These are its key propositions: The University of Stuttgart is a leading, technically-oriented German university with a global presence. The University serves students from diverse national, cultural and economic backgrounds. The University of Missouri (Mizzou), located in Columbia, educates tomorrow’s leaders and relentlessly pursues solutions for a brighter future. Our Mission Our location in the distinctive Appalachian mountain town of Boone, North Carolina, profoundly shapes who we are. Masters Degrees Offered at Chinhoyi University of Technology. We will be one of the most innovative and progressive Jesuit and Catholic universities in the world, educating with excellence at the undergraduate, graduate and professional levels. Columbia University is one of the world's most important centers of research and at the same time a distinctive and distinguished learning environment for undergraduates and graduate students in many scholarly and professional fields. Mission Statement As a comprehensive university, the University of Graz regards itself as an international institution for education and research committed to research and teaching for … Chinhoyi University of Technology Offices in Harare. Mission Statement Montclair State University is committed to serving the educational needs of New Jersey with programs characterized by academic rigor and currency in the development of knowledge and its applications. We advance this mission every day across KU's five campuses, which include the Lawrence Campus, the Edwards Campus, and three KU Medical Center campuses in Kansas City, Salina and Wichita. Enhancing lives through quality education and professional preparatory experiences. In carrying out its mission, the University requires that everything that it does be of the highest quality. Established in 1789 in the spirit of the new republic, the university was founded on the principle that serious and sustained discourse among people of different faiths, cultures, and beliefs promotes intellectual, ethical and spiritual understanding. Chinhoyi University of Technology Mission Statement. Semiotica 172: ... Mission statement —A component of the strategic . Mission Statement The Mission of the University Fordham University, the Jesuit University of New York, is committed to the discovery of Wisdom and the transmission of Learning, through research and through undergraduate, graduate and professional education of the highest quality. Our Mission Heritage University empowers a multi-cultural and inclusive student body to overcome the social, cultural, economic and geographic barriers that limit access to higher education. Georgetown is a Catholic and Jesuit, student-centered research university. NYU Mission Statement Great cities are engines of creativity, and New York University takes its name and spirit from one of the busiest, most diverse and dynamic cities of all. Chinhoyi University of Technology MBA. Virginia State University, a public, comprehensive 1890 Land Grant institution and historically black college/university, is committed to the preparation of a diverse population of men and women through the advancement of academic programs and services that integrate instruction, research, extension, and outreach. University Mission Statement. There is, however, a special obligation and opportunity, specifically as a Catholic university, to pursue the religious dimensions of all human learning. Howard University, a culturally diverse, comprehensive, research intensive and historically Black private university, provides an educational experience of exceptional quality at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels to students of high academic standing and potential, with particular emphasis upon educational opportunities for Black students. As a constituent institution of the University of North Carolina, we fulfill our core academic missions of teaching, scholarship, and service in … The mission statement informs all goals the university sets and the actions it undertakes. Real Success. Home ▸ University Mission Statement University Mission Statement. This is why we do what we do. The University welcomes all areas of scholarly activity as consonant with its mission, subject to appropriate critical refinement. Mission Statement. It received Wisconsin’s land grant and became the state’s land-grant university after Congress adopted the Morrill Act in 1862. University Mission Statement As one of the nation's distinguished comprehensive universities, the resources of the University constitute an invaluable asset for the intellectual, economic, and social enrichment of Pennsylvania, while the international prestige of the University enhances the image of Pennsylvania throughout the world. Keiser University is a regionally accredited private career university that provides educational programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels for a diverse student body in traditional, nontraditional and online delivery formats. The University is committed to an embracing evangelical spirit rooted in the Anabaptist, Pietist and Wesleyan traditions of the Christian Church. The Technical University of Munich is committed to the progress of innovation for people, nature and society. To fulfill this vision, Elon University acts upon these commitments: Chinhoyi University of Technology Ph.D Program. Vision. Columbia University mission statement is “It seeks to attract a diverse and international faculty and student body, to support research and teaching on global issues, and to create academic relationships with many countries and regions.”The quality of services and experience that this institution offers emerges as the most important aspect of this statement. Mission. The University of Wisconsin–Madison is the original University of Wisconsin, created at the same time Wisconsin achieved statehood in 1848. Learn what makes a Tiger (hint: our core values) and read our official mission statement. Context Established in 1895, Saint Martin’s University is the educational mission of Saint Martin’s Abbey, a Catholic Benedictine monastery, whose members pray, work, and live together on the University campus. Texas A&M University Mission Statement. Mission Statement. Chinhoyi University of Technology Programmes PDF Basic research that is both insight-oriented and practically-relevant is … Mission. Mission Statement Baylor > About Baylor > Values & Vision > Mission The mission of Baylor University is to educate men and women for worldwide leadership and service by integrating academic excellence and Christian commitment within a caring community. Washburn University enriches the lives of students by providing opportunities for them to develop and to realize their intellectual, academic, and professional potential, leading to becoming productive and responsible citizens. Mission Statement. The University honors both the sacredness of the individual and the significance of community in the ongoing journey of becoming. Yale educates aspiring leaders worldwide who serve all sectors of society. Our community is rooted in the Christian gospel and Seventh-day Adventist values and ideals. Chinhoyi University of Technology Prospectus. llege and university mission statements: A new institutional perspective. A historically black institution, Hampton University is committed to multiculturalism. Lindenwood University - Mission Statement - Real Experience. Carnegie Mellon University will have a transformative impact on society through continual innovation in education, research, creativity, and entrepreneurship. Framingham State University prepares students for a productive life, enhanced by learning and leadership that will contribute to the culturally diverse world of the twenty-first century. Gonzaga University is an exemplary learning community that educates students for lives of leadership and service for the common good. Mission Statement Villanova University is a Catholic Augustinian community of higher education, committed to excellence and distinction in the discovery, dissemination and application of knowledge. Seattle University is dedicated to educating the whole person, to professional formation, and to empowering leaders for a just and humane world. Texas A&M University is dedicated to the discovery, development, communication, and application of knowledge in a wide range of academic and professional fields. Mission Statement As members of the diverse La Sierra University community, we are committed to inquiry, learning, and service. Mission Statement Our Mission. Mission The mission of the University of Kansas is to lift students and society by educating leaders, building healthy communities and making discoveries that change the world. The University's Mission Statement is an important assertion of Colgate's purpose and principles. Mission Statement Elon University embraces its founders’ vision of an academic community that transforms mind, body, and spirit and encourages freedom of thought and liberty of conscience. Mission Statement Yale is committed to improving the world today and for future generations through outstanding research and scholarship, education, preservation, and practice. Mission. U of T’s global outlook and cosmopolitan location in one of the world’s great cities provide students with a transformative educational experience, equipping them with the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to navigate our rapidly changing world. University Mission Statement Mission And Purposes of The University of Connecticut — Adopted by the Board of Trustees on April 11, 2006 and amended on June 20, 2006 The University of Connecticut is dedicated to excellence demonstrated through national and international recognition. Brian Casey narrates this video that describes a moment, the moment. The University of Toronto is one of the world’s great universities, distinguished by an extraordinary depth and breadth of excellence.