I guess the best women (in anime and life) are both hot and cool. Nobody can argue with Yoruichi. She meddles in other people's business, is usually awkward and clumsy, and is very susceptible to freak accidents. Also surely they need to be strong so people like WINRY fall short, there needs to be character development and beauty plays a role too but not such a significant one, Kagura from Fairy Tail is a great contender, beautiful, strong, straight up BOSS etc...but her lack of screen time and character development means there's no way you can see as one of the best ever - do you see what I mean. She became a formidable ninja. And yet... so beautiful.”. Hinata started off in the series as a very shy and self-conscious young girl … The stereotypical boy-saves-girl gender roles that play out in media are also very much reversed when it comes to her relationship with Eren, which is very refreshing to see, though her protectiveness of him seems a little unhealthy at times. Facebook; Prev Article Next Article . At just 17 years-old, she's already a fiercely skilled martial artist, with superior strength, speed and stamina. Between her ninja abilities, endearing personality, powerful backstory, and fantastic character development, Hinata definitely deserves a spot on this list. She works hard at her part-time job to support herself and pay her school tuition. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Armed with a scowl every bit as fierce as her giant sword, Ryoko Matoi is the main protagonist of the magical girl-martial arts extravaganza. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Female Characters . She was able to make Sagara Sousuke, the man with zero social skills, fall for her or more appropriately, madly in love with her. While Nana Komatsu is interesting in her own way, there's something about Nana Osaki that is titillating and fascinating. Konata isn't your typical leading lady from a shoujo production. Anime as a genre isn’t always known for its strong female characters. Welcome to HubPages, and keep sharing. Ayu (author) from Sorajima on January 07, 2014: Hi AnimeWatcher. But rather, for strong, powerful women in anime. For more younger audiences, Urd from Ah My Goddess has always been a "hottest girl" for me. 2. These are some of the most powerful female characters in all of anime! 1 … From warriors to princesses, classic film to new series, we’ve got some of the strongest (and best loved) female She is also the second youngest ninja to create her own, Star Wars: Each Main Character's First and Last Line In The Prequel Trilogy, The 15 Best Female Protagonists In Anime History, IGN has rated Motoko as one of the greatest anime characters of all time, Jeff The Killer: 10 Infamous Creepypastas That Don't Hold Up Today, How I Met Your Mother: Barney's Exes, Ranked By Likability, 10 Most Questionable Parenting Choices In Schitt's Creek, Star Wars: The Acolyte: 5 Things We Know About The New Disney+ Series (& 5 Theories, According To Reddit), 5 Horror Movie Villains Who Could Beat Darth Vader (& 5 Who Wouldn’t Stand A Chance), Mike & Molly: 10 Best Season 3 Episodes, Ranked By IMDb, Gilmore Girls: 10 Things That Went Bad For Rory Once She Started Dating Logan, Harry Potter: 10 Unpopular Opinions About The Movie Series (According To Reddit), New Girl: 10 Times The Main Characters Should Probably Have Gone To Jail, The King Of Queens: 5 Ways Carrie Was Supportive (& 5 Ways She Wasn’t), Kwon Shi-hyun & 9 Other K-Drama Bad Boys Who Made Us Fall In Love, Family Guy: Every Finale For Seasons 1-10, Ranked By IMDb, 10 Awful Cliffhangers To Movies That Never Got Sequels, Ranked, 10 Shows To Watch If You Like The Real Housewives Of New York. Even with 0 fighting skills, our bright, young lead female character is definitely on the list! Shinichiro Watanabe made her a bright girl with a huge appetite. “Rukia Kuchiki” from Bleach (Burīchi) There is however, a small but respectable group of anime archer characters who are capable of amazing feats with bows and arrows, and even crossbows. Nana became a rebellious youth and developed a fondness for punk music. Chihiro is thrown into a world that is scary and is burdened with the responsibility of saving her parents when she should just be a happy, normal kid. :). Definitely HOT! Voted funny, beautiful, and interesting. After fifty-four years, the amnesiac Faye is awakened and healed, and but is also in massive debt. It is important to note that "best" does not exclusively imply physical strength, intelligence, or victory. However, Hinata is definitely one of the most engaging on the show. I just named the best characters for me, in my opinion at least, and you can agree or disagree with everything i wrote but you cannot tell me to rename this list. Our next girl has deceived pretty much everyone in Ashford Academy! Motoko causes us to question exactly what makes us human. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. From focused and powerful warriors to brave young girls, from princesses to really interesting space aliens, there are a ton of protagonists on this list that we can all look up to. On the contrary, Usagi’s girliness makes her funny, relatable, and a good role model for young girls. While accompanying Howl on his adventures, her kind nature and dutiful morals shine through and she does her best to help everyone around her. Nana was expelled from school for a false prostitution accusation and became the lead singer of the band Black Stones and developed quite a fan following. xXxHolic was one of their best releases that was adapted into an anime. Anime is an animated series that is typically made in Japan and features strong emotional storylines for the characters within the series. I think no one will argue with me on this one. She was often considered the useless princess of the Hyuga clan, but soon gained inspiration from watching her friends succeed and harnessed the power within herself to improve. Like Chihiro of Spirited Away and several other heroines from Studio Ghibli films before her, Sophie Hatter from Howl’s Moving Castle is an endearing, interesting, and very likable character. Well we created a list of the best female characters. However, she has experienced hardship and the death of her mother, so she’s not an entirely privileged person. Nana is a manga and anime series about two young and very different women named Nana who meet by chance and decide to move in together as roommates. December 23, 2020 . 0. On top of everything mentioned, Major Motoko Kusanagi is one of the primary protagonists of the popular, You really can’t have a list of awesome female protagonists without including our favorite schoolgirl superhero: Usagi from, San's character represents something much deeper than what we see at face value, like many of the characters and themes in, Faye Valentine is a main character from the popular futuristic bounty hunting anime series, If you love extraterrestrial weirdness, you'd definitely love the 2003 anime, This entry may seem unlikely, but Konata, from the comedic slice-of-life anime series, The all-female group of illustrators called, Yuuko is the owner of the shop in Tokyo where most of the events of, Fuu is the one of the lead characters in the series, Hinata started off in the series as a very shy and self-conscious young girl with an innocent crush on the titular hero. Sophie is a reserved and insecure young woman at the beginning of the film. Anime characters seem to have all sorts of cool occupations and abilities. Kind of like Kallen Stadfield, or, if you go back 60 years to the WWII era, cool Diana who was also hot Wonder Woman. ^_^. Trying to find out more about an anime or manga character? Regardless, her antics steal the show. Out of those polled, 51 percent of the participants were women and 49 percent were men. Yes, Yorouichi isn't a main character and yes she didn't have a lot of airtime but i like her and let's leave it at that. 3. Hinata is genuinely kind, good person and her backstory is very fascinating and well written. Top Anime Charts Fall 2020 Anime Season . Nigel Kirk from Calgary, AB, CAN on March 30, 2013: I would also have to say any of the Deviluke Princesses (from To Love Ru: Darkness) , although that series is ALMOST (cleverly censored) echhi. Video games, movies, TV shows, cartoons, anime, toys, comics, and so much more. Motoko is a very physically strong and incredibly intellectual who that is quick-witted and an excellent hacker. In recent years, anime fans have been rating everything from the top 10 characters that represent Japan to the funniest series that will leave you crying with laughter. The Straw Hat Pirates' smart navigator, one of the best on the Grand Line is none other than Nami! Top 10 Dominant Female Anime Characters. Or at the very least, we can be intrigued by their stories and captivated by their character development. Here comes another creation of Shinichiro Watanabe. Also, I personally don't equate not blushing to being cool. We put together some of the most badass, smart, funny, and unique female protagonists from different anime series and films for this list, and there was quite a lot to choose from. San has been hateful toward humans for much of her life, and for good reason. The three get into a lot of funny dramatically compelling situations on their journey and eventually become good friends. As a child, Motoko was comatose following an airplane accident. Haruko is refreshingly eccentric and unpredictable, and few of the things she does makes sense. Chihiro is like many of Hayao Miyazaki’s leading ladies in that she experiences a huge amount of character development, gains confidence throughout her journey, and is part a healthy coming of age story that young girls can learn a lot from. Anything less would have been a sort of apologetic assimilation-- San hates humanity, and always will. The only one of the beauties you mention that I knew was Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop. What makes Faye Valentine hot? Cat's Eye protagonist, Hitomi Kisugi cannot NOT be on this list. In the country where she lives, the first-born daughter in a family is destined to live a mundane life taking over the business affairs of her family. Asuka is an American teenage girl who serves as an Eva pilot for the Evangelion Project and pilots the Evangelion Unit-02. Afro Samurai (See it … It is later revealed that the Sunflower Samurai is Fuu's estranged father. Her love of maps, navigation, nakama and money (of course!) San is willing to do anything to protect her adopted wolf family and the forest they live in. Best Bows in Dark Souls 3: Every Bow & Greatbow, Ranked; 15 Best Rings To Try in Dark Souls 3; Top 15 Best Armor Sets in Dark Souls 3; Fun content on everything pop culture. San's character represents something much deeper than what we see at face value, like many of the characters and themes in Hayao Miyazaki's work. Week 10 . A beautiful thief is definitely cool! Anime occasionally gives off the impression that it’s less than kind in the way it represents its female characters. Despite her often cynical comments about the world around her, she manages to retain her humanity. This entry may seem unlikely, but Konata, from the comedic slice-of-life anime series Lucky Star, definitely deserves a spot on the list. Think again! Yuuko is the owner of the shop in Tokyo where most of the events of xXxHolic takes place. Woah...rename this list, definitely incorrect. The Gate incident resulted in her identity and records being erased. In the first episode of the short series, she runs over Naota with her bright yellow Vespa and hits him in the head with a guitar. In fact, it may be better known for its scantily clad female characters and their impossible anatomy! Japan is mostly a Japanese country, with “few” foreigners after all. Attach your videos and images! This pretty bounty hunter is actually an old lady if not for a 54-year coma! This pretty and delicate girl who always pretends to be sick and fragile is actually one of the most skilled pilot and most loyal member of the Black Knights. Despite being forced into a very bitter rivalry with her sister, she maintained her goodness throughout the series. She absolutely deserves a spot on the list. I know what you were tryna do with this list, the whole cool or hot thing but you shouldn't have named it that, it's just wrong all round. Is there a female character that you really like watching because she is strong, beautiful and smart. While some anime and animations in general have. Instead, her femininity becomes a defining feature of hers, desconstructing the idea that being girly makes you weak. She has antihero tendencies and is somewhat manipulative towards Naota. Founded in 2001 as the first anime & manga recommendation database. Whether it be the best looking, more intriguing, or most badass character, anime as a medium is one that is often defined by its most popular characters. The all-female group of illustrators called CLAMP came out with a lot of great manga back in the day, including Cardcaptor Sakura and Chobits. This wasn't a poll for cutesy anime characters! Fuu is a bright and trusting young woman, and despite her impractical abilities within the group she remains a very endearing and memorable leading lady. With wit, strength, and humor, these awesome leading ladies inspire us and challenge the way we see women in animation. Those that look good in the rain, and those that don't. Some pilot giant mecha, others are mighty warriors, and a few others are pop idols. Konata is much more interesting and complex than one would think, and her complicated past solidifies that. Yuuko was very enigmatic, wise, funny, and relentlessly fashionable. Usagi is empowering in her fearless display of conventional femininity without any implied weakness. After being discovered, she is invited to stay in a room at the Sohma estate. I just named the best characters for me, in my opinion at least, and you can agree or disagree with everything i wrote but you cannot tell me to rename this list. And that's only the tip of the iceberg. makes her one of the coolest anime female characters ever! Also from One Piece, the Straw Hat Pirates' archaeologist and one of the best fighters on The Thousand Sunny is Nico Robin. Fuu is the one of the lead characters in the series Samurai Champloo. The savior of both Mugen and Jin (refer to episode 1) can only be cool! 46 Best Female Anime Characters. IGN has rated Motoko as one of the greatest anime characters of all time on two separate occasions, in 2009 and 2014, stating, "though she may be cool, professional, and mostly artificial, she's unquestionably human.”. I know Chidori is a nagger which can be a turn-off sometimes but everything else about her is just hot. 47 3 +44. The way she fights and the way she gets embarrassed when she's with Oga. Click UP or DOWN to vote on entries! Akaisweetpea 3 years ago. Chidori was definitely HOT! Yorouichi belongs to the noble class and is an excellent fighter. But, her real skill lies in … When Spike decides to attack the base of the Red Dragon Crime Syndicate and possibly be killed, Faye does everything she can to stop him, telling him that he is her only family. After being transformed into an old lady by the Witch of the Waste, she proves herself as a strong, level-headed, and smart person. And here comes the top 10 coolest female characters in anime, who you’d better not to mess up with. Tohru is kind, generous, and grateful for the good things in her life. Son Goku - Dragon Ball Z Son Goku is a fictional character and main protagonist of the Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama. In Japan the anime or manga with female protagonists is referred to as shoujo (it’s shounen for male leads in anime) but the most popular female characters are those in shounen anime like the characters Hinata Hyuugi in Naruto or Faye Valentine in Cowboy Bebop. When she does die while in another dimension, Watanuki clutches his heart in pain, implying an undying connection. DCEU: Every Major Species Ranked From Weakest To Strongest! She is mischievous, friendly, and sarcastic, with no shortage of hilarious lines. She became a formidable ninja. Since there was no way to treat her injuries with medicine at the time, she was cryogenically frozen until medicine was advanced enough to heal her. The female Lupin is both beauty and grace especially during mission. When the wolf Moro came upon her parents vandalizing the woods, they threw the baby San at the wolf to save their own skin. Attack on Titan's Mikasa is one of those reserved, stoic characters who doesn't speak very often and seems to be stuck in her own head. One of the sexiest, most intelligent and skilled Shinigami in the entire Bleach series is a talking cat with a male voice. She was a child prodigy with a college degree at only fourteen years old, but definitely has her human flaws. You really can’t have a list of awesome female protagonists without including our favorite schoolgirl superhero: Usagi from Sailor Moon. She wears a cool outfit! Unique among such characters, she has absolutely zero interest in falling in love and is only at Honnouji Academy so … Which black female anime character comes to your mind? Think all women in anime are just bobble-headed eye candy? She indiscriminately attacks every man, pirates and even marines, but not Luffy, for she loves Luffy very much. Top 10 Female Anime Characters Voiced by Men. Sid Kemp from Boca Raton, Florida (near Miami and Palm Beach) on March 30, 2013: Thanks for a fun hub. Search over 100,000 characters using visible traits like hair color, eye color, hair length, age, and gender on Anime Characters Database. Week 10 - Fall 2020 . Major Mokoto Kusanagi, the lead character of the Ghost in the Shell franchise, is one of anime’s best-known female protagonists. Tohru deserves a spot on this list for being brave in her own mousey way-- she is existing, enduring, and surviving despite the grief that lurks in her heart. She knows she can do her job well and isn't afraid to tell you about it. Female characters in the anime are often depicted as the “Damsel in Distress” in the series. After her health began to steadily decline, her consciousness was put into a "full-body prosthesis,” an augmented-cybernetic human body. What makes her hot? Major Motoko Kusanagi is one of the primary protagonists of the popular Ghost in the Shell franchise of manga, films, and animated series. She is a famous man-hater, except for Luffy. The MC is intelligent, … Female lead is very well versed in combat, independent and mentally strong. Her relationship with Naruto is also very cute and well-written as well. true.I used to like aoi before she blush so much.... Ayu (author) from Sorajima on January 04, 2014: Perception of beauty, or whoever has a greater body, is relative. He is based on Sun Wukong, a main character in the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West. Naruto, one of the most popular anime series ever, had no shortage of interesting, diverse, and unique characters. Hayao Miyazaki clearly agrees, and was quoted saying of Chihiro, "[I] created a heroine who is an ordinary girl, someone with whom the audience can sympathize. Despite giving him frequently demeaning tasks, Yuuko cares deeply for Watanuki. Motoko is a cyborg who works as a field commander for Public Security Section 9 on the Japanese National Public Safety Commission. Nico Robin is the best ever. Tohru has been dragged through the mud for much of her life. This is a good representation of how “strong female characters” don’t have to necessarily be short-tempered or hold an arrogant air around them. After all the trauma she’s experienced living under the looming terror of Titans and the carnage she witnessed while part of the Survey Corps, not to mention the brutal murder of her biological parents by criminals, it would be difficult to come out unscathed. Or people of ethnic backgrounds. However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of incredible badass women in this world. She is the illegitimate daughter of a woman who abandoned Nana in her grandmother's care as a toddler. Hinata is genuinely kind, good person and her backstory is very fascinating and well written. Fuu is a great character because she is very imperfect in many ways. One of the strongest characters in the anime series, she is more than qualified to be Oga Tatsumi's bride! Posted on by Theo J Ellis. Naruto, one of the most popular anime series ever, had no shortage of interesting, diverse, and unique characters. She has small studded earrings and usually wears outfits that reveals her legs and cleavage. From supporting her own psychologically damaged family to running Sunagakure to marrying into the notoriously lazy and sarcastic Nara clan, Temari carries a lot on her shoulders. The episode where we learn more about what happened to her is incredibly sad, and gravitates away from the typically upbeat and funny presence that Konata has on the show. PETRA FROM SHINGEKI NO KYOJIN DESERVES IT. Think all women in anime are just bobble-headed eye candy? Despite these flaws, Asuka is hilarious in her own way and has the kind of confidence and pride you rarely see in a young girl. Despite being forced into a very bitter rivalry with her sister, she maintained her goodness throughout the series. Konata is the implied leader of the Lucky Star group of friends. You are most definitely the first kind.". Mikasa is calm and cool but a total badass when it’s needed. 1. With busty babes, giggling gaggles of schoolgirls, and an abundance of ever-so-short skirts and skimpy outfits, many outsiders may unfairly judge the genre. She eventually meets Spike and Jet and becomes a member of the Bebop ship. Even Leonard Testarossa complimented her: "I think there are two types of women in this world. To escape her debts, she lives a life on the run as a criminal. However, her circumstances push her to look within and pull out strong qualities that were always there, but now have an opportunity to come out. Goku is introduced in Dragon Ball chapter #1 Bulma and Son Goku, originally published in Japan's ...read more. Have you seen The Second Raid yet? Shall we get started? 18+ Of The BEST Black Female Anime Characters You Should Know. It's okay if you agree/don't agree with some entries on this hub :), It's ok but shouldn't u go with the real facts?I mean Hilda has great body shaPE than aoi and is cooler than aoi cause she never blushed.and oga's family thought Hilda is oga's wife so it's impossible for aoi to interfere or else they think oga cheated, Sorry foo :( I find Hilda really, really annoying. By Ritwik Mitra Nov 07, 2018. She is an alien private investigator for the Galactic Space Police Brotherhood who arrives on Earth to search for a space pirate called Atomsk. The ladies on this list are the best because of their engaging stories, interesting personalities, powerful character development, and overall theft of our hearts. But what you need to know is, not all of the female characters are like this. 46 Best Female Anime Characters. I need not explain more - DEFINITELY HOT! Faye is an awesome protagonist with some antihero tendencies. What else could you ask for in a great protagonist? It's not a story in which the characters grow up, but a story in which they draw on something already inside them, brought out by the particular circumstances.". She is also the second youngest ninja to create her own jutsu and was the fastest as preparing it for combat. 8 1 . San represents the anger of oppressed people and how that anger, while valid, can either guide you to a place of tangible change or completely destroy you. She starts out as a sort of easily spooked bratty kid and harnesses within herself the power to become a very brave, tough, and responsible person. 7 2 +5. She was often considered the useless princess of the Hyuga clan, but soon gained inspiration from watching her friends succeed and harnessed the power within herself to improve. Before Yuuko's eventual death, she asks their mutual friend Haruka to protect Watanuki once she is gone. Attach your videos and images! She has short black hair and laid back personality to make her stand out as one of the best female anime characters. https://www.ranker.com/list/best-female-anime-characters/ranker-characters For lots of fans, the attractive female characters within these shows are a main draw along with the intensity of the plot. Comment. We, the anime department of Black Nerd Problems, hereby decree that the Evil Women Are The Best Role Models list for Women’s History Month is great, but a side of entertainment didn’t get its due — anime. Anime knowledge best female anime characters not up to date - been waaay too busy lately all of her.. Chidori is a slim, pretty woman with blue eyes and glasses be Oga Tatsumi 's!. Is mischievous, friendly, and but is also one of the best women ( in anime Section 9 the! She loves Luffy very much not true the point of best female anime.. 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