Some people argue that animals shall not be kept in zoos as they deserve freedom. Many people think zoos are bad for animals and think it is cruel, but they do not know the truth. Inside of these exhibits, animals are either tortured, abused, or even killed. I trust that zoos are cruel to the faunas. Zoos want to make sure that not too much of one gene is over represented. The euthanization of a healthy zoo animal helps to prevent inbreeding and gene [...], Picture living in a cage from birth to death. In this argumentative essay, I am against zoos – they cause more bad than good. Everybody has a different opinion on the issue with some advocating for the act while others are against it. Zoos often seek out baby animals because they are most appealing to people, but when the animal grows older, they’re often sold or killed. Undoubtedly, most zoos have harmful effects on wild animals but life is not always bad. These animals have no choice when it comes to deciding weather they are kept in captivity or not. Model Answer: Should animals be kept in zoos? Like Reply. Most people get entertained by watching animals in zoos and knowing more about their behaviors. A zoo in your city would like to build a new gorilla exhibit so it can bring in more animals to create a breeding program. Zoos have been harmful to the very animals they have sworn to protect. Keeping animals in a ‘prison’ is one thing, but killing them is crossing the line. Researchers discovered that animal sanctuaries are a lot better than zoos because they advocate spaying and neutering and attempts to find suitable homes for the animals. The zoos are killing animals because the zoos want to prevent inbreeding between animals and help with gene control. Be sure to: • Make a quick plan for your essay. Despite the fact that thousands of people signed an online petition to save the young giraffe, the Copenhagen Zoo still decided to kill the giraffe and feed it to the lions in front of a zoo audience that included children. Zoos claim that they take in animals to keep them from extinction, if they really wanted to help them they would be helping protect their natural habitat instead of taking them away from them. The zoos keep the population of wild and almost extinct animals growing instead. Reports from Freedom For Animals state, ¨Tigers and lions have around 18,000 times less space in zoos than they would in the wild.¨ An average tiger scales to be around 7 to 10 feet long with their tails adding around another 24 inches, and on average they weigh 300 to 500 pounds. Breeding programs at zoos have helped multiple endangered species such as golden lion tamarins, cheetahs and tapirs (Keilin). Zoos help prevent extinction, support endangered animals, educate the public, and help save animals in bad conditions. Zoos mainly care for one thing and it’s certainly not the animals. However, others believe [...], In Europe, zoos have been euthanizing healthy animals. In the article “Are Zoos Good Or Bad For Animals/, Animals brought to zoos don’t have the freedom to live the life that they desire. Zoos are very popular and everyone has been to at least one, at some point in their life. Zoos and ocean parks are not the only businesses known to confine and exploit animals for profit. Those are the types of things animals go through every single day until they die. Zoos claim that they take in animals to keep them from extinction, if they really wanted to help them they would be helping protect their natural habitat instead of taking them away from them. Also, Zoos are not in favor of the animal nor the visitors. Since there is nothing to really help these helpless animals when it comes to being put in captivity, they suffer mental illness and are not provided with insufficient space. As a matter of fact, we are mammals and so are some species. One thing zoos never thought through was that, “Removing individuals from the wild will further endanger the wild population because the remaining individuals will be less genetically diverse and will have more difficulty finding mates.”(Course Hero) Taking these animals away from their home only creates more problems for the future generations. And zoos are a necessary and vital part of efforts to conserve them and other endangered animals. With that mental illness they show abnormal behavior such as biting the bars on cages. For multiple animals of this size to be put in cages less than 100 square meters creates problems with the way they behave. They can find many kinds of animal, without going to the wild forest.Zoos can make the visitors happy, but it might not be the same condition as the wild animal's feeling. Almost one fourth of all known mammals are threatened with extinction. Zoos do all this for profit: , hey cut back the amount of food each animal gets for profit;, they increase the number of animals for profit and they cage these innocent animals for profit. This essay seeks to present some advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos. Zoos are places that often visited by the people for recreation, moreover for the family who has child. … original papers, This example has been uploaded by a student. Living in a place so unlike their natural habitat, most people claim the animals look depressed, bored and stressed out. Create a presentation to prospective donors and organizations that may want to help the zoo. Numerous opponents against zoos believe that they do not help educate visitors or help animals in any way. The percentage is even higher for invertebrates, over a third threatened…, Animals should not be kept in Zoos This essay will discuss both sides of this debate before a reasoned conclusion is drawn. Animals in captivity often suffer from anxiety, boredom and other severe issue related to prolonged confinement. We can create an original paper just for you! Didn't find the paper that you were looking for? The natural habitat of the animals is not zoos but forests. Animals that go through Zoochosis constantly walk in circles and are extremely aggressive. Should Animals be Kept in Zoos and Aquariums? The pros include the protection of animal rights basing on the level of risks animals living in the natural world face. "The recreational pros to wild life is the ecotourism it attracts annually to generate larger revenue for the state funding." Some people think zoos are bad, while some think they are good and help the animals. In their natural habitat, species develop immunities to naturally occurring illnesses. One of the arguments is specifically about protecting animals. Conservation and research are said to be practiced in Zoos, yet most commercial Zoos don’t have endangered animals and kill numerous animals because … 1. Earth is currently in a global extinction crisis. Do Zoos Help or Harm Animal? In conclusion, no, Zoos do not have a place in the 21st century. Others however believe that zoos can be useful in protecting wild animals. On the other hand, some people argue that animals should be kept in zoos. One reason is to protect animals from dwindling and extinction. Charismatic megafauna are wild animals that interest humans, such as giraffes and tigers. Having animals in a zoo is simply cruel to the animal. Zoos do MUCH more harm, they hurt animals. There are very many animals that you can see today only because of zoos. Zoos may seem like these amazing places where tourists get a chance to learn about these animals. Zoos claim one of their main benefits is conservation. Zoos are Doing More Harm Than Good Essay. Even though some zoos have an endangered species exhibit with the intention of protecting and rehabilitating animals, many do not do an adequate job of protecting the animals. They hold them in captivity and don’t treat them like the should, like wild animals. Since 1250 B.C. Zoos also act as a boost to the community. The first modern zoo was established in 1748 in Austria. This may well mean we are forgoing our right to freedom. According to, a young healthy giraffe was killed and fed to lions at the Copenhagen Zoo. 0. Many zoos [...], Animals shouldn't be kept in the zoo. I don’t think zoos do very well with that. Zoos help prevent extinction, support endangered animals, educate the public, and help save animals in bad conditions. For example Peta Kids states, Zoos often trade, loan, or sell adults animals who aren’t making as much money as when they were younger… These sad, unwanted animals may end up in roadside zoos or traveling circuses. The people and activists who oppose the very idea of setting up zoos argue that even if zoo owners take sincere efforts to conserve wild animals, success attained in protecting them is insignificant. Zoos enable people to have fun, as they are adventurous in nature. Animal live much longer in a zoo than they do in the wild. Zoos Are Bad For Animals. According to BBG, ¨Between 3,000 to 5,000 healthy zoo animals are killed in Europe every year.¨ It’s movements like these that make us rethink if zoos are really good for animals. While SAFE does coordinate the placement of endangered animals within zoos, it also devotes resources to the field. Forced killings of animals is one of the things they sometimes do in zoos. Posted by: Anonymous Report Post. When kept in captivity, they are deprived of sufficient space to grow properly, which results in stress and a form abnormal symptoms referred to as “zoochosis” which includes bar biting, swaying, vomiting and much more. Zoos were first created to entertain and teach kids and adults about the animals they don’t see everyday. The Association of Zoos and Aquariums tout its SAFE program that leverages zoo audiences to raise awareness for endangered animals. They are known for showing off the wild animals, and educating you on them at the same time. However, when studying this in detail it is easy to see this is a myth. Lets say if an animal was sick in the wild nine times out of ten they would die or be killed by a predator but if an animal got sick in the zoo it will have a more likely chance of survival because of vetinarians on standby. Thus, confining the animals under metal bars and wire fencing is denying their freedom (Haywood, 2008). Many people think zoos are bad for animals and think it is cruel, but they do not know the truth. Convince them to … … Zoos should keep their animals and keep them alive. Zoos help prevent extinction of species. To me, a zoo is a large business that captures wild animals and changes their lives forever. However, zoos display good as well as bad sides of them. Animals live longer Zoos claim to save wild animals, but wild animals in zoos are reduced to commodities and given inadequate habitats. The zoo claimed that they did not have, Differences Between Society And Government In Common Sense, By Thomas Paine, The Effects Of The Consumption Of Sugary Drinks, The Importance Of The Perception Of Nursing. Zoos benefit the lives of animals and their population. On the one hand, opponents of banning zoos argue against it for several reasons. They also claim to breed the animals to keep from being endangered and to release them later on in life, but in reality raising these animals in zoos doesn´t help them when being released. As a result, zoos breed more animals to get more babies which results in more money. No one has a right OR a reason to cage them! They also claim to breed the animals to keep from being endangered and to release them later on in life, but in reality raising these animals in zoos doesn´t help them when being released. Little do they know the animals are imprisoned and suffer from being little fed or forced to do things. Most zoos are not only great places to get up close to wildlife, but many are also doing their part to bolster dwindling populations of animals still living free in the wild. ” 75% of elephants were overweight and only 16% could walk normally, the remainder having various degrees of lameness. There are those that blatantly exploit and even hurt animals yet get away with it because people are conditioned to see their actions as normal. To this day it is still existing, pleasing the human race. Zoos benefit the lives of animals and their population. Hire writing expert and save your time! professional essay writers. But you can one from This paper argues why animals should not be kept in zoos, and also tries to refute the counterarguments that claim that zoos are good for the animals and/or society…, Have you ever been to a zoo? Captive breeding does not teach them how to hunt, how to find shelter, or learn how to protect themselves. An animal born in captivity becomes dependent on human beings for its survival. For centuries there has been a “historical debate” on whether or not zoos are beneficial or unnecessary. Zoos cannot provide them with enough space, therefore, they cannot run around so as to grow up freely. With this little space animals cannot perform their natural instincts and they can’t hunt or roam. We will send an essay sample to you in 2 Hours. Certainly, zoos have their own reasons for keeping animals. You have to discuss both sides of the argument and with this zoo essay question it would be very easy to read it and then simply write about the benefits and drawbacks of zoos. But look at this bit carefully: 1. Some are supporting the zoos as people get to know animals by visiting them in zoos while others are criticizing the practice and demanding total eradication of zoos. Zoos serve as a breeding ground for the animals, so it helps in protecting their species. However, I believe that zoos violate the rights of animals to live naturally and freely in the wild, and it upsets the balance of nature. Second, animals are safe in zoos… According to animal right activists, one doesn’t need to exhibit animals for recreational purposes if the sole objecti… 16 students ordered this very topic and got Zoos help prevent extinction of species. Your position: Zoos help endangered animals. The authorities running the zoos should take proper care of … Lions in zoos spend 48% of their time pacing, a recognized sign [...], In the recent times, the practice of housing animals in zoos has become a major problem and a point of debate among different stakeholders, zoo advocated and animal rights advocates across the world. First, zoos are considered a popular entertaining destination amongst children. Zoos shown to the public for the entertainment of people should be stopped for they don’t care for the animals as frankly as they reveal to the people. As with this tiger, some zoos can bring good. As you write, use information and quotations from the video, the texts, and the chart to support your claim. Zoochosis Small Cages This animal is suffering zoochosis,he is biting that metal bars. Zoos are cruel and inadequate for the animals needs. 2020 © - All rights reserved. Zoos help with saving endangered species and help the withe survival against predators. If you need help faster you can always use our custom writing service. Should Animals Be Kept In Zoos Essay. Disadvantages of Zoo. Animals shouldn’t be forced to live in cages just for the entertainment of humans. Animals in captivity have allowed human beings to study animals and learn more about animals. Numeruous people think that zoos are good for the wild animals. , animals have been placed in captivity for the interest of human beings. Keeping these creatures contained in enclosures forms them to become very aggressive, which leads to them possibly hurting themselves or others. Most zoos do not try to replicate the lavish zoos, jungles, savannah, and dense forest where animals belong (“Zoos: An idea….”). Cannibalism in chickens When kept in a zoo, the animals do not develop the capability to resist certain diseases and therefore would be more prone to catching viruses if released back into the wild. As a result, the animals find their own ways of coping, usually in unhealthy ways. The Euthanizing of Zoo Animals in European Zoos. On the other side, animal activists argue that we do not have the right to confine animals … Others are brought to simply be killed.¨ Imagine just because you weren’t a small baby anymore that you’d get sent to slaughter. For instance, in [...]. Zoos should be restricted for that they don´t provide the amount of space as animals have in the wild, they only care about the money made from people the public, and zoos don’t take the responsibility of maintaining the animals the right way. Modern zoos aim to promote animal conservation, educate … Letting these animals to live out in the wild like that will get them killed, then in the end did all that really matter. 1. Zoos have been a place for human entertainment since such a long time that it is now widely considered a tradition, giving the pleasure of wholesome family activity. Need your own essay? Task 8: Write a research-based argument essay. They are kept Since the public loves baby animals the zoos make most money when people pay to see the babies. Families spend a whole day there, and schools bring out their children for a fun-filled trip—Zoo’s help in creating jobs, raising national revenue and also boost local and small-scale businesses. (Bobula, 3/3/17). For years animals have been kept in zoos and aquariums for the sole purpose of entertainment. Our editors will help you fix any mistakes and get an A+! Most animals are unable to thrive in small enclosure with unnatural weather and climates. Tigers and lions have around 18,000 times less space in zoos than they would in the wild. Most importantly animals in the wild are a part of the ecosystem and help out a lot, " animals are an integral part of the environment and without them we ourselves would struggle to exist, (8/22/14 Nitin Bhamvani ). Animals suffer mental illness just like humans do. You must always read the question carefully and note if there is anything restricting the topic. Animals are being hurt in zoos, with all the people staring at them from behind the bars, and moreover, they are hurt by those deadly chemicals in the cages! Many animals in zoos are “charismatic megafauna,” such as lions and elephants, because they attract visitors. Put yourself in the place of these animals and think, would you wanna be born to be raised in a undersized room for the rest of your life, while people watch you? Experts Agree: Zoos Do More Harm Than Good 02 March 2016 - Posted by Jacqueline Barba Across their 5,500-year history, and regardless of improvements through the ages, the central problem of zoos has remained the same: zoos cannot accommodate the psychological and physical needs of the animals … Zoos have been harmful to the very animals they have sworn to protect. Once the babies are grown up though they aren’t as popular. They tend to live longer in zoos Animals live longer in zoos than they do in the wild they get the necessary care and food they need to live a very healthy lifestyle. Many zoos are businesses and known for only caring about the money,…, How would you feel if you were taken out of your natural habitat and put on display as a source of “entertainment”? Is a debatable topic and people around the globe are divided in their opinions. But not everything zoos do is necessarily within the walls of the zoo itself. This is because when it comes to animal welfare in the United States there is no laws in place to protect [...], How would you feel if you had bars surrounding you, faces peering in every minute of the day, and being taken out of your natural habitat? Defenders of zoos continue to point out that they are helping species instead of hurting them by boosting their populations through Species Survival Plan Programs (SSP). Write a research-based argument essay, convincing readers that zoos either help or harm animals. A do zoos help or harm animals essay and vital part of efforts to conserve them and other animals... Is simply cruel to the faunas, i am against zoos believe that zoos can run... Overweight and only 16 % could walk normally, the texts, and the chart support! Everything zoos do is necessarily within the walls of the zoo itself this it... Raise awareness for endangered animals that captures wild animals % could walk normally the. 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