The best cable modem/router combos will reduce clutter in your home and simplify your life by giving you only one device to manage, plug in, and take up space with, and you’ll never need to worry about whether you’ve hooked up To obtain trusted flair for your account please message the mods of /r/HomeNetworking with the following info; Permalink to a comment you made in the last 6 months, helping someone in the community, Your highest level of industry certification, or highest IT related job title held in the last 5 years, Proof of at least 6 month's history of posting in this subreddit. Should I call Xfinity or something? Many AX routers are so pre-beta quality that they actually perform worse then good AC routers. No question is too small, but please be sure to read the rules and [posting guidelines]( before asking for help. With Smart Queue enabled it drops to around 200 Mbps. As a result of this, users are now no longer able to edit their own flair. I have a router (YouHua WR1200JS) running openwrt 19.07.4, that has been unreliable for me lately. I'm in the market for a decently priced router to replace the default Comcast router. It's Ubiquity stuff. One that does is Eero. This is no "best" router. Is it still worth it today? Also, just to make sure I'm not too far off track, I have an Amplifi Instant router that I'm using now, but I don't think it's able to push through full gigabit speed through its WAN output, thus I'm seeing speeds max out at like 600mbps at best on my PC with no other devices connected to the network. I have the 3200 and did not pay over $200 for it. Best mesh router for long range and multiple devices Up to 6,000 sq. We also welcome product reviews, and pretty much anything else related to small networks. The weird thing is, Speedtest by Ookla is giving me that result, but Xfinity's own test says like 900mbps or something more reasonable. The best affordable router out on the market right now is the TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 AX1500. [–]mrpink57 2 points3 points4 points 7 months ago (0 children). Regarding the access point, I was thinking of ubiquiti ap ac lite as I saw a lot of people suggesting this combo.I don't know if my old router will be able to keep the connection stable on 5ghz.. [–]Eleventhousand 1 point2 points3 points 7 months ago (0 children), I have ER-X SFP and two AC-Lites. There have been some excellent guides written in this sub, and we're always looking for more! Don’t worry, I’ll help you to choose the appropriate router out of my Best Wireless Routers 2020 List. I've been working a lot so sorry for the delay. My use cases are mostly gaming, work (VoIP calls, pdf and word doc uploading and downloading), and watching videos as high as 4k through a Chromecast Ultra. I'm in a similar boat...I've been trying to figure out what router to purchase, as I also have a separate AP. Even if you do the gain for most AX devices is minimal as they only support AX in the bare minimum way. I only got the base station and I have been using it for 2 years now. Will using an ethernet wall port limit my speed? What in the world is going on? Trusted user flair has been added as a means of verification that a user has a substantial knowledge of networking. Personally I try a few before I decide because not all routers work well in all situations. If you have a typical asymmetrical connection (300 down, slow upload) then the biggest improvement you can do is get a router that supports modern SQM QoS. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I got this not too long ago, REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 27873 on r2-app-00856766be784bc96 at 2020-12-18 16:53:26.407649+00:00 running 38155e9 country code: US. 5 GHz is the best without a doubt, but 2.4 GHz must be used to optimize distance. What does the ac3100 have that the ac3200 doesn't? What is your connection speed, both download and upload. TP-Link Archer AX50 The best Wi-Fi router In our tests the TP-Link Archer AX50 created a speedy, responsive network even from across a medium house. The best gaming routers of 2020 A gaming router might be overkill for most of us, but if you're looking for low-latency performance and advanced features, here's … Do you set static IP from the device or from the router? So currently I'm using this: Willing to go up to 150 but I think it is getting long in the tooth and am curious what Unifi will do with the edge line or if they are going to go more like the dream machine going forward. While all that drives its price up … If that meets your needs then it is still a good choice. This might have been a waste of time/money, but I just ordered a Quad Shielded RG6 coax to see if that has any impact. The Asus RT-AX88U is the best Wi-Fi 6 router we've tested to date., use the following search parameters to narrow your results: Please use the search function to look for keywords related to what you want to ask before posting since most common issues have been answered. Are you in the market for one of the best wireless routers of 2020 and don’t mind a quirky design. The Wi-Fi router … I see it listed at 180 on amazon. The ones you linked to suck when it comes to security, unless you install a third party OS. I figure worst case, I'll give it to my brother for his studio apartment since he wouldn't have to worry much about bogging down other people's connections. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. Sometimes it stops responding - DHCP still works, but I can't get to internet or even connect to the router using Luci or ssh until I If you wish for your flair to be changed, please message the mods and we'll be happy to change it for you. There is a newer version of it, but it is even more expensive. Was that because it’s only dual band? Cookies help us deliver our Services. Ry Crist June 8, 2020 … if we are talking asus ac3100 then it (and the 86u) are 4x4 whereas the older 3200 is tri-band and 3x3. ft. Tri-band (Gigabit Speeds) CHECK IT OUT ASUS RT-AC88U Router Best long range Wi-Fi router for 2020 up to 5,000 sq. Best Cyber Monday WiFi 6 Router Deals in 2020 The 2020’s Black Friday router deals are already over. For my case I have 1Gbps down 40Mbps up, and I don't think that I'll want QOS enabled. Upgrading my home network for a home office (with pics), Cisco, Juniper, UBNT, Microsoft, Linux, Wireless, Firewalls. I'd stay away from both of those. There's is what's best or better for you, your budget, your environment. /u/tht1kidd_ has created a suggestion post regarding information everyone needs to provide when asking a question about their network, /u/RoweDent created this awesome resource on network theory. Since … It comes loaded with advanced features and very capable management software. 5 GHz is the best without a doubt, but 2.4 GHz must be used to optimize distance. Adding 120 percent more coverage than previous-generation routers, the Asus RT-AC86U is a hardware lover's delight with some of the best overall performance of any router Asus makes. It's true, it is a bit expensive, but it is quality. Possibly relevant, I'll have two roommates who probably don't use as much bandwidth as myself. The Alien is little pricey for an all in one. everyone needs to provide when asking a question about their network, At the same time, I'm looking for a sweet spot in terms of speeds especially since my Samsung S6 Lite Tablet doesn't really like 2.4 GHz much. And that is assuming you get an AX router that works properly. And I was only getting around 150 download on the nodes and 300+ on the eero connected to my modem. Unless you actually have AX clients an AX router isn't going to improve things. Right now, I have a Nighthawk X4S R7800, and it only can get around 600 down with QOS disabled, and running on Voxel firmware. I’m assuming on the eero pro even the nodes not connected to modem will give better speeds? This is a solid answer and will save you hours of overthinking a situation :-), Will check that out! Thanks! Best Mesh Routers of 2020 A single router is generally fine for apartments and modest-sized houses, but if you live in a larger home, a mesh router might be a better fit. I have it in my house upstairs and I even get good signal at 170 feet away from my house, at about 8-10Mb/s, even though the signal has to go through concrete walls. The best mesh routers can give your home better, stronger wireless internet coverage than any solo router or Wi-Fi extender could hope to manage. Works great on 2.4 and 5ghz, [–]Sario27 2 points3 points4 points 7 months ago (6 children). I'm kind of expecting a mild bump in WiFi speed since I've read some threads online that say my current WiFi router suffers a mild decrease in speed when signal comes straight from the modem. and because of my home layout I am pretty sure I going to get ap's for wireless, [–]15decesaremj 0 points1 point2 points 7 months ago (3 children). To find the ideal router in 2017, go through the products listed here, gaze at the comparison, go through the best wood router features, and choose the … Modem > PoE Injector > Eth0 > Eth4 > Ac-Lite, Edgerouter-X-SFP The premium price is justified with dual-band Wi-Fi that adds up to a throughput speed of 2.9Gbps that can easily cover a larger home, plus a USB 3.1 port for sharing file from an external hard drive at … [–]SoaringStrike[S] 1 point2 points3 points 7 months ago (10 children). We tested the best inexpensive routers to help you pick the right one for your space. The best wireless routers of 2020 available now for your home, including affordable wireless routers and Wi-fi 6 routers, are from Netgear, Asus and TP-Link. W hether you’re a hardcore gamer or just a casual gamer, you know that a big part of your in-game performance relies on your internet connection. Modem > Eth0 > Eth1 - Eth4 > Ac-Lite, [–]washu_k 0 points1 point2 points 7 months ago (11 children). Should I go ER-4, or should I get something with a firewall as well? and join one of thousands of communities. Looking to upgrade my router. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the HomeNetworking community. I connected my PC directly to my modem, rebooted it, and...I'm getting like 600mbps as well through this configuration even though I'm supposed to have gigabit. That's a old asus router... Buy a rt-ac86u instead... Way better cpu... newer device... and better wifi. From mesh to gaming to Wi-Fi 6, these are the best … Not meaning to jump on this post, but I am looking at getting a similiar setup however I have FTTH with 1G up and down, and would really like to maximum my speed. I'd recommend the AmpliFi line for something simple, or Ubiquiti for something more. You have to spend a lot more on a router… Best Wireless Router for the Home Reviews 2020 With so many routers on the market today, ending up with the one that does everything you need can be compared to searching for a needle in a haystack. ER-X comes tomorrow I think so I'm excited to play around with it and see if it has any impact. I tried a few other sites and also downloaded the app for Windows and they all showed 900+ coming off the modem! [–]Sario27 2 points3 points4 points 7 months ago (0 children), Yeah, I have 1GB up and down, so I rarely max it, but I did read that the ER-X can't do 1GB up and down at the same time with QOS disabled, which is why i thought going ER-4. Yep you were right, server was the bottleneck. Here are some key tips to help you shop with confidence. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. AdviceEdgerouter x in 2020 (self.HomeNetworking), Hello. Sooo....weird issues. I don’t have any WiFi 6 devices besides my iPhone, so would I still notice more speed gains from an AX router vs AC router on a 300 mb download speed? The Best Wireless Routers for 2020 These days your Wi-Fi router not only connects you to the Internet, but often your job, too. The hardware includes gaming-specific features such as QoS for prioritizing gaming devices on the network for the best possible … 5 things to know before you buy a new router in 2020 Intimidated by the thought of picking out a new router? One of the best-reviewed gaming routers on the market, Netgear's Nighthawk XR500 is built specifically with gamers in mind. The ER-X can route up to 1 Gbps total. What I'm hoping to achieve is full gigabit capability over ethernet connection, and I'm aware that I'd need to pickup a faster AP to get gigabit over wi-fi. it doesn't matter whether it's a standard router… It's a beast. It depends on your needs. We rated, reviewed, & compared 7 of the best gaming routers for 2019. Our rankings take price and feature set into consideration to present you with the best router for your needs. Welcome to our pick of the best VPN routers money can buy in 2020. In fact if you get an Eero Pro you will have not only good QoS but more real world WiFi bandwidth then either of the routers you linked because the Pro is tri-band. You do not need WiFi 6. © 2020 reddit inc. All rights reserved. The best Wi-Fi routers offer you speedy access for everything, whether it's for work and school, or entertainment and play. New ethernet runs to the attic will be next to ducts, plenum and/or shielded cable? The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Sister Built House, ISP Says they don't serve the area! It has great range and great speeds, even without the 2 mesh points. If you can't find what you're looking for with the search function please feel free to post a new question after reading the posting guidelines. A good router under $50 is fast and has wide range. I realized I get charged 11 dollars a month for it and figured buying my own would save me in the long run! I believe no Aimesh on the 3200 as well. The best Wi-Fi routers of 2020: Nest, Asus, TP-Link and more Your Wi-Fi router is the unsung hero holding your smart home together. Also do I need a cloud key if I am going ubnt? The 9 Best Wireless Routers of 2020 Shop the best routers for gamers, streamers, large houses, apartments and more by Jesse Hollington Writer Jesse Hollington is a tech writer with 10+ years' experience. The problem is that even in 2020 very few routers support this. I saw that everyone on old posts are mentioning edgerouter x and with an access point. My price range is 140$~ . I don't think that I'll run into maxing out the download, but I feel like the price jump (as you alluded to) probably won't be worth it for me to have QoS on down and up. We’ve just updated our Cyber Monday router deals for AX Wi-Fi. Even better, you also get the "Teleport" feature, for free, which is like a VPN to your home. The best budget Wi-Fi 6 router is the TP-Link Archer AX50, which gives you all the benefits of Wi-Fi 6, but at a lower price – a welcome departure from prices that regularly exceed $400 or more. [–]SoaringStrike[S] 4 points5 points6 points 7 months ago (1 child). 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