Buy and sell development land in Austrian Alps without the hassle. {if(window[windowButtons[key]]==true) webLanguage: "en" ',edge)),10);} Tratten Carinthia . "+location.hostname;else if(!domain||domain=="") return cookie_value;break;} {globalSettings.performance.console.push({'what':what,'ready':parseInt(,'last':parseInt(,'lastTime'}) domain=". For more plots to buy, click below on “more results“. '+getTLD(location.hostname,1)+'; expires='+expires;document.cookie=name+'=; path='+paths[i]+'; domain='+getTLD(location.hostname,1)+'; expires='+expires;}} Search through 131 real estate properties for sale in The Australian Alps. +'" value="'+value 1 st BUILDING. 3 double rooms for employees. Flats and apartments for sale in Austria. Moving to Austrian Alps? Our prices come straight from developers, property owners and local agencies. Search homes and properties from $251,100 on a The Australian Alps map. 9+ Bdrm Business For Sale €790,000. The Austrian ski resorts are as varied as those to be found in either the French or the Swiss alps. Luxury property for sale in the French Alps. domain=". = { } "+location.hostname);Delete_Cookie(name,"/",getTLD(location.hostname,1)) {var trackerName=ga.getAll()[0].get('name');cLog('gLog category="'+category Charming for/five-bedroom chalet next to the Ski slope in the ski region Wildkogel. cWrite=name+"="+escape(value)+ Our team of Austrian ski property experts. Total area 70 m² Land area: 122 m² 1,199,000 € New three-bedroom apartment with a private garden in Döbling, Vienna, Austria Total area 136 m² Land area: 216 m² Find exclusive chalets for sale in the Alps in France and Switzerland with Knight Frank. 1/4 Save. = "1" // View Apartments. A selected list of current offers from our portfolio for “buy a plot“ follows. Offer of properties and real estate in Austria for sale. Investment & New Homes +44 (0)20 3040 8240. The Mountain Resort St. Lambrecht, Alpine Residences. 13-15 % YIELD +9 Bedrooms Business For Sale. All apartments have access to either terraces or balconies and have a private storage room in the basement as well as one underground car parking space. var edge=ua.indexOf('Edge/');if(edge>0){return parseInt(ua.substring(edge+5,ua.indexOf('. Delete_Cookie(name,"/");Delete_Cookie(name,"/",". ,ip: "" Date listed: 15 December 2020. Buy and sell development land in Austrian Alps without the hassle. luxury guide. The apartment from the owner with a terrace on the mezzanine, in a residence with pool and tennis courts. The winery comprises a state-of-the-art and fully equipped wine cellar, a representative manor, wine tavern and residential building. The house has a plot with a garden, a swimming pool, a parking space, a sauna and a gym. 03339 395571 Local call rate. On EE24 you could find 209 properties for sale in country Austria. return false;} Find the perfect property for sale in The Austrian Alps. close Austria. Resorts . All; Type. Leave a request, and our expert will contact you to clarify your enquiry and select suitable properties. if(evt.shiftKey){window.shiftPressed=true;}else{window.shiftPressed=false;} More than 700 European agencies and private sellers. if(tellMe==1){alert(ReadJSCookie(name));}} ((secure)? 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