Star Wars Rebels - Zero Hour: Part 1 [S03E20]. Ezra Bridger then suggested that they find a place to hide. What this small-base ship lacks in size and firepower, it makes up with its ability to command your fleet. However, Mart decided to face Imperial reinforcements led by Admiral Konstantine. However, Syndulla finally returned behind the controls of Quarrie's experimental fighter and led the rebels to victory. At some unknown point, Sato lost contact with them after Imperial forces attacked and killed his brother. Sato used the Phoenix Home, a Modified Pelta-class Command Ship, until it was destroyed by Darth Vader, after which he transferred his command to the CR90 corvette Liberator. With diplomacy no longer an option, Sato authorized a sabotage mission by Jarrus to destroy the Protectors' Fang starfighters, which were housed at a base on the third moon of Concord Dawn. As payment for his rescue, Hondo demanded that the rebels supply him with a hyperspace-capable smuggling vessel and a crew. Commander Sato (far left) discussing the Concord Dawn mission with his fellow rebels. After the Ghost landed on the fighter-carrier with the fuel supplies, Sato prepared the fleet to depart for the Yost system. A new Imperial ship captures Ezra, Commander Sato and his crew, forcing Kanan and the clone to go undercover as stormtroopers to free the rebels. In "Zero Hour" Pt. Skin color Before escaping into hyperspace, the rebels dropped the magno-mine over Konstantine's light cruiser; badly damaging the Imperial ship. Jun Sato was a human male with brown-but-greying hair and brown eyes. Sato was later present during a debriefing with Wren, Jarrus, Rex, and the other crew of the Ghost, minus Syndulla. Jun Sato was the by-the-books leader of the Phoenix rebel cell. The Protectors' leader Fenn Rau had allied his people with the Empire and refused to negotiate with the rebels. Source video - Top clips - Next line quiz Sato lost his command ship, Phoenix Home, after it was destroyed by the Sith Lord Darth Vader, after which Sato transferred his command to the CR90 corvette Liberator and later the Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier Phoenix Nest. Shortly later, they were rejoined by Bridger and Chopper. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience. Due to the warlike and militant nature of the Mandalorians, Commander Sato believed that diplomacy would not work and recommended sending a military force to Concord Dawn. View Details. Sato = 3.5 (4.5) * What I mean here is, Sato needs to replace a total of at least three dice to match Ackbar. After Jarrus and Rex escaped the Interdictor in an escape pod, Commander Sato prepared to make a jump into hyperspace. After picking up Sato's Hammer, the rebels were reinforced by Commander Sato who had arrived with a CR90 corvette and several A-wings. Both Sato and Konstantine were killed in the collision but Sato's sacrifice enabled Ezra Bridger and Chopper to escape offworld aboard the Gauntlet to seek help. He was grateful for the assistance of the Ghost crew, who were highly recommended by Fulcrum and Bail Organa, though he hoped they would become more disciplined. His sacrifice enabled Ezra and Chopper to escape and seek reinforcements offworld. [11], Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper stayed behind and managed to convince Mart's crew members Gooti Terez, Jonner Jin, and R3-A3 to leave with them. As part of the rebel fleet, the Spectres, aboard their ship the Ghost, carried out a number of attacks against Imperial targets, securing fuel for Phoenix Home and the CR90 corvettes that it led. REBELS - "Stealth Strike" - A new Imperial ship captures Ezra, Commander Sato, and his crew, forcing Kanan and the clone to go undercover as stormtroopers to free the rebels. [23], About six months later,[24] Sato attended a briefing with the Spectres, Rex, and the rescued pirate Hondo Ohnaka. Phoenix Nest, Atollon system[2] Home Base, manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards, was heavily armored and featured turbolasers and point-defence laser cannons. He was originally the captain of a Pelta-class frigate named Phoenix Home, but upon its destruction he transferred command to a CR-90 class Corvette named the Liberator. Rau along with Sabine, Ezra, and Chopper then departed on a recon mission to Concord Dawn to investigate. Commander Sato and Bridger were then brought before the ship's commanding officer, Admiral Brom Titus. Sato agreed to Syndulla's request that the rebels undertake a reconnaissance mission of Reklam Station. The transmission was from Maketh Tua, a minister in Lothal's Imperial government, who requested that the rebels help her defect from the Empire in exchange for valuable intelligence; the secrets she was willing to share included the names of rebel sympathizers on Lothal and nearby worlds, as well as the true reason for the Empire's presence on Lothal. (ENT: \"Broken Bow\", \"North Star\")One of Jonathan's earliest inspirations for space sciences was a copy of The Cosmos A to Z, which he got on his eighth birthday, in 2120… The initial attempt to break the blockade failed, as Transport 1, which was carrying the supplies, was destroyed. In 2390, after the USS Intrepid-A was destroyed by a Klingon warship, Typhuss took command of the vessel. Sato regarded Mart as stubborn and rebellious but still loved his nephew. Commander Sato had taken Bridger aboard for the mission at the recommendation of Hera Syndulla. Sato had been informed by Senator Organa that a friendly manufacturer had agreed to build more of Quarrie's fighters to support the growing rebellion. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [33], In the 2018 reference book Star Wars: The Rebel Files, Jun Sato's surname is misspelled as "Soto."[34]. Sato responded "now you know until we meet again." [15], Sometime later, Sato lent Phoenix Squadron and the CR90 corvette Transport One to a mission that involved delivering supplies to the famished people of the planet Ibaar, which had been decimated by an Imperial blockade. While traveling through hyperspace, Bridger sensed a disturbance in the Force. Sato remained aboard the rebel fighter carrier while the crew of the Ghost traveled to the base to deliver a shipment of power generators. Recognizing Syndulla's piloting expertise, he promoted her as the next Phoenix Leader.[16]. Vader's attack led to Phoenix Home suffering critical damage and, despite the suggestions of Captain Syndulla—who, along with her crew had boarded the Ghost to engage Vader—Sato at first refused to abandon the command ship. When captured by Admiral Brom Titus, Sato was not afraid and tried to intimidate the Admiral by claiming that he and his crew were members of the Corporate Alliance. How-to use Commander "Commander Sato" - Star Wars Armada Explained (SWAE), "While a friendly ship is attacking a ship at distance 1 of a friendly squadron, before rolling attack dice, the attacker may replace up to 2 dice in its attack pool with an equal number of dice of any color or colors.". Sato watching the destruction of the Interdictor. Commander Sato commanded the Phoenix rebel cell, including a group of A-wing starfighters known as Phoenix Squadron. As a result, Rau decided to join the rebellion. [25], Later, Commander Sato chaired a briefing where he informed the Spectres of the destruction of a rebel convoy to Teralov. Directed by Dave Filoni, Brad Rau. [7], By 4 BBY,[8] Commander Sato led the Phoenix Cell during the Age of the Empire. Commander Sato believed that the mission was worth the risk and allowed the Ghost crew to return to Lothal to help Minister Tua. Despite being born in upstate New York, (ENT: \"North Star\", \"Storm Front\") Archer variously claimed to have lived \"all\" or \"most\" of his life prior to 2151 in San Francisco. During Darth Vader's assault on the Rebel Fleet, Sato at first refused to allow his crew to abandon Phoenix Home, as he was unwilling to lose his own command ship. This mission was a success and the rebels also succeeded in capturing Fenn Rau, who agreed to allow the rebels safe passage through the Concord Dawn system in return for keeping his capture a secret from the Empire. [3] He was a by-the-books commander,[12] operating his cell using military protocols. [27], Later, Commander Sato received intelligence that Imperial forces were about to launch a crackdown on rebel sympathizers on Mykapo. [2], Commander Sato's sacrifice was not in vain as it allowed Ezra and Chopper to seek help from Sabine and Clan Wren on Krownest to take down the second Interdictor cruiser. During a mission to Takobo, Ezra accidentally revealed the location of the Phoenix rebels' presence on Garel to one of the Seventh Sister's ID9 seeker droids. [32] The character was first revealed in Rebels Recon, a behind the scenes video series hosted on, for the first season finale "Fire Across the Galaxy." [12] During Darth Vader's assault on the Phoenix fleet, Sato at first refused to allow his crew to abandon Phoenix Home, as he was unwilling to lose his own command ship. Before the ship's power systems shut down, Sato managed to send a distress transmission that was picked up by the crew of the Ghost. [3] As a result of the loss of Phoenix Home, Sato transferred his command to the CR90 corvette Liberator,[12] though he felt that it hampered the fleet's ability to fight the Empire. There, they discovered that the Imperial Viceroy Gar Saxon's Imperial Super Commandos had wiped out the Protectors. [2], Commander Jun Sato was a character created for the second season of the animated television series Star Wars Rebels. After Hera and her team reported their finding, Commander Sato described their mission as a success because they rescued Saw and obtained a deflector core. [17], During the fighting, Rex stayed behind to hold off the stormtroopers and was captured. Sato informed Quarrie of Organa's plan to further production of Quarrie's starfighters. Any ship with 2+ dice in one arc and 1+ in another will hit harder in a Sato double arc than it will with Ackbar dice - and yes, that applies to the entire rebel fleet. Eventually, Sato was caught red-handed smuggling stolen crystals. [11], Sato was ready to lay down his life for the rebellion. Using this information, the Empire launched an attack on Garel. A new Imperial ship captures Ezra, Commander Sato, and his crew, forcing Kanan and Rex to go undercover as stormtroopers to free the rebels. [17], Sato's corvette was then pulled into the ventral hangar of the Interdictor and boarded by Imperial forces. By cross-referencing Republic and Lasat star charts, the friend of Sabine Ketsu Onyo had identified Berzite's moon as a prospective location for a rebel base. Please upload a relevant canonical image, and place it here. Captain Hera Syndulla of the Ghost regretted being unable to secure the shield generators for the fleet, but they had secured additional fuel to maintain Phoenix operations. However, Mattin survived and took over leadership of the Iron Squadron. Data was composed of 24.6 kilograms of tripolymer composites, 11.8 kilograms of molybdenum-cobalt alloys and 1.3 kilograms of bioplast sheeting. The rebels escaped Lothal aboard a stolen shuttle after the Empire assassinated Tua, implicating the rebels in the crime, and they returned to Phoenix Home. However, they were pulled out of hyperspace again by the Interdictor, which had been joined by two Arquitens-class light cruisers. After Sabine's return from the Skystrike Academy, Sato welcomed Wedge Antilles and Hobbes to the rebellion. At the recommendation of Senator Organa, Sato welcomed the Spectres into his fleet, and the two cells fought side by side in a number of engagements. It was then that the crew's astromech droid C1-10P, nicknamed "Chopper," arrived in the Phoenix Home command center carrying a message from Lothal. After one such attack, in which the Spectres led the Phoenix cell's group of A-wing fighters, known as Phoenix Squadron, in an attempt to steal Imperial shield generators, Sato commended the Ghost crew for their work. Brown[3] Sato and his forces arrived in time to attack Admiral Konstantine's ships. His skull was composed of cortenide and duranium. Commander Jun Sato (voiced by Keone Young) is the leader of the Phoenix Squadron rebel cell. Despite his reservations, Sato allowed Syndulla and Wren to proceed with their mission. However, Syndulla received information from Chopper and the Imperial inventory droid AP-5 that the Empire had set a trap there. So far, Ezra reported nothing out of the ordinary. [26], After the rebellion lost contact with the Protectors on the third moon of Concord Dawn, Commander Sato and Phoenix Leader Hera Syndulla summoned the Protectors' leader Fenn Rau for a briefing in the war room aboard a CR90 corvette. The effect of this Upgrade Card triggers during Attack Step 2: "Roll Attack Dice", before rolling attack dice. Commander Sato, there are several ships emerging from hyperspace. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. (TNG: \"The Most Toys\") All told, his mass was approximately one hundred kilograms. [10] After the rescue, Sato welcomed the Spectres into his fleet, after they were highly recommended by Senator Organa and Commander Tano.[12]. After learning that Bridger had disobeyed orders and embarked on a recovery mission, Sato, Syndulla, and Jarrus traveled to Yarma and rescued Bridger's team and the stolen Y-wings. [Goro Sato] Good evening, everyone. However, Jarrus and Bridger stayed behind to use the Ghost for a second run against the blockade, which would happen if Syndulla was deemed to be taking too long.[16]. Sato's ability is based around squadrons, so only taking 2 of them is dumb. [3], Sato was a strategist who realized the importance of the rebellion in winning new recruits,[26] new starships,[16] and finding a base. Tan[3] Sato is one of the few commanders in the game that your opponent can actively counter his ability, the vast majority of commander abilities just happen but because sato has a stipulation to his ability that “attacking a ship at distance 1 of a friendly squadron” phrase makes it so if they can keep squadrons out of distance one of there ships they will effectively counter your 32 point commander. Homeworld Jun Sato was a human male who commanded the Phoenix Cell, a resistance group that operated against the Galactic Empire in the years prior to the Battle of Yavin. Rebel forces clashed again with the blockade. Hera's team succeeded in rescuing Saw, befriending the Geonosian Klik-Klak and discovering irrefutable evidence that the Empire had perpetrated genocide against the Geonosian species. (TNG: \"Inheritance\") Data's upper spinal support was a polyalloy designed to withstand extreme stress. [2], During the Battle of Atollon, Imperial-class Star Destroyers easily destroyed many of Phoenix Squadron's ships as well as most of General Dodonna's fleet. Once there, they realized that the Empire had placed a tracking device on the shuttle. [19], Following the loss of one A-wing starfighter during one of Phoenix Squadron's missions, the Phoenix rebels needed a place to land and protect their remaining starfighters. He told Hera that he owed her and her crew a great debt. He doesn’t really compete against other Rebel commanders for use in a certain archetype. 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