Our guide to French emergency medical or crime-related numbers and non-medical helplines for lost property and general enquiries will prepare you for the worst should you encounter any pressing emergencies or require any help in France. In rural areas, they’re generally the fastest to the scene. Emergency Numbers Facts & Fiction! It is fabulous. If you need to call for an ambulance or on-site help, you can always use 112, which is the pan-European emergency number. There is no national number for any of the utility services, which have urgency hotlines according to the region where you live. Tel: 0800 240 200 or email, English Speaking Cancer Association (Geneva-based): offering cancer support in Geneva, Vaud and French border areas. 112 is one of the emergency numbers in France. If you do not speak French, however, it is best to find a French-speaker whom you can trust. Europe - Emergency services phone number in France - We will be staying in the Ardennes and Champagne regions in France and I find conflicting information on emergency … Note down the eight-digit number for your local police or gendarmerie station. Emergency Numbers in France. If you’re calling France your new home, make sure you and all your family members know how to get help by with these tips as well as keep a handy list of France’s important emergency numbers. For a list of local English-language groups see: www.alcoholics-anonymous.eu, SOS Help: similar to the Samaritans, listeners who are professionally trained; Tel 01 46 21 46 46, (open 3pm-11pm daily);  www.soshelpline.org, CANCER SUPPORT FRANCE: for advice and someone to talk to. You can also see which numbers to call depending on the, Out-of-hours doctors: 116 117 (from 2017), Hepatitis information helpline: 08 00 84 08 00, Maritime emergency (calling from land): 196, Maritime emergency (not in land): VHF Channel 16, Medical advice line (SOS Médecins): 08 20 33 24 24 | SOS Médecins, Victims of violent crime hotline: 08 10 09 86 09, Emergency electrical services: 01 43 35 40 86, SOS Help, an English-language helpline: 01 46 21 46 46 | SOS Help, SOS emergency housing for the homeless: 115 | Samusocial, Public services hotline (toll number): 39 39, Visa: 00 1-880-950-5114 or 08 92 70 57 05, Emergency doctors (SOS Médicins): 01 43 37 77 77, Out-of-hours chemists: 01 48 74 65 18 / 01 45 62 02 41. Make a careful note of the number given to you for your area; you can also find it marked on every gas/electricity/water services payment receipt. The main emergency number for most European countries is 112. Fire Brigade / Accident (Pompier) – 18. General emergency numbers throughout France Call 18 or 112 (Fire, police or ambulance - … For non-urgent situations, make a note of the direct phone number for your nearest police station (commissariat de police or gendarmerie). You can also call 15 (ambulance), 17 (police) or 18 (fire department), but calling 112 will ensure that French dispatchers are able to send the appropriate resources in any emergency type. in Accidents and Breakdowns In an emergency, these are the telephone numbers to use in France – be prepared to indicate exactly where you are located, and the circumstances of the incident. (212) 419-8286 Dial 112 when calling from mobile phones. Tel: +41 (0) 22 791 63 05 or email info@cancersupport.ch or www.cancersupport.ch, SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity. The average time to answer a 112 call is 10 seconds after a compulsory message. From any landline in France, dial the 17 (emergency line of the local police station). Emergency numbers in case of loss or theft of credit cards in France: Dial 112 when calling from mobile phones. 55 is the number you should call in the UK if it is too dangerous to make a noise. Emergency phone numbers Emergency Numbers in France. Alternatively, you could request a light medical vehicle (véhicule sanitaire léger or VSL) to get to the hospital. The app, SAIP (Système d’alerte et d’information des populations), is available in both English and French and allows users to view alerts for up to eight geographical areas. France’s sirens are tested nationwide with three consecutive blasts of almost two minutes, separated by five seconds of silence. Otherwise, you’ll have to carry the cost of the ambulance transport. France may well have an enviable health service, but the organisation of emergency medical care does seem to a lack a degree of coherence. French emergency numbers and support helplines, carry the cost of the ambulance transport. An immediate assistance will be provided to the affected. Dialing a known emergency number like 112 forces the phone to try the call with any available network. The military gendarmerie carries out criminal investigations as well as security activities involving airports, military locations, coastal areas, and the countryside. Too many expatriate families are unprepared in an emergency in their new country. Medical (Samu) – 15. Understand which emergency number to use (in French) European SOS 112 The number 112 can be dialled to reach emergency services - medical, fire and police - from anywhere in Europe. You can call these numbers free of charge from a home or public payphone. Get news, views and information from France, Subscribe now to read unlimited articles and exclusive content. CLEISS: Social security advice when moving between countries: 01 45 26 33 41 According to the latest E-communications household and telecom single market survey, 39% of French people know they can use 112 everywhere in the EU. THE BRITISH CHARITABLE FUND: provides financial help to British residents in France. This guide to French emergency numbers explains French medical terms, what to do in an emergency in France, as well as what to do in an accident or health emergency in France. Please do not use them for general administrative matters or visa inquiries, the duty officer will not answer your queries. Do not be alarmed when you hear a siren every first Wednesday of the month at noon. (+33 1 73 60 39 39 from outside France) www.service-public.fr/ Calling hours: 8h30 - 18h15. Click below to consent to the use of this technology on our website – and don’t worry, we respect your privacy. URSSAF: 3957 + department number. Apart from the emergency helpline number, there a list of emergency numbers in India that you must be aware of Which cookies and scripts are used and how they impact your visit is specified on the left. In many countries, dialing … If you have children, cite their ages and how much they weigh if you need to call an anti-poison center or to administer medication. A handy list of important emergency numbers in France: These are important numbers for the emergency services in France. If you call 112 in the UK, it’ll take you through to the same emergency services center as if you call 999. Call 112: this is the standard European emergency number.Though be careful, if you are near a land border, for instance in Alsace, a call to 112 from a mobile phone may get directed to the emergency services in the neighbouring country. This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. Tel: 01 47 59 07 69  - 10:00 - 17:00 - britishcharitablefund@orange.fr, Alzheimer – English help group at France Alzheimer: 0800 97 20 97 - www.francealzheimer.org. Otherwise, you can call either the 112, 113, or 118 numbers, or look for an emergency room nearby (pronto soccorso). You can of course change your mind and withdraw your consent at any time, by returning to this site after clearing the cookies on your computer or device. This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. When in any doubt, dial the European Emergency Number at 112. CAF: www.caf.fr; CPAM (state healthcare): www.ameli.fr. They have limited powers within the district, however. You may change your settings at any time. Answer 1 of 7: Hi, I am staying in Paris with my daughter. © English Language Media 2020, All rights reserved. Those who are deaf or hard of hearing could also send text messages to 114. According to the latest E-communications household and telecom single market survey, 30% of Spanish know they can use 112 everywhere in the EU. I want to have a plan for her though if I get run over by a bus or something goes wrong! The Police Nationale is responsible for urban areas while the gendarmerie covers rural regions. Dial 112 to request emergency assistance during a disaster or complex emergency in France. France has an infamously long list of emergency numbers for different services. If you need to access French healthcare services or visit a French hospital, you may be asked to present French health insurance or private health insurance. … 112 – The Emergency SOS help number in Europe Were we right? NOTE: These settings will only apply to the browser and device you are currently using. Covid France: What you can (and cannot) do from December 15, Britons rush dream France move before Brexit deadline. Calling from France: 09 69 39 92 91 Calling from Abroad: +33 96 93 99 291Loss/Theft of chequebook, Calling from France: 08 92 68 32 08 Calling from Abroad: +33 89 26 83 208, The Connexion uses necessary cookies to help us provide you with a better user experience. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT NETWORK: for those grieving for a loved one and needing to talk. They work from most telephones, mobile phones and cell phones worldwide GSM mobile phones/cell phones are programmed to recognize 112, 911 and 999 and often other emergency numbers including 118, 119, 000, 110, 08 etc. Have a cookie police, ambulance, fire brigade, coastguard, cliff rescue, mountain rescue, cave rescue, etc Find out who to call, and what to say if you encounter an emergency situation in France. ... France 112, 15 112, 18 112, 17. France has an infamously long list of emergency numbers for different services. As standard operating procedure, the operator will obtain information from the caller such as name and telephone number, where the assistance is needed, the nature of the emergency … Emergency Number. The French government recently launched a smartphone app to alert users about possible security incidents, including natural, technological, and terrorisM risks. You can use this single emergency helpline number for various emergency services such as police, fire and ambulance etc. They also coordinate with other emergency services where necessary. Europe – 112. In France, it’s often the fire brigade who responds first to road injuries and domestic accidents. This Pan-European emergency number 112 can be called from any … About 112. Operators responding to this number will be able to communicate with you in French or in English, offer assistance and can redirect your call to the appropriate emergency service where necessary. Tel: 05 53 24 92 38. By continuing to use this website, you accept our, Stay informed, have your say, join the community, Boost your inbox with our editor’s pick of news and information about France for residents and second homeowners, By joining the newsletter, you agree to our, Second homes: Travelling UK to France and back this winter, France curfew: FAQ on new attestation forms from December 15.