#amwriting #amwritingfantasy Click To Tweet. Jack – Played by Johnny Depp in the Pirates of the Caribbean, Jack Sparrow- legendary pirate of the Seven Seas. • Origin- English• Meaning – army ruler. Lydan Syrin Ptorik Joz Varog Gethrod Hezra Feron Ophni Colborn Fintis Gatlin. • Origin- Anglo-Saxon• Meaning- Tenderly Loved. Soren– The captain of the hovercraft Vigilant in The Matrix Reloaded movie. Or perhaps it's a character you're seeking a name for? See more ideas about boy names, names, names with meaning. Sheldon. • Origin- Old English• Meaning- western meadow. Linus: Linus, meaning ‘flax’, has the perfect blend of sexiness and old-world charm. We think it’s such a dreamy moniker. • Origin – Sanskrit• Meaning – Son of lord Rama. Arwen is a Welsh name that means noble maiden. • Origin- English• Meaning- Wild Animal In Dog Family. Elora. The fantasy name generator on this page includes both female and male fantasy names. Theoden – A major supporting character in The Return of the King and Two Towers. Imagine if you could: For only $6 this complete pack of 10 fun baby shower games, and bonus thank you cards will keep your guest entertained with no prep involved. The most Popular Sci-Fi and Fantasy Boy names that have been inspired by characters in 2020 are Ben Kanobi, Rett, Lee, Jules, and Harry. • Origin- of Hebrew, German, and English origin• Meaning- universal. • Origin- Greek• Meaning- Scorching or the one who scorches. Or perhaps it's a character you're seeking a name for? Related: Epidurals in Labor. You might also be interested in our spooky witch name generator for more inspiration. All Your Questions Answered. Sulu– Hikaru Sulu played by George Takei in the original Star Trek series. Lancelot– The knight of the Round Table and a close friend of King Arthur. • Origin- Latin• Meaning- crown or garland. Heres the best one. Perhaps something on this list will catch your eye. Whether it is in person or during your virtual baby shower party there is something for everyone. • Origin – Scottish• Meaning – Mountain peak. Sep. 13, 2016. Gaius – from Gaius Baltar, the scientist from the Battlestar Galactica series. From one mom to another, it’s nice to “virtually” connect with other all of you knowing that we’re all in this together. Baby boy names popular in Scotland include Oliver —also a popular name in the US— Jack, James, and… • Origin- German• Meaning- Victory protection. • Origin- Old High German• Meaning- Renowned or warrior. Looking for the perfect name for your little one? Spike– played by James Marsters in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series. • Origin – Welsh• Meaning – fiery leader. 40 Fantasy and Sci-Fi Baby Names for Boys. • Origin- French• Meaning- fame of the land. Search Belly Ballot to discover the popularity, meanings, and origins of thousands of names from around the world. 100's of names are available, you're bound to find one you like. Fantasy Names Random. Derek– from Dr. Derek Shepherd, one of the main characters in the TV series Grey’s Anatomy. Marty– From the lead character in Back to the Future, Marty McFly. This one means a gift from God. Aragorn- One of the main characters in J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. Hugo– The 12-year old orphan in the Paris in the film The Invention of Hugo Cabret. So whether you're a hero or heroine, you can both generate cool fantasy names. A fierce and strong leader. Aladdin – From Arabian Nights and probably one of the most popular princes of all time. Bastion– Bastion is the mysterious character in X-Men who assembled anti-mutant strike force called OZT or Operation Zero Tolerance. Idris: Idris Elba played the role of the captain in “Prometheus”. Falkor –  The Neverending Story’s Luck Dragon, appearing as the deutragonist/tritagonist. Viktor– Viktor Krum was a Bulgarian wizard who was a Seeker for the Bulgarian National Quidditch team in the Goblet of Fire, of the Harry Potter series. So, did you find one that you like? Ged– the powerful magician in A Wizard of Earthsea. The most popular boy name of the early 20th century, from 1900-1923, John dips to 28th in popularity in the 2019 rankings. It’s also the name of a World of Warcraft character. Jun 7, 2020 - Explore KaitFaherty's board "Fantasy names", followed by 363 people on Pinterest. Enjoy! He started out as a human-Vulcan officer and became the commanding officer of the USS Enterprise. • Origin – German• Meaning – Wise adviser. Drogo– Kahl of the Dothraki and husband of the Mother of Dragons – Drogo. Elora Danan was the name of the baby in the movie Willow that Willow was supposed to save. Countless generators for countless names. Fantasy and Sci-Fi Baby Boy Names with Meanings. Rory– Rory Williams, a character played by Arthur Darvill in Doctor Who. Our list of fantasy character names covers a range of mythical names from male fantasy names for humans to dragon names and even names for unicorns. Luke – Luke Skywalker, the Jedi Master who fought in the Galactic Civil War in Star Wars. Do 'ordinary' names tend not to interest you? John– John Sheppard is the United States Air Force officer in the Atlantis Expedition in the TV series “Stargate Atlantis.”, • Origin – Hebrew• Meaning – God is gracious. Arwen is a beautiful name that Tolkien fans will love. Riker – from Commander William T. Riker of Star Trek. • Origin – Latin• Meaning – Steadfast or constant. Epidurals in Labor. Robin– From the iconic outlaw/hero Robin Hood of the Tales of Robin Hood and his Merry Men. Also known as Mal, Captain, Captain Tight Pants. Bad Girl Names – Fierce Yet Beautiful Names …, 100+ Country Boy Names with Origin and Meanings. • Origin- Scandinavian• Meaning- maker of wheels/spokes. If you are looking for a fantasy name for your baby boy, we have collated 100 of the most popular fantasy boy names with their origins and meanings. Kael– Nockmaar Army General in Willow. Xavier– From Professor Charles Francis Xavier who is a famous character in the Marvel Comics – X-Men. Whether you were a lit major or a big time reader, you may want to choose a baby name from the pages of your all-time favorite stories. • Origin- Italian• Meaning- pilgrim to Rome, Ronan– Ronan the Accuser, a character in the Guardians of the Galaxy. 20. • Origin- Goidelic• Meaning- red-haired king. • Origin- English• Meaning- land where rye is grown’. Milo – Milo is the main character in Norton Juster’s fairy tale, The Phantom Tollbooth.. • Origin – German• Meaning – peaceful or calm. Are you searching for an unusual, whimsical name for your future son or daughter? Welcome, I’m so glad that you’re here. Milkology: The Best Online Breastfeeding Course. Constantine – from John Constantine in the movie Constantine released in 2005. • Origin- Latin• Meaning- Defender of the people. • Origin- Celtic• Meaning- one who is from the Land of Eoghan. Tam – Hebrew origin. Finding the perfect baby name for your son or daughter is a challenge. Jacob – the shape-shifter room the Twilight series. Mar 22, 2020 - Explore Ranafaris Faris's board "fantasy Boy names" on Pinterest. Grant – aka The Ghost in the Doctor Who series. • Origin – Celtic• Meaning – High and wise. Boy Names Lists; The Ultimate List of Fantasy Names. • Origin- Norse• Meaning- guardian of the people. English (modern) names (see also: Baby Names Generator) Fantasy places Fantasy titles (e.g. The most Popular Sci-Fi and Fantasy Boy names that have been inspired by characters in 2020 are Ben Kanobi, Rett, Lee, Jules, and Harry. Image: pixabay.com Source: UGC. • Origin- American Samoa• Meaning- Shining heaven. • Origin – Southern French• Meaning – building or to build. • Origin- Hebrew• Meaning- remembrance of the Lord. Idris – Idris Elba, the captain in “Prometheus”. Malcom– Malcolm “Mal” Reynolds from Firefly. Related: 21 Things I wish I’d known about Birth. Sirius– Sirius Black, one of the popular characters in Harry Potter. • Origin- Old Germay • Meaning- to bear or to carry. Logan means ‘small hollow’. This is also a variation on the Hebrew name Eliora, which means the Lord is my light. William– Admiral William Adama was an officer in the Colonial Fleet in the series “Battlestar Galactica”. Along with Malcolm and Knox, other Scottish boy names in the US Top 1000 include Callum, Douglas, Duncan, and Lachlan. • Origin- Danish• Meaning- strong power. 3. • Origin- Greek• Meaning- Rising in the sky, Related: Looking for Online Birthing classes? By Charlotte Ahlin. You should go check out the Girl Names and Boy Names book as well as Designing Your Character & Other Handy Things; to help you with the creation of your story. Therefore, analyze fantasy male names you may have in mind before choosing one. Due to its Harry Potter association and lively ‘O’ ending, Hugo is one of the top 10 fantasy names for boys in Spain and France. Jon Snow is the hero in Game of Thrones, killed the Mother of Dragons. Naming fantasy characters requires a little creativity. "the Destroyer") Military Operation names Superhero / supervillain names Names for a rock band (NEW!) We currenty have 1,000 awesome Fantasy Names availalbe! • Origin – English• Meaning – God is gracious. Edmund– from Edmund “Ed” Pevensie, one of the principal characters of C. S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia. • Origin – English• Meaning – Bled of Jar. Sci-fi names give your daughter a timeless appeal and often have a futuristic feeling to them. • Origin – Scottish• Meaning – disciple of Columba. Stop feeling stressed or guilty when you use a game to keep them busy. Septimus– From the Septimus Heap fantasy series. FBI special agent and one of the main antagonists in the show. He is the main character in The Last Battle, where he was the last King of Narnia. Related: Nature Names for Girls. Are you organizing a baby shower. Faramir- A strong and formidable character in Lords of the Rings trilogy. Perhaps something on this list will catch your eye. See more ideas about Fantasy names, Names with meaning, Names. Thor– 2011 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character. Cullen is taken from the popular Cullens family in the movie “Twilight”. Homer Drachen bekämpfen oder Fabelwesen beschützen - mit diesen hübschen Vornamen können Kinder alles … Casper – from everybody’s favorite family movie “Casper – The Friendly Ghost. Zaden Eune Graff Tez Jessop Gunnar Pike Domnhar Baske Jerrick. • Origin – German and Indian• Meaning – German: son of all; Indian: warrior, Related: 18 of the Best Online Childbirth Classes Compared. Have more time to spend on the things you actually want to do. japanese, welsh, turkish. Draco-the pure-blood wizard from the Harry Potter series. A popular source of inspiration for baby names are fantasy movies or stories. When I first started this blog, I was looking for a way to have a creative outlet and share some of my experiences and knowledge that I’ve learned as a mom. © 2020 Nameberry.com.Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. You sit in front of the computer, want to create a new character and can’t find a suitable name for it. Click the Generate More Names button to generate more awesome Fantasy Names or check our other Name … Geordie– the sci-fi character in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Saren– Saren Arterius of Mass Effect was the longest serving turian member of the Spectres. Fox– from FBI Special Agent Fox William Mulder of the TV series the X-Files. • Origin- American• Meaning- Long and heavy nail. If you opt in above we use this information send related content, discounts and other special offers. Kush – Lord Rama and Sita’s son in the Sanskrit epic Ramayana. 157. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes as they pick up your book for the first time. Hector– Hector was a character in the movie Troy. Quickly entertain a large group, without any prep time. Cool Sci-Fi and Fantasy Baby Girl Names. Mon Dec 14 2020 By Dark Angel. We couldn’t have a list of fantasy baby names and not include at least one character from The Lord of the Rings. Orion– The dad of Sirius Black in the Harry Potter series. • Origin- English• Meaning- Stream of water that flows to the sea. • Origin – English• Meaning – noble and courageous. Harry– who doesn’t know the English half-blood wizard of Gryffindor, Harry James Potter? Vincent– From Vincent Valentine, a character from Final Fantasy VII. • Origin- Fiction• Meaning- Sufficient jewel. There's nothing like a beautiful, literary baby name to make your child appear well-read. Aeryn– Thee peacekeeper pilot from the TV show Farscape. 2. Fought Achilles. Zack– Zack Fair is the main protagonist of Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII. • Origin – ancient Irish• Meaning – slender. Steve – From Steve Rogers, a fictional character played by Chris Evans in Captain America. Westley– The young man from the country of Florin in the movie The Princess Bride. Tirian- is a fictional character in the fantasy series The Chronicles of Narnia. A legendary nobleman who served as Republic Army General. Whether you’re writing a fantasy story of an old, ancient dragon or a whimsical tale of fairies getting attacked by elves, we got you covered. • Origin- Old Norman French • Meaning- Resolute protector. Darth – aka Sith Lords of the Sith Order from the famous movie Star Wars. Need more inspiration? • Origin- Germanic• Meaning- possessor of wealth. Damit Sie mit Ihrem Fantasy names list am Ende wirklich glücklich sind, hat unser Team an Produkttestern schließlich die ungeeigneten Produkte vor Veröffentlichung eliminiert. ↓ 63. Looks like the Star War characters are definitely making it to the list of fantasy male names. Your name isnt on it? • Origin – Literary• Meaning – Revered King. Atreyu – The young hero in the all-time favorite “The Neverending Story”. • Origin- Scottish• Meaning- Small hollow. Jon Snow– Son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Ned’s younger sister Lyanna Stark. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, 18 of the Best Online Childbirth Classes Compared, Amazon Baby Registry: All You Need To Know, Looking for Online Birthing classes? Usually, they have names that sound similar to human names, but are ever so slightly altered. Zidane – The thief who works for the Tantalus Theater Troupe and the main protagonist of Final Fantasy IX. Neo– Played by Keanu Reeves, Neo was the cybercriminal/computer programmer and hero in the trilogy, The Matrix. Bei uns sehen Sie zuhause also wirklich nur die beste Auswahl, die unseren enorm definierten Qualitätspunkten standhalten konnten. Probably the biggest list on Wattpad of Fantasy Names. • Origin – English• Meaning – Servant of Mars or God of War. 155. Male Full List of Names; Name: Name: Name: A: Abaet: Abarden: Aboloft: Acamen: Achard: Ackmard: Adeen: Aerden: Afflon: Aghon: Agnar: Ahalfar: Ahburn: Ahdun: Aidan: Airen: Airis: Albright: Aldaren: Alderman: Aldren: Alkirk: Allso: Amerdan: Amitel: Anfar: Anumi: Anumil: Asden: Asdern: Asen: Aslan: Atar: Atgur: Atlin: Auchfor: Auden: Ault: Ayrie: Aysen : B: Bacohl: Badeek: Baduk: Balati: Baradeer: Barkydle: … If you’re searching for creative or innovative sci-fi girl names, then be sure to go through our list below. Nigel– The wizard in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and a friend of Harry Potter. Finn– from Mark Twain’s “Huckleberry Finn”, one of the most loved novels of all time. mamaoffive.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. A popular source of inspiration for baby names are fantasy movies or stories. Romeo– From the famous Shakespeare play “Romeo and Juliet “. Katniss. Click on a name to read about its origin and meaning. Conrad– Conrad Kemp, although a non-player character in Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood, he is a supporting character in the main story. Stormwolfblade). • Origin- American (Fictional)• Meaning- Dark Lord. Ludo- The gigantic friendly monster in the fantasy movie Labyrinth. Logan: Logan was once considered a bright and cheerful name, but is now considered sexy because of its link with Hugh Jackman. Achilles – The courageous hero of the Trojan war. Artemis – from the Artemis Fowl, he is the 12 year old boy who stumbles upon the world of fairies while in search for his father who disappeared. … Create an account and you can create lists, keep track of favorites, and even be alerted when there is new content posted about a name. Joffrey– Played by Jack Gleeson in ‘Game of Thrones’, King Joffrey I Baratheon, thought to be the son of King Robert and Queen Cersei turns out to be fathered by the Queens brother, Jaime Lannister. 100 Fantasy Male Character Names: A list of 100 Fantasy Male Character Names. Do 'ordinary' names tend not to interest you? Malfoy – Draco Malfoy, the popular fictional character in JK Rowling’s book series, Harry Potter. Angel– Love interest of Buffy Summers in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The realm of fantasy names is rich with possibility, so we built it to give you a headstart in your search for the perfect name. Surprisingly, choosing an identifying term for your baby is a challenging task. Another popular way a naming a fantasy character is to use an old name that is no longer in use, or to use long names that would not often be said in full. All Your Questions Answered. Han– from the Star Wars character- Han Solo. There are plenty of names out there to choose from, but if you are someone who loves magic and fantasy you are going to want to select a different name than a common, overused name. Arthur– the dressing gown-wearing fictional character from the science fiction/comedy “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’. 12 Magical Baby Names From Fantasy. Sauron– Sauron is the ruler the land of Mordor and antagonist in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Kal-El– Clark Kent’s (Superman) Kryptonian name, • Origin- Hebrew• Meaning- voice of God. Just print and play. The Science-Fiction category is a great source for cool sounding names and the options are endless! Here we have short-listed 40 fantasy and Sci-Fi baby boy names which are wildly popular these days: Names: Meaning: Arthur: Inspired by the Roman clan name Artorius, which means brave and honourable, Arthur was the name of the mystified protagonist in “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’. ↓ 62. Related: Amazon Baby Registry: All You Need To Know, Mahiwal– Sohni Mahiwal from a folklore love story in Pakistan, • Origin- Punjab• Meaning- buffalo herder. Idris is an extreme fantasy sounding, and it’s, unlikely that your son will meet another … Thor is a powerful god of Asgard who was banished to the earth. Feel confident the group will enjoy the game. Emmett– from Emmett Lathrop “Doc” Brown, Ph.D, a fictional character from “Back to the Future”. Read Fantasy Male Names from the story Names And Their Meanings by jakarapledger97 (takara1997) with 43,256 reads. • Origin – of Greek Origin• Meaning – Could have been taken from the name of the Achelous River or from the word achos which means pain. Name length: Short (recommended) Medium Long: Some tips: Fantasy surnames work well only as short names, as medium or long ones will probably sound ridiculous (e.g. Who doesn’t know it? The name means a steep-sided valley. Fantasy Namen beflügeln Mädchen und Jungs, die Abenteuer des Lebens wie von Zauberhand zu bestehen.Sie sind zeitlos, klingen magisch und werden mit Sicherheit einzigartig im Freundeskreis sein. First, you have to choose amongst the unique fantasy names trending at that time, and that will remain fashionable in years to come. Baby names inspired by fantasy literature. Khal – From an American Fantasy novel “A Song of Ice and Fire” by author George R. R. Martin. Daryl- from Daryl Dixon, a character in the TV series Walking Dead. River– The fictional character in the British science-fiction series Doctor. • Origin- Spanish, Arabic and Basque• Meaning- bright or splendid. Fantasy male names are also often used in fantasy games. Eli– Eli Wallace from “Stargate Universe”, The Tau’ri who everyone thought was a no-good bum who later turned out to be an utter genius. See more ideas about fantasy names, names, names with meaning. • Origin- Old Germanic• Meaning- Fame-bright. • Origin – English• Meaning – Prosperity, Edward- from Edward Cullen, the telepathic vampire from the Twilight Saga.• Origin- English• Meaning- Prosperous. This one was inspired by the Princess of the elves, played by Liv Tyler in the film. Oct 27, 2020 - Explore Shay's board "Fantasy Names for Characters", followed by 506 people on Pinterest. • Origin – Scottish• Meaning – Fair-haired Warrior. Gandalf – from the leader of the Fellowship of the Ring and wizard in the Lord of the Rings. The name's been that low only once before, in 2016. The Science-Fiction category is a great source for cool sounding names and the options are endless! Oberyn– A fictional prince in the A Song of Ice and Fire series and the television adaptation Game of Thrones. Katniss is well known as the protagonist in the Hunger Games. The Graveyard Book (Ala Notable Children's Books. Heres the best one. Ellen Ripley is the protagonist in the Alien movies. … Die Menge an Auswahlmöglichkeiten ist bei uns zweifelsohne extrem umfangreich. • Origin – Irish origin• Meaning – Cheerful. • Origin – Old French• Meaning – spear brave. I need suggestions! • Origin- English• Meaning- King or leader of a people. Julian– Julian Bashir is the Chief Medical Officer of the Deep Space Nine in Star Trek. Tyrion– Lord Tyrion Lannister, is the youngest brother of Cersei and Jaime Lannister. Spock– Played by Leonard Nimoy, Spock is one of the most popular Star Trek characters. Sheldon– From Sheldon Cooper of the Big Band Theory TV series. Zeus– the highest of the gods in Greek mythology. Cullen- Who does not know Bella, Emmet, Edward, Jasper, Alice, Carlisle, and Esme? This fantasy baby boy name bring to mind a handsome rogue with a horrific past, who has endured everything to once again see his godson and somehow claim retribution for his wrongful imprisonment and the loss of his best friends. • Origin – Greek• Meaning – Defender of Men. • Origin – Arabic• Meaning – Nobility of faith/religion. Let us know! Ripley . Related: The Best Online Breastfeeding Courses. Raphael– one of the turtles in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. Rylan– Rylan Bursar Rylan was the master spy for the Star League in the movie The Last Starfighter. • Origin- Greek• Meaning- sky” or “shine. 1. Jinto Hagalbar Krinn Lenox Revvyn Hodus Dimian Paskel Kontas Weston Azamarr Jather Tekren Jareth Adon . Some say it's the best fantasy name generator site around, which is very humbling to hear. Ben – Ben Kenobi or Obi-Wan is probably one of the most popular characters in Star Wars. Although Aeryn is a girl character in the show, the name is now gaining popularity as a boy’s name. Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. • Origin- Hebrew/ Old English• Meaning- YAHWEH has given/ frozen rain. Trotz der Tatsache, dass dieser Fantasy names list unter Umständen im überdurschnittlichen Preisbereich liegt, spiegelt sich dieser Preis in jeder Hinsicht in Puncto Langlebigkeit und Qualität wider. If you have watched the Big Band Theory, you surely know how smart Sheldon Cooper is. Xander – Alexander Lavelle “Xander” Harris is Slayer Buffy Summers’ best friend in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Are you searching for an unusual, whimsical name for your future son or daughter? Loki– A fictional character in Marvel Comics and other TV shows like The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Marvel Ultimate Spider-Man, and many others. Here are some tips for you to consider while using this fantasy name generator. Jareth– Jareth the Goblin King played by David Bowie in the movie Labyrinth. • Origin- Quenya (fictional)• Meaning- putrid. • Origin- Arabic• Meaning- Abundance or growth. Then you always think – What now? Peter– Peter Parker from Spiderman or Peter Pan the boy from Neverland. • Origin- Old English• Meaning- steep-sided valley. Alex – Fictional character from the X-Files. Unless that's … Conan – from the 2011 released Conan The Barbarian. Baby Name List: Science Fiction Fantasy Names This list of names will help you brainstorm name possibilities. • Origin – old Germanic• Meaning – gifted ruler. Son of a death-eater and Harry Potter’s rival. Odo– Bilbo’s cousin in The Lord of the Rings and also a character in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. • Origin- Scandinavian• Meaning- Trickster god. Hugo is a 12-year old orphan living in the Paris railway station in the fantasy book and film The Invention of Hugo Cabret. Liam is undeniably one of the sexiest and hot boy names, primarily because of its namesakes, Liam Neeson and Liam Hemsworth. Hint: Use the Copy name Button to copy a name to your clipboard.You can then paste the name anywhere again. • Origin- Latin• Meaning- the seventh son. • Origin- Old Norse• Meaning- wand or staff. You read through hundreds of player names from other players and you really don’t like the names after all. • Origin – Scottish• Meaning – tall or great. 156. Elf name generator for male and female characters. PyrateQueen86’s list 'Fantasy Style Names' of 168 great name ideas: Abrielle - Zorion! • Origin- American (fictional name)• Meaning- King. Roland – from Roland Deschain  of Stephen King’s The Gunslinger. Conan is a fictional hero from the said movie. Ziggy– Built by Samuel Beckett and Gooshie, Ziggy is the super hybrid computer in the TV series Quantum Leap. • Origin – Hebrew• Meaning – High or ascended. • Origin – German• Meaning – a gift from God, Harold  from Doctor Who’ Harold Saxon, aka The Master, • Origin – Old English• Meaning – army power. Linus, Meaning ‘ flax ’, has the perfect name for ” Pevensie one... The Friendly Ghost very humbling to hear Dothraki and husband of the most popular characters in Harry.. Troupe and the options are endless character from Final Fantasy VII the deutragonist/tritagonist name, • Origin- Hebrew/ English•! Alice, Carlisle, and Esme on a name to make your child appear well-read for everyone –. To Rome, Ronan– Ronan the Accuser, a character in the British Science-Fiction series Doctor in of..., he is the hero in the Lord of the most popular characters in Star Trek.. Quenya ( fictional ) • Meaning- King anywhere again special offers Superhero film on! 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