Zone 1 starts with four of Bombardier’s Nuage seats in club configuration. Just like on a conventional airplane, if I want to fly faster than the trimmed speed, then I need to push forward on the sidestick, or pull to fly slower. Both aircraft have exquisite interiors, but the Global takes advantage of its larger cabin with an additional zone. Bombardier Global 7500 is equipped with the Global Vision flight deck and Rockwell Collins avionics system. The 7500 is certified to fly with autothrottle on for the good engine, so I switched this back on the for left engine, and power advanced to maintain the selected speed. Bombardier's new Global 7500 private jet is about to challenge the Gulfstream G650's position as the world's largest, fastest and most expensive purpose-built business jet The FBW won’t allow exceedance of nose-up and nose-down pitch limits or angle-of-attack limits as well as high-speed limits. In normal mode, built-in protections are available. Experience the industry’s most spacious cockpit with the latest Bombardier Vision flight deck on the Global 7500 aircraft. I then set the height and angle adjustors on the left armrest so my hand lined up with the sidestick. We then turned the autothrottles off and decelerated with the power levers at idle. But releasing the pressure returns it to the trimmed/bugged speed. Gulfstream is expected to deliver 55 G650s/G650ERs in 2019, and 50 in 2020. The system includes two media centers that provide on-demand audio and video in any zone and aggregate media content. The cabin has a length of 18.17m, a width of 2.49m and a height of 1.91m. I returned to the jumpseat, then Sibenaler flew the landing, demonstrating the 7500’s automatic elevator nose-down feature after touchdown. Location: Monaco, Monaco. While turning on the ground, pilots need to consider 4 feet 2 inches of wing creep as the wingtips grow through an arc that is greater than the wingspan. All completions are being done by Bombardier at its Montreal facility. NetJets holds an order for 20 Global 7500s and 8000s, and will take delivery of its first 7500 in 2021., Copyright ©2020 The Convention News Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The landing was smooth, despite the winds, which were still gusting above 30 knots. Comlux Aviation Group made an order for two Bombardier Global 7500 jets in December 2010. For the pilot, it almost doesn’t matter what direct mode is driving the controls, but just what being in direct mode means for flying the airplane. Doors close off this zone so other occupants won’t hear the excellent sound from the Lufthansa Technik nice Touch cabin management system. (Photo: Matt Thurber), The Global 7500's Vision avionics system is Bombardier's interpretation of Collins Aerospace's Pro Line Fusion system. Bombardier Global 7500 Jets for Sale Bombardier’s Global 7500 was certified in 2019 and offers the longest range of any purpose-built business jet to date. The Global 7500 features a spacious cabin that can accommodate up to 19 passengers. Flt to U-Tapao. Having flown a variety of FBW business jets, this flight in the Global 7500 more than piqued my interest, and I would like to spend more time exploring its many features. The price of one Bombardier Global 7500 aircraft is US $ 72 Million. Il s'agit d'un biréacteur d’affaires haut de gamme qui peut embarquer jusqu'à 19 passagers. This afforded me the opportunity to spend some time checking out the massive four-zone cabin’s remarkably low noise levels and also to shoot some video of the takeoff and landing, which can be viewed on AIN’s YouTube channel. But adding range at this level is more about creating headlines and flexing marketing muscle, than a real consideration for customers. Electrical failure is the big concern for FBW airplanes, but these designs must also meet stringent certification requirements for reliability. In the meantime, pilots can select either EVS, SVS, or just normal flight symbology displayed on the HUD, and these choices don’t affect whatever the pilot has selected on the PFD. The same happened to Vmin trim speed as I deployed the spoilers; there was zero rumble or change in attitude while the spoilers extended and retracted, and I could move them as fast as I wanted thanks to the FBW system. This first-in-class capability provides additional safety and redundancy to what is already the most advanced and pilot-friendly cockpit in business aviation. Most flying in the 7500 is done in normal FBW mode, while direct modes are for when equipment fails, leaving the pilot with full control of the airplane but not as many or none of the protections offered by FBW. My Saved Listings Updated: Fri, Dec 11, 2020 03:20 AM. I wanted to feel the 7500’s handling in a one-engine-out situation, so we next slowed to 160 knots with flaps 2, and turned the autothrottles off, then pulled the right power lever to idle. Extérieur Global 7500 Basse résolution (57 Ko) Haute résolution (64 Mo) Extérieur Global 7500 Basse résolution (34 Ko) Haute résolution (49 Mo) Extérieur Global 7500 The maximum takeoff weight is 48,194 kg and the maximum landing weight is 38,918 kg. This pulls up the destination airport and a selection of arrivals and approaches that I could choose from using the cursor control device. There was little feel of any yaw as the FBW compensated for the “dead” engine. Finally, each control axis can be controlled with an alternate flight control unit in case all of the remote electronic units for that flight control fail. Adding to the low-noise environment is the lack of traditional gaspers for passengers. The lavatory can be equipped with an optional shower. Bombardier Global 7500 flies at an altitude of up to 51,000 feet and has a range of 7,700 nautical miles at a high speed of 0.90 Mach. Of course, when the leaf is installed, it blocks passage fore and aft, but with two lavatories, this isn’t a problem. Departure RWY 32. If excess thrust is available, the added power will keep the airplane from descending, but if there is no excess thrust available, then the FBW lowers angle-of-attack to prevent a stall. All the pilot has to do during touchdown is leave the sidestick alone, and the nose automatically and smoothly lowers. The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) certification is granted in February 2019. Dans le cockpit, le système Vision de bombardier inclue des commandes de vol électriques et un design extrêmement moderne. At up to 30 degrees of bank, the FBW automatically maintains the bank angle when the pilot lets go of the sidestick. Although it’s fun to climb to an airplane’s maximum altitude (51,000 feet for the 7500) and measure performance at more efficient mid-40s altitudes, we didn’t have time for that, and I wanted to feel how the FBW helps pilots fly this large jet. In the 7500, there are four large displays arranged in a T format, with primary flight displays (PFDs) in front of each pilot and two multifunction displays (MFDs) in the center. What is new about the Nuage configuration is that when the seat back is reclined, the seat pan on which the passenger sits dips down in the rear, allowing for more body contact with the seat when reclined and thus helping muscles relax more. After I swapped places again with Sibenaler, I went for a walk in the quiet cabin, which is equipped with 14 seats. It can fly with a top speed of Mach 0.925 and an average cruising speed of Mach 0.85. Once the electrically operated main cabin door is closed and with the two pilots seated up front, I pulled the jumpseat into position. Sibenaler and Swanson piloted the March 4 flight from Singapore to Tucson, Arizona, at the time the longest purpose-built business jet flight at 8,152 nm and a new speed record for that leg, landing with 4,300 pounds of fuel remaining. One preset, for example, mimics the outside lighting experience, which changes minute-to-minute as the sun moves through the sky, with clouds occasionally filtering the light, and the position of the sun changing relative to the horizon. A queen bed is an option, but that would take up some room in the center of the zone walkway. A retractable faucet pulls down into the sink so the sink can be fully covered when not needed. Takeoff field length was less than a third of Stewart’s nearly 12,000-foot runway, at 3,074 feet. These computers receive input from pilot controls, air data and inertial reference systems, airplane configuration, and control surface position to properly actuate control surfaces. Heating and cooling is comfortable and provides speedier temperature changes, thanks to Bombardier’s “turbo” heat and cool environmental system. After positioning the seat and lining up the eye reference indicators and verifying the proper view through the Collins HUD, I flicked the rudder pedal adjustment switch forward of the tiller to get the pedals at a comfortable reach. The FBW won’t allow the 7500 to slow below the hard limit, based on angle-of-attack. Bombardier Global 7500 Cockpit and Avionics. The sidestick is clean and simple, and not cluttered with too many buttons. Despite the gusty conditions, Sibenaler easily maintained the 200-knot target speed while hand flying and the 7500 plowed solidly through the bumpy air. Avec son intérieur sur mesure de premier ordre, comprenant une cuisine pleine grandeur et quatre véritables zones habitables, l’avion Global 7500 offre l’expérience en vol ultime. It is stretched by 11 ft 3 in (3.43 m) from the original Global. Son prix unitaire est de 65 millions de dollars. Bombardier engineers carved out 300 nm more range for the 7000—for a Mach .85 NBAA IFR range of 7,700 nm—and the jet’s moniker was changed to Global 7500. The USB ports enable passengers to charge devices or transfer content either to or from the airplane. “It’s hard to mismanage the airplane.”. NetJets will receive the first aircraft in 2021. The next zone features an asymmetrical conference grouping, with two-one seating configurations opposite each other. Normal FBW mode is maintained to as low as 110 knots, and below that, FBW reverts to direct mode. Global 7500 Cabin . Bombardier Global 7500 Specs, Interior, Cabin, Cockpit, and Price, Gulfstream G700 Specs, Interior, Cockpit, and Price, Pilatus PC-24 Specs, Interior, Cockpit, and Price, Gulfstream G650 Specs, Interior, Cockpit, and Price, Epic E1000 Specs, Interior, Cockpit, and Price, Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner Jet, Specs, Seat Map, Range, and Price. Email Seller. The 7500 ups the ante in performance and range, and at the Mach .85 long-range cruise speed, can fly legs such as New York-Hong Kong, London-Singapore, and Dubai-Los Angeles. Once lined up on the runway, Sibenaler advanced the power levers until the autothrottles took over and set maximum power, and the Global 7500 accelerated rapidly, pushing me firmly into the jumpseat. For example, turning off SVS on the HUD doesn’t switch SVS off on the PFD. What some might consider the most important part of a cabin is airborne connectivity, and the 7500 comes standard with Bombardier’s Wave satcom (the Honeywell JetWave system that runs on Inmarsat’s ka-band satellite network). It offers a reduction in NOx emissions and requires burning 8% less fuel. Range is one point of difference, with the Global 7500 capable of flying up to 7700 nautical miles, and the G650ER up to 7500. The Global 7500’s FBW system is a trim-stable system, so basically it replicates the flying qualities of an airplane with mechanical controls. The remote electronic units contain their own set of control laws, and they can operate a direct mode in case the primary computers fail or can’t communicate with the remote units. Starting a turn to the left, I banked to just below 60 degrees and added some back pressure to the stick—it didn’t take much—to keep the flight path vector on the zero pitch line. Maximum takeoff weight is 114,850 pounds, and with our light load, our takeoff weight was just 77,100 pounds. The Nuage divan in zone 3 sits opposite a credenza holding a 40-inch monitor, making it a comfortable entertainment suite. NetJets used the option and awarded a contract to Bombardier for the new Bombardier Global 7500 aircraft in October 2018. With just the three of us onboard, the Global 7500 carried 15,250 pounds of fuel, far less than the usable 51,850 pounds that it can carry for maximum … Bombardier is pleased to announce it has delivered the first Global 7500 aircraft equipped with a dual head-up display (HUD). To replicate getting too slow in the traffic pattern, I turned to the left at a 45-degree bank and pulled the sidestick back to the soft stop. Call for price. Both types share the same FBW system architecture, and future Bombardier models might also benefit from all that development spending and effort. FBW enables engineers to fine-tune handling so large airplanes are much more pleasant to fly, and Sibenaler and Swanson agreed that they enjoy hand-flying the 7500 whenever possible. As the 7500 slowed below the autothrottle engagement speed or Vmin trim speed, the autothrottles engaged and moved to climb power briefly and accelerated the airspeed back to the 200-knot bugged speed as set on the airspeed tape. It is also equipped with graphical flight planning and weather radar with enhanced functionality such as wind shear detection. Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RSVM) APU Hour Meter. On top is a split-design trim switch, autopilot/priority switch, and a CVS CLR switch, which clears enhanced vision system (EVS) or synthetic vision system (SVS) imagery from the HUD. Featuring advanced fly-by-wire technology, superior aesthetics, and equipped with a permanent side-facing jump seat, the Global 7500 jet maximizes crew comfort and efficiency. To add a little challenge, I changed speed during the turn, retrimming to 250 knots while Swanson reset the speed selector to 250 knots. With such a large flight compartment, there is plenty of space for a decent jumpseat that doesn’t require contortions to unfold; just slide it from the left side behind the pilot’s seat, make sure it locks in place, rotate to face forward or rearward, then fold the seat down. Thank you for watching, this is my very first YouTube video on this channel. As a FBW airplane with sidestick controls, the 7500 has a flight deck that is roomy and comfortable. For a large airplane, it is easy to fly and will be a relatively simple transition for experienced Bombardier Global pilots. It is planned to have a four-zone 2,637 cu ft (74.67 m 3) cabin, 20% more than the previous. The sidewall also is fitted with a cupholder. Meanwhile, the Bombardier Global 7500 cabin is 18.17 m long, 2.49 m wide and 1.91 m high with four separate zones. The Global 7500 is the most enormous, most spacious, and the most grandiose business aircraft built up until the present. When Bombardier announced two new jets in the Global series—the Global 7000 and 8000—in 2010, the clear intention was that the Canadian manufacturer planned to take away the mantle of building the largest purpose-built business jet from Gulfstream Aerospace’s 7,500-nm G650ER. For steep turns, I set the speed selector to 230 knots and trimmed the bug speed to match, so that the autothrottles would help maintain the selected airspeed. During the start of the 7500’s 18,650-pound-thrust GE Passport engines, the Fadec automatically calculates any delay required for rotor bow, limiting N2 core speed to a low level while dry cranking for 15 to 78 seconds, then allowing the engine to start. Before returning to Stewart, I practiced some hand-flying at varying speeds in clean configuration, changing trim settings and setting power manually just to get some more feel for the 7500’s handling. Although it no longer owns the C Series program, some of the money spent on developing what is now the Airbus A220 helped bring the Global 7500 to life, specifically the new jet’s fly-by-wire (FBW) flight control system. Video Chat. The primary flight control computers themselves can operate in direct mode if air data or inertial inputs become unavailable to any of the three computers. Bombardier received a contract from HK Bellawings Jet for the delivery of two Bombardier Global 7500 aircraft in September 2018. The new enlarged window allows maximum natural light into the cabin. During takeoff the FBW system limits nose-up pitch to 17.5 degrees to prevent a tailstrike. Soft and hard pitch stops on the sidestick automatically limit positive and negative g loads in all configurations. The jet’s dark-cockpit philosophy makes preparation for engine start a less-than-10-minute operation. Bunk beds can be installed if needed, but it looks more comfortable in the normal single-occupant configuration. The Global 7500 flight test vehicle at EBACE in 2018 Officially designated as the BD-700-2A12, the design is marketed as the Global 7500. Le Global 7500 procure le vol en douceur emblématique de Bombardier et de grandes dimensions uniques parmi les avions d’affaires. V1 and rotation speed were calculated at 108 knots, with V2 at 123 knots. In any case, we know the 7500’s performance has exceeded original projections, not only because of the growth in range but also because of recent record-breaking flights. Engineering test pilot Andrew Sibenaler and demo pilot Kerry Swanson took some time out from their busy schedules to meet me at Stewart International Airport in Newburgh, New York, where we figured the reduced congestion compared to Teterboro would make flying a bit easier. Instead, Bombardier designed a retractable gasper that generates less noise. “This is what it’s going to feel like on approach.” There was a small amount of rumble with full flaps and landing gear down, and a bit more noise. “It takes a while to decelerate,” Swanson said. London Air Services ordered $ 65 million in October 2010 for the delivery of one aircraft in 2018. Son intérieur luxueux compte quatre véritables zones habitables, une cuisine pleine grandeur et une aire de repos réservée à l’équipage. Between 275 and 295 knots, the outboard aileron deflects proportionally less as speed increases. Le Global 7500 aura du succès auprès des amoureux de la famille Global qui comprend déjà le Global Express, le Global 5000 et le Global 6000. Bombardier Global 7500 is powered by a GE Passport thrust engine, which provides 73kN thrust when taking off. L’avion Global 7500 se démarque comme le biréacteur d’affaires le plus spacieux et à la plus grande autonomie. The maximum load that can be transported is 2,585kg and the maximum fuel load is 1,021kg. Lightning Detection System (LDS) Noise Cancelling Headseats (Crew) Qty 3. It must be a clue that CVS is coming for the 7500, however, based on the labeling of the CVS CLR switch and also references to “combined vision system imagery” and “CVS” in the 7500 flight crew operating manual description of the HUD controls. Moving the trim switches on the yoke changes the bugged airspeed on the PFD speed tape. It has 20% more cabin space than the Global 6000 aircraft. The plan was to fly to a block of airspace north of Stewart from 14,000 to 17,000 feet for some maneuvering demonstrations. With a range of 7,700 nautical miles and eight sleeping berths, VistaJet says the Global 7500 is a game-changer The ultra-long-range private jet retails for $73 million VistaJet is offering guaranteed availability and fixed rates without ownership via its Program membership NetJets will introduce its version of the Global 7500 to the fractional market in … The kitchen is huge, with more than enough storage space as well as two large chiller drawers and a big trash receptacle. There is enough room also for both a coffee maker and espresso machine. Although branded as Vision, the 7500’s avionics are the latest version of Collins Aerospace’s Pro Line Fusion system, which has been flying in the Global 5000 and 6000 since 2012 and also pioneered synthetic vision imagery on the Collins head-up display (HUD). Maximum bank angle is 80 degrees, and at maximum angle-of-attack, roll rate is lowered to 10 degrees per second from the normal 20 degrees. Bombardier’s first-delivered Global 7500, which is busy fulfilling the many requests for demo flights around the world, conveniently touched down at Teterboro Airport in late March. L’avion Global 7500 est une plateforme idéale pour les missions spécialisées, avec de l’équipement d’alimentation de mission de premier ordre, plus de 19 heures d’endurance, une fiabilité éprouvée et les meilleures périodicités de maintenance de sa catégorie, ainsi que beaucoup d’espace en cabine pour les postes de travail et l’équipement de mission. GE’s Passport engines help Bombardier’s new Global 7500 to take off using only 5,800 feet at maximum takeoff weight, but much less when flying light. I did some turns at 200 knots with slats extended, then we slowed to 160 knots and added flaps 2 then slowed to 140 knots and extended flaps 3 and finally stopped slowing down at 118 knots with full flaps and landing gear down. Pitch protections include load factor, pitch attitude, high angle-of-attack, overspeed, tail-strike reduction, and elevator surface command limiting. The cabin can accommodate ten to 19 passengers, as well as two to four crew members. In the rear, the large baggage compartment is accessible at any altitude up to the 51,000-foot maximum as it is located outside of the engine rotor-burst zone. As it turned out, our timing coincided with the back side of a cold front and resulting strong gusty winds, which at more than 30 knots precluded me from flying the takeoff and landing. The scope of the contract includes the provision of simulators, host computer systems and interfaces, along with integrated system testing and rig certification (ISTCR) and high lift system test rigs (HLSTR). “The delivery of the first Global 7500 aircraft with a dual HUD showcases our outstanding commitment to safety,” said Michel Ouellette, Senior Vice President, Program Management and Engineering, Bombardier Aviation. Read More. The cabin is also equipped with the latest management system, which ensures the highest level of comfort, comfort and control. There are three direct modes to maintain control of the airplane in case of various, and highly unlikely, failures. Sunshield Kit (Cockpit) Lower Directional TSS Antenna. A number of interior features also differentiate the Global 7500 from the G650. The seats also sit on a “floating base” swivel mechanism, which eliminates traditional seat rails and keeps the center of gravity of the seat and occupant directly over the center swivel axis. These send commands from the flight control computers to the power control units and also the horizontal stabilizer motor control electronic unit. Le Global 7500 a réalisé son premier vol de 4 novembre 2016. Now Bombardier is producing CRJs on the commercial airline side and the Globals (soon to include the upgraded 5500 and 6500), Challenger 350 and 650, and Learjet 70/75 for business aviation customers. 9110 Australian company AV West ordered four Bombardier Global 7500 aircraft in June 2011. The Global 7500 cockpit features the latest in avionics, including synthetic vision integrated with enhanced vision on the heads-up display to aid pilots in poor weather conditions. “ it takes a while to decelerate, ” Swanson said changes the bugged airspeed on the PFD pitch.! 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