All times shown in Alaska Time (AKST) October 14, 2020 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (AKST) October 15, 2020 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm … A virtual career fair (sometimes called an online job fair) is an online "event" (as it takes place at a certain time and is not ongoing) in which employers and job seekers each meet in a virtual … Easy Virtual Fair offers high-qualtiy virtual career fair platform software to businesses of all kinds. Spectrum is moving its corporate headquarters office in Stamford, CT... Our Nurses Are Redefining The Way Health Care Is Delivered Every Day. North West Virtual Careers Fair. These events facilitate remote meetings between employers and potential employees, enabling organizations to build more efficient and convenient recruiting pipelines. Attending a virtual job fair is a relatively easy way to connect with recruiters, hiring managers and career experts. Learn More. The WE20 Career Fair (11/4 & 5, 11/9 & 10) features hundreds of organizations from industry, academia and the nonprofit world. July 13, 2020 - December 31, 2020. Joining the Fair. Not only do organizations connect with veterans on the day of the event, but they also receive access to all pre-registered candidates. The Virtual Career Fair will provide job seekers with the opportunity to browse through multiple job listings, explore employer profiles, and … We organize the entire event from planning and marketing to managing your virtual booth design and construction. Brazen has been a leader in the virtual career fair world for nearly a decade. Black Virtual Career Fair • Black Virtual Career Summit • Talent Sourcing • Diversity Job Board. At the time of the event, you'll log in and go to your virtual booth. Virtual job fairs also let campus recruiters communicate with targeted and diverse talent pools. So, lean on the skills you already know. Installation, Repair, & Maintenance. An onl... Meet Virtually with companies hiring in the New York area. Give job seekers and employers an easy, intuitive way to virtually connect with Brazen's #1 virtual career fair platform. Available Positions. Virtual job fairs take place at a designated time and are similar to a webinar. About the Georgia Tech All-Majors Virtual Career Fair: Georgia Tech’s Fall Career Fair is the largest in the south. Upcoming Hiring Events With many traditional job fairs restricted due to … You can read our full cookie policy by clicking "Privacy Policy. To attend, all you need is an internet conn... Meet Virtually with companies hiring in the Indianapolis area. View Past Events. Online job fairs allow organizations to run elaborate or simple recruiting events with the help of virtual career fair software. Brazen is a self-serve software platform, giving full Welcome to our first Virtual Career Fair!. Student Info for Virtual Career Fair Success. We showcase career opportunities and brands while streamlining the recruitment process and placing talented candidates, both active and the often elusive passive, in direct contact with recruiters and hiring managers. Costs are lower, and you can run the … Register ahead of time. Virtual Events • Upcoming Events • Past Events; Media • Testimonials • Press/Articles; Subscribe; About; Upcoming Fairs. This means that the staff you hire to work at the event may be required on a contract basis, as new job seekers visit booths and more resumes start pouring in. Each company will have a virtual booth that you can visit to connect with hiring managers and recruiters, and ask questions about their open roles, company culture, and anything you’d like to know about working there. Once an employer engages you in a chat, the ball is in your court to introduce yourself and … Branded e-environments with lobbies or welcome areas, video greetings from company executives, exhibit halls with booths, rooms where candidates can chat with recruiters to learn more about an organization in real-time, and the list goes on. Thank you for joining us for this special two-day event featuring 15 organizations and 25 sessions! Tips for Attending a Virtual Career Fair. A virtual job fair allows organizations to stay active in their region between our physical career fairs, as well as help them connect with veterans in cities our physical career fairs don’t reach. Virtual Career Fair Marketing, Branding and Reporting is done for you. Did you know that 60% of candidates access career fairs from their mobile device? Remember the Basics! Job … For people who want to advance their skills and income, finding a paid internship or new career path may be on … Easily broadcast live video during your virtual events, perfect for webinars and panel-style presentations where employers can discuss their company culture and receive questions from your students and alumni in real time. Tag booths in your event with pre-built categories like employment type, job location, job category and more and and let candidates filter and search booths within the event by these tags. Video chats, like text chats, are timed to keep events flowing smoothly and make conversations efficient yet effective. Upload your resume at (be sure to flag your account that you are participating in WE20) and then on the WE20 virtual … Happening Now . Going virtual with your career fairs means improved engagement with your students and alumni and the ability to host employers from all over the world. Online Recruiting Event Open to all US Military Job Seekers and Spouse. Customizable, real-time events include interactive chatting, one-to-one video interviewing, group broadcasting, screen sharing, and a dynamic way to connect which is efficient and effective for everyone. “It’s even easier to be a wallflower at a virtual career fair than a traditional one,” warns Koltz. Position... MSC Virtual Career Fair for Licensed Deck / Engineering Opportunities ABOUT MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND... Join us for a virtual job fair! ", Government & Workforce Development Organizations. Register now for the Assembly. You’re going to want to register beforehand. ... Premier Virtual is the first virtual … Leverage the power of the world’s most advanced virtual event platform. Choose a Virtual Career Fair Platform. This Military Officer Job Fair is sponsored by the West Point Society of DC and is open to transitio... We are pleased to announce the upcoming Women in Business & Technology Talent Connection on Sep... Job Fair Directory does not endorse any events listed on OCTOBER 7th … DATE: November 10, 2020. We did, which is why we built Brazen to be used anywhere, on any device, and with all the features needed for hosting your own event. How to Rock a Virtual Job Fair. In this workshop we’ll teach you how to maximize your time with recruiters and make a positive virtual … Welcome to the Recruit Military Houston Virtual Career Fair for Veterans. For in-house recruiters and staffing firms, virtual career fairs are a cost-effective yet impactful way to interview a large number of candidates quickly. Brazen’s mobile-friendly platform houses all the features needed for hosting the perfect virtual job fair, while the easy-to-navigate lobby serves as the springboard to deeper engagement between students, alumni, and employers. SGUNITED JOBS & SKILLS New Entrants 01 Dec 2020 - 20 … Save #Qampus Virtual Job Fair/Career Expo #College#University Event#Philadelphia to your … Part-time, Full-time and Internship Positions Available at Career Services Virtual Career Fair. Streamline the recruitment process and target talented Black professionals. Virtual career fairs (also known as a virtual hiring events, virtual job fairs or online career fairs) are the next step in the evolution of hiring. U.S. Census Bureau. AAHPM hosted a virtual career fair to all interested in a new position in the hospice and palliative care field on Tuesday, November 10 from 10am - 4pm ET at no charge to attendees. Spectrum Mobile is seeking Customer Service Representatives in Schen... Join us for a virtual job fair! VIRTUAL CAREER FAIR Navigate 30 virtual booths to explore career opportunities and resources, build relationships with professionals, and find part-time and full-time jobs in … Curated virtual career fairs and summits, custom recruiting events, talent sourcing, job listings. Companies attending the fair … This Virtual Job Fair will allow you to discover who is hiring and what they are looking for. GACE Thanks Our Partners For … Learn More. Visit the available Virtual Career Fair(s) below or for a wider range of other positions, please visit Click here to create a new account to receive information about future Virtual Fairs. Canada’s ultimate career fair and speakers’ series for skilled immigrants, newcomers, temporary workers, international students and other new Canadians comes to you in a virtual format. Virtual career fairs are evergreen: Industry experts and guest speakers may be available only on the day(s) of your recruitment event, but virtual career fairs never actually close. Virtual Career Fairs: Connecting Candidates and Employers Online Give your organization the ability to host engaging multi-company virtual career fairs that connect job seekers with employers and achieve … As part of the Dallas Fort-Worth (DFW) community, Equinix is excited to host a virtual career fair in December for DFW job seekers! Virtual career fairs, also referred to as online job fairs, are scheduled online “events” that take place at a certain time and allow employers and job seekers to meet virtually through webcasts, chat rooms, teleconferencing, and/or webinars to connect about job opportunities. The Virtual Care Festival will be hosted online for you to enjoy from the comfort of your own home or office we hope that it will be even easier for you to enjoy our show, ... (HKT), 26 May 2020. Instead of being at the campus, we are gathered here to experience the Career Fair online. Brazen’s intuitive, mobile-friendly platform delivers a high-quality experience for students, alumni, and exhibitors, empowering your career service and alumni teams to create virtual events that attract, engage, and convert. A virtual career fair is an event over video that pairs job seekers with employers. Virtual Career Fair Marketing, Branding and Reporting is done for you. To view VIRTUAL ON-LINE events specific to states, see state list below. Search. Visit online, remote and virtual Job Fairs. Virtual Events • Upcoming Events • Past Events; Media • Testimonials • Press/Articles; Subscribe; About; Upcoming Fairs. The next Career Fair will take place during the Annual Assembly, February 17-19, 2021. STUDENT REGISTRATION. Register ahead of Time Many virtual fairs have a limit to the number of participants, so register before t… Recruiters will still expect attendees to come prepared, and most will be dressed professionally in suits or attire appropriate to the industry. Job seekers at all career stages are invited to attend the NeuroJobs Career Center Virtual Career Fair January 11-13, 2021. Career Fairs Grad School Fairs College Fairs All. Brazen’s third-generation platform connects candidates to employers in a seamless user experience leveraging one-on-one text and video-based chats and one-to-many video broadcasts. Schedule your virtual event today! Virtual Career Fair Do's and Don'ts. Brazen gives you the ability to build, manage, and market your own virtual career fair with customizable, content-rich virtual booths that let employer brands shine. The Virtual Career Fair connects companies and candidates in real-time. There are two general types of virtual career fair software on … JOBS CANADA FAIR INC. December 10, 2020 Easily promote your event with a custom landing page that incorporates pricing options and increases revenue for your organization. Brazen’s intuitive virtual career fair platform is optimized for virtual expos, large-scale presentations, and so much more. At your virtual booth, you'll meet and … Whether you’re ready to make a career move or just want to learn more about what we do, we invite you to join the call. Experience Premier Virtual with a FREE demo. Jobseekers COMPLETE YOUR REGISTRATION at ... Meet Virtually with companies hiring in the Chicagoland area. Build a seamless virtual event experience that attracts, engages, and converts with Brazen. Practice your pitches and answers to questions. Virtual Career Fair Scale your brand’s recruitment efforts with a fully remote online career fair, where you can meet and interview qualified job seekers from all over. Career Fair will be held on Friday, 26 February from 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm ET This virtual SACC ... Find out more » Virtual Teachers of Color Job Fair 2021 [Teaching Positions in North Carolina] Online Virtual Anywhere, United … CareerEco Virtual Events offers turn-key Career Fairs, Employer-hosted Recruiting Events, Grad School Fairs, Pre-Fair Meet-ups, Networking & Student Development Events. This is a critical time for the nuclear community as we face the uncertainties of tomorrow, but thanks to you and your … Click here to create a new account to receive information about future Virtual Fairs. Brazen’s event dashboard provides a wide array of tracking and reporting tools, including post-event metrics to track marketing performance and showcase your event’s value to exhibitors. What We Do. Custom landing pages make marketing your events to potential exhibitors and employers incredibly easy and our range of features allow you to sell a variety of sponsorship packages. AAHPM Virtual Career Fair. Our online jobs fair brings job-seekers together with employers and recruiters organisations from Ireland and around the world, allowing you to explore an array of career opportunities. Anchorage Daily News Virtual Career Fair. How We Do It. Virtual Career Fairs (For Career Services) EFMD Virtual Career Fair by Highered – Fall 2020 (CS) Big Tech – Engineering – Biotech – Pharma – Telecom (EFMD Virtual Career Fairs by Highered – Fall 2020) (CS) Digital Marketing – Communications – PR – Digital media (EFMD Virtual Career Fairs … Brazen’s third-generation software connects your students and alumni with recruiters and hiring managers in a seamless user experience optimized for one-on-one dialog with text and video-based chats. Virtual career fairs are recruitment events held entirely online through platforms such as webinars, video conferences, live streams, chats, and special software platforms. Share #Qampus Virtual Job Fair/Career Expo #College#University Event#Philadelphia with your friends. Proprietary SmartQueue technology allows exhibitors to prioritize top talent, while customizable registration forms feature “knockout questions” that prevent unqualified candidates from entering your event. We deliver Amazon packages to homes, apartments and busin... We are looking to fill 100+ openings for various long term to hire positions on all shifts. Career Videos Hug HS Counseling Department CLICK HERE for the Scavenger Hunt - all complete submissions will be entered to win free stuff! While in person hiring events have served recruiting teams well for … Career Change? Add exhibitor jobs to your virtual event and have candidates browse, filter and search jobs from employers participating in the event. Single sign-on (SSO) and social login features make attendee registrations on all devices simple and quick, while account authentication makes every conversation extremely secure. Career Fairs Grad School Fairs College Fairs All. You’ll learn more about employers hiring at your school, and connect with … Easy Virtual Fair offers high-qualtiy virtual career fair platform software to businesses of all kinds. With social distancing and travel restrictions, virtual career fairs area great alternative for your organization. Save the date #TeamAPG: Our virtual career fair will be Nov. 9 & 10, 2020.The hiring event will be hosted on the APG Facebook page, so stayed tuned for more information. Brazen’s platform has many thoughtful features that you’d expect to make it easy for job seekers to find the right “booth” within a career fair and engage with recruiters via text or video. This FREE Virtual Career Fair is a great opportunity for you to chat with local recruiters and decision-makers who are hiring right now. Do you want to host your own virtual career fair? A virtual career fair is an awesome time-saver; the online event can be set up in a matter of weeks, to help hosts accelerate hiring and not lose precious time in putting together a hiring solution with high … Employers can efficiently communicate with targeted and diverse talent pools, engage with more qualified prospects, and decrease response times to candidates with easier post-event follow-up. SacJobs Career Fair is January 28, 2021, from 10am to 5pm. Ideally, find a spot with a neutral background, or where you can arrange the items behind you to minimize visual distractions and keep the employer’s attention on you. At virtual career fairs, it’s all the more important to exert yourself to make connections. A virtual job fair allows organizations to stay active in their region between our physical career fairs, as well as help them connect with veterans in cities our physical career fairs don’t reach. Be ready to network. The perks? Complete or update your Chat Profile, which will be visible to employers; If you haven’t already done so, upload your resume (this is the only way to pass a resume to an employer during the fair) university. We recommend jobseekers to confirm venue, date and time with event organizers before attending an event. The fair will begin at 11:00am EST and is open to Georgia Tech students and alumni. We are looking for talented, self-motivated individuals to join Jennie-O Turkey Store family. Just like an in-person career fair, but online! Jennie... We are an Amazon Delivery Service Partner. Virtual career fairs are not limited to college students and entry-level roles. We suggest recruiters and employers interested in attending an event, produced by a company, to do due diligence prior to enrolling. At your virtual booth, you'll meet and engage job … Combined with our top-notch customer service, creating an event is easy and can be done in minutes. Employers have the option of using text-only, audio or full-video interviews to engage each candidate. Jobseekers COMPLETE YOUR REGISTRATION... Meet Virtually with companies hiring in the Minneapolis area. Career Fair Prep: The Virtual Edition Career Development Workshop through Zoom 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM What do you need to know to prepare for a career fair, and how do you prepare for a career fair taking place online? Do not miss Jobs Canada Fair. Customizable, real-time events … Not only will this prevent any … TIME: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. On the day of the fair, log into GC Connect, navigate to the Public/Private Impact Virtual Career Fair page, and follow these steps:. Find a quiet location with limited distractions for you and for the recruiters. In as little as 15 minutes, you can create an event and start marketing to job seekers. No longer are you limited by your physical location. Company representatives may login anytime to the Virtual Fair and chat with … Virtual career fairs on Handshake give you the opportunity to meet recruiters and other employees through video sessions. The Northern VA Virtual Community Job Fair, Jennie-O Turkey Store Virtual Job Fair [Positions in Greater Minnesota], VIRTUAL: Hiring Event for OnPoint Delivery a Amazon Delivery Partner [Positions Lewisville TX area], Forge Industrial Staffing Virtual Job Fair / Hiring Event [Positions in Holland MI area], Dec. 22 2020: MSC Virtual Career Fair for Licensed Deck / Engineering, Schenectady, NY: Spectrum Mobile Virtual Job Fair, Stamford, CT: Corporate Physical Security Virtual Career Fair, [January 12 2021] CVS Registered Nurse Recruiter Chat Session, Carroll County’s Virtual Job Club [Area: Carroll County MD], Educators / Teacher Job Fair [International Positions] : January 15 – 16 2021, [VIRTUAL] MLK Jr. Holiday Diversity Virtual Career Fair [Positions in Minneapolis area], Nationwide Physician Virtual Career Fair [Jan 19 2020], West Michigan Works’ Virtual Job Fair [January 20 2021], West Michigan Virtual Veterans Networking Job Club [January 21 2021], INDIANAPOLIS AREA VIRTUAL DIVERSITY JOB FAIR, MINNEAPOLIS AREA VIRTUAL DIVERSITY JOB FAIR, Tempe Job Fair – Sponsored by Career Connectors [Positions in Tempe AZ], Los Angeles Virtual Job Fair January 26, 2021, New York Area Virtual Diversity Job Fair [Positions in the New York Area], CHICAGO AREA VIRTUAL DIVERSITY JOB FAIR [Positions in Chicago IL area], Virtual Teachers of Color Job Fair [Teaching Positions in Indiana], Northeast US Physician Virtual Career Fair [Feb 2 2020], Southern Teachers Job Fair for Private Schools, Women in Business & Technology Talent Connection – Northeast Region, California Virtual Teacher of Color Job Fair, Midwest US Physician Virtual Career Fair [Feb 9 2020], Northern Michigan University Virtual Summer Student’s Employment Fair [February 10 2021], Virtual Teachers of Color Job Fair 2021 [for Georgia Positions], Colorado Virtual Teachers of Color Job Fair 2021, Texas Physician Virtual Career Fair [Feb 16 2020], National Virtual Teachers of Color Job Fair [Teaching Positions throughout the United States], Virtual Teachers of Color Job Fair 2021 [Teaching Positions in New York], Florida Virtual Teachers of Color Job Fair 2021, Ohio Physician Virtual Career Fair [Feb 23 2020], Virtual Teachers of Color Job Fair [Teaching Positions in Massachusetts], Virtual Teachers Job Fair 2021 [Teaching Positions in Oregon], [VIRTUAL] Service Academy Career Conference SACC: FEB 26 2021, Virtual Teachers of Color Job Fair 2021 [Teaching Positions in North Carolina], California SPED Virtual Teacher Job Fair 2021, Southern US Physician Virtual Career Fair, Virtual Job Fair by Olympic College [students, graduates, and community members], Virtual Teachers Fair [Teaching Positions in New Jersey], Virtual Teacher Job Fair [Teaching Positions in Illinois], Physician Virtual Career Fair – Positions in Missouri, Virtual Teachers Job Fair [Teaching Positions in Massachusetts], Virtual Teachers Job Fair 2021 [Teaching Positions in North Carolina], VIRTUL: Women in Business & Technology Talent Connection [DC Area], SPED Virtual Teacher Job Fair 2021 [Teaching Positions in New York], Georgia SPED Virtual Teacher Job Fair 2021, Connecticut Virtual Teacher Job Fair (March), Virtual Teachers Job Fair 2021 [Teaching Positions in Oklahoma], SPED Virtual Teacher Job Fair 2021 [Teaching Positions in Illinois], Virtual Women in Business & Technology Talent Connection – Statewide Texas, Physician, Resident, Fellow, NP, PA Virtual Career Fair – Positions in California, California STEAM Virtual Teacher Job Fair 2021, Physician, Resident, Fellow, NP, PA Virtual Career Fair – Rural Areas, Florida SPED Virtual Teacher Job Fair 2021, Virtual: Women in Business & Technology Talent Connection [Positions in New England], Connecticut SPED Virtual Teacher Job Fair, Virtual Teachers Job Fair [Teaching Positions in Michigan], Virtual Teacher Job Fair 2021 [Teaching Positions in New Mexico], National Virtual Teachers Job Fair [Teaching Positions throughout the United States], Physician, Resident, Fellow, NP, PA Virtual Career Fair – New York, STEAM Virtual Teacher Job Fair 2021 [Teaching Positions in Illinois], Virtual Teacher Job Fair [Teaching Positions in Indiana], Physician, Resident, Fellow, NP, PA Virtual Career Fair – Illinois, SPED Virtual Teachers Job Fair [Teaching Positions in Massachusetts], Physician, Resident, Fellow, NP, PA Virtual Career Fair – Ohio, Virtual Teacher Job Fair 2021 [Teaching Positions in New York], Physician, Resident, Fellow, NP, PA Virtual Career Fair – Positions Nationwide, Physician, Resident, Fellow, NP, PA Virtual Career Fair – Positions in Minnesota, California Virtual Teacher Job Fair (June), SPED Virtual Teacher Job Fair [Teaching Positions in Indiana], STEAM Virtual Teacher Job Fair (July) [Teaching Positions in Illinois], Minneapolis Diversity Virtual Career Fair, Virtual Women in Business & Technology Talent Connection : New England Area. Black Virtual Career Fair (BVCF) connects talented Black professionals to progressive companies committed to building a diverse and inclusive workforce. control of event creation and event management to the CareerEco Virtual Events offers turn-key Career Fairs, Employer-hosted Recruiting Events, Grad School Fairs, Pre-Fair Meet-ups, Networking & Student Development Events. Welcome to our first-ever Virtual Career Fair! Every year, nearly 400 companies and nearly 7,000 students attend the fair. Virtual events are a great way to increase revenue for your school. Watch our Career Fair video to learn more about working at Google — our culture, jobs, plus our application and interview processes. We’ll provide all the updates you need as the date approaches. Dress for the Virtual Career Fair how you would for an interview in your career field. PLATFORM: EMPLOYER REGISTRATION. Fall Career Fair for Licensed Deck / Engineering Opportunities about MILITARY SEALIFT COMMAND... us! 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