Gráinne’s fragrance is the Irish coast and her ships. (Think of an extended yawn when using this pronunciation!) You've got the pronunciation of Grainne Ní She is commonly known by her nickname Granuaile in II, cited in Chambers 2003, spelling modernised. Pirate Queen, a brave crusader and original feminist hero, Gráinne Ní Mháille (Grace O’Malley in Gaelic), sneered in the face of tradition and took to the seas where her fierce nature defied the unforgiving depths of the Atlantic. Nuair a cailleadh a hathair chuaigh sí i gceannas an tiarnais ar muir agus ar tír, cé go raibh deartháir, Dónall an Phíopa, aici. Piratical career Nickname Gráinne Mhaol, Granuaile Allegiance Ó Máille Commands White Seahorse Battles/wars Nine Years War (Ireland) Grace O'Malley (c. 1530 – c. 1603) - in her native Irish language Gráinne Ní Mháille, also known as Gráinne O'Malley, [1] was the head of the Ó Máille dynasty in the west of Ireland, and the daughter of Eoghan Dubhdara Ó Máille. Hence our Countrymen have been often called “Sons of old Grana Weal.”, Pirate, Queen of Umaill, chieftain of the Ó Máille clan, harvnb error: multiple targets (2×): CITEREFChambers2003 (, Lambeth Palace Library, ms. no 601, p. 10, cited in Chambers 2003, p. 85, Calendar of State Papers Relating to Ireland (James I) 1623, no. They controlled most of what is now the barony of Murrisk[5] in south-west County Mayo and recognised as their nominal overlords the Mac William Íochtar branch of the Bourkes, who controlled much of what is now County Mayo. Maude Bourke was Ní Mháille's great-great granddaughter. Born around 1530, the famous pirate Queen’s real name was Gráinne Ní Mháille (pronounced graw-nya nee waul-ye). Like many Irish names, pronunciationof Gráinne can depend on the dialect of Irish spoken in the area in which the person is from. The Bourkes (De Burca) were originally Anglo-Norman but by Ní Mháille's lifetime completely Gaelicised. Gráinne Ní Mháille [ˈgrɑːnʲə niː ˈvɑːlʲə], genannt Granuaile [ˈgraːnʲuəlʲə], auch Gráinne Mhaol [ˈgrɑːnʲə viːl] (maol [miːl] bedeutet im Irischen glatzköpfig oder gestutzt), englisch Grace OMalley (* 1530 auf Clare Island im Westen Irlands; 1603 vermutlich auf Burg Rockfleet) war eine irische Piratin und wichtige Person der irischen Geschichte in der frühen Neuzeit. While some of her Irish countrymen called her “Grace of the Gamblers,” due to her notorious love of gambling, Grace O’Malley is the English version that many of us know her by today. The more commonly-used English version is Grace O'Malley. Gráinne Ní Mháille was born into the great seafaring family Clan O’Malley around 1530, while the notorious Henry VIII was King of England and held the title Lord of Ireland. Seeking vengeance, Gráinne attacked the MacMahon castle of Doona in Blacksod Bay and killed her lover's murderers on Cahir Island. Grace’s name in Irish is Gráinne Ní Mháille which has led to many different spellings and pronunciations of her name in English, from Granny ni Maille to Grainy O'Maly. She is commonly known by her Irish nickname Granuaile or Gráinne ni Mhaille, a name reputed to come from the Irish for bald (Mhaol). The current house was built close to the site of Cahernamart (Cathair na Mart - "fort of the beef market"), an Ó Máille fort. Her family's usual burial place was in Clare Island Abbey. Keep up. Her reply is not recorded. Risdeárd an Iarainn ("Iron Richard") Bourke, "Dictionary of Irish Biography - Cambridge University Press", "Grace O'Malley, the Fearless 16th-Century Irish Pirate Queen Who Stood Up to the English", "Gráinne Mhaol, Queen Of Pirates, by Miracle Of Sound", "Current Events: The Marki Shalloe Theatre Festival, October 21 – November 5, 2006", Granuaile the latest vessel in the National Seabed Survey, Judy Staley's article about Grace O'Malley on Rootsweb. So-called Pirate queen of Ireland protected their people and lands against the pseudonyms (GráinneNíMháille, Granuaile, GráinneMhao, and many other), Born as a daughter of the chieftain of the Máille clan, she soon became fond of … ("Are you trying to hide in my arse, the place that you came out of?"). An important source of information is the eighteen "Articles of Interrogatory", questions put to her in writing on behalf of Elizabeth I. Ordnance Survey Letters, Mayo, vol. In 1593, when her sons Tiobóid a Búrc (Tibbot Bourke) and Murchadh Ó Flaithbheartaigh (Murrough O'Flaherty), and her half-brother Dónal an Phíopa ("Dónal of the Pipes"), were taken captive by the English governor of Connacht, Sir Richard Bingham, Ní Mháille sailed to England to petition for their release. Her attack on Doona Castle earned her the nickname 'Dark Lady of Doona'.[14]. オーウェン・ドゥダラ・オ・マーリャの娘。. On 18 April 1595 she petitioned Lord Burghley, complaining of the activities of troops and asking to hold her estate for Elizabeth I. Thank you for contributing Congrats! . 7. In a letter of 1838 he describes her as being "most vividly remembered by tradition and people were living in the last generation who conversed with people who knew her personally". Local folklore had it that Ní Mháille, as a young girl, wished to go on a trading expedition to Spain with her father. Granuaile: Grace O'Malley: Grace O'Malley - Ireland's Pirate Queen, by Anne Chambers; Foreword; Gill & Macmillan Ltd, 2006; Gaisford St Lawrence Papers, cited in Chambers 2003, p. 73. Eoghain Ó Flaithbertaigh, Murchad Ó Flaithbertaigh, Margaret/Maeve Ní Fhlaithbertaigh, American actress Molly Lyons wrote and starred in a one-woman show titled, This page was last edited on 1 December 2020, at 23:26. She most likely died at Rockfleet Castle around 1603, the same year as Elizabeth's death, though the year and place of Ní Mháille's death are disputed. [26] She is also mentioned in the English State Papers and in other documents of the kind, an example being a letter sent by the Lord Deputy, Sir Henry Sidney, to his son Phillip in 1577: "There came to mee a most famous femynyne sea captain called Grace Imallye, and offred her service unto me, wheresoever I woulde command her, with three gallyes and two hundred fightinge men ..."[27]. In Ireland, she's also commonly referred to as Granuaile. You have reached the maximum limit. グラーニャ・オマリー (Gráinne O'Malley) とも。. Unfortunately, this browser does not support voice recording. An expedition from Galway led by Sheriff William Óge Martyn attacked her castle at Clare Island in March 1579. All Rights Reserved, {{app['fromLang']['value']}} -> {{app['toLang']['value']}}, Pronunciation of Grainne Ní Mháille with 1 audio pronunciations, Audio Pronunciation removed from collection. [7], With shore castles like Carrickkildavnet, the Uí Mháille taxed all those who fished off their coasts, which included fishermen from as far away as England. Legend has it that when Grace was young, she wanted to travel on an expedition with her father. [28], A story is recorded of Ní Mháille chiding her son Tíoboíd in the course of an attack on Kinturk Castle, when she thought he was shirking the battle: "An ag iarraidh dul i bhfolach ar mo thóin atá tú, an áit a dtáinig tú as?" Ní Mháille refused to bow before Elizabeth because she didn't recognise her as the "Queen of Ireland". Rate the pronunciation difficulty of Grainne Ní Mháille, {{collections.count?collections.count:0}}, Name already exists! [15] The 1st Viscount Mayo was a child of this marriage. We recommend you to try Safari. [2], Ní Mháille is not mentioned in the Irish annals, so documentary evidence for her life comes mostly from English sources, especially the eighteen "Articles of Interrogatory", questions put to her in writing on behalf of Elizabeth I. In 1593, in his letter to protest Ní Mháille's claims against him, Sir Richard Bingham claimed that she was "nurse to all rebellions in the province for this forty years". Pronunciation of Grainne Ní Mháille with 1 audio pronunciation and more for Grainne Ní Mháille. See J. Costello, K. Doyle, L. Errity, and A.L. [30] Westport House also contains a comprehensive exhibition on the life of Ní Mháille compiled by author Anne Chambers, a leading authority on Granuaile. Word of the day - in your inbox every day, © 2020 HowToPronounce. [3] She is also mentioned in the English State Papers and in other documents of the kind.[4]. In 1576, Ní Mháille engaged in the surrender and regrant process with the Lord Deputy Sir Henry Sidney in respect of her lands. Grace O’Malley (Irish: Gráinne Ní Mháille) was Queen of Umaill, chieftain of the Ó Máille clan, rebel, seafarer, and a fearless leader of Ireland. This earned her the nickname "Gráinne Mhaol" (Irish pronunciation: [ˈɡˠɾˠɑːnʲə wɨːlË ]; from maol meaning bald or having cropped hair), usually anglicised as Granuaile (/ˌɡrɔːnjəˈweɪl/). [8] The nickname may also come from "Gráinne Umhaill" ("Gráinne of Umhall", Umhall being a historical district of west Connacht dominated by the Uí Mháille). There are no contemporary images of her. A statue of Gráinne Ní Mháille by the artist Michael Cooper – the brother-in-law of the 11th Marquess of Sligo – is on display in Westport House, and a bronze casting of the statue is situated on the grounds near the house. In most dialects of Irish, Gráinne is pronounced as ‘Grawn-yah’. Crowdsourced audio pronunciation dictionary for 89 languages, with meanings, synonyms, sentence usages, translations and much more. Unfortunately, this device does not support voice recording, Click the record button again to finish recording. (en irlandés, Gráinne Ní Mháille) fue reina de Umaill, líder del clan Ó Máille y mujer pirata en la Irlanda del siglo XVI. Subscribe to learn and pronounce a new word each day! (London 1860–1912), Calendar of State Papers Ireland, 1592-6, p. 321, Petition of Grany Ny Maelly, of Connacht, to Burghley, 17 April 1595, Nat Archives Kew, PRO SP 63/179/f. However, this was to change over the course of Ní Mháille's life as the Tudor conquest of Ireland gathered pace. Tá Gráinne Mhaol ag go duill ar sáile, óglaigh armtha léi mar gharda, Gaeil iad féin is ní Gaill ná Spáinnigh, is cuirfidh siad ruaig ar Ghallaibh. Seems like your pronunciation of Grainne Ní Mháille is not correct. In Irish folklore she is commonly known as Gráinne Mhaol (anglicised as Granuaile) and is a well-known historical figure in 16th-century Irish history. Bearers of the name Gráinne, daughter of Cormac mac Airt Gráinne Ní Mháille (c. 1530– c. 1603), Queen of Umaill, Chieftain of the Clan Ó Máille, and pirate. Under the policies of the English government at the time, the semi-autonomous Irish princes and lords were left mostly to their own devices. Ní Mháille was born in Ireland around 1530, when Henry VIII was King of England and held the title Lord of Ireland. He was lord of the Ó Máille dynasty and ruler of Umall, descended from Maille mac Conall. The more commonly-used English version is Grace O'Malley. Marriage to Dónal an Chogaidh (Dónal "the warlike") Ó Flaithbheartaigh brought her greater wealth and influence, reportedly owning as much as 1,000 head of cattle and horses. As the legend goes, Gráinne wanted to go on a trading voyage with her father to Spain. You can contribute this audio pronunciation of Grainne Ní Mháille to HowToPronounce dictionary. Her actual name was Gráinne Ní Mháille (pronounced graw-nya nee waul-ye). [25], Documentary evidence for Ní Mháille's life comes mostly from English sources, as she is not mentioned in the Irish annals. House a Brief history ' Westport House 2008 a unique role in history shipwrecked... Was born in Ireland, she wanted to join her father to Spain unique. Where it is pronounced as 'Grawn-ya ' in all gráinne ní mháille pronounced bar Ulster Irish was. She interrupted someone at their prayers 15 ] the 1st Viscount Mayo a... You trying to hide in my arse, the semi-autonomous Irish princes and lords were left to. Depend on the sea and travel with him to Spain the affair only lasted briefly as he killed... On Cahir Island difficulty of Grainne Ní Mháille right the title Lord of the kind [! Was considered dirty and was given a lace-edged handkerchief from a noblewoman paternal half-brother called Dónal na.! One of the activities of troops and asking to hold her estate for Elizabeth I at her in... 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