I've only intermittently used it for fan control but I probably should get back to it! (it's under "miscellaneous", "use highest GPU temperature"). Anyone know how to reset trial or atleast have any kind of bypass for evaluation/free licence? As mеntionеd, Argus Monitor can кееp tracк of thе hеalth status of thе hard disкs and lеts you кnow if any of thе valuеs rеach a critical lеvеl. I only have a Ryzen 3600 in right now but once I upgrade to 5900x (hopefully if I can get one) then I will probably have to bump that max CPU fan value a little bit, but even at 70-80% it's not very loud relative to ambient sound and the rest of the system. The system stays pretty dang quiet. You can email the developer anyway, he always replies. share. It will help you because thanks to it you will be able to know the temperature of important elements like the CPU, GPU and Hard Disks. Forget SpeedFan, Argus Monitor is awesome! Warns you with a probability of up to 70 percent before a hard drive fails -- in time for you to save all the precious data added to your system after the last backup. With me having a hyrbid gpu having the ability to set my exhaust fan (gpu rad fan) to gpu temp is going to be amazing. I am using a Lian Li Lancool 2 Mesh Case. I also use Argus Monitor to control CPU fan curve, and again it's super useful to manually test different PWM values to see what sound level you accept for the temperatures you want to hit. The program comes with A LOT of monitoring tools, graphs, gadgets, etc. The Argus 3 has built-in voice prompts that walk you through the setup process. Most of the Argus monitors have the yellow color with a background of brown or dark tan. access (if you don't care of course, look it up in case you don't know what that is) so your HDDs can go to sleep when not in use, which is enabled by default. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Get set for monitors at Argos. so im looking for either a trial reset method or crack? But a PWM hub does not draw power from the GPU header, it has an external power source (SATA or Molex connector). I've been using this program for a few months now and I've wanted to recommend it here for a while, but with the latest update they've finally added a missing Navi feature that was keeping me from recommending it to everyone. PC monitors at Argos. It does a lot of other things but this is why I tried it. Argus Monitor offers the following features monitors your hard disk drive temperature and the health status of your hard disk drive by constantly checking the critical S.M.A.R.T. SMART monitoring of hard disk drives and SSDs ... You can control and monitor the Argus 3 using the Reolink app on nearly any platform you can think of. This is the place to ask! Now, that's cool and all, but is there any catch? Since my CPU has an AIO radiator that is cooled by fresh air intake, the inside of my case temps really mainly affect my GPU once that ramps up under gaming load. It's working fine for me, so I guess so? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, 3600 @ 4.25GHz | 16GB @ 3800 16-16-16 | 5700 XT @ 1900MHz 918mV. It starts with Windows and loads the profile you saved automatically. 2. Argus Monitor - 5 stars @ GIGA. GPU idles at about 41-45C in this setup, and max temp is about 70C under full gaming load at 400w board power draw. Spying on the Argus Monitor in their enclosure to see what they are up to. Which one showed 65k rpm? Are they PWM fans or are they DC fans? Well, first of all, the thing that brought me to this software in the first place: case fans control tied to the GPU temp. Picture of my odd setup right now (in process of upgrading from mini-ITX build so it looks silly with that tiny mobo in there, transferred from SFFPC). It even has options for averaging temp from a source over time (like a 10 second average of GPU temp or CPU temp) to prevent frequent ramp up/down and other advanced customizations. argus monitors meet and ready to breed for first time - Duration: 3:25. Since for me, pump noise is actually audible when set to a performance mode, I would rather pump speed be low when idling or browsing and then speed up when gaming since I am not too bothered about acoustics then. Also very quiet. Croc Monitor Varanus Salvadorii Urban Free-Roam Action! 1:14. I don't know how common that is/was, but I hope that's not generally an issue with Argus. Argus Monitor is a lite tool that will help you keep your computer on fit. Motherboard PWM headers work fine with the hubs... but not the GPU header. Extend License. Argus Monitor Characteristics: The length of the Argus Monitor varies with the gender of these reptiles as the female reaching the average total length of 3 feet while the male reaches an average of 4-5 feet. Screenshots. Tried doing all kindas of funky fan curves with my cpu using Dragon center but that decided to bug out in the 4 days ive had it so I deleted it. Press J to jump to the feed. Are your fan profiles set to be very low RPM? Speaking of Zen 2, if you own a X370/X470/B350/B450 mobo like me and had to upgrade to a lite bios you might be stuck with a barebone fan control utility in your bios (I can only set up 4 temperatures for my CPU fan) but with Argus you can actually use a fully fledged fan curve UI with plenty of control, hysteresis, average temp and all. If yes, does it stop completely or just some of the features? Meer informatie After months of looking, I FINALLY found the perfect Speed Fan alternative compatible with my board (Argus Monitor) Discussion. But 60C is normal for my gpu so i have my fans run at like 60% when that happens. Support for ATI/AMD HD 7900/7700 series graphics cards (Southern Islands) added. I currently pull 400watts GPU board power draw with it OC'd. Worth every penny. Basically, the tl;dr is that Argus Monitor is kind of a better SpeedFan, except not dead and working. You can also manually set PWM % on a slider to test how high you want to push your fans to stay quiet with your desired temperatures. You can use it for 30 days for free (a lot more actually, I've used it for maybe 2 months and the only thing that changed was a popup telling me to consider buying it), How did you get argus monitor to use junction temp for the gpu instead of instead of edge? Just a few things that have worked for me when working with my monitors For example processors and hard disks of a PC. Argus Monitor | Reviews for Argus Monitor at SourceForge.net Join/Login I've been using Argus Monitor for years, and it's always been my preferred temp monitor! PWM Fan Splitter (synchronizes 11 PWM fans with CPU usage) H440 - Duration: 3:29. Argus Monitor2 is developed by Argotronic UG. Similar to the fan control of system and CPU fans, a fan control of the graphics card fans is also available. Edit: they reset to the fast booting fan speed and stay fast and loud until I force stop and re-open Argus monitor. /r/buildapc is a community-driven subreddit dedicated to custom PC assembly. Just be sure to set your case fan curve in BIOS to be something reasonable, in case the software were to crash or glitch, or if you're not loaded into Windows fully it will be running on BIOS fan settings. Using a Ryzen 5 3600 and a 5700 XT, Settings/Miscellaneous/GPU/Use highest GPU temperature, One thing I'd like to say is using "highest gpu temp" does not give the same junction temp reported in amd software. after trying to use speed fan on my pc and being heavily disappointed that only my hdd showed up im going to try this out. I'm one of the people that never had any issue with their Navi GPU so I assume Argus shouldn't cause any issue, but you never know with these things. Zeus, The biggest Argus Monitor, going for a swim - Duration: 1:14. ! I'm having trouble letting my PC go to sleep. Argus Monitor Features: Monitor your hard disk drive temperature and the health status of your hard disk drive by continually checking the critical S.M.A.R.T. Some board manufacturers provide the user with a BIOS option to enable the hidden/disabled cores of their processors (e.g. So, why is this particularly useful with Zen 2 and Navi? Well, if you set up your PWM fans' fan curve via the bios, the only "useful" temperature you can use is the CPU temp, but by doing this you're gonna make those fans spin up and down for no reason because of how irregular the CPU temp can be, meaning that you can't really set them up in a way that they only spin faster when "under load". The Argus monitor frequently preys on the dwarf monitors that it shares its range with. ... help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. Tool to configure Argus Monitor Professional if it is executed as a system service. Argus Monitor is a complete system's health status monitoring tool. Hahaha so cool!! Now, as for Navi, you can read more about my experience here and why I set up a custom curve and how I enabled 0 rpm while on a custom curve. It's amazing. Meanwhile asus software which i got with my mobo, behaves borderline like a virus when you try to uninstall it, only lets you set up 3 points on the curve and lacks any sort of advanced features, consumes a whole bunch of system resources and installs with a bunch of bloatware i don't want or need. The list of alternatives was updated Oct 2020. But more importantly, the thing they've just added with that latest update, you can now choose to use the junction temperature for your fan curve, instead of edge, just like Wattman does on Navi GPUs. Plugging in a single PWM fan or two PWM fans on a "Y" splitter cable work fine, since they are both being powered by the header. My fan profiles don't turn on when my PC wakes up so I can't let my PC sleep. share. ... Reddit Buys TikTok Competitor, Dubsmash. MrDougie81 4,461 views. Couldn't find any other software which would do this, since speedfan couldn't control my fan speed. It's reading memory junction, can confirm with different monitoring softwares as well. And no, believe it or not, this is not an ad, I'd just like to share my experience with a pretty cool program. 2.1.05: 02/02/2012 If anyone has more info on that let me know please. Argus monitors have great senses, with smell being the most acute. It does a lot of other things but this is why I tried it. I really need to find a way to allow it to use hotspot temp which is what amd uses. SHE HAS SHARP NAILS! Spiny-tailed goannas and Kimberley rock monitors are eaten regularly. I paid $10 for the personal use license after finding that it did exactly what I wanted it to. Does it stop working after the trial period? I have my case fans set up based on either cpu temp or gpu temp depending on the position of the fan. Features: - Monitors your PC’s hard disk drive temperature as well as its general health by constantly checking the critical S.M.A.R.T attributes. (Sеlf-Monitoring, Analysis and Rеporting Теchnology) attributеs goеs ovеr a vеndor spеcifiеd thrеshold, thе program lеts you кnow that thе hard drivе is liкеly to fail within 24 hours. I've never seen it. I even tried a splitter with the main PWM fan "master" connection being a single fan, and the "slave" connection being the fan hub connector, but it still did not send PWM info to the hub -- unfortunately the hub fans ran at full speed while the single PWM fan powered by GPU PWM header was being read and controlled correctly. If you own a Zen 2 CPU I'm sure you've noticed how jumpy the temperature can be, spiking constantly for a split second and then going back to normal. Again, I think it's this "load" sensing issue, and I don't know why the GPU PWM headers are set up that way compared to mobo PWM headers. The required information can be found in the About dialog of Argus Monitor, that can be opened by right clicking on the tray symbol . Screens for gaming, office, home use and everything in between. ARGUS MONITOR: Everything You Need To Know About Argus Mo... en meer dan één miljoen andere boeken zijn beschikbaar voor Amazon Kindle. Archived. For example i have my 1600 under a noctua d15 so temps are generally low, but in extreme loads they go above 60C at which point i want to crank up my fans to 100%. You can use it for 30 days for free (a lot more actually, I've used it for maybe 2 months and the only thing that changed was a popup telling me to consider buying it), but the thing that convinced me to buy it was that you're paying for 1 or 3 years of updates, but "once your license period has ended you will still be able to use all versions of Argus Monitor released previous to the expiration of your license", meaning that unless a Windows update fucks something up, you'll be able to use Argus for quite a while before needing to buy a new license. TL;DR if you missed the first one: It's SpeedFan with more stuff and fixes some of the Zen2/Navi quirks. Argus Monitor Crack + 2020 License Key. The kicker is that argus lets you set them up based on multiple different fan curves for different sources. So I have a Asus B450i board, that means that SpeedFan will not work with my board since the app seems to … Argus Monitor - advanced GPU fan control . I've only intermittently used it for fan control but I probably should get back to it! Like all monitors, the Argus has a forked tongue and a vomeronasal organ in the roof of its mouth. Are you sure you unchecked the SMART settings? " Argus Monitor is a fast, accurate and reliable tool for continuously monitoring of your CPU, GPU and hard disk drive." /r/AMD is community run and does not represent AMD in any capacity unless specified. I've been using Argus Monitor for years, and it's always been my preferred temp monitor! Argus Monitor Cracked is a software to measure the warmth and health status of various custom parts of the system. Close. 3 years ago. You're right, I've added a disclaimer in case people don't know what SMART is. I paid $10 for the personal use license after finding that it did exactly what I wanted it to. Its great, but wont let my hdd go to sleep no matter what I do. I'm sure you're familiar with all the issues related to Wattman not surviving a reboot, the fan curve being "steps", etc. It's possible to update the information on Argus Monitor or report it as discontinued, duplicated or spam. i have ben using this software for a while, im really enjoying it but its kind a expensive for a student(me). In terms of the SMART access, Argus Monitor alerted me to two of my HDDs having an impending failure and let me know that I needed to get my backup game up to par right quick! One thing in particular I want to mention is to disable the periodic S.M.A.R.T. Anyone is welcome to seek the input of our helpful community as they piece together their desktop. Just discovered and bought it so I could use both gpu and cpu Temps to drive my fan speed off my mobo. I've got my AIO (Arctic Liquid Freezer 2 240mm) at flat 30% up to 60C (idle temps are 35-40C), and then curves up to 50% at about 70C, where it tops out at max temperature under load with Prime95 torture test. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Argus Monitor? Welcome to /r/AMD — the subreddit for all things AMD; come talk about Ryzen, Threadripper, EPYC, Navi, the next-gen consoles, news, rumours, show-off your build and more. Argus monitor crack/bypass evaluation? Q5: Argus Monitor does not show any temperature readings for my AMD Phenom II X2/X3 processor. Get what you want today with Fast Track same day delivery only £3.95, 7 days a week or faster in-store collection for free. I have to assume this is not a unique thing for my specific card. Argus Monitor currently only supports a small number of DELL and Thinkpad notebooks, but we are currently working on a more complete solution and have a BETA version available, that works for many models, most notably Acer, Asus, HP and Lenovo models. Did they fix the concurrent access issue with HWINFO? 16 comments. tl;dr: Argus Monitor allows you to set custom fan curves based on basically any temperature sensor it has access to in your system, including GPU temp. I also like that you can control fans based on average temperatures over time to moderate changes in rpm. Very handy for isolating noise in specific fans, including the GPU fans. So I have recently found out that you can set a custom pump curve through third party software called Argus Monitor. Order online today for fast home delivery. Argus Monitor: Valid for all new versions of Argus Monitor released within one year or 3 years after purchase; Valid for two computers; For each additional PC the license fee increases by US $ 3.90 / € 3.90 for the one year license or US $ 8.90 / € 7.90 for the three year license Perutnya bagaikan tong sampah, semua pakan disikat ! Please fill in the form below to extend your current license. The lizard climbs up the post. attributes. But anyway that's a moot point because Argus Monitor can have a custom fan curve based on basically any temperature sensor it has access to in your system, including GPU temperatures, at least with my GPU. Monitor Ports,Files(for existence or changes),Services ... and receive a notification when the status of such monitor changes. i5 6500 - GTX 1060 - 16gb RAM - 240GB/1TB. Argus Monitor - probably one of the best mainboard fan control tools out there. Argus Monitor - control options for system fan control . Planning on building a computer but need some advice? I can't seem to find that option anywhere and did a stress test and it was only showing the edge temp. This let me set my 3 onboard GPU fans with the EVGA Precision X1 Software to remain off, until GPU hits 50C, then that fan curve goes up to only 40% at 70C; I keep my case intake and exhaust fans at a flat 40% (I have six be Quiet! Argus Monitor Professional introduced, enabling the option to execute the program as a Windows service without the need to be logged on. Argus monitor crack/bypass evaluation? ... help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. Posted by 16 days ago. Just found out about the Argus Monitor from this post and it seems to do the same thing as the Speedfan and the curve settings are much more easy to setup then Speedfan's ones. when you're playing a game. 1. Agree 100%.I have a pair of Noctua NF-F12 on my Vega 64 Strix, being able to control them + lower front fans according to the GPU temp is so good.And back fan accounts for both CPU and GPU temp. but frankly I was only interested in the fan control features, so I'm not too familiar with everything it can offer, so I strongly suggest to take your time to disable everything you don't need so you don't waste CPU resources on useless stuff. Same Day delivery 7 days a week £3.95, or fast store collection. Anyway, everyone's specifics will be different, but I was just so happy to get a software option for controlling fans based on GPU temp. Argus Monitor was added by LittleJoe in Aug 2010 and the latest update was made in Apr 2019. The program supplies you the facility to advise the smart form of heavy hard disks, expose their temperature reports, cancel the hard disk, operate the center. He built the cage all by his self. (Hopefully they'll have moved to a free model supported by donations/Patreon by then). ASUS 'Unleashing mode' or Gigabyte 'Hybrid mode ECC'). 3:25. Cookies help us deliver our Services. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Argus Monitor is definitely the best way to ensure that your PC is always running at its full potential. Hahaa. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Argus is very much active. Comment! 24 comments Тhus, if any of thе S.M.A.R.Т. Did you reboot the program? Yes! So it makes sense for case fans to be tied to GPU temp more than anything else. Unfortunately, PWM hubs don't work on the GPU fan header. Or maybe it was mostly SpeedFan software, which has been out of support for years now. As I've said I've used it for months with no issues, but since AMD just released a big drivers update today, maybe try that first for a while and install Argus later (or vice versa) so you don't blame the wrong source of your potential problems. tl;dr: Argus Monitor allows you to set custom fan curves based on basically any temperature sensor it has access to in your system, including GPU temp. I don't understand it completely, but apparently the GPU PWN fan header requires sensing a power "load" to send correct PWM information to the fans. Yep, it's paid. So, don't be too quick about disabling that if you have drives that are work keeping. Close. Posted by. Do it start with Windows or do I need to start it and load in a fan profile of sort? wish i had found this in my search initially instead of the outdated junk that is speed fan. 120mm PWM high-speed fans) until GPU temp hits 50C, then those case fans curve up to 50% when GPU is at 70C. Argus Monitor - 5 stars @ GIGA. Tying that to your GPU temp not only makes more sense, but they're also gonna spin up when you really need it, i.e. Amy Grandell 2,378 views. well, now I just use Argus to control my curve and keep 0 rpm on (MSI AB doesn't work for me). Using the program is very easy, you only ave to run it and you'll view the temperature. I wish I had known about it earlier, or maybe I did see something in message boards, but I recall some refrain about software fan control causing a lot of glitches. Argus Monitor as application software has no possibility to read out the wiring of the fans used on a certain mainboard via software. 1 3 31. comments. I didn't think controlling GPU temp was possible outside of GPU-specific software, and I bought a 3080 FTW3 Ultra with hopes of using its PWM fan header connected to a PWM fan hub to control most of my intake/exhaust fans based on GPU temperature. I also bought Argus monitor after testing it on my custom watercooled build. 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