This has a huge impact on the health and growth of stripers. 0000001247 00000 n
It seems to me, that many commercial fishers, want to put themselves out of business. Fisherooni your obviously just another tree hugger that wants to put commercial guys out of business I fish every day and not only is that one of the most fun times of year on the water it’s also one of my most profitable. Hand et al. Too bad for me. Commercial guys know this too. We all know that the commercial industry does more harm to the striper stocks then any recreational harvest limits. Has anyone read the recent report on the extremely high levels of PCBs in stripers from Delaware, they recommend not eating them at all. Had a full time job. 0000047734 00000 n
It was at a young age I realized that the loudest whiners about Big Government The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) announced today it has enacted new regulations to help prevent the illegal harvest and sale of Atlantic striped bass. They should be responsible and remove the cut net. The seals have absolutely destroyed the striper fishing on the outer cape. Denial of the decline is ridiculous! Concurrently, dealers are prohibited from purchasing and selling any striped bass that has had its right pectoral fin removed. In the first several years of chasing striped bass I admit I was pretty bad, I could cast better than most adults, I just didn’t know much about the fish. Hybrid Striped Bass: Hatchery Phase Andrew S. McGinty1 and Ronald G. Hodson1,2 Hybrid striped bass (white bass, Morone chrysops, × striped bass, M. saxatilis) support the fourth larg-est fish farming sector in … When striped bass and shad are migrating, the locks are operated on a defined schedule to ensure at least some of them can spawn in the upper river. Juvenile striped bass grow rapidly attaining a length of 16 inches by their third year with large individuals attaining a maximum length of 4 feet. On a positive note, Blues at Pop today. End the Striper Cup which promotes the slaughter of the spawning stock “biomass” and allow people to make their living. A half-ton. Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management. The oldest striped bass No rod and reel fisherman has ever depleted or harmed a fishery.That means both recreational and commercial fishermen.So there has to be other reasons. want more fish put a moratorium on chinks you know the same people that buy ivory horns and skins then you get happy ending, Agreed I don’t think Atlantic stripe Bass should be commercially fished, recreational harvesting only, just my opinion so all you commercial guys don’t get your panties in a bunch now. The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) announced today it has enacted new regulations to help prevent the illegal harvest and sale of Atlantic striped bass. A subsample of 60 striped bass was selected, of which 20 were collected from the Shubenacadie River, 20 from Five Islands, NS, and 20 from the Grand Pre, NS area. Striped Bass Hybird Striped Bass Pacifico Striped Bass – True Striped Bass Sturgeon Tilapia by Rain Forest Tilapia by Regal Springs Turbot Yellowfin Tuna Gulf of Maine Sashimi Niceland Seafood Wild Baccala Cod, Atlantic We decide to finclip I’m a recreational angler and I have seen lots of harvesting of illegal fish take place by ignorant recreational fishermen.I am a recreational fisherman. Last year, Massachusetts adopted a similar regulation to curb stockpiling; it requires commercial fishermen who fish recreationally for striped bass on a closed commercial day to clip the fin of any striped bass harvested and retained that is 34 inches or larger. 0000042039 00000 n
were the first in the unemployment line looking for their government issued check. Not only is commercial bass season one of the most fun times of the year it also is one of my most profitable. The era of commercial fishing being a special occupation that gets special treatment can’t end soon enough for the rest of us. The recreational harvest is 2 to 1 over the commercial harvest. Not to mention the RECREATIONAL cash prize tournaments that target these fish. Does it become dogfood or something? Game. I don’t know what I’d be doing with my life if there weren’t any striped bass to chase, and it’s extremely selfish and erogant to think that the yearly quota for striped bass harvest should stay the same because that’s the way it’s always been. A Hugh imbalance must have to happen…..i.e. Then what intelligently derived management would evolve? how many are you allowed? 0000001033 00000 n
@fisherooni, you sound like another guy who cant catch fish, typical tree hugger that hates on the commercial guys, see you guys all the time at the meetings come up with crazy stupid things to stop commercial striped bass fishing. Required fields are marked *, Copyright © 2020 On The Water, LLC. 6���%��b��Q�%1KB��Y�S/���N��Y5��皳��}��������.�O���go������+�k���`#�Y��� Z�]��Kc�y? The striped bass decline in the last 5 years or so is atrocious – so is the decline of bait fish and blues. 0000007189 00000 n
and is it per day or a is their a specified quota for an entire season? I never see it in the supermarket, or on any restaurant menu, just wondering who uses it. One more question, where does all the commercially fished striper go? Striped bass with a clipped right pectoral fin cannot be sold commercially in Rhode Island or Massachusetts. Blame the commercial guys all you want but I still see you taking bait off us when you need it, or better yet jumping all over us because we know where the fish are. on the islands and Chatam will whine and hold candle light vigils. Commercial fishing helped start this country and it employs good folks to this day, but it’s also a new day. The world turns. This is one thing us Tree Huggers and Pin Hookers can agree on. Fisherooni doesn’t know what it means to be commercial fisherman and talks like a tree hugger that can’t catch stipers to begin with thats why he blames it on Comercial guys. Just seasonal stuff and fishing/shellfishing stuff. There’s too many fish being removed. You can’t get more sustainable than rod and reel, period. The scientific papers I’ve read about seals show that although they impact the stripers a bit, it’s not nearly as much as the commercial fishery. Say we decide to stock 50 new bass, 10-12" long, into our system. trailer
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These fish shouldn’t be treated like you already own them, so if it means taking less for a certain number of years in order to ensure the stocks grow to a reasonable number, and means that futer generations get to enjoy this historic fish, then you should have no problem with that. Anybody who loves his job is very lucky and can’t be blamed for wanting to keep it, but the stakes are way too high for the rest of us, and for he environment, to let the all-holy commercial fisherman do whatever he wants with our shared resource. it goes too high end restaurants where it commands the market price part of the menu. I’ll dig my clams, and I fish my fish, because I was born and raised in RI, and it is my God given f@cking right! For the volunteers, it is an opportunity to support the hatchery’s work, socialize with other people, and engage […] test line. There’s never anycharts, spreadsheets, scientifically peer reviewed data to augment their brilliant Tree hugger thesis. Striped bass are targeted by thousands and thousands of anglers. They are not in the same family as largemouth or smallmouth bass. I have learned to live with it but when iam out there fishing and see the same people who I fight with in the winter come to my boat for bait it really goes up my ass but still I give them their bait with a smile because I am also a sport fisherman at heart but when I go fishing I use a light spinning rod with 8 lb. As opposed to all the non commercial people, the tackle shops, marinas,charter boats etc…. Striped bass can weigh over 100 pounds, but it is rare to find one over 50 pounds. Leave it to the commercial guys that catch fish for a living. I find it irritating that there is such a disconnect between the Comercial guys and the recreational fishermen, it reminds me of the dry fly-up stream only fishing purists versus the guys throwing spinners for the same trout. It is one of those tasks that requires very close attention, yet the rewards are many. There is a “supply and demand” dynamic going on here. Each one eats 45 lbs of fish a day? Piss poor management. Let’s just take it off the commercial harvest list just cause u wanna have fun catching striped bass. This can be done humanely without freaking everybody out by neutering them. You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about… lol. I am also a regular fish catcher and eater. 0000084785 00000 n
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The front dorsal fin has a series of nine spines, whereas the second dorsal fin has one spine with a series of soft fin rays. leave something for the recreational guy I now pay to fish in saltwater and fish are scarce compared to 1960. I’m sure also that those other factors such as technological advances in equipment,pollution,ecological alterations do play significant impact.No doubt the huge populations of seals that have come upon the shores is a response to some change in their previous food chain. Keep dreaming, keep paying my dues to the CCA, the Littoral Society to slow the decline. Paramount to this is “putting a price” on the particular fishery wherein there is then a vested interest in harvesting as much as possible for the monetary gain.We have seen this with cod, haddock,stripers and tautog. In my eyes there should be no recreational havest only commercial. That only works if there is a crop to harvest. Scott Cannon caught this 44.5-inch striped bass over Thanksgiving weekend while competing in the Strathmere Fishing and Environmental Club's catch-and … ATTENTION: Striped Bass Fin Clipping Regulation All striped bass recreationally harvested over 34 inches must have their right pectoral fin completely removed. The stage is set, we have the forage fish and these new bass are being stocked to enhance the gene pool. They are also grossly depleting the forage fish and filling their trunks with thousands of baitfish a night . 0000084692 00000 n
For more information about DEM programs and initiatives, visit or follow us on Facebook at or via Twitter (@RhodeIslandDEM). Their sport/ecological/tourism value is huge and their flesh isn’t exactly special. Fisherooni, All Rights Reserved, Rhode Island Requires Anglers to Clip Fin on Harvested Bass. Maybe seals make great dog food? I’ve even caught a few stripers, though I can’t say I have the skills or the boats of the commercial guys. In its entirety, recreational fishermen can’t deplete a species! Hybrid striped bass (HSB), a cross between a saltwater striped bass, and a freshwater white bass is a popular cultivar in North Carolina. Monstahfish, you are spot on. I’ve recreationally fished for stripers since I was kid – now I’m in my 50s and I’m pretty good at it. When they get snagged on something when dragging they just cut the nets letting them pollute the ocean floor. I hope that was a sarcastic comment “you know the deal”. So save ur time and shut up because hard working men like us dont give a sh*t what your opinions are. Anyway commercial and recreational should be able to agree on one thing, overturn / amend the marine mammals protection act and get a handle on the seal infestation. I think many recreational anglers realize it isn’t the Comercial guys who fish with rod and reel that are the problem, it’s the guys who drag nets for other types of fish that end up hauling in hundreds of massive stripers that end up being dumped back into the ocean dead. 0000001994 00000 n
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I saw it last year in whole foods 20.99 lb when there was a glut . The majority of us put our rods down when the quota is up and go back to our other fisheries and continue supplying delicious seafood and supporting our families. Whatever, you don’t hear. If there is unlimited fishing, will that increase the demand for fish in the market? Ed, you nailed it. Things were great for a while. I don’t want to see them wiped out and I am more than happy to take a few years off and let them rebound before it gets any worse. Hybrid Striped Bass are the forth most farmed fin fish in the US, behind only catfish, salmonids, and tilapia. Too many breeders. Commercial cod rod and reel only. Will the demand rise to meet the supply? Fished all my life. Live fish Rescind the fin clipping rule for commercial fishermen fishing recreationally on closed commercial days and the allowance for for-hire operators to sell unwanted striped bass taken recreationally by their clients on a charter on open commercial days. Not too many years ago the pool fish on a party boat was 40 lbs+. That’s a big impact. If not, it’s incredibly arrogant, misinformed and absolutely ignorant. H�b``�a``�d```t[ˀ
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here in n it finds its way to china town most of them hijacked from illegal poachers . Then the stripers rebounded. But it’s their most fun and profitable time of year ! Let me guess you work 5 days a week and get on the water as much as you’re wife lets you!! Let me repeat. DNA (mt-DNA) analysis of striped bass fin clipping samples was utilized to characterize the origin of Minas Basin striped bass. The new rules require recreational anglers to clip the right pectoral fin … The commercial Striper guys are recreational guys having fun for cash on their day job days off. These are the guys who years ago read Frank Daignaults’ book and still have a priapism not realizing that it was guys like him who helped collapse the fishery. New striped bass and black sea bass regulations, record 11.2 pound largemouth Night catch: Brandon Migliore and his 11.2 pound largemouth bass. Why? The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) announces that it has enacted new regulations to help prevent the illegal harvest and sale of Atlantic striped bass. More than ship owners will be able to make a living with less cost. You are a dumbass simply said!! Dragging scrapes off all the eel grass for fish habitat, not to mention the by catch kill. Isolated crucian carp, a kind of fish from the side. “There should be no recreational harvest” hahah who the f@ck do you think you are? Download a striped bass - stock pictures and pics in the best photography agency reasonable prices millions of high quality and royalty-free stock photos and images. In Rhode Island, in addition to the new fin-clipping regulations, complementary dealer regulations make it unlawful for a licensed dealer to purchase and/or offer for sale any striped bass with the right pectoral fin removed. For once I’d like to see a commercial guy step up and say something along the lines of “I’ll take a cut in quota or new regs to preserve the future of my fishery.” It won’t happen because all the outspoken commercial guys are the ones who don’t give a damn and the good guys are scared to stand up to them. I fish for these fish with a fly rod most of the time, using flies I tie myself. This is not a fishery we should be supporting. Now a 15 pound 0000001226 00000 n
Sickness, natural disaster, repeated targeted capture……. Sponsored by To Clean and trim a striped bass destined for the table. Only remove the right pectoral fin of fish over 34 inches that you intend to take home, do not remove any fins of fish when practicing catch and release fishing. Most, not all, Comercial striper fishermen either can’t or don’t want to see a small distance into the future to where the taking of these large amounts of big female stripers will destroy this awesome fishery that already undergoes so much stress. The striped bass has two separate fins, known as dorsal fins, along its back. Currently managed by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC), the striped bass fishery is not considered overfished nor is overfishing occurring; however, there has been a decrease in the amount of spawning stock biomass: fish that reproduce and contribute to the viability of the fishery. 0000006012 00000 n
If it does not rise as fast, commercial fishers could price themselves out of business before they manage to deplete the crop. Less habitat destruction, less waisted short cod and many more cod for all to share. Select from premium Striped Bass of the highest quality. I’ve been observing this condition since the 1980’s when to see a seal or a striper was rare. You are right on target, albeit, more polite than I. They’re often found in deep, clear impoundments with water temperatures in the mid 70°F’s/21°C+ . “Rhode Island is known for its spectacular angling and abundant fisheries,” said DEM Director Janet Coit. Females are far larger than males. I’m 16 and have been fishing Connecticut and Rhode Island’s saltwater fisheries for the past seven years since I moved from Ohio. Your a joke. I am not a great catcher of fish. Combined, these regulations not only bring Rhode Island in line with Massachusetts but also assist law enforcement in applying federal restrictions on this resource and preventing poaching. Striped Bass inhabit the same general waters as largemouth bass, except stripers prefer rocky bottomed lakes and open water. Set. Striped bass usually live between 10 and 12 years of age. Fin-fold and postfin-fold striped bass were concentrated from Douglas point, km 116, to Sheridan Point, km 158, in 1977, which were the areas of … Don’t see the point, won’t cheaters just clip the fins if they see someone coming? 0000035085 00000 n
Ok I said enough see you on the bay. DEM arrests three fisher for failure to fin clip Striped Bass harvested from RI waters First Arrests Since New Law Went Into Effect Earlier This Year PROVIDENCE – The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) Division of Law Enforcement today announced the arrest of Chad W. Braga, age 31, of Swansea, Massachusetts and Brandon DeFaria, age 34, of Rehoboth, Massachusetts. Humans have preyed on seals from day one. I never saw in the 90s-00s the large amount of seals I see in the last few years. I have been a commercial fisherman in the bay for 40 years and I have been on every committee including the amfc and for as many years I have had to protect myself from every so called sport fisherman who have used every excuse they could to sell there fish from to pay for there fuel to keeping up on their boat payments That funny that sounds just like me except I provide a service to bait and tackle shops and and to the lobsterman of New England and also to all you cry babies on the bay who I give them there bait for free then in the winter when they have nothing else to do stab me in the back and try to get me shut down. One thing I’ve noticed is that even in this short amount of time, the number of big bass in the areas I fish has seemingly disappeared, and just recently the numbers of schoolies have seemed to start rising as opposed to decreasing. I have/had relatives who were commercial guys and none. Stiff fines would help. I don’t know what it’s like to be a commercial fisherman but the other 99.99% of us know, and should say more often, that commercial fishing is a special interest just like any other profession. Over these last several years I have devoted myself to this sport, and have learned an amazing amount, from YouTube videos, books, talking to other avid striper fisherman, and most of all just spending all of my free time on the water learning. I think the biggest problem is they don’t understand that stripers don’t breed as juveniles and regulations are set on size to let them breed before they are harvested. But beyond that childish talk the facts are the RI commercial season last 4 weeks at best with a small pool of endorsements for our states population. I love going for stripers every summer. (2010) demonstrated that fin clipping can be automated without having At some point there will have to be an adult discussion about what the people want from their marine eco system. 0000022780 00000 n
I never have a problem catching them. 0000011143 00000 n
Find the perfect Striped Bass stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Stripers shouldn’t be a commercial fish anyway. %PDF-1.4
Big groups of 20-30 at a time. small and not many, a few aquarium sized stripers. There was actually a large school of around a hundred bass close to the forty pound range, the school was so reliable that whenever I wanted to show my buds something cool I’d just bring them there. Seals and no fish,or, a happy balance. The recreational season starts in may and goes to November, do the math. #Facts. So quit your crying and do something else. 0000006879 00000 n
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I’m not sure what exactly happened but these fish slowly disappeared and now there aren’t any in that spot. The commercial “sharpies” succinctly boil down their feeble defense by resorting to such time honored witticisms as 0000007620 00000 n
In Rhode Island, a one-fish bag limit was established for the recreational fishery and a 25-percent quota reduction was set on the commercial fishery. On Lake Richard B. Russell and the Lake Hartwell tailwater it is unlawful to possess more than 2 striped bass or hybrid bass or a combination of those a day, and only 1 may be over 34 inches total length. This “conversation ” can be transposed to deer. If the term “tree hugger” refers to those “conservationist”, and “environmentalist” types, then I am definitely a proud tree hugger. Good thinking Chris. Sign up for our FREE Fishing Reports Today! Personally, I strongly want the comercial fishers to stay in business. it does not end up in the chains its too expensive for most to afford. 0000002642 00000 n
(Protecting commercial groundfishermen to preserve a way of life hasn’t exactly been good for the cod or its recreational fishery.) That would be around 1000lbs of fish a day for a group of 22 seals. The clipping requirement was also enacted at that time. Well Lets not blame the commercial fishermen solely, as most have concerns about keeping the stock up. New bass aging method on the horizon Thursday, December 10, 2020 Researchers in Florida are developing a method of determining the age and growth rates of trophy largemouth bass that involves clipping spines on the dorsal fin – a procedure that is not lethal to the fish. So if you have trouble catching then you probably arent very good at bass fishing or dont put in the time it takes, slackers. 0000007659 00000 n
” you can’t catch fish ” and the classic “tree hugger”, even though last I checked, and I admit I may be wrong,striped bass are fish. 0000001675 00000 n
These new regulations are critical to supporting the continued vibrancy of the striped bass fishery, and I thank the Rhode Island Marine Fisheries Council for its leadership in engaging the public around this important topic and working to protect our state’s marine resources.”. On Lakes Hartwell and Thurmond, it is unlawful to possess more than 10 striped bass or hybrid bass or a combination of those a day and only 3 may be over 26 inches in total length. Commercial fisherman only care about the money. Your email address will not be published. Hey forget the commercial guys killing the stocks, just take a ride off Chatham and look at the 30000 seals eating 45lbs of fish a day each.There my friends lies your problem! Kill the Effin’ seals. I don’t have a major problem with harvesting stripers as long as it’s hook and line only and the commercial quota gets reduced. The only thing these people know is they are food no matter what their size is, many don’t even have licenses. 0000007713 00000 n
But I still think that population needs to be managed because they sure are eating a lot of other seafood. I would prefer a slot limit for recreational anglers.The commercial sector would likely become the ONLY ones hammering the breeders. There are lots of jobs that used to exist that don’t exist today: Buggy whip makers, building steam engines, whaling, commercial fishing for Tarpon, etc… I would imagine commercial fishing for stripers is one that will eventually join that list. Of men or women catching two hundred, thousands of pounds of fish, now do you? Too expensive for most to afford are many my dues to the,. ” commercial fishermen solely, as most have concerns about keeping the stock up 1000lbs of fish the. An entire season for most to afford actually generally really bad a week and get on the water LLC. M not sure what exactly happened but these fish over 100 pounds, but it s! That gets special treatment can ’ t exist after the stripers were wiped... 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