In German, the definite article is much more important than it is in English. With practice you'll come to automatically pronounce these letters correctly in German. Perhaps you tell yourself: I’m not good at language learning. small words which replace nouns and establish possession) Unfortunately, all the possessive pronouns have different endings in the dative case, too. share. Dative Case in German - Section 4. In English, you would also often say it’s 25 to or 25 past. German time allows you to express the half hour, probably like you’re used to. But can it be done by the average person without getting really confused? Let me know in the comments! Today I want to show you different ways how to tell time in German. It’s 7:16pm. Es ist ein Uhr. To tell the exact time you say the hour and then the minutes but make sure you put the word ‚ Uhr ‚ this time between the hour and the minutes when you speak it. 45. If you were wondering how to say a word or a phrase in Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Japanese or Russian, this site will help you to get the answer. For example: Keep in mind this isn’t military time like we use in English. This lesson will focus on the nominative case in German. It is also a place to discuss the language at large and for the kinds of submissions that elaborate on the reasons why we're interested in German, where they're not geographically specific like /r/DE, /r/Austria or /r/Switzerland. 3:25 Uhr: Es ist drei Uhr fünfundzwanzig. 17:30 Uhr Wie spät ist es? Me: ‘Oui, on va lancer une fete!’ (we’re going to throw a party) My 3 year old: Lancer fete! Germany (German: Deutschland), officially Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland), is a country in Central Europe.The country's full name is sometimes shortened to the FRG (or the BRD, in German).. To the north of Germany are the North and Baltic Seas, and the kingdom of Denmark.To the east of Germany are the countries of Poland and the Czech Republic. And it knowing it exists will save you the, “What the heck did you just say?” face I pulled when I first heard it. [...], Whether or not I feel lonely in travelling by myself for such a long time is one of the biggest questions I get asked when people hear about my lifestyle of over eight years of solo travel, and something I'll tell you all about today. 21 Inspiring German Proverbs for German Learners. Still with me so far? If you see an hour greater than 12 just subtract 12 to get the p.m. time. Anything you’re stuck on? It’s half past eight. Useful German Phrase: “(Es) kommt darauf an” is a phrase Germans use to say “it depends”. Based on from what I’ve seen in my Indian friends who know German:— The speaking part won’t be hard. In some regions, they take the halb sechs logic further and use viertel sechs (literally “quarter six”) to refer to “quarter past five” and dreiviertel sechs to refer to “quarter to six”. Time plays a fundamental role in our everyday conversations. (It’s 5:30 p.m.) Es … To do this you would use this sentence structure: Es ist viertel nach [number] (It is quarter past [number]) You will see that learning German using the story telling method is fun and very effective. Let’s practice a little with the examples of No 1 and No 2. In the following I will explain you all the possibilities of how to tell time in German. I’m the creator of this website and if you like, I’m going to teach you German up to a fluent level. Resources for further reading: The time it takes to learn German properly; Find out how to pronounce German words properly In this article, I want to give you a foundation to help you express the right time, make plans with people and understand some of Germany's time-related nuances. Eine Anleitung zum Blockieren von Cookies finden Sie hier. 12:10 Uhr Wie spät ist es? German Language Stack Exchange is a bilingual question and answer site for speakers of all levels who want to share and increase their knowledge of the German language. Current local time in Germany – Berlin. I don’t have enough money to travel the world and properly learn this language. This technique is very effective to store new information (the words, pronunciation, structure etc.) Learning German opens the door to many intellectual, technical, political, and economic fields. Get Berlin's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Possessive pronouns in the nominative case (i.e. HowDoYouSay.Net provides translations, pronunciation and other vocabulary help for words and phrases in some of the most popular languages of the world. (13 – 12 = 1), 15:00 Uhr: Es ist fünfzehn Uhr. Therefore we must use the masculine accusative form of gut , i.e. Download one of my mini stories without registration. But in German, they would be expressed as half of the next hour. The simplest way to ask for that information is: This question puts the ball in their court and allows them to suggest a time to meet. It is a really polite option. To keep this simple, let’s keep the timestamps exact. You can also just use the example from the last section to say it’s 30 minutes past the hour. It’s five past ten. In German it is a little tricky when we have 30 minute left to the next hour. I know.). Asking someone the time is a great ice-breaker question, even if you don't really need to know the time! I flunked languages in school. It’s five fourty-five. Both languages are Germanic languages; English, as mentioned earlier, is a global language and official language in 54 countries whereas German is a European language and spoken by Germans, Austrians and Swiss people. For example, in Cologne, unless someone is clearly older than you, you could ask in the impolite form. Let’s start with some of the essential words you’ll need to express time, times of day and the German days of the week. I’m too old to learn a [...], Is it your dream to speak Spanish with ease? When referring to twelve o’clock you can say either Mittag (“noon”) or Mitternacht (“midnight”). It’s seven thirty-four. When it’s 27 minutes past or 27 minutes to, you can say it’s half past as you normally would. To tell the exact time you say the hour and then the minutes but make sure you put the word ‚Uhr‚ this time between the hour and the minutes when you speak it. (19 – 12 = 7), 20:45 Uhr: Es ist zwanzig Uhr fünfundvierzig. You can divide an hour like a pie into quarters (4×15 minutes) and use the words: Viertel vor and Viertel nach. (In the sense of: It’s half way to nine.). Okay, that should just about do us for telling the time numerically. (15 – 12 = 3), 17:30 Uhr: Es ist siebzehn Uhr dreißig. As an example, a Nominativ noun is the subject and it’s completing the action. But what’s different is that Germans talk about the hour to come, and not the hour you’re currently in. save hide report. 7:34 Uhr Wie spät ist es? = It’s ten o’clock. Frage: Wie spät ist es? It’s two sixteen. By the way, time in German means ‚Zeit‘ Besides the numbers you also need to know the words below the picture. You’ll also need to know the German numbers before you try to tell numerical time. Es ist viertel vor [number] (It is quarter to [number]). Example No 2. Find more German words at! “Isn't travelling alone… lonely?” [...], Let's face it; being able to speak multiple languages would be really cool. 3:40 Uhr: Es ist zwanzig vor vier. Today I want to cover some personal pronouns (ich, du, er, sie, es) and the corresponding endings of the verbs.You will also learn how to ask a question in German. Es ist sieben Uhr vierunddreißig. 2:50 Uhr: Es ist zehn vor drei. You use the word: halb but then you add the next hour! Take a look at these three time-stamps. Likewise, memorizing the German alphabet is a good way to master your German pronunciation. 10:05 Uhr: Es ist fünf nach zehn. It’s (a) quarter past six. Germany (German: Deutschland, German pronunciation: [ˈdɔʏtʃlant]), officially the Federal Republic of Germany (German: Bundesrepublik Deutschland, listen), is a country in Central and Western Europe.Covering an area of 357,022 square kilometres (137,847 sq mi), it lies between the Baltic and North seas to the north, and the Alps to the south. If we have less than 30 minutes to the next hour we can use the word: vor. Answer the questions in the pauses (you may look also at the answers). Use these to create a spaced repetition deck or just add them to your revision list! As an Indian, you’ll have mastered nearly all of the sounds in your own language that also occur in German. But what’s different is that Germans talk about the hour to come, and not the hour you’re currently in. Telling the time opens up a world of storytelling, helps you to make plans with your German friends and ensures you don’t miss your train. (What time is it?) In German, the article would also be included to say "die natur ist wunderschön." Nominative Case The first of the four cases is the nominative case . If you really just want to know what time it is on the clock, you can ask any of these questions and someone will respond with one expressions you saw in the last section. It’s two sixteen. The indefinite article ("a" or "an" in English) is ein or eine in German. We will discuss each of them separately. [...]. German still uses four grammatical cases: Nominativ, Genitiv, Dativ and Accusativ. Here are a few examples: It’s always a quarter past the current hour and a quarter to the upcoming one. But if you did that in Bavaria, you might get some funny looks. Here’s how it looks: Es ist [Number] Uhr [Number] – “It is [number] o’clock [number]”. When it’s 27 minutes past or 27 minutes to, you can say it’s half past as you normally would. What you read may surprise you! After a few times don't look at the answers anymore. 19 comments. Furthermore, it is the de facto language of the United Kingdom, the United States and Austra… Making plans and booking travel should be a breeze with this information. 7:34 Uhr: Es ist sieben Uhr vierunddreißig. 6:15 Uhr: Es ist Viertel nach sechs. 4:02 Uhr: Es ist zwei nach vier. By continuing to browse our site we'll assume that you're happy with it and that you agree to our use of cookies and our Privacy Policy. But if you have a time in mind, you can also use the words um and gegen to suggest it: They can then respond with whether that’s okay or if they’d like to meet at a different time. The speed, Farnsworth speed and pitch of the sound are all fully adjustable. For example: If you want to be more precise and still use 12-hour time, note that there is no a.m. or p.m. German alphabet contains three additional symbols for vowels, which are often misunderstood or mispronounced by learners whose mother tongue does not contain the sounds they represent. The third and final option is if you stop someone on the street, or pop into a shop, to ask them what time it is. This will be dependent on where you live as well. Good! /r/German is a community focused on discussion related to learning the German language. The German for it is what it is is es ist was es ist. It’s still the number followed by Uhr. Instead, you can add either nachts (“at night”), morgens (“in the morning”), nachmittags (“in the afternoon”), or abends (“in the evening”). If you want to tell the precise time, down to the minute, the sentence structure is also pretty simple. It’s 5:30pm. That said, as long as vor or nach are used, there’s no room for misunderstanding. guten . (17 – 12 = 5), 19:16 Uhr: Es ist neunzehn Uhr sechzehn. When we have a full hour we put the word ‚Uhr‚ at the end. It’s three twenty-five. Don't be afraid of part B. I use the same words as in part A. 8:30 Uhr: Es ist halb neun. If you get excited when you hear the words, “a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…” or panic when you realise, “our train leaves in five minutes!”, you know exactly what I mean. 3:25 Uhr: Es ist drei Uhr fünfundzwanzig. In German that’s ich wünsche dir einen guten Tag. 13:00 Uhr: Es ist dreizehn Uhr. This language was okay when I started, but now it’s too difficult. Unconventional language hacking tips from Benny the Irish polyglot; travelling the world to learn languages to fluency and beyond! Wie viel Uhr ist es? Let’s move on to the next section, asking for the time. An English-speaker might say "nature is wonderful." You use es with a verb and es ist with an adjective. If neither vor nor nach are used with viertel, it's best to ask for clarification. PRODUCTS • ABOUT BENNY • MEET BENNY • CONTACT • SPEAK IN A WEEK • LANGUAGE HACKING BOOKS • PRIVACY POLICY, As well as managing our Facebook and Twitter feeds, James teaches people how to learn German, and move to Germany, on his blog, What holds you back from speaking another language? It’s more than just saying it’s two o’clock or a quarter past four. 3:25 Uhr Wie spät ist es? (It’s 4:15 a.m.) Es ist siebzehn Uhr dreißig. 5:45 Uhr Wie spät ist es? This time you say the minutes first. Posted by 2 months ago. It’s two past four. You can speak confidently in Spanish – all it takes is lots of practice actually speaking in Spanish and immersing yourself in the language. There’s another rounding that is used in German. German time also allows you to round up to different times between hours, such as quarter past and quarter too. If you want to express the time and keep getting this muddled up, don’t worry. 8:45 Uhr: Es ist Viertel vor neun. (It’s 1 a.m.) Es ist Viertel nach vier. It’s (a) quarter to nine. Hi, my name is Lucas Kern from Germany. Fluent in 3 months - Language Hacking and Travel Tips. In informal situations you can leave out the “es”. Much like English, you can keep it pretty simple by rounding up to a closer, easier to express time, too. (Yeah, I know. Here’s how that would look in practice: Also like in English, you can use the 12-hour clock. In German, weather phrases can begin with es (it is, or it's) or es ist (which also means "it is" or "it's). In the English-German dictionary you will see many opportunities to improve upon your English or German language skills. Easy: all German days of the week are masculine. But before we start, I want to teach you some important vocabulary. It's … 2:16 Uhr: Es ist zwei Uhr sechzehn. Make sure that you imitate the pronunciation of the speaker. Der eingeblendete Hinweis Banner dient dieser Informationspflicht. It’s exactly the same structure as English, which is really simple and easy to remember. The first two on the list you could use in general conversation with your friends. All English-German translations from our dictionary With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for Who is it and thousands of other words. What time is it? In this lesson we find out about how to ask and tell the time. For example: to eat, to drink, to come, to read… => in German: ess en, trink en, komm en, les en …. But now I want to know, do you have any questions about German time? 10:00 Uhr Wie spät ist es? Close. Here we’ll look at some questions you might be asked (or can ask yourself) about the time. It’s great when you want to be evasive or noncommittal in your response. Germany Anti-coronavirus protests: How safe is the German parliament? 12:10 Uhr: Es ist zehn nach zwölf. Das Wetter Expressions Es ist drei Uhr fünfundzwanzig. It’s one o’clock. Germany German Catholic Church is losing priests and parishes. The subject of a sentence is always in the nominative case.The subject is normally the person or thing performing the action of a verb. (Do you know what time it is?) When we have a full hour we put the word ‚, This is how you tell the exact time in German, To tell the exact time you say the hour and then the minutes but make sure you put the word ‚, Telling the time in German with the word 'Viertel vor/nach', How to tell the time in German with the 24 hour system. Word ‚Uhr‚ at the answers anymore Uhr dreißig only way to master your pronunciation... Here we go: Personally, I’ve not used this expression a lot practice: also like English! Rooted in the sense of: it ’ s ( a ) quarter to the questions easily but before start. Yourself in the dative case, too German pronunciation before or after half as... Normally would ( “noon” ) or Mitternacht ( “midnight” ), memorizing the German numbers before try. Previous section a full hour we can use zwei Uhr ( “two )! 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