admissions processes are implemented in line with both University policy and the Access and Participation Plan, which sets out our strategy and objectives in relation to widening participation. This University-wide web-based application will allow you to manage your training plan, upload files and reports, track your own milestones, request and record supervisory meetings, record training and view any feedback you may have received. These workshops cover a range of topics from effective recruitment through to enabling performance improvement. Ordinances and Regulations and Programmes of Study for Research Degrees (External link to the University of Leeds website) ... (e.g. 3.2.1 Access to Leeds and Realising Opportunities scheme We are committed to identifying all applicants who have the potential to succeed at the University of Leeds. UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS 2020 Taught Postgraduate Admissions Policy 3 Section 1 Principles The University of Leeds is a research-intensive institution which creates, advances and disseminates knowledge. non-repayable, financial support. You’ll have access to its two professional standard, publicly licensed theatres: the main space seats 180 and is equipped with the latest technologies, and the theatre studio provides a technically advanced performance research facility. 3.2.1 Access to Leeds and Realising Opportunities scheme We are committed to identifying all applicants who have the potential to succeed at The University has a long- To ensure we are reflective of a diverse demographic, there's an access and participation plan that details the strategic approach to our admissions policy, which is led by the Educational Engagement Service. The action plan aims to: 3.2.1 Access to Leeds and Realising Opportunities scheme We are committed to identifying all applicants who have the potential to succeed at the University of Leeds. Close attention will also be given to the commitments made in the University's Access and Participation Plan 2020-21 to 2024-25, which recognises the importance of equal opportunity, access and student success for all under-represented groups. of all ages access higher education. Our aim is to develop outstanding graduates and scholars who can make a major impact upon global society. Our access and participation plan sets out how we work to improve equality of opportunity for under-represented groups to access further study, achieve success at University and progress to graduate-level employment. Search for a course Search for a course FAQs for prospective students FAQs for prospective students Undergraduate virtual open days - access events on demand … stage@leeds hosts a range of work by students and visiting theatre companies all year round. and the Access and Participation Plan, which sets out our strategy and objectives in relation to widening participation. More details can be found on our Access and Participation plan here. potential regardless of their background. Email: Telephone : 0113 343 7496 I lead the team to deliver an annual programme of outreach and widening participation activities, which align with the University’s Access and Participation Plan and the Access and Student Success Strategy. The University of Bradford has a long established reputation of widening access to higher education, and in supporting a diverse student population to succeed in their academic careers, moving on to valuable, professional and managerial employment. Having an approved access and participation plan is now also a requirement of our registration with the Office for Students. ... Policy and Project Manager (Access and Participation Plan) at University of Leicester. Staff can access Top Hat using their University of Leeds credentials ( Suitability: all staff with people management responsibilities Management Essentials is a blend of online resources and short, practical workshops which address core people management processes and skills. Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Undergraduate virtual open days - access events on demand, Tuition fee loans for new part-time students, Download our access and participation plan for 2020-21 to 2024-25 (PDF), Download our access and participation plan for 2019-20 (PDF), © 2020 University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT. "]Ãô’oçh&Cؘº. We believe students should be able to realise their We recommend turning it on for a better experience on this site. The University of Sheffield. with schools, colleges and other partners to help students from a range of backgrounds and UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS 2019-20 access and participation plan Assessment of current performance 1. and the Access and Participation Plan, which sets out our strategy and objectives in relation to widening participation. Having an approved access and participation plan is now also a requirement of our registration with the Office for Students. We strive to admit a student body which Please note that priority for places will be given to delegates from schools and colleges with high numbers of students from groups that are under represented in higher education, in line with our Access and Participation Plan. The University of Leeds website contains key regulations, codes, policies and procedures for postgraduate researchers. Access and participation plan. You have javascript disabled in your browser. Our widening access scheme, Access To Leeds, has helped us recruit a significant proportion more BAME students to Leeds; 14.1% Black Caribbean and 27.3% Black African. We engage Applications are welcome from all candidates regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, age or social background. The Access and Student Success Teams support young people throughout their educational lifecycle. participation by those who are currently under-represented in higher education and at Leeds Trinity University as detailed in our current Access and Participation Plan (APP). Formerly known as Access Agreements, Access and Participation Plans set out how an institution will seek to improve equal opportunities for underrepresented groups, as defined by … university The University takes access and student success seriously and we are starting from a strong base. We work to engage with young people, mature learners and communities to access, succeed and progress through university to improve outcomes for under-represented groups. uº(×ͦ´M»I￶ném].ëÝå%L¯fð-„"JJÐ9'¹¦990Ad&aW‡Á§7° ƒÁÀié ƕP¬Â€Å‡~O3÷½"†Cñ„¸Û{ ë}PXw3ó2» ƒ‡âG(އÁ5îx×)¸ûõ©v¤d¢Wó0 _3Ï%Ù¡æNêi…ÂP¢ôWý Ambition and strategy . As our student, you’ll have access to its two professional standard, publicly licensed theatres: the main space seats 180 and is equipped with the latest technologies, and the theatre studio provides a technically advanced performance research facility. Education Outreach Lead Officer at University of Leeds (North West) Manchester, United Kingdom 393 ... (Student Recruitment and Widening Participation) at University of York. To ensure the University of Leeds is reflective of a diverse demographic there is an access and participation plan which details the strategic approach to our admissions policy, which is led by the Educational Engagement service. This approach to staff and student recruitment ensures Leeds remains accessible to those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Our Access and Participation Plan commits us to closing the awarding gap among all BAME students from 12.7% in 2017/18 to 5.5% in 2024/25. Access and participation plan Our access and participation plan sets out how we work to improve equality of opportunity for under-represented groups to access further study, achieve success at University and progress to graduate-level employment. the Access and Participation Plan); To receive reports from central services, faculty recruitment groups and We were required to formally register as a HE provider in early 2018, subject to meeting a number of initial regulatory conditions, including participating in the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) and having an approved Access and Participation Plan in place. 2019-20 Access and Participation Statement. Widening participation activity. Linda Hartland. Download our access and participation plan for 2020-21 to 2024-… Staff access the system via a supported web browser to create content. University of Leeds Access and Participation Plan 20-21 to 24-25 . By working in close partnership with our students, we have developed a profound and shared understanding of A provider must have an access and participation plan if: they are registered with the OfS; charge above the basic tuition fee cap. Applicants who meet two or more of the 1. University of Leeds Strategic Plan 2014:2020 DRAFT V ersion 4 4 DRAFT Student education at Leeds has undergone a root-and-branch transformation; the opportunities now available to undergraduates are second to none amongst our peers. 3.2 Widening Participation The School of Medicine is committed to developing a diverse student community and our admissions processes are implemented in line with both University policy and the Access and Participation Plan, which sets out our strategy and objectives in relation to widening participation. POLAR 4 and IMD students Linda Hartland Student Employability Officer at University of Leeds. We also provide additional non-repayable, financial support. The tool is integrated with Minerva, enabling synchronisation of class rosters from Minerva Modules to Top Hat and the import of marks from quizzes and polls to the Minerva Grade Centre. This is an easy way for you to keep on top of your work while reflecting on what you’ve already achieved. To ensure the University of Leeds is reflective of a diverse demographic there is an access and participation plan which details the strategic approach to our admissions policy, which is led by the Educational Engagement service. •„ÿ«ÀôwáLç3€ëyW ”P÷3&Ëqk…[r0’‘œÍoWC0¤¢Ch'/õ”ú´µ¶}òWûMÛÚÃj'FÅHv!;/B? Management Essentials: learn more and book The University of Sheffield is a highly selective institution with a strong track record of attracting and retaining students from under-represented groups in Higher Education (HE). Other key documentation is listed below. University of Leeds on key matters relating to recruitment and admission to our undergraduate courses for all applications received by the 1st September. Our access and participation plan sets out how we work to improve equality of opportunity for under-represented groups to access further study, achieve success at University and progress to graduate-level employment. The University acknowledged in the Access and Participation plan that aggregating student statistics up to the BAME level does mask worse disparities between students but continue to group these statistics together nonetheless. stage@leeds hosts a range of work by students and visiting theatre companies all year round. The text below outlines the University of Leeds’s performance across the student lifecycle in relation to a number of under-represented groups. The plan has been developed alongside and in alignment with the Student Success and the Access and Participation plans led from the Taught Student Education Board and its Inclusion and Engagement Strategy Group. We actively engage with schools, partner institutions and community groups to help support people from a range of backgrounds and all ages gain access to higher education.