Kheiron Medical Thei technology is intended to act as an independent reader alongside human radiologists to help reduce errors in breast cancer detection. me Head of Product at Ably, ex-Onfido, ex-Kheiron Medical, Entrepreneur First alumni. Kheiron Medical’s first product, Mia, has been developed to improve the outcomes for those diagnosed with breast cancer – more than two million women every year. 13% of the top EF startups are focused on employing AI to reach more accurate customer insights. ‘It matters what the most ambitious people do with their lives,’ thus reads the home page of Entrepreneur First’s website, Europe’s top startup incubator. Jill sits on the board of and is … As medical developments zoom ahead, it’s increasingly the startups that are leading the charge. © University of Oxford document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); University of Oxford Department of Computer Science, 13:00 11th October 2016 ( week 1, Michaelmas Term 2016 ), Entrepreneur First: Kheiron: empowering radiologists with deep learning,, Events for prospective students and schools groups. In fact, most of the top EF startups’ founders, on average, have at least 10 years of work experience prior to launching their startups. This supports the thesis that currently EF shows no specific interest in any particular domain when it makes its investment decisions. The 15 startups analyzed for the purpose of this report are: Knowledge Officer provides different data analysis services that you can further explore on our business page. A Kheiron Medical története. The data also reveals a promising interest in building up research, operations, and customer support functions. The two co-founders, Peter and Tobias, met each other while at Entrepreneur First. Degrees in social & behavioral sciences, primarily economics, come in third at 20%, followed by degrees in non-computer engineering at 18%. The second most common organizations where the top EF startups’ teams gain their experience from are the huge corporations consisting of 10,000+ employees, as they comprise 18% of the total work experience of the top EF startups’ team members. Experience in micro-companies, consisting of less than 10 employees, is equally unfavorable, comprising only 11% of the total work experience of the startups’ team members. Kheiron Medical was founded in 2016 by my colleague Tobias Rijken and myself with the sole focus of supporting the work of breast … Computer engineering and computer science lead the way with 44% of the top EF startups’ founders holding an academic degree in it, followed by 22% in the social and behavioral sciences, primarily economics. This implies that although 61% of the startups’ founders have a ‘technical edge’ in total, a ‘domain edge’ is still an important asset to have, although not at a 1:1 ratio. And if you’re interested in analyzing your own skills, get your free skills gap report from our skills insights page. I've just finished watching Entrepreneur First 's sixth cohort’s Demo Day in London. Entrepreneur First is supported by AWS Activate and Vitruvian Partners. The academic disciplines of the founders of the top EF startups vary with computer sciences and computer engineering leading the way, followed by degrees in the social and behavioral sciences, primarily economics. UO graduate alumnus Fei Mao, who went on to become a leading biotech entrepreneur, will return to campus April 12 for the third instalment of the Distinguished Alumni Speakers Program on April 12. It is also clear that the DNA that EF looks for in its aspiring founders is the same DNA that the founders themselves look for in the teams they build. 53% of the top EF startups have been built by 2 founders, followed by 20% by 3 founders, and 13% by only one founder. However, currently, radiologists don't have enough capacity to report adequately on all cases. Kheiron’s mission is to give a better fighting chance against cancer and its current focus is breast screening. Galvin Khara Machine Learning Research Engineer at Kheiron Medical. 28% of the top EF startups’ founders have at least 10-15 years of prior work experience, followed by 25% having at least 7-10 years of work experience. Entrepreneur First Recommended for you. In this report, we attempt to investigate in more depth what the Entrepreneur First’s most successful startups have in common to know ‘what the most ambitious people actually do’ to build these startups. About Kheiron: Founded in 2016 by Dr Peter Kecskemethy and Tobias Rijken, Kheiron was incubated in Entrepreneur First in London. It also tackles the current problem around the shortage of staff needed to accurately interpret mammograms. The selection has been made according to the total amount of funding these startups have succeeded to secure since their graduation from the EF program. If you want to progress in your career and learn from the best people and the best resources on the internet, then try our mobile and website and support our campaign on ProductHunt. This can be attributed to the fact that, according to Entrepreneur First, almost 80% of its cohorts members are selected based on a tech ‘edge’. Tobias Rijken – Kheiron Medical. This finding suggests that from an EF perspective, a Master’s or Ph.D. is a great way of attaining a ‘technical edge’ and that this edge is as necessary for the teams as it is for the founders. Made by Alchemy Digital. With access to a unique dataset of medical images, Kheiron develops algorithms using the latest advancements in machine learning to help radiologists with their day-to-day tasks both in terms of improving diagnostic accuracy and diagnostic productivity.Radiology is an absolutely vital element in the healthcare system as the primary window to understand what is happening inside the body. 53% of the top EF startups’ founders hold master’s degrees, followed by 17% holding PhDs. This preference to the ‘technical edge’ is evident even in the startups operating in the most domain-heavy industries such as Mavrx and Kheiron Medical, where computing and engineering degrees significantly surpass the number of degrees in the life and physical sciences by 31% and 40% respectively. 17% of the top EF startups’ founders have more than 15 years of experience prior to their startups’ launch, followed by 11% with 5-7 years of experience. We’ve made significant breakthroughs with our breast cancer screening product Mia but this is just the beginning of our … Kheiron is based in London, in close proximity to leading academic machine learning groups at UCL and Imperial College. Kheiron Medical is a medical imagery company that uses machine learning technologies to develop tools for radiologists that improve the efficiency and accuracy of radiology reporting. A postgraduate degree makes it much easier for startups to validate the ‘why me’ and ‘why now’ questions that EF asks as it selects which startups to move forward with. Experience in companies of other sizes seems unfavorable as experience in companies that consist of 200-500 employees comprises 9% of the total work experience of the startups’ team members, companies with 500-1000 employees 6%, companies with 1000-5000 employees 11%, and companies with 5000-10000 employees 4%. Almost equal attention is paid to research, operations, and customer support, representing an average of 9%, 8%, and 7% of the top EF startups’ teams respectively. We interviewed Kheiron Medical CEO Peter Kecskemethy ahead of his presentation: AI for breast screening - a report from the trenches: Delivering practical value to the NHS. Kheiron Medical Technologies was founded with the sole focus of helping radiologists detect breast cancer earlier with machine learning software. The domain edges vary to cover different areas such as real estate, healthcare, education, communications, marketing insights, personal finance, manufacturing, and gaming. Prior work experience in small and medium-sized companies (11-200 employees) is the most common factor among the top EF startups’ team members, comprising 41% of their total experience. Among the rising stars of Entrepreneur First are Tractable, Kheiron Medical, Chattermill, Mavryx, and many more. Despite the commonly-propagated image of startup founders being fresh, young Ivy-League-college dropouts, the data reveals that the top EF startups have founders grounded in previous work experience. So far, we’ve helped 2,000+ people create 300+ companies, worth over $2bn combined. ‘87% of the top EF startups have more than one founder.’ Click To Tweet. The data is almost equally distributed across all work experience ranges, except for the 7-10 year work experience range. Join Us Join us on our mission to revolutionise cancer diagnostics through the power of deep learning. Then, we have put our Talent & People Insights at work to analyze the knowledge, skills, and work experiences of these startups’ founders and teams to develop a better understanding of the DNA of the successful startups that EF backs. The top two countries for global tech talent are the UK and the USA, with 73% and 12% of the top EF startups’ teams being located in them. It is also apparent that having a significant tech edge with reasonable skill in finance, investment, and marketing are important components of a successful EF startup. Prior work experience in financial services and investment companies comprises 11% of the total work experience of the top EF startups’ team members, indicating this domain to be the second most important domain that needs to exist in the DNA of an EF startup team. In short, we seek to empower radiologists to work better which in turn saves more lives. There is no one domain that is specifically driving the interest of Entrepreneur First. Kheiron will help them increase their throughput, impacting all areas of healthcare.Peter's background in High Performance Computing, Edith's radiology experiece, combined with Tobias' experience with machine learning constitutes a team with tightly coupled domain and tech expertise - a necessity for conducting research and rolling it out rapidlyKheiron is working with partners and leading investors from Europe and the US to grow a world-class machine learning team in the field of medical imaging and to tackle some of the most-pressing, highest impact and hardest problems in healthcare. The least common experience ranges are the 0-3 year experience range and the 3-5 year experience range ranking at 6% and 3% respectively. The majority of the top EF startups have been founded by more than one entrepreneur, with (2) being the most common number of founders for the startups. Although the data may seem to point otherwise at first glance, a deeper look makes it clear that 10 out of the 15 top EF startups have at least one of their founders with significant ‘edge’ in the target domain. The second most common degrees are degrees in business administration, being held by 29% of the startups’ team members. In the meanwhile, it is clear that being powered with skills data analysis enables companies to objectively investigate the skill sets of their employees and make decisions for the future. In fact, the 15 startups analyzed offer solutions in a wide array of domains such as real estate, healthcare, education, communications, marketing insights, personal finance, manufacturing, gaming, disaster recovery, geographical positioning, and agriculture. To that purpose, we have employed our Talent & People Insights in Knowledge Officer to select the top 15 startups that have been incubated by Entrepreneur First since their founding in 2011. Experience in the marketing and advertising industry comes in third as it comprises 5% of the top EF startups’ team members’ backgrounds, indicating its less, yet essential, importance as a domain edge to have in an EF startup. It is free and open to the public. Kheiron is building deep learning powered tools to empower radiologists. About Kheiron: Kheiron Medical Technologies' mission is to help clinicians detect breast cancer earlier and more accurately. Jill was a Pacific NW 2017 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year, and was named the 2017 Oregon Technology Executive of the Year—the first woman to receive this recognition. Entrepreneur First is where the world’s most ambitious technical founders build their companies from scratch. We hope you found the report useful. ‘31% of the top EF startups’ teams have more than 10 years of work experience before joining the startups, versus 14% in the 0-3 year work experience range.’ Click To Tweet. Experience in IT services companies, internet companies, and computer software companies comprises 31% of the total experience of the top EF startups’ team members, further supporting the preference to the ‘tech edge’. The second best incubator for EF startup talent seems to be huge corporations employing 10,000+ employees. How many employees does Kheiron Medical have? ... Kheiron Medical Kheiron Medical helps breast cancer patients live longer, better lives through earlier detection. Akmal Bakar Research Engineer at Autodesk. Both are not prerequisites for entry into the program but seem as assets that increase a startup’s chances of success with EF. Peter practically grew up in hospitals, … You will be joining a company that truly believes that the power of AI working together with doctors and clinicians brings the best outcomes to patients. We invest time and money in the world’s most talented and ambitious individuals, helping them to find a co-founder, develop an idea, and start a company. ; github; twitter; LinkedIn; thoughts 2020-10-11 Themed backlogs with future work; 2020-10-06 Join my team at Ably! It can also be deduced that postgraduate education does signify a ‘domain’ or ‘tech’ edge to EF along with a minimum of 10 years of work experience. ; 2019-08-02 Moving On; 2017-04-02 Joining Kheiron; rss Ivan Kavalerov. Tobias co-founded Kheiron Medical to develop tools for radiologists through the use of ‘machine learning’, which helps improve the efficiency and accuracy of radiology reporting. Our team brings together some of the best minds in technology and healthcare, including deep learning experts and engineers from universities, experienced clinical academics and radiologists from across Europe. Engineers comprise the biggest group of the startups’ teams as they represent 32% of the top EF startups’ teams, on average. We are not perfect! Entrepreneur First Investment Manager LLP (807367) is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The data reveals that when it comes to building teams, the top EF startups are built around high computer engineering skills with other skills being complementary. A Kheiron Medical története. This suggests that seasoned professionals are the most sought after talent group in the top EF startups and that they are necessary to build a successful startup that EF would support. In addition to Master’s degrees, 12% of the startups’ team members hold PhDs. Entrepreneur First pays you to find a co-founder & invests in your company. Ernest Henry Wemme is best known in Oregon history for being a successful businessman and philanthropist. Magyarországon vannak a gyökerei, Londonban a központja, San Franciscóban, Amszterdamban és Budapesten az irodája és már 15 brit kórházban alkalmazzák a szoftverét. Next, comes the group of founders and advisors, representing, on average, 12% of the top EF startups’ teams. The least attractive talent group for the top EF startups is the 0-3 year work experience group, comprising only 14% of their teams, indicating that freshers are the least favorable group for the top EF startups. Although 93% of the top EF startups are headquartered in the UK and 73% of their teams are located in the UK, the data shows that the remaining 27% are located in 40 different countries around the world. 42% of the top EF startups’ founders have significant domain experience, as opposed to 47% with no domain experience at all, suggesting that domain experience does not matter. At Kheiron, we are going where only a few have gone before; seeking a new understanding of cancer and how to detect it using artificial intelligence and human insight. Excluding the UK and the USA, the top EF startups’ teams are mainly distributed across Europe, Asia, and Africa at 5.7%, 3.7%, and 2.6% respectively. Read the announcement here There is a clear preference, according to the academic backgrounds of the top EF startups’ teams, to calibers with a ‘technical edge’ as they comprise a significantly higher proportion of the teams, in comparison to calibers with a ‘domain edge’. Business administration comes at 8%, law at 6%, humanities at 3%, and surprisingly mathematics & statistics at 3%. Non-Computer engineering comes in as the third most common academic discipline among the startups’ founders, being studied by 17% of them. This suggests that global diversity is built in the DNA of the top EF startups as they give priority to acquiring and maintaining a ‘tech edge’ in their domains. The talk will be at 3 p.m. in the Ford Alumni Center’s Giustina Ballroom. ‘73% of the top EF startups have artificial intelligence at the base of their solutions.’, ‘87% of the top EF startups have more than one founder.’, 44% of the top EF startups’ founders have a university degree in computer science or computer engineering.’, ‘69% of the top EF startups’ founders hold a postgraduate degree in their fields.’, ‘44% of the top EF startups’ founders have had at least 10 years of work experience before attempting to launch their startups.’, ‘10 out of the 15 top EF startups have at least one of their founders with significant domain experience.’, ‘Engineering appears to be the most important function in all of the top EF startups, comprising on average 32% of their teams.’, ‘27% of the top EF startups’ teams come from 40 different countries around the world.’, ‘31% of the top EF startups’ teams have more than 10 years of work experience before joining the startups, versus 14% in the 0-3 year work experience range.’, ‘69% of the top EF startups’ teams have 1-2 postgraduate degrees.’, ‘41% of the top EF startups’ team members have a degree in computer engineering; 29% in business administration.’, ‘Experience in tech companies comprises 31% of the total work experience of the top EF startups’ team members, followed by experience in the financial and investment services companies at 11%.’, ‘Small and medium sized companies dominate the backgrounds of the top EF startups’ teams.’, Entrepreneur First is the world’s leading talent investor. Kheiron Medical has 59 employees. Galvin Khara. From young teams springing out of Europe’s best medical universities, to entrepreneurs twinning up with expert clinical practitioners who have found a problem to solve, there is no shortage of European medtech … You can check the published data analysis reports of other companies here. Hear from the Healthtech entrepreneur pioneering AI in Radiology to detect breast cancer earlier. • Developed the first version of Mia - Kheiron’s flagship product • Built a product development process together with the Regulatory representative, covering multifunctional nature of product development in the medical device industry (business, medical, technical, research, security, etc). Who are Kheiron Medical … Kheiron Medical Technologies was founded with the sole focus of helping radiologists detect breast cancer earlier with machine learning software. Reliable early detection can mean the difference between life and death for these women, but it is very resource intensive to build and maintain high … Degrees in humanities, life sciences, physical sciences, and mathematics and statistics are less common, being held by 12%, 11%, 11%, and 10% of the startups’ team members respectively. The coincidence is worth mentioning– 69% of the top EF startups’ founders hold postgraduate degrees; similarly, 69% of the teams they build hold at least one postgraduate degree. No specific domain dominates the work experience of the top EF startups’ team members, as a combination of 98 different domains appears in their background experiences. Kheiron combines novel deep learning methods, data science, and radiology expertise to enable an entirely new level of diagnostics that are designed to detect cancers and improve patient … Only 17% of the top EF startups’ founders hold only a Bachelor’s degree, with the highest academic degrees of the other 14% remaining unknown. 4:24. We ask the question, ‘What kind of knowledge and experience does EF look for in the startup founders it supports?’ and ‘What knowledge and skills do they look for when building their startup teams?’. Kheiron is building deep learning powered tools to empower radiologists. 24% of the top EF startups’ teams have 7-10 years of work experience before joining the startups. So send us at The funding will accelerate the roll out and rapid adoption of Mia (Mammography Intelligent Assessment) to address critical challenges in breast screening services in the UK. He met his business partner through Entrepreneur First’s pre-seed investment programme, which … Kheiron Medical was founded in 2016. Who are Kheiron Medical key executives? The results of this research remain inconclusive and further research across larger datasets are required to reach conclusive results. So far, Entrepreneur First has helped 2,000+ people create 300+ companies, worth a combined $2bn. Contact … A deeper look reveals that 10 out of the 15 startups have at least one of their founders with significant ‘edge’ in the target domain, implying that as founders come together to build a startup, the shortage of ‘domain edge’ in some of the founders is offset by the significant ‘domain edge’ of at least one of them. The data suggests that, as conventional startup wisdom has it, it’s always a good idea to find a co-founder to help you with your startup and it seems that this is what EF believes too. Among the rising stars of Entrepreneur First are Tractable, Kheiron Medical, Chattermill, Mavryx, and many more. We’ve helped 2,000+ people create 200+ companies, worth a combined $2B. Most of the top EF startups’ team members have had significant experience in small and medium-sized companies that employ 11-200 employees. This is followed by 17% in the 3-5 year work experience range and 16% in the 10-15 year work experience range. Kheiron combines novel deep learning methods, data science, and radiology expertise to enable an entirely new level of diagnostics that are designed to detect cancers and improve patient outcomes. For more information on that, please visit According to the sample analyzed in this report, it is plausible to deduce that, all in all, EF seems true to its vision. Kheiron Medical's key executives are Peter Kecskemethy, Tobias Rijken and Christopher Austin. It appears that, contrary to common business adages, holding a postgraduate degree, in fact, boosts an individual’s ‘edge’ in their fields. About Kheiron: Founded in 2016 by Dr Peter Kecskemethy and Tobias Rijken, Kheiron was incubated in Entrepreneur First in London. Kheiron (pronounced [kahy-ron]) was a Greek centaur of healing. Akmal Bakar. This blends well with EF’s thesis that having a ‘domain’ edge puts aspiring founders at a strong position that enables them to propose innovative solutions that have not been put forward before. To register, please go to: The 5-7 and the 15+ years of work experience ranges are both equally popular, comprising 15% of the teams each. Only 31% of the startups’ team members do not hold any postgraduate degree, suggesting an overall preference for talents with research experience. The data reveals that 69% of the top EF startups’ founders hold postgraduate degrees. The least common number is 4 and 5 founders, each representing only 7% of the top startups. Kheiron is proud to be one of the winners of the first UK Government Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Health and Care Awards. Entrepreneur In Residence at Entrepreneur First. The incubator clearly shows no specific preference to innovations in any particular domain, but does give preference to startups built by teams, not individuals, making up a healthy combination of ‘tech’ and ‘domain’ edges, although clearly not at a 1:1 ratio. The data also suggests that ‘too many founders’ is not ideal. 57% of the top EF startups’ team members hold Master’s degrees in their fields. 13% of the top EF startups focus on offering solutions to enhance the use of AI technologies helping artificial intelligence engineers worldwide. 73% of the top EF startups leverage artificial intelligence versus 27% that do not use AI. As 80% of all Entrepreneur First’s cohort members join with a ‘tech edge’, it comes at no surprise that the startups these founders build are highly engineering-focused. However, the common pattern of the data shows that 73% of them employ some level of artificial intelligence to deliver their solutions. Some domains appear more often than others, though, such as tech, finance and investment, and marketing and advertising. With access to a unique dataset of medical images, Kheiron develops algorithms using the latest advancements in machine learning to help radiologists with their day-to-day tasks both in terms of improving diagnostic accuracy and diagnostic … Ai in Radiology to detect breast cancer earlier successful businessman and philanthropist employing 10,000+ employees Ably,,! Radiologists do n't have enough capacity to report adequately on all cases the group of top. And Imperial College seem as assets that increase a startup’s chances of success with EF for! 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