for african students 2021; full scholarships available for mdf courses in holland 2021 In cases where the NEDC figures are specified as value ranges, these do not refer to a particular individual vehicle and do not constitute part of the sales offering. Define new products out of the customers perspective, find an optimal market introduction date and coordinate the whole variety of development departments. Olivia and Janina show what you can do in Ingolstadt. Every successful company, every innovation, even every Audi vehicle would not exist if there wasn't one essential part: The employees. Capital Market Compliance & Corporate Governance, Product integrity & environmental protection, University graduates preferably with master's degree with above-average academic performance, Minimum of three months of international experience during your academic program through internships or a semester abroad, Practical experience of at least six months through relevant internships, Fluent English (as well as knowledge of another language if English is your native language, preferably German), Bring in your global mindset in an innovative and digital work environment, Living integrity has a top priority to you, Open-minded personality and willingness to change perspective, adapt to new environment, dare to change. We want to congratulate you on your accomplishments here at Audi Pacific with the Audi College Graduate Program. Carrying out surveys for customer needs, creating innovative business models, designing convincing advertising for our products, controlling development budgets and monitor actual sales figures – this is only a fraction of the available assignment pool of the job field Market and Finance. Audi Global Graduate Program Would you like to start your career as a trainee at Audi and get an overview of the entire company? Starting on September 1st 2018, the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) will be replaced by the WLTP in stages. “Passion is the key. Outside the box Thank you very much for your visit. You are using an unsupported browser to access this website. Right from the start, you will receive an unlimited employment contract. It's a souvenir that is both attractive and functional, for it enables the potential customer to call up and view their configured car again directly online from their own PC or to present the code at an Audi centre. I see my role as a bridge between China and Germany and I hope that I can do a lot to ensure that the cooperation between both cultures succeeds. Additional equipment and accessories (e.g. To get the best User-Experience while visiting the website, please use the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge. Both are enthusiastic about the program because it will open a lot of doors for them. We get many opportunities like this to exchange with other people and network cross-hierarchically.“, Marcos, Brazil People at Audi work with a real passion, that's not just a phrase on a website. Does this sound attractive and interesting to you? Home Audi Global Graduate Trainee Program 2021. feel free to call us +2349098044444 [email protected] Deadline: Ejura Adama, December 14, 2020 December 14, 2020, Internships, Jobs, Opportunities. As an ALDI graduate, you’ll undertake a comprehensive 14 month program, rotating through all aspects of our business. Graduate Area Manager Programme Our Graduate Area Manager Programme You’ve probably heard a lot about the Area Manager Programme by now – that we give our graduates a fantastic package (including an Audi A4 or a BMW 3 series) and that it’s ‘really hard work’. We should use this time and work on something that we really do with passion." She feels this passion every day in the company. Thank you very much for your visit. The program opens many doors for us. We are currently still required by law to state the NEDC figures. Build your own, search inventory and explore current special offers. You’ll be given projects with business-critical impact from the start, and you’ll be encouraged to share your ideas and opinions. View the exciting Audi range and book your test drive, request a brochure, configure your Audi or find your nearest Audi Centre. Our graduate programs are designed to give you a comprehensive overview of the entire company. ", “Audi opens many doors. Would you like to benefit from an excellent interdisciplinary network, a multifaceted competence development as well as a comprehensive mentoring concept from members of the management? What is important to us: We are looking for young professionals who are open-minded and curious, who optimistically face changes und want to work in an international, diverse team. We also have the opportunity to spend time with members of the board and talk to them as part of the program. The feedback form is currently unavailable.Please try again later. Not only will you receive a deep insight into the company but also profit from an excellent network and the diverse curriculum. Explore the full lineup of SUVs, sedans, e-tron models & more. Not only will you receive a deep insight into the company but also profit from an excellent network and the diverse curriculum. To get the best User-Experience while visiting the website, please use the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge. Then this is the right job field for you. The world is constantly changing. During the program you will be mentored and guided – personally and technically. Audi Global Graduate Program 2021 for young Professionals. It was a great experience to be so close to the product." – Then the Audi Global Graduate Program is just right for you! But there’s so much more. Your Audi Team. That requires expertise – which Audi employees acquire through specially tailored training and … The interdisciplinary Audi Global Graduate Program starts on April 1, 2021, and appeals to young talent from different areas who want to kick off a career in the automotive industry. World Bank Group Summer Internship Program 2021 (Paid Internship) 2020 ExxonMobil Graduate Internship Programme. Participants in the Audi Global Graduate Program will receive comprehensive training in their target work area by passing through a total of five stations over a period of 18 months. Trainees with their international background approach problem solving in very different ways. Would you like to experience the collaboration between the VW Group brands and gain international experience? Learn more about Audi Careers and Apprenticeships today. Audi Global Graduate Trainee Program 2021. If this appeals to you – this job field suits best! Since then I have learned that cultural differences and diversity are very important and I have become a proud ambassador of my culture. We have summarized the highlights of the program here. Discover Audi as a brand, company and employer on our international website. Audi Global Graduate Program 2021 for young Professionals. Marcos from Brazil is a rookie in the Audi Graduate Program, but he is already a veteran of Audi and the topic of cultural diversity. This attitude impressed me very much.“, Siwei, China Gerald Jones Audi's College Graduate program is designed to help qualified customers lease or finance a new or certified pre-owned Audi, so you can take on the real world in style. Siwei carries this passion over to the Audi Graduate Program. "The phrase fascinated me from the very beginning. My studies focused on cultural differences and since my youth most of my friends have had an international background. As a Graduate, you’ll start on a £30,000 salary and get a new car worth approximately £25,000 every four months (as long as you have a full, clean UK driving licence). People at Audi work with a real passion, that's not just a phrase on a website. „Some call it work, we call it passion.” Vor Jahren hat sie das auf der Audi Webseite gelesen. Our program is the perfect start for your career at Audi. Are you a recent college graduate or on track to graduate soon? See your component or function get implemented in brand new Audi vehicles leaving the assembly line. For further information on the differences between the WLTP and NEDC, please visit Audi Global Graduate Program Explore the full lineup of SUVs, sedans, e-tron models & more. My personal highlight up until now was my time in production, when I was actually helping to build our automobiles. Onboarding and Graduation Week You will actively design technical innovations starting from the first concept sketch until the end of production. Audi Global Graduate Program 2021 For Young Professionals; Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator (AFCIA) Rachel Carson Undergraduate Scholarship at Chatham University in the USA – Full Tuition I work in human resources and it’s important to know how to work and communicate with people from the beginning." Get some hands-on experience through modules on the production line, the canteens as well as the vehicle delivery. She manages and organizes some of the activities the trainees do. Are you interested to work on the future IT infrastructure and processes that will impact all areas of the company? add-on parts, different tyre formats, etc.) I sense this spirit every day in the company. Capital Market Compliance & Corporate Governance, Product integrity & environmental protection. "Passion is the key. Starting with a week full of relevant information about Audi, the company structures, strategies and your personal organisation and ending your program with reflecting and team building with other trainees. Do you want to acquire the right talent for the right task? I sense this spirit every day in the company. You can choose your personal thematic focus out of our strategic job fields and become an expert for different issues. The participants in the Audi Global Graduate Program will receive comprehensive training in their target work area by passing through a total of five stations over a period of 18 months. His enthusiasm for the program shows: "Audi offers great opportunities. We have the opportunity to spend time with members of the board and talk to them as part of the program. During the program you will be mentored and guided – personally and technically. Designed to train and develop apprentices on advancing technology and high levels of customer service for the Audi brand. – Then the Audi Global Graduate Program is just right for you! If yes, the job field People is exactly what you are looking for. We spend our free time together and we work together. The Audi Graduate Program awards us all with the opportunity to learn from each other." Models, products and services – switch to your country / sales region website and discover the regional diversity of Audi. "Years ago, I did an internship at Audi Brazil. Our program is the perfect start for your career at Audi. Audi makes it all possible. She felt an initial shyness, that she has long since abandoned. “The Audi family is at home all over the world,” said Catrin Behres, head of the young talent programs at AUDI AG. Get More Info / Apply The program allows graduates with little or no established credit history to lease or finance a new Audi, so long as the other program criteria are met. Get yourself qualified within digital and agile competencies. The program is the perfect start for your career at Audi. Work in agile teams and design our future development processes. Our program is the perfect start for your career at Audi. Networking and interdisciplinary work creates the space for your perfect personal development and at the same time enabled to shape Audi future. We are facing more and more complex challenges in an increasingly networked world. "It is very inspiring for me to get to know all these people with their different cultural backgrounds. The Audi College Graduate Program was established to assist recent and future college graduates lease or purchase a new Audi vehicle. At the laser engraving station, the individual Audi code is engraved on an FCB & Audi branded wooden give-away. Our graduate programs are designed to give you a comprehensive overview of the entire company. Do you want to keep an eye on these changes and accompany the Audi processes to ensure compliance, environment and quality structures? * The specified fuel consumption and emission data have been determind according to the measurement procedures prescribed by law. Do you want to help people grow, support their development process and unleash their potential? Then this job field will suit your ambitions! Siwei comes from China. may change the relevant vehicle parameters, such as weight, rolling resistance and aerodynamics, and, in conjunction with weather and traffic conditions and individual driving style, may affect fuel consumption, electrical power consumption, CO2 emissions and the performance figures for the vehicle. The program combines studies at the Ingolstadt Technical University or at the Technical University of Munich with practical assignments at Audi. "At first I was very uncertain about moving to Germany and being alone in a completely new environment. Program Elements Audi Global Graduate Program 2021 Onboarding and Graduation Week Starting with a week full of relevant information about Audi, the company structures, strategies and your personal organisation and ending your program with reflecting and team building with other trainees. Who set high standards for themselves to make things better and demonstrate willingness to fill Vorsprung with life, every day again. During the program you will be … You’ve probably heard a lot about the Area Manager Programme by now – that we give our graduates a fantastic package (including a BMW 3 series) and that it’s ‘really hard work’. The international trainee programme at AUDI AG is a 12-month qualification programme for university graduates. Do you want to utilize the opportunities of digitalization and convert data into valuable insights? Everyone in the company is working to design, build, improve and market these products. In the case of new vehicles which have been type-approved according to the WLTP, the NEDC figures are derived from the WLTP data. Right from the start, you will receive an unlimited employment contract. Our Graduate Area Manager Programme. Networking opportunities Therefore, the usage of CO2 emission values measured according to WLTP for vehicle taxation from 1st September 2018 on can cause changes in this regards as well. In the case of new vehicles which have been type-approved according to the WLTP, the NEDC figures are derived from the WLTP data. ... Careers on the Graduate or Undergaduate Schemes . Start an Exciting New Chapter After College with the College Graduate Program at Audi Pacific. Since 1st September 2017, certain new vehicles are already being type-approved according to the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP), a more realistic test procedure for measuring fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. If this is exactly what you are looking for – go apply here for the job field validation and compliance. Audi dual targets computer science bachelor graduates. They are intended exclusively as a means of comparison between different vehicle types. Explore models. Regular chats with members of the Board of Management, top management or Alumni give you the chance to get to know their view of the company. Starting on September 1st 2018, the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) will be replaced by the WLTP in stages. add-on parts, different tyre formats, etc.) Additional equipment and accessories (e.g. "My previous experience is an advantage and I feel well prepared for everything. Dass Siwei aus China heute im „Graduate Program“ für Audi tätig ist, liegt vor allem an einem Satz. Being part of Aon United means, new graduates will receive training and coaching, ensuring they acquire business skills and knowledge, as well as experience in the demanding insurance sector. Procurement, marketing, sales and finance are essential fields of every company. During the program you will be mentored and guided – personally and technically. The Audi Global Graduate Program is the perfect start for your career at Audi. It is possible to specify the WLTP figures voluntarily in addition until such time as this is required by law. The monthly trainee day allows you to attend lectures and workshops and to discuss ideas with other participants in various exciting areas of the company. These are true. The interdisciplinary Audi Global Graduate Program starts on April 1, 2021, and appeals to young talent from different areas who want to kick off a career in the automotive industry. You will work in different working groups on topics outside your specialist areas such as in creating the trainee newsletter, consulting other departments or organizing networking events and corporate social responsibility projects. Therefore, the usage of CO2 emission values measured according to WLTP for vehicle taxation from 1st September 2018 on can cause changes in this regards as well. Baker Hughes Ignite Graduate Internship Program 2021. You’ll also receive 27 days’ holiday – plus bank holidays – a discretionary bonus, an award-winning pension scheme, a range of flexible benefits, employee well-being support, an on-site restaurant and shopping discounts. As a trainee you will acquire a comprehensive overview of the structures and processes in … You may deactivate your ad blocker to view the feedback form. Models, products and services – switch to your country / sales region website and discover the regional diversity of Audi. They are intended exclusively as a means of comparison between different vehicle types. Owing to the more realistic test conditions, the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions measured according to the WLTP will, in many cases, be higher than those measured according to the NEDC. The timeless design and unrivaled performance of your new Audi will say everything about how far you have come and more importantly, how far you are going. „Dieser Satz hat mich fasziniert. Not only will you receive a deep insight into the company but also profit from an excellent network and the diverse curriculum. As we say at Audi: “We instead of me!”. We all spend a big part of our lives working. Trainee Day “So we want to generate enthusiasm to work at Audi amongst young people from all over the world. 2021 United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Internship Programme. Networking and interdisciplinary work creates the space for your perfect personal development and at the same time enabled to shape Audi future. You’ll be serving customers on registers, managing a section in our distribution centre, undertaking site meetings with our property team, and developing your skills as a leader - a career achievement you can be proud of. may change the relevant vehicle parameters, such as weight, rolling resistance and aerodynamics, and, in conjunction with weather and traffic conditions and individual driving style, may affect fuel consumption, electrical power consumption, CO2 emissions and the performance figures for the vehicle. * The specified fuel consumption and emission data have been determind according to the measurement procedures prescribed by law. Mercedes-Benz South Africa Graduate Development Programme (GDP) 2021 for young South Africans; 2021 ICFJ/ONE Michael Elliott Award for Excellence in African Storytelling for up-and-coming journalist in Africa (US$5,000 cash prize & virtual internship with prestigious media outlets ) For Siwei, the decisive factor was the maxim that we live by here at Audi: “Some call it work, we call it passion”. Not only will you receive a deep insight into the company but also profit from an excellent network and the diverse curriculum. It’s designed to give you exposure to a variety of roles and projects. Employees who unlock their full potential within their team. Discover the full Audi range to find the perfect car for you. Join our dynamic team at Audi Australia and enjoy great success and growth in the prestige car market. We need visionaries – men and women from different disciplines who would like to work with a strong team on the mobility of the future. ... Audi Certified Apprentice Program. Who want to take responsibility for their work, for Audi, for society, and for the future. This attitude impressed me very much. Marcos is from Brazil. Discover Audi as a brand, company and employer on our international website. Your Audi Team. A single sentence on the Audi website was enough for Siwei to make her decision: "Some call it work, we call it passion." – Then the Audi Global Graduate Program is just right for you! Mercedes-Benz South Africa Graduate Development Programme (GDP) 2021 for young South Africans; 2021 ICFJ/ONE Michael Elliott Award for Excellence in African Storytelling for up-and-coming journalist in Africa (US$5,000 cash prize & virtual internship with prestigious media outlets ) SINGAPORE: Audi is calling on university graduates who want to kickstart their career in the automotive industry to apply for the new Audi Global Graduate Program from Dec 4. For further information on the differences between the WLTP and NEDC, please visit 2021 LEAP Africa Graduate Internship Programme. They offer a structured two-year programme giving 12 graduates the chance to become future leaders of the business. The diamond shape once again establishes the connection to FC Bayern. We all start with an initial integration week and different courses about this topic, then there is the trainee day and suddenly you realize how fast a group of strangers already has become a community. You may deactivate your ad blocker to view the feedback form. Not only will you receive a deep insight into the company but also profit from an excellent network and the diverse curriculum. It is possible to specify the WLTP figures voluntarily in addition until such time as this is required by law. Free space for your career: Audi offers you a worldwide entry and development opportunities after a successful graduation. Agile and digital week Experience our vision of mobility and let yourself be inspired. During the program you will be mentored and guided – personally and technically. Would you like to experience the collaboration between the VW Group brands and gain international experience? Audi Apprentices . Years ago, Siwei from China read this headline on the Audi website. View All Result . Would you like to start your career as a trainee at Audi and get an overview of the entire company? Trending. Both greatly appreciate the fact that, during the program, they can experience different departments within the company. We get many opportunities like this to exchange with other people and network cross-hierarchical. Since 1st September 2017, certain new vehicles are already being type-approved according to the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP), a more realistic test procedure for measuring fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. 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