Universität Hamburg is one of the top Public universities in Hamburg, Germany. What are the most popular Universities in Hamburg? The Best Global Universities Ranking of the U.S. News & World Report ranked UHH 7th nationally, 44th in Europe and 121st in the world as of 2017. Universität Hamburg ranked #169. 21 Sep, 2020: StuDocu published most recent results of World University Ranking 2020 - Europe. By visiting uniRank, you accept our terms, privacy and cookie policy, German higher education-related organization, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg, Hamburg School of Business Administration, Evangelische Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit und Diakonie, ISS International Business School of Service Management, Colleges and Universities in Europe by country, being chartered, licensed or accredited by the appropriate, offering at least four-year undergraduate degrees (bachelor degrees) or postgraduate degrees (master or doctoral degrees), delivering courses predominantly in a traditional, face-to-face, non-distance education format. Im aktuellen WirtschaftsWoche-Ranking der forschungsstärksten Betriebswirte aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum (2016-2020) belegt Prof. Dr. Stefan Voß Rang 10, Prof. Dr. Jonas Schreyögg Rang 27. Discover rankings of 16954 universities in the world. At our comprehensive university you can choose from 150 degree programs in six faculties. Die Princeton University, eine in der Stadt Princeton im US-Bundesstaat New Jersey gelegene Privatuniversität, erreicht bei dem Ranking mit einer Punktzahl von 91,5 den 9. The sociologist Prof. Dr. Sabine Maasen is switching to Universität Hamburg for a professorship newly created within the context of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments. Ranking nach Scorewert: Gesamtpunktzahl aus Sternebewertung und Weiterempfehlungsrate (je max. What are the most popular Universities in Iran? Rankings. The 2020 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) is released today by ShanghaiRanking Consultancy. 3 November 2020 | Excellence Strategy. Compare universities around the world with our interactive university search tool. Universität Hamburg belongs to the top 150 universities in the world and the top 100 universities in Europe. It is ranked #=228 in QS Global World Rankings 2021. In partnership with: 66 shares. All trademarks belong to the respective owners. 21 Sep, 2020: World University Ranking 2020 - Europe updated with European University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg ranked highest among 5 listed universities in Hamburg. Top 300 includes universities from 30 different countries. Download Brochure & Check all latest Ranks, Fees & Placement details of University of Hamburg Unser Uni Ranking BWL Kombiniert die 4 wichtigsten Rankings Fokus: Qualität & guter Berufseinstieg Hilft Dir bei der richtigen Karriere-Entscheidung Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) is one of the newest universities in Germany, inaugurated in 1982 in Harburg, south Hamburg. HHL Leipzig 69. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) , Stanford University and Harvard University are an unchanged top three, while the University of Oxford continues to be the best university in the UK. Financial documents required for abroad studies. The ranking is based on publications between 2011 and 2020. Frankfurt School of Finance and Management 57. Die im Ranking 2020 aufgeführten Hochschulen in Deutschland und deren Platzierung im FT-European Business School Rank. Latest ranking updates for Hilbert College. Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL) ... UHH > HBS – Hamburg Business School > Institute of Information Systems > About the Institute > IWI News > 2020 > Prof. Voß in the Top Ten of the current BA Scientist Ranking of WirtschaftsWoche. CHE University Ranking 2020 HSBA Ranks Top in Nationwide Comparison of Dual Universities. ranking World Rank University Det. Kriterien für die Aufnahme in das Ranking. Reviewed by Bharath Krishnan from HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration does particularly well in the latest university ranking of the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE), now available online at ZEIT CAMPUS. uniRank tries to answer this question by publishing the 2020 Hamburg University Ranking of 18 recognized Hamburg higher-education institutions meeting the following uniRank selection criteria: Rankings and reviews of 367 Colleges and Universities in Germany, List of all Colleges and Universities in Europe by country, Search for programs and courses with the uniRank World Universities Search Engine, A b o u t | C o n t a c t   U s | A d v e r t i s e, © 2005-2020 uniRank ™We use third-party cookies to personalize content and improve your experience. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine takes the prestigious title of the world’s medical school for 2020, that’s according to the CEOWORLD magazine. Universität Hamburg. Die Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH) wurde im Uni-Ranking 2020 des Wirtschaftsmagazins Wirtschaftswoche unter die besten zehn Hochschulen Deutschlands für das Fach Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen gewählt. Mai 2020 . Als eine der leistungsstärksten Universitäten in Deutschland vereint sie ein umfangreiches Lehrangebot mit exzellenter Fo Presence Rank* Impact Rank* Openness Rank* Excellence Rank* 1: 87: Technische Universität München: 215: 164: 123: 75: 2: 96: Ludwig Maximilians Universität … Die... weiterlesen. Which exam to give for which course & country? We continuously monitor 110 different university and subject rankings so that you can conveniently compare all rankings in one place. And one more thing: the core idea of Macromedia University is the combination of personality and competence. Most comprehensive collection of university ranking scores worldwide. Copenhagen Business School has climbed six places to joint ninth, a rank it shares with ESCP Europe Business School. Hamburg University of Applied Sciences is in the top 8% of universities in the world, ranking 69th in Germany and 1237th globally. 99. Rankings: The 61 best universities in Germany for 2020/2021. Sternebewertung. Explore 2020-2021 university and college ranking with U-Multirank and find your best matching university. We can also put Universität Hamburg researchers in touch with our partners abroad. Study and work in Hamburg. Universität zu Köln 76. The University of Applied Sciences HSBA is closely linked to Hamburg… 2020-2021 U-Multirank world university rankings presents data on 104 universities and colleges in Germany. CHE University Ranking: HSBA Ranks Top in Nationwide Comparison of Dual Universities HSBA scores very well in the comprehensive student survey. Hilbert College ranks #17 in our meta ranking among all universities in Hamburg, #963 among all universities in USA. New 2019 Top 1000 world university rankings conducted by CWCU of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Academic Ranking of World Universities). The QS World University Rankings by Subject 2020 cover 48 different subjects. The top universities in Germany are scattered throughout the country, with options to study in Munich, Berlin and 40 other cities. Weiterempfehlung. This page: UHH > HBS – Hamburg Business School > About > News > WiWo-Ranking 2020 Wirtschaftswoche Ranking 2020 Stefan Voss and Jonas Schreyögg among top researchers in DACH countries 14 December 2020 She will serve as the academic director of the Transfer Agency that is currently being set up. The University of Hamburg ranking is the joint 11th best university in Germany, and 181st in the world. It was excellent. ESCP Europe 23. View the World University Rankings 2020 by subject: law methodology Germany enjoys a remarkable reputation for its higher education sector: There are more than 400 universities, and many of them score high in international rankings, among the top universities in the world. CHE University Ranking: HSBA Ranks Top in Nationwide Comparison of Dual Universities HSBA scores very well in the comprehensive student survey. For the full list of all universities and colleges from Germany included in U-Multirank, please see below. Medical Sciences Division at the University of Oxford earned itself a respectable second place, with karolinska institutet is ranked third. ESMT Berlin 14. Read more Read less. 14 December 2020, by Julia Bachale. Ranks 6th among universities in Hamburg. Studierende haben wie folgt bewertet. How to use the tables; View the full guide; Illustration: Fran Caballero. Since 2003, ARWU has been presenting the world top universities annually based on transparent methodology and objective third-party data. 2020-2021 U-Multirank world university rankings presents data on 104 universities and colleges in Germany. + 4,75 Pkt. Merkmale wie die Majors der Universität können angeben, auf welche Bereiche sich die Universität konzentriert. Scorewert. Highest subject rankings of universities in Kiel #1. This year’s ranking of the world’s top 1,000 universities sees relatively little movement at the very top. The main campus is located in the central district of Rotherbaum, with another 180 affiliated institutes and research centres scattered around the city. Please include necessary details. HFU - Hochschule Furtwangen Hochschule Furtwangen – Informatik, … Moorweidenstraße 18; 20146 Hamburg; Telefon: +49 40 42838-0 ; https://www.uni-hamburg.de; Bemerkung. Ranking Year Rank (in the world) Rank (in Europe) Times Higher Education World University Rankings: 2020: 149: 64: QS World University Rankings: 2020: 227: 98: Shanghai Jiao Tong Academic Ranking of World Universities: 2019: 201: 80: Check out the 61 best universities in Germany . Universität zu Kiel in position #251. Anzahl Stimmen. Up from fourth in 2019, the ranking affirms the University’s place amongst the leading German universities for business research. WHU Beisheim 24. Photo: Leiden University Library. Diese Hochschule ist auch im internationalen Hochschulranking U-Multirank enthalten. Die Anzahl der Studienfächer und Abschlüsse einer Universität, dessen Forschungsbereiche und die Möglichkeit, ein interdisziplinäres Studium zu wählen, sind von großer Bedeutung. Study and work in Hamburg. uniRank tries to answer this question by publishing the 2020 German University Ranking of 367 German higher-education institutions meeting the following uniRank selection criteria: . Mannheim Business School 32. Living in Hamburg; Webinar Series; Open Day; Meet Us; FAQ; Executive Education. Pressemitteilungen. I came to this site with zero expectations and now leaving with atmost happiness. ranking World Rank University Det. - World University Rankings 2020 The University of Luxembourg ranked among the top 250 universities worldwide and #1 worldwide for its international outlook in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2020. The University of Hamburg is one of Germany's youngest universities, having been founded in 1919. CHE University Ranking 2020 HSBA Ranks Top in Nationwide Comparison of Dual Universities. Aalen University of Applied Sciences Ranking: accadis Hochschule Bad Homburg, University of Applied Sciences Ranking: Akkon-University of Human Sciences Ranking: Asklepios … 14 December 2020, by Julia Bachale. Compare more than 1,700 universities and colleges from 92 countries worldwide with most accurate and reliable university ranking tool in the world. HafenCity University Hamburg is in the top 18% of universities in the world, ranking 162nd in Germany and 2990th globally. HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration – Bachelor, Master, Continuing and Executive Education A university experience like no other. Die Hamburger Betriebswirte zählen damit – gemessen an ihrer Publikationsleistung – zu den TOP 30 der Forscher in der BWL aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz! Similarly rated German colleges include Platz. Want to know your chances of admission in this university? 4.2. Ranks 3rd among universities in Hamburg. Auf dessen Seiten findet sich auch eine ausführliche Beschreibung der CHE Ranking-Methodik . For an overview of all academic programs and degrees available at Universität Hamburg, please visit: For an overview of all academic programs and degrees available at Universität Hamburg, please visit: Use the filter criteria to list universities by location, program type or study level. Mindestens 50 veröffentlichte Bewertungen in 2019; Vergabekriterien für die Auszeichnung "Top Universitäten 2020" The QS World University Rankings and Shanghai Jiao Tong University's Academic Ranking of World Universities placed UHH among the national top 15 and … University of Hamburg is in the top 1% of universities in the world, ranking 6th in Germany and 135th globally. Ranks 1st among universities in Hamburg. Universität Hamburg belongs to the top 150 universities in the world and the top 100 universities in Europe. uniRank tries to answer this question by publishing the 2020 Iranian University Ranking of 310 Iranian higher-education institutions meeting the following uniRank selection criteria: . 8.99 / 10 Die Erläuterung, wie der Wert berechnet wird, findest Du unter der Tabelle. Die Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH) erzielt im aktuellen CHE Hochschulranking in den ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Fächern Positionen in den Spitzengruppen. DIE ZEIT veröffentlicht heute im ZEIT Studienführer 2020… Germany enjoys a remarkable reputation for its higher education sector: There are more than 400 universities, and many of them score high in international rankings, among the top universities in the world. All fields optional. The Best Global Universities Ranking of the U.S. News & World Report ranked UHH 7th nationally, 44th in Europe and 121st in the world as of 2017. RUR World University Rankings evaluate performance of 829 world’s leading higher education institutions by 20 indicators grouped into 4 key areas of university activity: Teaching, Research, International Diversity, Financial Sustainability. 5 Punkte) Beispiel für 4,5 Sterne und 95 % Weiterempfehlung: 4,5 Pkt. University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg is in the top 11% of universities in the world, ranking 92nd in the Germany and 1760th globally. Copyright © 2018 Info Edge India Ltd. All rights reserved. 8.99 14. Contact the Department of International Affairs to connect to COVID19 experts at Universität Hamburg. Find a course. UE/Hamburg (priv.) The QS World University Rankings by Subject are based upon academic reputation, employer reputation and research impact (click here to read the full methodology). Ranks 1st among universities in Hamburg. Die Statistik zeigt das Ranking der besten Universitäten weltweit gemäß Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021. CHE Hochschulranking 2020: Studierende loben breiten Blickwinkel und hohen Praxisbezug in Wirtschafts-Kombifächern . ICN Business School 74. Know national & world ranking of University of Hamburg @ Study Abroad Shiksha. 96%. QS World University Rankings® 2020. However, it was not until 1978 that the Hamburg University of Technology opened. View University of Hamburg Ranking, Global, Regional & Subjects Ranking by top university ranking agencies as QS, US News, Forbes, Times Higher Education, Shanghai, Financial Times. You can view the rankings for the period of 2010-2020 by selecting the year on the timeline and by choosing the ranking type in the menu below. Ranks 4th among universities in Hamburg. Universität Hamburg offers two kinds of master's programs: Consecutive master's programs build upon specific bachelor's programs. 10 Oct, 2020: NTU Europe updated with Universität Hamburg in position 58. 9. uniRank tries to answer this question by publishing the 2020 Hamburg University Ranking of 18 recognized Hamburg higher-education institutions meeting the following uniRank selection criteria: . Hervorzuheben sind im Fach Bauingenieurwesen die Master-Abschlüsse in angemessener Zeit sowie die internationale Ausrichtung. University league tables 2020 Find a course at a UK university. Prof. Voß in the Top Ten of the current BA Scientist Ranking of WirtschaftsWoche. Prof. Voß in the Top Ten of the current BA Scientist Ranking of WirtschaftsWoche. Die Universität Hamburg ist mit mehr als 42.000 Studierenden die größte Forschungs- und Ausbildungseinrichtung Norddeutschlands. 21 Sep, 2020: World University Ranking 2020 - Europe stuft aktuell European University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg am besten unter 5 börsennotierten Universitäten in Hamburg ein. Hamburg University of Applied Sciences is in the top 8% of universities in the world, ranking 69th in Germany and 1237th globally. Rankings: The 61 best universities in Germany for 2020/2021. UE - University of Europe for Applied Sciences Datenstand 2020 ; Daten erhoben vom CHE Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung . The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020 includes almost 1,400 universities across 92 countries, standing as the largest and most diverse university rankings ever to date. Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL) Universitätskolleg; Center for a Sustainable University (KNU) Center of Natural History; Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability; Museums and collections ; University Archives (in German) All academic institutions; Regional Computing Center (RRZ) University Administration; The Unikontor Shop; Target groups. Sonja Berghoff 5. uniRank tries to answer this question … Universität Hamburg has been ranked third in Germany for business economics research in the prestigious WirtschaftsWoche ranking 2020. Ranks 3rd among universities in Hamburg. Hamburg Center for University Teaching and Learning (HUL) ... UHH > HBS – Hamburg Business School > Institute of Information Systems > About the Institute > IWI News > 2020 > Prof. Voß in the Top Ten of the current BA Scientist Ranking of WirtschaftsWoche. However, the University of Hamburg continues to be featured in major global rankings: Measured by the number of top managers in the German economy, UHH ranked 15th in 2019. Pathanamthitta on 18 Dec 2020, Admitted to NEOMA Business School for MIM in General Management in France, Intake: Jan 2021, Student Testimonials University of Hamburg, https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en/uhh/kontakt-service.html, We will try to get your question answered from University representatives. Hochschultyp und Trägerschaft Universität, öffentlich Gründungsjahr 1919 Studierende der Hochschule insgesamt 43.211 … Students who viewed this university also viewed. 53.562999 9.988332. TUM School of Management. Presence Rank* Impact Rank* Openness Rank* Excellence Rank* 1: 87: Technische Universität München: 215: 164: 123: 75: 2: 96: Ludwig Maximilians Universität München Ranking Year Rank (in the world) Rank (in Europe) Times Higher Education World University Rankings: 2020: 149: 64: QS World University Rankings: 2020: 227: 98: Shanghai Jiao Tong Academic Ranking of World Universities: 2019: 201: 80: Check out the 61 best universities … Types of scholarships for Indian students? The Danish business school has improved its score for diversity since last year’s ranking. What are chances of receiving scholarship? University of Hamburg is in the top 1% of universities in the world, ranking 6th in Germany and 135th globally. It has been recognized as the precursor of global university rankings and the most trustworthy one. Uni Hamburg. 10 Oct, 2020: NTU Europe aktualisiert Universität Hamburg auf Position 58. Its roots can be traced back to the 1920s, when plans were made for a university of technology in the Süderelbe region of Hamburg. Thinking of studying in Germany? Logistics & Supply Chain Management; Management; Leadership; Corporate MBA; International Study Trips; Digital Lectures; Open Enrollment Seminars. The 2020 Times Higher Education World University Rankings table for law uses the same trusted and rigorous performance indicators as our overall World University Rankings, but the weightings have been recalibrated to suit the individual field. The table is based on 13 carefully calibrated performance indicators that measure an institution’s performance across teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. Scimago Institutions Rankings© has been developed by Data source: “Only Ranks, far more than raw data” Considered as a prestigious university of Germany, University of Hamburg’s rankings can be summarized as follows: 228 by QS News World Ranking 2021 145th best global university by US News in 2020 57th best global university in Europe and 7th best in Germany, as per US News Ranking for 2020 The best German universities according to the Times Higher Education’s World University Rankings 2021 include prestigious old institutions alongside younger technical universities. Allgemeines. HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration – Bachelor, Master, Continuing and Executive Education A university experience like no other. Zu den Universitäten mit den meisten Bachelor-Studiengängen zählen beispielsweise der Campus der University of Washington(Seattle) und die Brigham Young University-Provo, mit 227 und 169 Bachelor-Studiengä… Award 2020 Gesamtranking ... MSH Medical School Hamburg University of Applied Sciences and Medical University. About KLU Executive Education; Customized Programs. In der Biotechnologie und Verfahrenstechnik werden vor allem die Unterstützung am Studienanfang sowie der Kontakt zur Berufspraxis im Bachelorstudium und die internationale Ausrichtung hervorragend bew… What are the most popular Universities in Hamburg? If you’re looking to study at a top-rated university in Germany, the country has 46 representatives to choose from in the QS World University Rankings® 2020 (including eight in the top 150), all ranked based on a methodology which considers each institution on a number of factors, such as academic and employer reputations, as well as research impact. As a rule, they are two to four-semester programs which build upon, deepen or expand previous bachelor's programs by adding an interdisciplinary focus. The University of Hamburg (Universität Hamburg) was founded on April 1, 1919 and since then has been a place of study akin to many of the other public universities that can be found both within the country of Germany and on the continent of Europe. What are the most popular Universities in Hamburg? = 9,25 Pkt. This year’s table includes 190 universities, up from 187 last year. What are the most popular Universities in Germany? Top 10 universities 2020. x. HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration does particularly well in the latest university ranking of the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHE), now available online at ZEIT CAMPUS. HEC Paris is once again the best institution in the world for master’s in management degrees, while there’s only one new entrant in this year’s top 10. Click here to see the full list. For the full list of all universities and colleges from Germany included in U-Multirank, please see below. Juli ist das CHE University Ranking 2020/21 mit den neuen Ergebnissen Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften auch wieder beim DAAD online. 24 Aug, 2020: Latest THE World University Rankings from THE Times Higher Education, UK. Universität zu Kiel achieves position 337. Rankings of University of Hamburg -- Shanghai 2020: 201-300, Times 2020: 149, QS 2020: 227, Leiden 2020: 411 Universität Hamburg auf Rang #169. How to use the tables ; View the full guide ; Illustration: Fran Caballero on 104 and. Internationalen Hochschulranking U-Multirank enthalten Public universities in USA technical universities Sternebewertung und Weiterempfehlungsrate ( max... Universität können angeben, auf welche Bereiche sich die Universität konzentriert at the very top having been founded 1919... Place, with karolinska institutet is ranked # =228 in QS Global world rankings 2021 include prestigious old alongside! 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