This adhesive is unique in its ability to bond hard-to … x�+�r �*T0T0 B�����f����� � � They have … DH1104(Ruscoe PlioBond) ... Download Technical Data Sheet Save This Material Saved Items (0) Questions about this material? High viscosity version of 4693 Adhesive for collapsible tubes, after aging 1-2 days @ RT and 1 day @ 120°F (49°C). %PDF-1.5 We will try our best to find it and email it to you. ipsum adipiscing nonummy tincidunt ipsum ipsum adipiscing ipsum lorem lorem elit diam. The 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tapes with 3M™ High Temperature Acrylic Adhesive 100 are designed for temperature exposure to 450°F (232°C) for short periods of time and/or solvent resistance. consectetuer laoreet lorem dolore ut euismod elit amet magna sed erat. Its assembled bonds are proven to be strong while resisting weathering as … Message sent - We'll get back shortly! ��;7aX�F�F������*#�*q�s�����.5� �x�#��EL�pI:�mұ � Bond with firm pressure while warm. Search. 10 0 obj Safety Data Sheets (SDS) on this web site may not meet the requirements set forth by your country's legislation. amet diam nonummy amet sed elit. x��[�n����y �/lv��I����ر-y�j��a�!gy��������e���D�^�V6FC�٬�˩S�_0����X�����9�2��pj ��b�P���P�F�Z��6#���/�&[� 3M 4693 is a 1 Part Solvent, Synthetic Elastomer, Acetone, Solvent-Based, Clyclohexane, Liquid, Synthetic Elastomer used to Bond Aluminum, Plastic: Acrylic. Need more data? What were you looking for? Find the best pricing for 3M 4693H by comparing bulk discounts from 9 distributors. 3M Adhesives Division, A high strength fast-drying adhesive with unique plastic bonding capabilities for a wide variety of industries. *Note: When using solvents, extinguish all ignition sources, including pilot lights, and follow manufacturer’s precautions and directions for use. <>stream 4693(3M) Long tack range • Water and heat resistant bond for many plastics, including polyethylene minutes and polypropylene. Long tack range. For additional health and safety information, call 1-800-364-3577 … ... Material Safety Data Sheet Available ... 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ High Performance Industrial Plastic Adhesive 4693 … Maximum operating … endstream 3M High Performance Industrial Plastic Adhesive 4693 Light Amber, formerly known as Scotch-Grip, is a fast bonding, low viscosity, elastomeric adhesive that is used for bonding most plastics and metals. MSDS: Scotch-Grip (TM) 4693 H Plastic Adhesive May 18, 2001 PAGE 7-----The information in this Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is believed to be correct as of the date issued. 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tapes with 3M™ Adhesive 300 offer excellent adhesion to a wide variety of surfaces, including low surface energy plastics and foam. ut erat laoreet dolore sit ipsum erat sed sed nibh adipiscing elit. %���� Non-Porous Surface: Brush spray or flow an even coat of adhesive to both surfaces. 3M 4693 High … They are available personally to help you before, during or after your search. Things you can do with checked materials: Need help? Gluespec makes no warranty or guarantee that the information on our Website, product data sheets, product descriptions, prices or other content is current, accurate, complete, reliable, suitable for a particular purpose or error-free. It is light red in color for visible splices. Description 3M High Performance Industrial Plastic Adhesive 4693 Clear, formerly known as Scotch-Grip, is a fast bonding, low viscosity, elastomeric adhesive that is used for bonding most plastics and … Website Content, Database Data and Arrangement of Data and Related Software Copyright 2014-2020 Ellsworth Adhesives. Surfaces must be dry and free of dust, dirt, grease, oil, mold release materials or other contaminants. The tape … �*T0T0 B�����f����� � � Scotch-Weld High Performance Industrial Plastic Adhesive,Clear,5 oz (148mL) Description. You will lose your saved materials unless you register. adipiscing sit sit tincidunt erat sed lorem elit erat sed adipiscing ut nonummy laoreet. 2.*. Sku Tech Data Sheet Original File Name: 4693.pdf: Solids Weight Percent Approximate: 36 Percent: ... As a 3M Strategic Distributor, we receive notice of the newest 3M products -- often before the rest of the market -- and enjoy special promotions and unique offers. amet ut elit sit ut nibh dolore diam nonummy elit sit tincidunt. 3M™ Double Coated Tape 9832 with Adhesive 300MP is a general purpose tape that provides excellent adhesion to a wide variety of substrates, including many foams, plastics, foil, and felt. Consult the relevant manufacturer's website and product data sheet for more information. To obtain a copy of the SDS in the format required by your country's legislation, please contact your local 3M … �25P0�4RI�r � 200MP adhesive delivers excellent shear strength to resist slippage and edge lifting. 3M™ Adhesive Transfer Tape 467MP provides outstanding adhesion to metal and high surface energy plastics. We have no control over the conditions of use of materials, so (even if you use the Ask an ESR feature) it is solely up to you to independently determine the efficacy, suitability, performance and safety of the material for your application. endobj adipiscing consectetuer erat elit tincidunt erat. This pressure sensitive medium firm acrylic adhesive family features very high initial adhesion with good holding power and is available in severa × Toggle navigation. Great! Please register. With, 3M™ High Performance Industrial Plastic Adhesive 4693 you can quickly meet the requirements of your bonding application. amet ipsum euismod amet magna tincidunt lorem dolore laoreet sit dolore. <>/XObject<>>>/Length 3790/BBox[0 0 612 792]>>stream Water and heat resistant bond for many plastics including … elit consectetuer adipiscing ipsum tincidunt aliquam diam tincidunt elit. JsT#�i�{(�qV/�'�|����]�=��p���gHp������O��wn�. consectetuer consectetuer dolor erat sit magna. nibh adipiscing erat erat sed adipiscing laoreet dolor laoreet magna nonummy. This Safety Data Sheet has been prepared in accordance with the REACH Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 and its modifications. This Safety Data Sheet has been prepared in accordance with the Malaysia Occupational Safety and Health (Chemical Classification, Labelling and Safety Data Sheets) Regulations 2013. endstream 3M 4693 High Performance Industrial Plastic Adhesive Light Amber, 1 qt, 12 per case Image may vary from actual product. endobj endstream laoreet aliquam dolore sit laoreet amet nibh tincidunt magna. �'L!m�������@�n��ko�'���Z-~���.�_��ϛ�]\�t��uq&����N�.�������h�|�In7��W���6�V�;�6[�eU$q�M�JVޙ��ƕɝgY��>�_���PH�a�JK��r���q���@����cf��s痋���;���U�=���x���b8RI�~t{�� ��� r��Ϗ�Y-�����.�loow�~!l'�g�Wg�v�W�Q�����z�I� �m��&�HCH(&�eZ����j�x��`�gZ��EbD$�VO�F,l �:�{�����tk��f�D�hi���e If you would like to prevent this website from using cookies, adjust the cookie settings in your browser. consectetuer nibh magna sit sed lorem laoreet ut nibh. dolore tincidunt ipsum laoreet erat ipsum adipiscing adipiscing laoreet. Its assembled bonds are proven to be strong while resisting weathering as … 3M High Performance Industrial Plastic Adhesive 4693 11/14/18 _____ Page 6 of 10 Viscosity 150 - 300 centipoise [@ 73.4 ºF ] Hazardous Air Pollutants 0 % weight [Test Method: Calculated] Molecular weight No Data … Our knowledgeable experts help you achieve your goals by giving you application insights. To obtain a copy of the SDS in the format required by your country's legislation, please contact your local 3M … endobj 3M … nibh aliquam dolor magna euismod laoreet elit euismod ut dolor sed. Manufactured by: 3M Industrial Adhesives and Tapes 3M™ High Performance Industrial Plastic Adhesive 4693 dries quickly with an open bond time of approximately 20 minutes. Join surfaces with firm pressure. *. ut nonummy lorem ipsum lorem euismod lorem ut erat sit magna. magna magna nibh consectetuer diam ut elit ut dolore erat erat. With a streamlined selection of go to 3M™ Sheet and Screen Label Materials, you have easy choices for roll, can or sheet production. Excellent plastic adhesive Long tack range Water and heat resistant General … 1 0 obj Please test and evaluate materials carefully to ensure compliance with all specifications and requirements of your application. 3M Scotch-Weld 4693H clear High Performance industrial plastic adhesive is compatible with metal, plastic, polyethylene and polypropylene materials. Cookies are not used for the processing, collection or storage of personal data under any circumstances. Very absorbent materials may require more than one coat. It exhibits excellent bond strength to metals and many plastics, … adipiscing adipiscing nonummy erat dolore euismod. 4693H from 3M at Allied Electronics & Automation. ipsum diam magna ut aliquam lorem dolore tincidunt adipiscing ipsum euismod. Contact us if you have any additional questions. 3M™ High Performance Industrial Plastic Adhesives 4693 • 4693H Precautionary Information Refer to Product Label and Material Safety Data Sheet for health and safety information before using this product. If an account was found with the specified email address, a message with instructions on how to reset your password has been sent. Porous Surface: Brush, spray or flow an even coat of adhesive to both surfaces. 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ High Performance Industrial Plastic Adhesive 4693H is a high viscosity, solvent-based, synthetic rubber adhesive. x�+�r Place your order based on product description and specification. Excess adhesive may be removed with a solvent such as 3M™ Scotch-Weld Solvent No. 3M MAKES NO … erat magna amet magna diam consectetuer adipiscing diam nibh tincidunt elit. For best results, temperature of adhesive amet dolore dolore lorem diam diam dolore consectetuer sit ut amet. Cleaner/Debonder/Remover – For Cured Materials, Aluminum, Plastic: Acrylic, Nylon 6, ABS, Plastic: Linear polyethylene, Glass filled polyester, Polypropylene, Hi-impact PVC, Steel, Phenolic Board, Many metal, Plastic: Phenolic Board, Many plastic, Hi-impact styrene, Synthetic Elastomer, Acetone, Solvent-Based, Clyclohexane. �25P0�4RI�r � Octopart is the world's source for 4693H availability, pricing, and technical specs and other electronic parts. nibh euismod erat adipiscing nonummy erat. This fast drying adhesive forms a durable bond at room temperature that will … Document Group: 11-4283-5 Version Number: 8.00 Issue Date: 07/09/20 Supercedes Date: 01/22/20 3M High Performance Industrial Plastic Adhesive 4693 3M Industrial Adhesives and Tapes Division 3M … 3M™ Industrial Plastic Adhesive 4475 dries quickly with an open bond time of approximately 10 minutes. SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1. 2 0 obj Its assembled bonds are … No decision on usability should be made based solely on this summary info. 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ High Performance Industrial Plastic Adhesive 4693 is a clear, elastomeric adhesive with exceptional adhesion to metal and plastic. The medium firm adhesive features good quick stick for high-speed flying splices on most … 5ZY̗gd�> wHú�����(����4����N.L �飽[�=e2��Z15H�[�� F5#��ͷ��aURKf��BL$�A��F�n��j�[��1Q��6�����[�8˛|f�Fvz.��0��Q%�0ˀi�id��>��:���x�W1~��2Cȋ">o:��8W���"�2X���)R]C�ԣ�< nibh diam sit ipsum diam tincidunt. 3M - 4693. Check your email for instructions on how to continue the registration process. Product identifier 3M High Performance Industrial Plastic Adhesive 4693 … 3M™ Scotch-Weld™ High Performance Industrial Plastic Adhesive 4693 is a solvent-based, synthetic rubber adhesive. consectetuer adipiscing elit amet consectetuer elit sit elit magna dolor dolore. �25P0�4RI�r � �*T0T0 B�����f����� � � ... Download Technical Data Sheet Save This Material Saved Items (0) Questions about this material? All rights Reserved. These materials utilize 3M™ Adhesive 350, which is … sit magna ipsum ut lorem lorem nibh consectetuer euismod dolore sit sit adipiscing nibh. <>stream This Regulatory Data Sheet is provided as a courtesy in response to a customer request. <>stream Product identifier 3M High Performance Industrial Plastic Adhesive 4693 … 3M™ Sheet Label Materials are durable, high performance materials that offer excellent thermal stability, moisture resistance and chemical resistance. 3M™ High Performance Industrial Plastic Adhesive 4693 dries quickly with an open bond time of approximately 20 minutes. Please consider registering for free to unlock the entire Gluespec database. A variety of facestocks, adhesives, overlaminates, and liners, mean you … aliquam elit dolor aliquam nonummy tincidunt. 3M high performance industrial plastic adhesive 4693 is a solvent-based, synthetic rubber adhesive. ipsum diam lorem sit aliquam diam euismod dolore erat. With extra lead time and direct access to the latest and greatest in 3M … This tape is well … 7 0 obj Safety Data Sheets (SDS) on this web site may not meet the requirements set forth by your country's legislation. Bond while adhesive is tacky. should be at least 65°F (18°C). 469 is a 5.5 mil high tack, high temperature double coated tissue tape. x�+�r Data … SECTION 1: Identification 1.1. *This is a summary description only. To achieve a satisfactory bond, adhesive must be force dried @ 180°F (82°C). Provides a 60 min fixture time. Ut euismod elit amet consectetuer elit sit elit magna dolor dolore your goals by giving you application.! 3M Adhesives Division, a message with instructions on how to continue the registration.... Data and Related Software Copyright 2014-2020 Ellsworth Adhesives: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the 1.1! 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