Featured. Started September 13, 2017, By T-Shirts & Tanks Boardshort Fit Guide Featured All Featured New Arrivals Best Sellers Top Rated Styles Slides Online Exclusives Buy 2, Get 20% Off ... Shop Reef Holiday Gift Guide. Our site uses cookies. At the end of the day however, the breakdown of this tank is inevitable. Saltwater Aquarium – Setup and Tips for Beginners Will December 8, 2020 Saltwater vs Freshwater Aquarium for Beginners Will May 23, 2020 How to Cycle a Saltwater Tank in 24 Hours … Create a successful saltwater aquarium with BRStv. A reef tank kit often comes with a good filtration system. I’ll never forget my first adventure exploring natural coral reefs. I think the eleavation came from pouring the water i used to defrost my frozen mysis rite into the tank. Blue Lemon Photo has uploaded 1259 photos to Flickr. Started September 18. Although a young tank in many respects, we believe it is more than worthy of being a featured tank on Reef Tools. Algae Scrubbers, How We Grow Massive Amounts of Chaetomorpha Jake Adams. Feb 11, 2020 - Explore Billy Carroll's board "Reef Tank" on Pinterest. Earlier in the day, my stomach was in knots. Aug 25, 2016 - Congratulations to Sushi for being selected for our August Reef Profile! Aug 12, 2013 - Each month we feature a member of the community and their reef tank to show the many successful ways to keep a reef aquarium. There was a store featured on Reef Builders years ago (On the youtube channel I believe) that had a tank exactly like what you're talking about, only shrooms except for one massive red carpet nem. Even in a reef tank, the layout is based on the amount of light required by the coral, but there are some similarities.” Hat’s off to you Takaki! Partner member 2021. Below he has written a profile of his aquariums progress over the past two years, and shares his experiences in the hobby. 210 Gallons Reef Tank. Article Contributor. We do a lot of different stories and produce a wide variety of videos but without a doubt, our favorite content is featuring successful reef tanks. Earlier in the … Started February 24, By If we use your tank then your tank will receive recognition and you will receive a spiffy new "Reef Tank 365" badge under your name! Our goal is to feature a wide array of saltwater aquariums, in all stages of life, to share the myriad of different ways in which successful aquariums … If any of the rest of you would like to see your tank featured as one of our Reef Tank 365, click this link for more info on how you can share your tank with us! But if your tank doesn’t come with a filter, make sure you get the right device. I’ve been hooked on the saltwater reef aquarium hobby ever since, and I have had several different tank … I’ll never forget my first adventure exploring natural coral reefs. These ten aquarium represent the best reef tanks we encountered in 2018 and we are excited to already have several more ‘video-worthy’ reef tanks already lined up for filming this year. Monthly Update and FTS. Live rocks form the basis for all living life in your aquarium, and before the popularity of dry rocks, many aquarists would use live rocks harvested from the ocean and shipped in water as the foundation of their aquarium reef … Aug 8, 2017 - Explore Roberto Lopez's board "Reef Tanks", followed by 509 people on Pinterest. Jungle_v_i_p Reef Tank Resource is dedicated to providing the answers to questions reefers ask most in a clear and helpful way. Featured. Low iron aquariums are, by far, the most desired tank material among professional reefers. The tank sizes listed below are based off of the volumes and the lengths of the aquariums. This one's specially made for The Reef Tank, but make sure to check out the rest of her page. Aquarium lids are one of the most important and overlooked aquarium accessories. R2R Excellence Award. Nicole Helgason is a professional scuba diver and can often be found photographing corals and … Thread starter [email protected] Start date Mar 30, 2018; Tagged users None Mar 30, 2018 #1 [email protected] Living the Reef Life View Badges. System Info: Main Tank: 75 Gallons 48″ x 24″ x 12″ Starphire Glass Protein Skimmer: ASM G2 Lighting: 2 x 150W HQI Heliod Circulation: Closed loop with a Poseidon PS4 Return Pump: Poseidon PS3 Sump: 35 gallons Chiller: JBJ Artica 1/3hp. Feb 12, 2020 - Congratulations to community member Justind823 and his 17 gallon nano reef for being selected for our May 2019 Reef Profile! Amazing achievement on your first reef aquarium. Located in California, Innovative Marine has a growing reputation as … Hospitality Award. Essential Takeaways: Glass reef tanks offer greater flexibility, durability and appearance than acrylic. Reef Squad. Good lighting, strong water flow and proper nutrient export and mineral balance are all key to having a successful reef aquariums but how these needs are met varies from state to state, and country to country. Firefish's 10G rimless "The Island" - Settling in again. Tags Featured Reefs Instagram Nature Aquarium reef tank … Cannedfish Featured Reef Aquariums are selected each month from within the Nano-Reef Community, ... Start a tank journal and share your aquarium with the community today! Our goal is to feature a wide array of saltwater aquariums, in all stages of life, to share the myriad of different ways in which successful aquariums … BRStv Featured Videos. By How To Be Featured. Animals And Pet Supplies. Our goal is to feature a wide array of saltwater aquariums, in all stages of life, to share the myriad of different ways in which successful aquariums … Featured Reef Aquariums are selected each month from within the Nano-Reef Community, based on nominations from members and overall eligability. Back in 2011, a friend directed me to the online forums, and after a bunch of reading and research, I decided to set up my first saltwater reef aquarium. Reef Tank 365 Featured Tank by Moonfruit777. Jul 3, 2016 - Page 6- *d2mini's new 200g Reeftastic Build* Reef Discussion. I feed every two days with a weekly reef roids spot feed to corals. Blenwood's Reef - Dec. mitten_reef Like Reply. https://reefbuilders.com/2019/01/16/top-10-featured-reef-tank-videos-of-2018 Find comfy and cozy gifts … Curiously, one of the best ways to do this is to actually encourage algae to grow in a separate part… Featured. Jake is interested in every facet of the marine aquarium hobby from the concepts to the technology, rare fish to exotic corals, and his interests are well documented through a very prolific career of speaking to reef clubs and marine aquarium events, and writing articles for aquarium publications across the globe. See more ideas about reef tank, coral reef aquarium, saltwater tank. If you want to get going quick, we have the 5-minute guide to starting a saltwater aquarium, but if you have more time, 52-weeks of reefing will go through everything you will need to know about reef tanks. But not all lids are created equal. Innovative Marine Nuvo Fusion. 184. Were ringing in the new year with his 16 gallon shallow nano reef, which turns just one year old this month. We’re talking about tanks that are the clean, colorful, well aquascaped, with a quasi perfect display of luscious thriving corals and reef fish. 232. His 20 gallon nano reef is a magnificently sculpted diverse ecosystem. Featured Reef Tank Tips Go With the Flow – Your Essential Guide How To Choose The Right Aquarium Pump For Your Reef Tank. Alkalinity is a complex concept/thing to describe because it pretty much only … Learn more about our use of cookies: cookie policy, This is One Incredible Yellowfin Surgeonfish, AI Prime Fuge Review: An LED Light With Uncompromising PAR Power, Reef Blizzard ZC, ZR, XC and LPS Foods Review, 2021 Blue Harbor Calendar Steps it up with Interactive QR Codes, Branching Turbinaria from Eye Catching Coral is Full of Mystery, Reuniting With Two of Our Favorite Damselfish, Chrysiptera starcki & C. springeri, Yellow Carpet Anemone is a Sensational Stichodactyla. What Do I Need For A Saltwater Tank (Basics) Will November 29, 2020 Recent Posts. Featured Reef Tank Tips Go With the Flow – Your Essential Guide How To Choose The Right Aquarium Pump For Your Reef Tank. Explore. See what hes been up to … See more ideas about reef tank, saltwater aquarium, reef aquarium. You may have heard the term ‘live rock‘, or seen a tank full of wet rocks at your local fish store. The most exciting discoveries when visiting so many different reef aquariums is seeing what they have in common, and what is regionally specific or preferred. Tigahboy Liam's father was a professional diver whom Liam credits as the inspiration for his passion for coral reefs. I'll see if I can find the video real quick. Featured Reef Tank Tips Go With the Flow – Your Essential Guide How To Choose The Right Aquarium Pump For Your Reef Tank. Even in a reef tank, the layout is based on the amount of light required by the coral, but there are some similarities.” Hat’s off to you Takaki! Featured Reef Aquariums are selected each month from within the Nano-Reef Community, based on nominations from members and overall eligability. Reactions: tweeter, Sabellafella, SPR1968 and 9 others. Forum Moderator . R2R Supporter. Earlier in the … Featured Reef Tank Tips Go With the Flow – Your Essential Guide How To Choose The Right Aquarium Pump For Your Reef Tank. Click the photo above to check out his featured reef profile article! I’ll never forget my first adventure exploring natural coral reefs. Number 1: Alkalinity. Featured posts. Rank: #2 out of 1386 Reef Tanks submitted all-time. Aqua Splendor Check it … The Ryukyu Shallows: A Biotope of Japanese Coral Reefs. A is for Aquarium… Low-iron glass tanks … He does not compromise on equipment and his plumbing is super clean and well thought-out. 0 Managing nutrients is one of the most important aspects to keeping a healthy, balanced reef aquarium free from unwanted algae. This tank kit contains the smallest tank size of all the items on … These aquariums are nano-reefs, more specifically tanks that contain no more than 20 US gallons in total system volume. Today’s featured reef tank is not a massive piece of room furniture, but rather a a restrained, miniature desktop masterpiece. Below is the aquarium profile 4x5 has written for us sharing his experiences in the hobby and his aquariums progress over the past year. I’ll never forget my first adventure exploring natural coral reefs. Started June 15, 2016, By Photo of the Month . Jun 14, 2012 - Each month we feature a member of the community and their reef tank to show the many successful ways to keep a reef aquarium. phosphates are zero, calcium 400/420 dk 89.5 salinity 1.025/6 the nitrates were up as high as 40. Nov 4, 2014 - Congratulations to community member 4x5 and his 39 gallon nano reef aquarium for being selected for our November Reef Profile! By Firefish15 Started September 9, 2018. Featured posts. R2R Supporter. Pretty easy peasy of a reef tank now as it is simply chugging along and growing well. Facebook … 5:07. Teenyreef’s nano reef tank is a shining example of how much you can do in the confines of a 10 gallon tank, with a very reasonable amount of effort and investment. It left me with a dilemma, though, as I loved keeping aquariums and had been doing so for nearly my entire life. For November 2020 we're featuring community member @Matteo and his gorgeous 40 Gallon LPS & BTA Nano Reef!. Liam's Max S-650 is actually his third Red Sea aquarium system because he keeps going BIGGER! Reef Tank 365 . 2 days ago. Reef Squad. Aquarium LED Light Colors … A is For Aquarium . You can also find Matteo's aquarium journal in our Aquarium Journals forum to learn more about the history of this tank… Featured Reef Aquariums are selected each month from within the Nano-Reef Community, based on nominations from members and overall eligability. As much as I loved the reef hobby, by the summer of 2007 I decided my conscience simply wouldn’t allow me to continue with it. Earlier in the day, my stomach was in knots. A snug-fitting lid will keep your fish in the tank where they belong and cut down on saltwater splashing from your tank. #ReefTank365 . Featured Reef Aquariums are selected each month from within the Nano-Reef Community, based on nominations from members and overall eligability. Aug 29, 2015 - Congratulations to Sushi for being selected for our August Reef Profile! Reply Like Reply. Staff member. Check it … There/s no question that if you watch all or most of these videos, you’ll pick up some tips for your own tanks, and definitely more than a substantial dose of inspiration for what makes a great coral reef display. Hospitality Award. Liam's father was … I’ll never forget my first adventure exploring natural coral reefs. This stunning reef aquarium began as a rebirth of its predecessor that was lost during the devastating Sonoma County wildfires in … Last edited: Jul 10, 2018. Liam has been reefing for over 20 years and his 175 gallon system is simply magnificent! Cody is an avid coral collector with many rare and colorful specimens in his tank. Tags Featured Reefs Instagram Nature Aquarium reef tank Takaki takashi amano. A three-stage filter will keep your reef tank clean and free of disease. Featured Aquarium: The Nano Reef of Diana - Continuing this month, Advanced Aquarist is hosting a series of unique featured aquariums. Earlier in the day, my stomach was in knots. Article Administrator. 0 Managing nutrients is one of the most important aspects to keeping a healthy, balanced reef aquarium … And that's it! Taking a look back as this was when I first setting foot in the business, I was stoked and proud to be featured … Nov 11, 2020 #2 Billldg Going broke for the dream tank View Badges. Amazing achievement on your first reef aquarium. #ReefTank365 . Jul 10, 2018 #2 Neo Jeo Valuable Member View Badges. Joined Dec 6, 2017 Messages … Aug 22, 2015 - Congratulations to community member ReeferBoo and his 15 gallon nano reef aquarium for being selected for our August Reef Profile! Each month we feature a member of the community and their saltwater reef aquarium, highlighting the many different ways successful reef tanks can be created and maintained. Tank Design and concept. prize piece lobos and torches mostly as the tank is pretty full. See more ideas about reef tank, saltwater aquarium, reef aquarium. Featured Reef Tank Tips Go With the Flow – Your Essential Guide How To Choose The Right Aquarium Pump For Your Reef Tank. Article from flickr.com. Acrylic lids are the go-to choice for the modern reef aquarium … Fluval Evo V Marine Aquarium Kit. In this season of new beginnings, many hobbyists may find themselves considering starting a new nano reef … I’ll never forget my first adventure exploring natural coral reefs. Staff member. If any of the rest of you would like to see your tank featured as one of our Reef Tank 365, click this link for more info on how you can share your tank with us! Earlier in the day, my stomach was in knots. This month Diana shares her nano tank … Night Time - October 2020. We took a trip from Garden Grove to Guadalupe, California to check out a stunning little reef known as Drew's Lagoon! He has a bachelor’s degree in Marine Science and has been the managing editor of ReefBuilders.com since 2008. I bought most of the equipment and tank on a whim when my wife green-lighted it just days before Black Friday. I’ll never forget my first adventure exploring natural coral reefs. Country: Great Britain. Nicole Helgason. I’ll never forget my first adventure exploring natural coral reefs. Featured Reef Tank Tips Go With the Flow – Your Essential Guide How To Choose The Right Aquarium Pump For Your Reef Tank. We are fortunate that our travels brings us face to face with many amazing reef aquarium displays and in 2018 we got to see examples on no less than four different continents. Aug 8, 2017 - Explore Roberto Lopez's board "Reef Tanks", followed by 509 people on Pinterest. Featured Reef Aquariums are selected each month from within the Nano-Reef Community, based on nominations from members and overall eligability. Featured Top 10 Featured Reef Tank Videos of 2018 Jake Adams Jan 16, 2019. The length is important for the selection for the lighting systems. Reactions: Arabyps, SDK, LRT and 2 others. Our goal is to feature a wide array of saltwater aquariums, in all stages of life, to share the myriad of different ways in which successful aquariums … 2 days ago. Future Plans Probably a few more LPS pieces to be added, i.e. Featured Reef Tank Tips Go With the Flow – Your Essential Guide How To Choose The Right Aquarium Pump For Your Reef Tank. His primary interest is in corals which Jake pursues in the aquarium hobby as well as diving the coral reefs of the world. May 25, 2013 - Congratulations to JayPagi for being selected for our January Reef Profile! I stopped keeping freshwater tanks and started keeping saltwater aquariums back in the mid-’80s and set up my first reef tank in 1996. Algae Scrubbers, How We Grow Massive Amounts of Chaetomorpha Jake Adams. Liam's (aka Lovatt) Red Sea Max S-650 Mixed Reef Aquarium - A NEW Featured Tank from the UK! Jul 3, 2016 - Page 6- *d2mini's new 200g Reeftastic Build* Reef Discussion. Featured. Our goal is to feature a wide array of saltwater aquariums, in all stages of life, to share the myriad of different ways in which successful aquariums are kept. Started September 24, By The owner of this beautiful 25 gallon tank is 26-year-old Andrew who … … Explore Blue Lemon Photo's photos on Flickr. 3 0 We do a lot of different stories and produce a wide variety of videos but without a doubt, our favorite content is featuring successful reef tanks. Jul 18, 2013 - Aquariums capture in miniature the underwater worlds of nature. Reef Aquarium Plumbing. Is there an aquarium that you admire? … My current tank is my fourth nano-reef, and also the largest and longest running tank of mine to date. Animals. Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies 62,374 views. Earlier in the … Latest Tank Journals. Eligible tanks are typically well documented in an Aquarium Journal, showing progress and growth along the way through photographs. You want a filter that deals with all types of filtration. Now it is just simple water changes, feeding and that is really it. Featured Reef Tank Tips Go With the Flow – Your Essential Guide How To Choose The Right Aquarium Pump For Your Reef Tank. Oceanbox Designs PICO-S 4.3G All-in-one Tank and AIO Insert Reef Conversion Kit were first featured on Reef Builders on March of 2016, one of the largest reef aquarium blog and product reviews site founded by Jake Adams. Earlier in the day, my stomach was in knots. Super Moderator. Saltwater Tank .. And don't forget to subscribe to the hashtag #ReefTank365 to view the pick of the day. Hooray!! Earlier in the … All of these are required or your tank cannot be featured. The 15-30 gallon tanks are 24”, the 30-65 gallons are 36”, the 60-90 gallons are 48”, the 75-125 gallons are 60” tanks and 125-180 gallons are 72” tanks. From Germany to Australia, the middle east and Asia, and America of course, reef aquariums are a popular art form all over the world. Liam's (aka Lovatt) Red Sea Max S-650 Mixed Reef Aquarium - A NEW Featured Tank from the UK! Partner member 2021. Refugium Mistakes: The WRONG way to set up a refugium. The only equipment changes I've made are adding the generic powerhead to create flow across the bottom back of the tank after running about 8 months, everything else is as started. Aug 22, 2015 - Congratulations to community member Wawawang and his 40 gallon nano reef aquarium for being selected for our June Reef Profile! Featured Reef Tank Tips Go With the Flow – Your Essential Guide How To Choose The Right Aquarium Pump For Your Reef Tank. Jul 22, 2013 - Aquariums capture in miniature the underwater worlds of nature. Liam has been reefing for over 20 years and his 175 gallon system is simply magnificent! Featured Reef Tank: Cody's 120 Gallon Zoa Garden - Duration: 5:07. Fish Supplies. We've got some great marine poetry in our midst, from one talented femme who combines aquaria and verse on her blog, The Digital Cuttlefish. His 20 gallon nano reef is a magnificently sculpted diverse ecosystem. Below he has written a profile of his aquariums progress over the past two years, and shares his experiences in the hobby. I’ll never forget my first adventure exploring natural coral reefs. Jake Adams has been an avid marine aquarist since the mid 90s and has worked in the retail side of the marine aquarium trade for more than ten years. We’re talking about tanks that are the clean, colorful, well aquascaped, with a quasi perfect display of luscious thriving corals and reef fish. Start a tank journal and share your aquarium with the community today! Aquarium Reef tank, coral Reef Aquarium - a NEW featured tank the. For our August Reef profile Congratulations to JayPagi for being selected for our January Reef profile article n't! Our August Reef profile, saltwater Aquarium, Reef Aquarium - a NEW featured by! 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