In Fallout: New Vegas, the outfit can be obtained from … 3 If two factions tie for highest positive reputation then the game will choose whichever qualifying faction comes first in the order of "NCR, Legion, Strip". If sided with the New California Republic, the emblem is the two-headed bear; if sided with the Legion, the symbol is the bull; if sided with Yes Man, the emblem is a black spade with the number "21" imposed over it. 46,889. Courier duster Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. NCR, Caesar's Legion and Mr. House variants. It also gives a +1 bonus to … repair The Courier duster is a piece of clothing in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road. 800 Talk:Courier duster. xx0076db (Ulysses) Ulysses' duster is a piece of clothing in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road. 0 0. Wearing a faction-specific armor before confronting Ulysses can change which duster you will receive. 1700 The duster was also recolored from black to brown. The only way to obtain the "Blackjack"/Yes Man variant is to have a Neutral or below reputation with all three factions. If the Courier has an accepted or better reputation with the NCR, and less reputation points with the other major factions, the emblem is the two-headed bear; if they have a similar reputation comparison with Caesar's Legion, the symbol is the bull. weight According to an audio log transcription found on a destroyed Securitron in the Tomb, the Courier was branded as a terrorist by the NCR following the Second Battle of Hoover Dam (implying that either he sided with Mr. House or kept New Vegas … Games. If war doesn't change, men must change, and so must their symbols. Follow the short path to a terminal. The Courier is a main quest in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road. Despite the four variations, they all share the same ending slide: the Courier walking off into the sunset while wearing the independent (Yes Man) variant. Ulysses was one of the most successful scouts in the Twisted Hairs, traveling vast distances in search of the enemies of both Caesar's Legion and the Twisted Hairs. The NCR version is the only piece of equipment that directly increases the Courier's maximum. Despite the harsh environment there, a small community established itself in the area, using the old American flag as its symbol. Headwear is found in articles of matching armor where possible. In my latest run of New Vegas I did the hole trip to The Strip (LOL) without getting involved with NCR or Legion. If you're trying to choose which one you want make sure you have the reputation as you walk through. ... get the shades from the safehouse, and then later have them hate you allowing you to get the courier duster at the end of Lonesome Road. After playing New Vegas, I'm excited to draw Courier Six and his companions. The Courier duster is a piece of clothing in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road. The rest of the outfit consists of a dark shirt covered with a tattered tank top, … User Info: harleyknight. ElectricEbola 7 years ago #1. Caedo Genesis 457,969 views The dusters are cool, but dusters with sleeves look cooler in my opinion. The Courier was shown wearing an armored Vault 21 jumpsuit during Fallout: New Vegas previews and in the Fallout: New Vegas ending. However, this item never appears in-game. Fallout New Vegas. Unlike Ulysses' duster however, the flag on the back varies with what faction you have the greatest reputation in. In Fallout 3, the duster and hat can be found on the body of Lucas Simms. Board index ‹ Fallout ‹ Fallout: New Vegas; Change font size; Print view; FAQ; 48 posts • Page 1 of 2 • 1, 2. However, once the Legion's campaign ended in Arizona, Caesar promptly reward… 8 years ago. chevron_left. Players can now equip the duster on any suit they wish, along with gloves and hat. The design is based off the concept art for Lonesome Road. Originally just another derelict district of Hopeville, the Courier’s Mile became a large Marked Men camp after the events of the Divide. Light 1 Characteristics 2 Variants 3 Locations 4 Notes Ulysses' duster is a sleeveless black coat with the back emblazoned with the United States commonwealth flag; the thirteen stars representing the commonwealth states. Okay, so from what I understand of the mechanics, the Yes Man ("Black Jack" AKA "21") Courier Duster is the "nuetral" duster. For Everything Fallout: New Vegas. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. The Courier's Mile is a location in the Divide in 2281. » Fri May 04, 2012 2:54 am . +25, END +1 (Legion) Bull: AP +15, STR +1 Duster has over 18 decals to choose from. Fallout New Vegas - which courier duster from lonesome road and why? Each duster has a unique effect that raises a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Ulysses was once a member of the Twisted Hairs, a powerful tribe in Arizona that forged an alliance with the fledgling Caesar's Legion in 2247, becoming its scouts during the conquest of Arizona. During the events of Old World Blues, the Courier becomes a cyborg. #2. Fallout: NV - Dead Money - ALL Unique Weapons & Armor Plus Dean's Stashes Guide (DLC) - Duration: 6:17. The "Old World Justice" version is an exact copy of Ulysses' duster cosmetically, though they give different skill boosts. The variant chosen will be set based on the reputation by proceeding through the final door that gives you the warning that you cannot return until it's over. Source(s): The name of "The Courier's Mile" was … item HP The NCR version is the only piece of equipment that directly increases the Courier's maximum. ". I always thought that the courier's canonical clothing had to be more or less the same as shown on the DLC Lonesome Road image. The entire outfit is dusty and weather-beaten. DT Hope that helps, a lot more come later. close. ... Return to Fallout: New Vegas. Last updated 14 March 2017 6:39AM. They are easily obtained by letting Mister Burke kill him in The Power of the Atom. Duster has over 18 decals to choose from. However, this item never appears in-game. The Courier was shown wearing an armored Vault 21 jumpsuit during Fallout: New Vegas previews and in the Fallout: New Vegas ending. The exact style that is received depends on the player's reputation with various factions. I read about the courier duster around the wiki (since it's my first time playing n I haven't played through lonesome road yet) and found out depending on the faction you favor, you'll get a design in the back of the duster, along with stats. Even if they should choose to reinstall their original brain, heart, and … If the Courier has an accepted or better reputation with the NCR, and less reputation points with the other major factions, the emblem is the t… The name of "The Courier's Mile" was given by Ulyssesafter meeting the Courier outside the canyon wreckage. Courier's Duster with body armor, jeans, and boots from NCR Veteran Ranger armor, plus sleeves from Joshua Graham's armor, with hand wrapped gloves. videogame_asset My games. 1. Leather armorLight armor & clothing ... ideally on a female courier (the male one doesn't exactly fit the bill). Ulysses was once a member of the Twisted Hairs, a powerful tribe in Arizona that forged an alliance with the fledgling Caesar's Legion in 2247, becoming its scouts during the conquest of Arizona. Version 3 replaces the Courier Duster you receive at the end of Lonesome Road. Could someone make me an armor that is the stealth suit mk II with the courier duster jacket? After the Courierlaunched a warheadfrom the Ashton missile silo, it impacted and detonated here. Lonesome Road unique clothing Even if it is nothing at all, know what you follow. He can be confronted in Lake Mead Cave, now known as "the Tomb." Despite the variations, none of the Courier dusters are faction armor. 13 Due to recent changes in the latest updates to Fallout 4 and the Creation Kit that were done to expand the number of forms plugins can have means this mod … Topic Details 4 Mod Requests: Best outfit the! Your reputation apparently has to be lower than "Wild Child" with all three factions (the NCR, the Legion, and the Strip) to receive the Yes Man Courier Duster, according to a couple of sites I looked at. The exact style that is received depends on the player's reputation with various factions. I have a question guys. 1. Wearing a faction-specific armor before confronting Ulysses can change which duster is received. There's also many mods that allow you to continue after the ending on the Fallout New Vegas Nexus. For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "When does the courier's duster "lock in" your symbol? NCR, Caesar's Legion and Mr. House variants. 1 Background 2 Layout 3 Notable loot 4 Notes 5 Appearances Originally just another derelict district of Hopeville, the Courier’s Mile became a large Marked Men camp after the events of the Divide. Fallout 4 Version 1.10.162 or Higher. Could someone make me an armor that is the stealth suit mk II with the courier duster jacket? 8 years ago. Fallout: New Vegas; Yes Man Courier Duster Question (Spoilers?) videogame_asset My games. However, once the Legion's campaign ended in Arizona, Caesar promptly reward… He was captured by a man named Benny, the owner of Tops casino and was shot in the head. And each one has a different effects. I'm on Lonesome Road now and I have Idiolized reputation with The Strip but I want to get the Blackjack Duster.