Our online exercises for French help you to learn and practice grammar rules in an interactive manner. Tex's French Grammar is the integral grammar component of Français Interactif, an online French course from the University of Texas at Austin. In French, as in English, there are generally three levels of comparison: superior, inferior and equal. ]|positive (signal word: [I think the boots are prettier than the shoes. Online exercises to improve your French. : Practice French exercises for any level! Choose the correct form (base adjective, comparative, superlative). Task No. 16. Many translated example sentences containing "exercices comparatifs" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations. Geography, history, politics, literature... Do not copy or translate - site protected by an international copyright. Comparison of adjectives in English. French Grammar tips for La comparaison - French lessons by Frantastique Maurice conduit moinsautantmieuxI don't know vite que Philippe. le comparatif / Komparativ einfach erklärt Viele Adjektive-Themen Üben für le comparatif / Komparativ mit Videos, interaktiven Übungen & Lösungen. COMPARATIVE - SUPERLATIVE. ]|comparative (signal word: [This book is the worst in the whole collection. Inferior ones mean something is less than something else.. A simple explanation of 'Comparatif' (Grammatical Form) use for anyone learning French. ]|superlative (signal words: [The green jumper is just as expensive as the red one. ]|comparative (signal word: J’aimerais bien savoir quel est l’endroit, De toutes les filles de sa classe, elle est, Le comparatif et le superlatif – mélange (1), Le comparatif et le superlatif – mélange (2), Le comparatif et le superlatif – comparatif (1), Le comparatif et le superlatif – comparatif (2), Le comparatif et le superlatif – superlatif. Websites with many free French worksheets. 3) Equality indicates that two or more things are "as ___" (as happy, as thirsty, as interesting). > Double-click on words you don't understandLe comparatifTrouvez le bon comparatif. 6. The French adverb bien (well) also has special comparative and superlative forms. 10. Philippe conduit aussiplus demoins deI don't know vite que moi. Claire mange meilleuraussiautant deI don't know fruits et de légumes que Marie. . Bonjour de France provides worksheets covering grammatical functions, exercises adapted to your level, all of which are online and easily accessible. But don’t get carried away: Only the adjective varies, not the comparative words plus, moins, and aussi. Comparatif Superlatif I don’t know! Pierre travaille moins deplus demoins queI don't know Jacques. Tex's French Grammar is the integral grammar component of Français Interactif, an online French course from the University of Texas at Austin. To your keyboards! Do you need help? For example: Adjective: vert (green) le plus vert (the greenest) le moins vert (the least green) Like all adjectives, the adjectives used in superlatives have to agree with the nouns that they modify, and therefore have different forms for masculine, feminine, singular, and plural. Comparative and superlative adverbs in French indicate some difference, because comparatives are comparing two or more things whereas superlatives are expressing extremes. The comparative is mieux (better): Elle explique mieux ses idées. Comparative – mixed exercises Other French exercises on the same topic: Comparisons All our lessons and exercises Share: With a lesson Writing a letter. French Superlative. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Conditions. With Lingolia Plus you can access 5 additional exercises about Comparative, as well as 589 online exercises to improve your French. Thierry est moinsaussimeilleurI don't know au tennis qu'au football. (small) The blue car is than the black car. Je conduis plus deautantplusI don't know vite que Maurice. Adverb placement: Complete the answers to Tammy's questions using the adverb in parentheses. Many translated example sentences containing "comparative exercises" – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. And you know how opinionated the French are so you need this skill to converse with us! 12. We have hundreds of exercises to pass your exams with ease! French-Comparative and Superlative. supériorité, Marie est plus grande que Léna. End of the free exercise to learn French: Le comparatifA free French exercise to learn French.Other French exercises on the same topic : | Comparisons | All our lessons and exercises, Click here to see the current stats of this French test. Again, "inferiority" doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad. If you need help conjug… English grammar. ]|superlative (signal words: [I’d like to know what the coldest place on earth is. Comparatif ou superlatif ?-French. In order to assess your comprehension of French comparative adjectives, go through sections of the worksheet and take the quiz. Je suis moins demieuxplusI don't know sociable que Coralie. French Grammar FLE exercises. FREE (83) FredR Template for Picture Blockbusters. I will give as homework a document to watch or to read with comprehension exercises so the time we have on skype is only speaking practice and explanation if needed. 3. Complete French Grammar.pdf - Google Drive. French superlatives have three parts: definite article, superlative word (either plus or moins), and adjective. For this lesson, we’ve divided the topic into two: adjectives and adverbs. A free French exercise to learn French. [More lessons & exercises from colchique]Click here to see the current stats of this French test Please log in to save your progress.1. document.write(' '); Show example. A comparative adjective in English is one with - er on the end of it or more or less in front of it, that is used to compare people or things, for example, slower, less important, more beautiful. Equal ones mean that something is equal to something else.. We use these adverbs to make comparisons. French exercise "Le comparatif" created by colchique with The test builder. Sign in. Comparative adjectives in a sentence – Exercise 1. En construction - learn French [Test] Le comparatif peut porter sur un adjectif, un adverbe, un nom ou un verbe. (old) Answer: Marie is older than Lisa. Free Printable French Worksheets - Includes fill in the blank grammar exercises, vocabulary lists (with quizzes to accompany them), and grammar explanations. Jacques travaille autant queautant deplus deI don't know Fabrice. 15. He understands our ideas the best. - Bon-bien-meilleur-mieux - Comparatifs et superlatifs - Degrés de comparaison - Degrés d'intensité et de comparaison. 13. Twitter ShareFrench exercise "Le comparatif" created by colchique with The test builder. 2. Fill in the missing word to make grammatically correct and logical comparative and superlative statments 7. Bundle. 8. [ More lessons & exercises from colchique ] Click here to see the current stats of this French test adjectif, adverbe. 11. FredR Key Stage 3 Revision Pictures Blockbuster. The French equivalent is moins ___. To make sure that you understand the correct answers, our answer keys offer simple explanations as well as handy tips and tricks. To make sure that you understand the correct answers, our answer keys offer simple explanations as well as handy tips and tricks. Games All our sites. In French, an adjective must agree in gender and number with the noun it describes. In the superlative, bien becomes le mieux (the best): Il comprend nos idées le mieux. Suzanne est aussimoins deplus deI don't know sociable que Laure. Superior comparative adverbs mean something is more than something else.. ]|comparative (signal word: [This winter, the temperatures are warmer than last winter. Each form is used once. > Similar tests: - Comparaison et métaphore - Comparatifs / superlatifs - Comparaison (la) - Comparatif ou superlatif ? She explains her ideas better. The French equivalent is plus ___. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the adjectives in brackets. ]|comparative (signal word: [Of all the books that I’ve read, they are the most interesting. To make a comparison that includes an adjective, follow these easy steps: 1. Are you ready? I suggest that before you dive into this topic, you should do a quick review of the adjectives and adverbs first. Example: Marie is than Lisa. You can review the grammatical structures seen in class, measure your knowledge and test your progress at any time. 14. Comparatif et Superlatif interrogation Reflexive verbs Imperfect Conditional Relative pronouns; Grammaire . The comparative (le comparatif) allows us to compare two nouns. Give it a try and be surprised with the results. Creative Commons "Sharealike" Other resources by this author. Comparative Adverbs in French. ]|positive (signal word: [In my opinion, they’re more interesting than adventure novels. JOIN our free exerciced and learn French now! Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases. 4. Le Superlatif refers to comparisons between two or more items when one comes above all the others, such as the most/the least.. [Martina is taller than her parents. I can help you prepare DELF-DALF Exams or work on specific needs (as professional French). The superlative (le superlatif) compares one thing against a whole group and expresses the idea of the most (le plus) or the least (le moins). Languages / French / Grammar / Adjectives and adverbs; 11-14; 14-16; 16+ View more. Learn the French comparative (le comparatif) + superlative (le superlatif): plus, moins, aussi...que for adjectives, nouns + adverbs. Thierry est autant deplus mauvaisplus bonI don't know au football qu'au tennis. There are also differences in form betwee English and French. Again, "inferiority" doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad. Comparatives and superlatives of adjectives - Easy Learning Grammar French 1 Making comparisons using comparative adjectives What is a comparative adjective? Here is how to easily compare and express your opinion in French! The French equivalent is le moins ___. ]|comparative (signal word: [Or is it just as cold? Comparatives - comparison: worksheets pdf, handouts to print, printable exercises, Comparative and superlative. adverbes . Exercise resources included. (He's the best at understanding our ideas.) ]|positive (signal word: [Of all the girls in her class, she’s the smallest. FREE (30) FredR French Comparatives and Superlatives. Thierry travaille mieuxmeilleurplus mauvaisI don't know à l'école que Vincent. Les adverbes au comparatif et superlatif indiquent une différence parce que le comparatif compare deux ou plusieurs choses tandis que le superlatif montre le plus haut degré d'une certaine qualité. comparatives and superlatives in French. Fill in the gaps with the comparative form of the adjectives given. Our online exercises for French help you to learn and practice grammar rules in an interactive manner. ; Free French Worksheets & Printables - Includes fill in the blank grammar exercises, vocabulary lists (with quizzes to accompany them), and grammar explanations. FREE (60) Popular paid resources . Start with subject + a conjugation of être (to be) + plus/moins/aussi + adjective that matches the subject.For example: il est plus grand (he is taller). There are three types of comparison: moins … que (less than), aussi … que (as, as) and plus … que (more than). The forms of superlatives vary depending on whether you're comparing adjectives, verbs, adverbs or nouns. > Other French exercises on the same topic: | Comparisons [Change theme] French has never been easier to study!> English Translation of “comparatif” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. laprofdefrancais La famille en voie de … Comparative – Exercises. Complete the sentence using the comparative form of the adjective in brackets. Jake's room is than Larry's room. Click here to log in New account 4 million accounts created! The grammar involved in using superlative adverbs varies slightly depending on whether you’re comparing adjectives, adverbs, nouns, or verbs. ]|positive (signal word: [She is the tallest in her family. 1061. Learn French > French lessons and exercises > French test #21025 Vincent travaille autantplus deplusI don't know mal que Thierry. ]|superlative (signal words: [Your shampoo is better than mine. Paul travaille plusaussimeilleurI don't know que Pierre. 5. Become a Lingolia Plus member to access these additional exercises. French comparatives and superlatives, just like in English, can occur both in adjectives and adverbs. ]|comparative (signal word: [Her brother is almost as tall as her. Sign in The French equivalents are aussi and autant. Valentine mange moins demoinsaussiI don't know légumes que Claire. 2) Inferiority indicates that something is "less ___" (less hungry, less exciting, less complete). Learn about comparatives and superlatives in with Lingolia, then test yourself in the free … 9. ]|superlative (signal word: [Is it colder at the North Pole than it is on Mount Everest? Coralie est meilleurmoinsmieuxI don't know sociable que Suzanne. Get 3 months membership for just €10.49 (≈ $12.48). That rule applies to adjectives in a comparison, as you probably assumed. ]|superlative (signal word: [I think historical novels are very interesting. 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