Galaxy Zoo: Hubble Tutorial Your job is very simple! Galaxy Zoo - the project which harnesses the power of the internet - and your brain - to classify a million galaxies When you access the Galaxy Zoo site S3 does all of the hard work and we just pay for the bandwidth from S3 to your computer. In this article, I want to share how I’ve been using crowdsourcing and machine learning to investigate how galaxies evolve by classifying millions of galaxy images. Hi, I'm Lauren, a summer work experience student working with the Galaxy Zoo team at the University of Oxford for a couple of weeks, and it's my pleasure to be able to bring you some fantastic news. Galaxy Analysis Trial. Deploying is easy. Galaxy Zoo’s newest project asks for help in looking at colliding galaxies, and uses a tool akin to a cosmic slot machine to compare images of galactic pile-ups with millions of simulated mergers. Within 24 hours of it being announced on Lintott's website, Galaxy Zoo was receiving 70,000 classifications an hour. When we want to put out a new version of any of our sites we just upload new timestamped versions of … Does participating in Galaxy Zoo classification work improve my college chances? The original Galaxy Zoo project ran from July 2007 until February 2009. Each one of the systems, containing billions of stars, has had a unique life, interacting with its surroundings and with other galaxies in many different ways; the aim of the Galaxy Zoo team is to try and understand these processes, and to work out what galaxies can tell us about the past, present and future of the Universe as a whole. Galaxy Zoo has been an enormously successful citizen science project; so much so, that other astronomers, as well as scientists from other disciplines, have … All you need to do is to look for features that mark out different types of galaxy and answer the questions as well as you can. Unlike the website version, this brand-new native mobile version… To make your task easier, you will be presented with four buttons: Spiral Galaxy, Elliptical Galaxy, Star/Don’t Know, and Mergers. Extracurricular Activities. Galaxy Zoo 1 data release. When classifying you will be shown an image of a galaxy and be asked a series of questions about it. Today, we’re launching the mobile version of Galaxy Zoo! I work on the intersection between the two - combining crowdsourcing and machine learning to do better science than with either alone. Galaxy Zoo has been an attempt to get citizen science to classify all the galaxies present in various data sets, such as the Sloan and Hubble surveys, as elliptical, spiral, etc. The spiral galaxy button will be subdivided into Clock (for clockwise spirals), Anti (for anticlockwise spirals), and Edge On (for edge-on spirals). For access to the ever-growing list of team-led publications based on Galaxy Zoo data, please take a look at our publications page. Participating in high school extracurricular activities can often improve your college chances by proving your commitment, time management and leadership skills to college admissions officers. They still measure their hit-rate in "Kevin weeks" – a unit of 50,000. This includes results from multiple phases of the project, including the original Galaxy Zoo, Galaxy Zoo 2, Galaxy Zoo: Hubble, and Galaxy Zoo: CANDELS.