This child development theory also introduced the concept of the zone of proximal development, which is the gap between what a person can do with help and what they can do on their own. Title: Development Theories Author: Lou Last modified by: jml339 Created Date: 1/26/2009 8:37:00 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company It is with the help of more knowledgeable others that people are able to progressively learn and increase their skills and scope of understanding. Save Save Theories of Development Ppt For Later. Sociocultural Theories of Development Research Investigates how social factors influence cognition and development, and how social and cultural practices shape and define thought Vygotsky founding father . Carousel Previous Carousel Next. 0% 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful. The Developing Person Through the Life Span 8e by Kathleen Stassen Berger Chapter 2– Theories of Development PowerPoint History & Evidence shows this. Share. 100% 100% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful. Related titles. The theory lacks Amartya’s view of development, which states that “development can be seen as the process of expanding the freedoms that people enjoy” (Sen,1999). Print. A baby s brain is about one quarter ... – A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as a Flash slide show) on - id: 3d938f-NTU4M Role of International Financial Manager. Lev Semenovich Vygotsky 1896 Born in Russia 1924 – 34 produced seminal works 5.Theories of Development: Reconciling the Differences • Development economics has no simplistic and universally accepted paradigm: But it is also not the case that any policy or strategy will work! Theories developed by development economists have encompassed the theoretical underpinnings of empirical facts drawn across the board from socio-economic-political realms of life of many poor countries. Theories on Development Gestalt psychology. Child Development Theories Research has shown that early childhood may be the most important life stage for brain development. • Insights and understandings are continually evolving.. • Each theory has some strengths and some weaknesses. View Ch02LifeSpanPPT.ppt from PSYCHOLOGY MISC at Chernivtsi University. THEORIES OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT College of Public and Community Service University of Massachusetts at Boston ©2009 William Holmes * TYPES OF THEORIES Psychological Theories Social Cultural Theories Behavioral Theories Biological Theories Multi-Level Theories * PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORIES Freudian/Psychoanalytic Erikson/Crisis Developmental Piaget Cognitive Development * FREUDIAN THEORY … These six theories about development that we will discuss from an evolutionary perspective are the Gestalt, psychoanalysis, behaviorism, cognitive psychology, Piaget, and Vygotski. The psychology of Gestalt was one of the first scientific trends that emerged in psychology. Rural Development_Theories and Approaches - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Embed.