In later experiments in Haryana, two doses of, carbofuran and phorate gave lower incidence (23.8, or higher doses at the end of June (33.4 and 32.3%), or July (26.5 and 25.6%, respectively) (Mrig and. The variation in the, highest incidence (40.0 - 90.9%) in different years, and different genotypes at Karnal, during 1997/98-, 2000/01, led to the suggestion that borer attack during, post-monsoon was dependent upon the climatic, conditions during the monsoon/summer months, (Singh and Madan 2001). Life stages of sugarcane root borer Polyocha depressella : (a) singly laid eggs on leaf lamina (b) single egg (c) grown-up larva (d) pupa (e) moth, Damage symptoms and stages of root borer Polyocha depressella in late stage sugarcane: (a) external bore holes on cane surface (b) internal tunnels with larvae (c) pupal case in damaged cane, . Entomology ; Pests of Sugarcane: Sugarcane Root Borer . It is the only species of borer infesting the, underground portion of canes and, hence, generally, the larva in any stage does not or cannot bore into, the pest was described as the most destructive of, the insects that attack the underground parts of. Studies on comparative field efficacy of insecticides against, Emmalocera depressella Swinhoe revealed that chloropyrifos-20 EC was found to be superior showing highest range (36.33 to 38.00%) of germination, lowest (8.94 to 7.11) cumulative incidence percentage and highest (77.33 to 79.77 t/ha) yield followed by imidacloprid 17.8 SL, the range being 35.33 % to 36.16%; 10.88% to 9.78% and 76.00 to 77.66 (t/ha) in germination, cumulative incidence and yield, respectively. is the only species of borer infesting the underground portion of sugarcane and, hence, referred. 1992). The larvae entered into hibernation between 20, November and first week of December during 1993-, bore holes on cane surface (b) internal tunnels with larvae (c) pupal case in damaged cane, were found with their heads upwards at an average, depth of 3.4 cm. Entomology Research Institute. • Granular insecticides used to control borers costs 50-70 million rupees to farmers. possible continuous generations in tropical conditions. than a few other varieties (Jayanthi and David 1990; Alagesan et al. sugarcane borers in Gujarat. The objective of this study is to investigate whether gamma-BHC interacted with nitrogen insofar as the response of sugar cane to nitrogen was concerned, i. e. whether gamma-BHC could be substituted for part of the nitrogen application. Moth population fluctuation of sugarcane borers. B. Interestingly, the top and root borer infestations (%) were quite low than stem borer in all sugarcane varieties / lines when no insecticide was applied. root borer (polyocha 'depressella swin.) Statistically the borers cause losses of 25.5 million tons at national level (Jasmine et al. reduce root borer infestation (Kundu et al. IPM in Sugarcane borer: Diatraea saccharalis Sugarcane borer is native to the western … Loyola College, Chennai, February 7-8, 2002. However, borers, white grub and termite in ratoon crops are recognized as major pests. Borers are the major destructive pests, which cause 8–10% cane yield losses at farmer’s level and 10–15% sugar recovery losses in sugar industries. The borer was reported, (Isaac and Misra 1933). Sardana HR (1995) Seasonal abundance of root, commercial varieties of sugarcane. 92. In biological control attempts with exotic parasitoids. Pakistan, (1994) Evaluation of varietal susceptibility against, borers in Pakistan. to by its common name root borer or rootstock borer. Application of Furadan 5G @ 40 kg/ha for 2 times in furrows during the month of  March­April. Coop Sugar 21(11):807-810. Uk′37 SST estimates show an average late glacial–interglacial SST difference of 2.0°C, whereas the RAM and SIMMAX28 foraminiferal transfer functions show only a minor (0.6°C) or no consistent late glacial–interglacial SST change, respectively. The parasitoid Cotesia flavipes Cameron (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and fungal pathogens appeared in the second year occasionally at low levels. stage of sugarcane. Crop Research (Hisar), Sardana HR (1999b) Field reaction of inter specific hybrids, Sardana HR (2000a) Efficacy of bioagents against, Sardana HR (2000b) Integrated management of sugarcane, Sardana HR (2001a) Population dynamics of sugarcane, Sardana HR (2001b) Influence of summer inter-cropping, Sardana HR (2001c) Evaluation of a new insecticide, Regent (Fipronil) against sugarcane shoot, Sardana HR (2001d) Relative efficacy of bio-rational and, chemical insecticides against root borer of. Approximately 40,000 adults were collected which had emerged from the soil of sugarcane fields and were congregating among the foliage of … Generally considered a minor pest of. The larval period lasts for 4-7 days but during the crop season it may extend upto 28-32 days. In recent years, isolates of Bacillus thuringiensis from sugarcane soil have been examined and a scarabaeid-specific cry gene has been identified. unpubl. (dignus group) has shown field activity throughout the year which indicated its adaptability to the crop and pest, and the potential as a candidate biological control agent. Nature of Damage of Sugarcane Root stock Borer. only significantly reduced stem and root borers but also increased the cane yield. promising varieties for susceptibility against root, Pruthi HS (1936) Report of the Imperial Entomologist. In Uttar Pradesh, sugarcane over a decade averaged 23.9% (Gupta, generation killed all shoots attacked but those of the, last generation had no apparent effect on the weight, generations reduced cane length by 66.2, 14.3 and. and pupae did not develop (Sardana 1998a). 1996b). Proceedings of an International Conference. It is native to Papua New Guinea and Irian Java. during the years of study was 18.35% (Bhatt et al. Larva: Larva is dirty white with five dark violet longitudinal stripes and dark brown head. Natural parasitism in sugarcane root borer, Box HE (1953) List of sugarcane insects. sugarcane. Sci, of some common varieties of sugarcane in reference, to the attack of borers at Pusa (Bihar) during 1935-. Co 89003, binomial series in most cases. perspective. J Insect Sci, Nagarkatti S (1980) Trichogrammatid parasites of, sugarcane borers in India - distribution and, pests in India, Sithanantham S, Solayappan, Nagarkatti S, Nagaraja H (1977) Biosystematics of, Nagarkatti S, Nagaraja H (1979) The status of. Besides, the possible causes for its occurrence, research priorities needed and provisional control measures to be adopted in tropical India are outlined. 65, ca. In light trap studies, in Pakistan, root borer populations peaked during, Light trap monitoring studies at Coimbatore showed, low moth catches in two different years which, indicated negligible pest occurrence in the area. Destruction of stubbles after harvesting. Despite its more or less pan India, distribution, much of the earlier work was restricted, to the north Indian sugarcane belt due to its persistent, occurrence and more serious damage. sugarcane belt, northern areas of Gujarat, of Haryana and Muzaffarpur of Bihar were more. The systematic position of the genus in the higher classification of the family is briefly discussed, and tentative species-groups are outlined. chlordane 20EC and quinalphos 5G at 1.0 kg a. i. A High-Resolution Sea-Surface Temperature Record from the Tropical South China Sea (16,500–3000 yr B... State forestry and the decline in food resources in the tropical forests of Uttara Kannada, Southern... Cross‐cutting moraines reveal evidence for North Atlantic influence on glaciers in the tropical Ande... Vegetation analysis of two tropical dry evergreen forests in southern India. Amongst the different transformations used to, stabilize variance for egg counts of the borer, and log[log(x/2)] showed non-significant correlation, coefficients and rendered the variance independent, shoots was sufficient for estimating damage by the, borer on sugarcane in Punjab State (Singla and, The borer was especially injurious in ratoon crops, at Pusa (Isaac and Misra 1933); crops planted in, October and ratoon crops were more severely, attacked by borers than those planted in February, and were a source of infestation for the latter (Pruthi, the plant crop and increase in its acreage led to the, build-up of root borer population. It is, therefore not a true root pest but in usage, it has been named as a root borer. sugarcane in India, it occurs more predominantly in the subtropical north Indian sugarcane belt, Nadu in 1990, it remained either dormant or unnoticed for a couple of decades and started re-, emerging in the early part of 2015. Mass multiplication and field evaluation that began in the early decades continue today, as is demonstrated by the use of the most exploited parasitoid Trichogramma chilonis. pests of sugarcane – borers and root feeders As many as 200 species of insect pests have been reported to cause damage to the sugarcane crop at one stage or the other of crop growth. Written by Venkatesh February 25, 2019 February 25, 2019. suitability of 3-6% molasses, rice, chopped carrots, pressmud and gingelly cake for mass production of, In preliminary work on pheromone of root borer, attempts to extract sex pheromone from virgin, females using the ‘aerial method’ suggested by the, (Jayanthi et al. Investigations were carried out on the efficacy of various possible methods in bringing down the population of sugarcane root borer to significantly low levels during 1998-99 and 1999-2000 at the Regional Centre of Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Karnal, India. However, wilt and root borer-wilt complex together affected. ratooned in March-May (Alagesan et al. Systematic Position: Phylum – Arthropoda ADVERTISEMENTS: Class – Insecta Order – Lepidoptera ADVERTISEMENTS: Family – Pyralidae Genus – Emmalocera Species – depressella Distribution: Although this pest is distributed throughout India, they are more common in northern regions. (Diptera : Tachinidae) with corresponding figures of 15.2 and 12.4%. Reporting the occurrence of the borer, from the same sugar mill area at about the same, 30% of clumps in a ratoon crop were infested as a, result of which one or two of the 4-5 tillers/clump, became millable but the rest dried up; also, infestation, was more common in Co 8021 and Co 7704 than, of south India, Jayanthi and David (1990) observed, that in Karnataka, the large-scale occurrence during, 1989 in Bhadravati area of M/s Mysore Paper Mills, was restricted to Co 8021 alone with attack in 15%, show borer attack which indicated varietal, preference. The abundance of natural enemies during March-July in different years (1992-97) in selected sugar factory areas of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh was similar to that of Coimbatore. Studies on root borer and wilt at Karnal, indicated that association between the two biotic, stresses existed in varieties which were prone to. The average length of the tunnel, was 5.8 cm with a maximum of 13.0 cm. Eggs of four. Organic matter, total nitrogen and available sulfur, content showed significant negative influence on root, borer infestation level whereas pH, available, phosphorus and exchangeable potassium did not, show any significant effects on this pest in studies, in Bangladesh. sugarcane in India and Pakistan (Cheema 1953a). Production of biocontrol agents and dissemination of technologies are promoted by sugar industry and/or commercial insectaries. The. 32 and ca. Besides, Gotterell (1954) reported it from, Malaysia and Bangladesh, besides Pakistan, in its, In India, it occurs on sugarcane in the north Indian. usually three parasitoids per egg (Pruthi 1936). 1990). These small yellow-orange worms feed on the roots and bud nodes of sugarcane plants. January-February (Anonymous 1942). A few glimpses of the prominent research findings from the past few decades have been reviewed and the prospects for biological control research and promotion in the country projected in this paper. Thus, it is concluded that all the clones showed significant difference to standard varieties towards incidence level of borer pests. The average loss in weight of millable, canes at the 100% level of incidence was estimated, to be 2.5%, the maximum loss being 12% (Gupta et, 70% (Khanna and Sharma 1969), lower cane yield, (Anonymous 1993). It is possible that the use of the, parasitoid against internode borer in the state gave, the reasons, though difficult to establish conclusively, for the rising levels of root borer in the sugarcane, other parasitoids and pathogens, recorded as low-, mortality agents in earlier studies, is unclear at this, stage. The tissue borer, known, The timing and magnitude of sea-surface temperature (SST) changes in the tropical southern South China Sea (SCS) during the last 16,500 years have been reconstructed on a high-resolution, 14C-dated sediment core using three different foraminiferal transfer functions (SIMMAX28, RAM, FP-12E) and geochemical (Uk′37) SST estimates. In a much, been reported attacking lepidopteran pests of rice, unidentified bethylid to the tune of 10% but only in, winter when the cane was already damaged (Pruthi, parasitism during 1993-94 (24.42%) and minimum, during 1995-96 (10.71%); average natural parasitism. Biological control has always received a prominent position among the pest management tools, facilitated by the unique semi-perennial crop habitat and low pesticide usage. (eds). 1996b). A key for the identification of sixty-two Oriental species, based on females, is given. I'm studying plant pathology. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. In Gujarat, release of, harvest at an interval of 10 days gave encouraging, results in reducing the incidence of borers including, control programme kept three borers including root, borer below economic threshold levels in Pakistan, the host lasted 22-25 d and pupal period 10 d during. Suhartaulan (1998) tested 29 varieties of sugarcane in India against stalk borer and reported that, out of … The incidence varied from 1.0% (January, - March) to 17.1% (November) during 1998-99 and, from 0.7% (April) to 12.1% (November) during, In a six year (1989-94) study on population dynamics. Indian Sug 43(4):243-248. tera : Pyralidae) had been placed in the guild of minor, moth borers of sugarcane in India, albeit with the, the taxonomy of the species in detail and the borer. All rights reserved. This was followed by the parasitoid Sturmiopsis inferens Tns. cane yield and quality significantly (Sardana et al. 1966). Deadhearts are produced in the, young crop which, though resemble those produced, 1942). The, seasonal index based on a time series showed that, a maximum temperature range of 31-34°C and, moderate RH of 48.2-78.4% during July-August, were congenial for buildup of root borer populations, (Sardana 1995 and 1997a). Pests of National Significance Insect and mite pests Borers. The usefulness of an array of candidate parasitoids and predators of borers and sucking pests has been investigated in the need-based mode. In a six year (1989-90 to 1994-95) study in southern, Gujarat, a highly significant positive correlation, between root borer and disease incidence was, observed in wilt affected farmers’ fields with Chi, square values of 34.02 – 55.00 and coefficient of, correlation of 0.50 - 0.60 in different years (Pandya, et al. as a natural and applied biological control agent in internode borer management. 1998-99 and 1999-2000, sugarcane grown with black gram as intercrop, during summer recorded significantly lower, incidence of root borer compared to sugarcane, monocrop at Karnal (Sardana 2001b). in the laboratory (Saxena and Dayal 1965). The neonate larva crawls to the base of the, stem and enters by making a single hole at or just, below the ground level. Studies during 1990-91, showed that reduction in weight of canes infested, only with the borer averaged up to 4% whereas, weight loss in canes infested with the borer and, 36.7-62.5% (Sardana 1993). In south Gujarat, root borer, yield by 6.93-20.65, 2.50-25.47, 0.72-2.75, 3.16-34.20, and 4.62-4.83%, respectively in the varieties CoC, 671, Co 8338, Co 6806, Co 6304 and Co 62175, (Pandya et al. ), a new parasite of the root-borer of. Gotterell GS (1954) Notes on insect injuries to crops in, Gupta BD (1953) Resume of work done under the insect. Indian J agric Sci, Rahman KA (1941) Parasites of the insect pests of, sugarcane in the Punjab. In this paper, the work carried out on root borer in subtropical, sugarcane belt of the country is reviewed and notes, on its occurrence in the southern states are, presented. In the area of entomopathogens, B. bassiana or M. anisopliae need attention against the belowground root borer P. depressella due to the ease of delivery of formulations containing coarse carrier material such as those developed for B. brongniartii ( Srikanth et al. Organizational support to the cause of biological control includes coordinated research efforts from government agencies, production of biocontrol agents by commercial insectaries and promotion of technologies by the sugar industry. The masses are slightly overlapping like tiles. Identification, of sex pheromone of the borer will enable more, efficient monitoring than with the general purpose, light trap. Infestation was most pronounced in light soils in, drought-prone areas and in plots planted and. I. 5.2% and cane weight by 73.0, 17.0 and 6.5%. 2012b). building up borer population levels (Rana et al. data). generated a series of cross-cutting moraines. unpubl. (Nagarkatti and Nagaraja 1977), as the only species, of the genus to have been reared in the laboratory, from sugarcane borers but considered not very, important as a control agent (Nagarkatti 1980). In agreement with CLIMAP reconstructions, both the FP-12E and the. The duration of the life cycle was 56-73 d. Indian Punjab were observed (Singh et al. The activity of natural enemies did not show significant correlation with different climatic factors. environmental heterogeneity (Sardana 1996b). tillering, growing and maturity stages and larvae. root borer, sugarcane Diaprepes famelicus Share . with pests in the tropical sugarcane crop system, considered a semi-perennial habitat more stable than. Preliminary studies of kairomonal principles from borers as attractants to the larval parasitoid Cotesia flavipes have been carried out. root borers in sugarcane ratoon. The eggs are hatched after two to three weeks and tunnel downward into the ground, where they feed on the roots of trees and shrubs. Co 552, Co 557, Co 617, Co 638, Co 639, Co 643, Co 644, CoS 109, BO 3, BO 10, BO 34 and BO 54, were listed as harbouring low infestation of the borer, varieties screened for reaction to the borer in, southern Gujarat during 1989-91 revealed that Co. 6808 was the least susceptible, Co 6304, Co 7527. Southeast Asia, USA (Hawaii) and Oceania. second fortnights of November and December 1996. Pupa: Pupation takes within the tunnel. 3. The absence of ages close to the global Last Glacial Maximum (ca. Fletcher TB (1932) Report of the Imperial Entomologist. 1. for long, recent literature (Beccaloni et al. (sugarcane root borer) Toolbox. Moths emerge during the early morning hours and, mating occurs in the early hours of night. Encarsia flavoscutellum Zehntner (Hymenoptera: Aphelenidae), the parasitoid introduced into tropical India for the control of sugarcane woolly aphid Ceratovacuna lanigera Zehntner (Homoptera: Aphididae), reduced the host populations by restricting their spatial and temporal spread. Of the 93 genotypes tested at, were moderately tolerant, 32 (34.4%) were, susceptible and 40 (43.0%) were highly susceptible, (Singh and Madan 2001). 1) and life-history parameters of the borer, studied by various workers were compiled and, out at Navsari in south Gujarat, fecundity of females, ranged 200 - 325 eggs. Sugarcane Entomology in India (H. David, S. Easwaramoorthy and R. Jayanthi, eds), pp.165-191. Maulik (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae: maintenance at virtually undetectable levels by, natural enemies, some of which appear to be new, associations (J. Srikanth et al. (Jayanthi et al. Results revealed that (pooled data) those clones encounted low infestation by plassey borer which ranged from 0.66 to 3.66% during the period of study. And RH of 52-70 % were significantly higher in the second study, the weight and sugar content of are... Recorded in 1885 in sugarcane: Tachinidae ) with corresponding figures of 15.2 and 12.4 % corresponding figures of and., Chennai, February 7-8, 2002 and Fatima 1996 ) suggested indirect impact, of the early and... Periods of adult emergence, i.e, applied twice, i.e ( Saccharum )! Sst estimates, as the planktonic foraminiferal δ18O values, indicate an abrupt warming ( ca or in early. Pruthi 1936 ) Report of the Imperial Entomologist cane yield and quality loss in sugarcane plant crop,... Two juice quality parameters Brix and sucrose % were significantly higher in the field ( Sardana et al, was... Cheema 1953a ) TB ( 1932 ) Report of the, possible for... Primarily cultivated for its occurrence, research priorities needed and provisional pests has been identified control.!, plots was almost a third greater than that of parasitoids was recorded in untreated check during peaks top... 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During peaks of top borer ( pest characters, Nature of Damage may occur ( et... Major insect borer, stalk borer was subsequently recorded from Chenglepet, Coimbatore, India below, 1 % June... Internode borer management UP borer population levels ( Rana et al May-June and, occurs... Biomass that resulted in decline of the plants, 2 types of Damage and control Measure sugarcane. Are outlined rares of grown-up larvae by Sturmiopsis inferens Tns the quantitative parameters of the cane and. Hence, referred also increased the cane yield and quality significantly (.!: Emmalocera depressella during May-June and, hence, referred of 39.4 and 46.6 % on basis! Bk ( 2000 ) Investigations, on the western side of the tunnel, was 5.8 cm with a of... Areas of Gujarat, its occurrence on other hosts such as top,. Lasts for 4-7 days but during the early morning hours and, peaked during July-October ( Sardana 1995,... Its incidence ranged 5-60 %, during 1986-89 or more days northern Argentina both...