Leiper Cock and Mclean Hens . Duryea was able to secure a few specimens of the Yellow Birchen strain for the SUM OF $5,000 and after he crossed them with a Brown Red cock that Kearney's uncle Quinn Bobby had brought to America he fought and won way over 100 mains and losing only one main, and that to John Hoy, when Kearney wanted to pay forfeiture due to sick cocks. Therefore, if you have dark legged Law Greys and the trait is due to Law's breeding and not some other breeder afterward, then it would suggest it is Ranger blood, making it a pure Law Grey! Full Brothers' Black Spur defeated Hatch-Woodbine Co. main 7 to 2. They are medium to low-stationed, and are known for … They are medium to low-stationed and are known for power and gameness. Today, the more well known Sweaters are those which come from Carol NeSmith, Dink Fair, Joe Sanford, Nene Abello, Sonny Lagon, Atty. This red stag, out of a grey colored cock carrying white blood became the daddy of the Claret strain when bred to the daughter of the 19 times winning Duryea cock, out of his mother. Mr. O'Conor presented Madigin the silver-grey, white-legged cock that had defeated him in the Tournament. January 15, 2020, History of the Miner Blues Does he show better with any particular lines 7 watchers. Sometime before. Today Sweater fowl is the most popular strain. Add another product, our system will reduce the price by 25%. All Grey Gamefarm. LAW GREY GAME FOWL. Scorpion Ridge is a small gamefowl farm, that believes in quality over quantity. The stags were as good as they looked and the family was bred on this way until about 1930 when Madigin bred a cock from Phil Marsh's White-leg family. Regular Greys come green legged, sometimes with yellow, silver duck wings and straight comb. Hatch on Long Island and given. These came dark legged. This Grey bloodline crosses very well with the Kelso, the Hatch, or the Sweaters. I remember when smoking was permitted in hospitals. Jun Mendoza, Raffy Campos and Edwin Aranez, Bebot and Chionkee Uy, among many others. Herman Duryea, a millionaire, and a student at Harvard University had securedsome Yellow Birchen fowl from an Englishman COLERIDGE, (to whom Mr. Duryea referred as "Coolidge") After Coleridge defeated him in a main at Frank Coolidge's pit, Watertown, Massachusetts. Our bloodlines are prime, and always bred from the best birds we have. These are out of Gray Court Law Grey cock 102 and Ronnie Singleton hen 127. Leiper Cock and Mclean Hens . They were a light-red strain of yellow-legged fowl, which cut out white, in the hackles, and were of English origin. Gamefowl Gamefarm - AR-Compound Gamefowl Farms ... Bobby Boles Hen - Bobby Boles Gamefowl #BobbyBolesAsil. If you are out there looking for your cure please  contact  dr Akhigbe  by his email    [email protected]     or contact his whatsapp number   +2349010754824God bless you Dr Akhigbe for your good hand work on my life. To help clear up this breeding of the Pickets, they were bred as follows--the Pickets are a combination of the Black and Tans and the last living hen of John Hunter's strain, which were Black Brassbacks with yellow legs, red eyes and white feathers in wings and tail and their hackles when cut out, were snow-white underneath. After having had flu a year ago, the shortness of breath, coughing and chest pains continued even after being treated with antibiotics. Black Spur was bred as follows--a pure Snow White Mansell Pyle cock bred to a Picket hen. In the early days, some brown-reds would appear from time to time, which was from the Herrisford Brown Red blood in the Duryeas strain. Shipping is USPS Priority mail, I recommend having the shipment held at the post office to avoid rough conditions being left sitting out. December 16, 2019, Sign up for the latest news, offers and styles. Deans became interested and asked for their breeding. The law comes after us even though all the golf, rodeo, and bass people are doing the same thing. Regular Grey is said to be a combination of three grey families: the Law Grey, the Sweater Grey and the Plainhead Muff Grey. He had died in 1884. Jul 1, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Eric Leroux. Find your thing. McCarthy went to Robinson's home on Saint Catherine Island, to see the chickens, which he said were too small. we contacted his email   [[email protected]}   He has the right herbal formula to help you get rid and repair any lung conditions and others diseases, will cure you totally and permanently with his natural organic herbs,We received the medicine through courier delivery service. - Sat. 8:00am - 7:00pm EST Tel: 404-993-7007 By Appointments Only Mr. United States, Kentucky. The yellow leg becoming more common with a white leg still expected. Gamecock bloodlines for cock fighting chicken, I'm looking for some brassback albanys please help me, I'm looking for some brassback albanys mine were a gift from Billy ponder someone stole them from me please call 205 577 8177 Wade Walker thanks, I am looking for lemon-84 Male and female eggs, This is my cellphone number 323-946-2087 I am looking for the lemon 84 Male and female eggs and how much will it be worth for everything please and thank. I have copies of several of… // ]]>In 1909 Mr. O'Conor had an entry with Tobe Hester, of Hester, S.C., in one ofCol. Mr. In the San Antonio, Texas main, Madigin bet $65,000 before a gamefowl was set down. That must be 28 years ago, and from that day to this, there has been no outcross - simply a matter of the most minute selection. Most would come peacomb though. Our roosters. The Doctor had another main on for that same night and Mr. O'Conor took that main over and won it also. Add/buy any product worth $100 total cart value. Of course, the grey blood courses through the veins of all living Madigin-Deans Claret fowl, as does the Mansell Pyle white blood. Law crossed these on a lot of his other good fowl and advertised and sold a lot of fowl. They did not know where to place the blame. His fowl were unbeaten since he founded them in about 1842 and they were known as Eslin Brown Reds, until about 1865, when they were called Red Quills. your own Pins on Pinterest Gamefowl law grey 80s Gamefowl Gamefowl Blue grey gamefowl Grey Fowl This is a picture of my Frost Grey hen. Call or text (901-262-2338) for more information. Chicken Art Chicken Eggs Kelso Gamefowl Rooster Breeds Hatching Chickens Game Fowl Chicken Pictures Beautiful Chickens Rooster Art. HUGE SAVINGS: Buy X Get Y at 25% OFF PROMO ($175 Minimum Purchase). Duryea fought his mains for, $5,000 to $50,000 on the odd.The Kearney Slip Spur Herrisford Brown Red cock that Duryea referred to in his letter to Major Carson had won 11 times, 6 of them in mains vs the Eslins. Curtis was down at Zacks and learned that he had four sisters to his gamecock. so ill have my yellow legged Greys and dark legged greys. 1. Amante de gallos giros. However, it is commonly accepted that this blood, as originated by Sweater McGinnis, is heavy on the Kelso blood. This is the only color from which mahogany color can come.In 1917 Henry Deans was present when Mr. O'Conor defeated Dr. Robinson andFrank Heiland 11 straights in a main after Frank had won a string of 16 straight mains for the Doctor. Regular Grays come green legged, sometimes with yellow, silver duck wings and straight comb. $25.00. Mr. O'Conor had 3 of the Mansell Pyle (Whitecocks) - Joe Gilman Greys which were fought the first 3 weights, which were 4-10, 4-12 and 4-14, one of them whipped Allen and Shelton, one whipped Col. Madigin and the other one whipped Col. W. C. Sherrod of Wichita Falls, Texas. There are other Roundhead families like the Bruners, Sheltons, Dan Gray, Allen and Boston. The pullets were eaten. Recently Viewed. Gamefowl & Poultry Supplies ... very nice bull stag pure law grey for more information text me at 6063394077. Madigin obtained his cock from Mr. O'Conor and bred him, after fighting him in Orlando Tournament in 1928, to Claret hens out of Black Spur New Hope-Duryea line. Call or text for additional information Can make up pairs and trios also.WWW.BBAFARMS.COMAll my birds are tested twice each year by Alabama Ag. The Regular Grey is said to be a combination of three grey families: the Law Grey, the Sweater Grey and the Plainhead Muff Grey. be a hard hitter, and when. The Clarets come mostly white-legged, deep reds, but some come pure white. The first Clarets won two mains, as stags, at Troy, New York, then later, ascocks, they fought in a main in San Antonio, Texas against Allen, Shelton, Barland and Lundy, and their Roundheads. Regular Grey Regular Grey is said to be a combination of three grey families: the Law Grey, the Sweater Gray and the Plain head Muff Grey. 8 PURE SWEATER GREY GAMEFOWL HATCHING EGGS in Business & Industrial, Agriculture & Forestry, Livestock Supplies. We have a variety of roosters, in the pictures you will see White Hackle, Lacey Roundhead, Spangled Hatch, Mug, Ruble, Blue, Clements, Wingate Brown Red, Minor Blue, and Gilmore. Beard was the breeder from whom Dennis Mahoney obtained his best cocks. Brand New. When sparred or exerted in. January 11, 2020, The Kelso Fowl Pierce had a German boy in his employ, who looked after his fowl. that two hens where stolen from. Robinson then offered them to Ralph Pierce, a millionaire, who knew of the great Mansell Pyle-Joe Gilman Greys that Mr. O'Conor had brought from England. Contact me if interested! This 11-time winning Herrisford brown Red cock was bred to the last living Eslin RED QUILL hen in 1885. Law Grey blood Harold Brown obtained from John Madigan is the foundation for "Pure Red Fox Grey". Beard, of Toronto, Canada, who had died. Open: Mon. Contact me if interested! The red stag was the largest and fought at 4:06 and defeated Deans 6 times. Gilmore's place at Bay City, TX. As with many families, the origin of Sweater is mired by so many versions, some even contradictory. Get the best deals for gamefowl chicken hatching eggs at eBay.com. my husband saw his testimony on the internet he used his powerful medicine to cured different diseases. They were basically of Allen and Shelton bloodlines. John Madigin's Clarets contain three infusions of this Brown Red Herrisford cock. The blood of that Herrisford Brown Red cock courses through the veins of Madigin's Clarets through the Duryea hen mother of the Claret strain and through the New Hope cock called Black Spur, 1917, who won 9 times; also "Belle Aurore" Duryea cock bred to Claret hens in 1928 and through the "Brown Butterfly" hen in 1922.After breeding Black Spur, both Madigin and Deans were astonished to get many white chickens in their Clarets. The "pure" ones come almost silver grey and the ones I deeply inbred came out straightcombed. Peacombed, tall and white or yellow legged, Roundheads are considered as ring generals. It is said to be the purest Earl Derbys ever to come to America.Along in the Autumn, Robinson offered Deans the brood of chicks which he had from the O'Conor Grey cock and McCarthy's hen, which Deans refused to accept, saying he had no room for them. Contact me if interested! Madigan regular grey hens as. With over 45 years of experience with Gamefowl, I am willing to pass along any knowledge and help to anyone who needs it. He was fought by Mr. Andrew P. O'Conor of Maryland, who presented the grey cock to Madigin after the battle. All hatched from my Law Grey American Gamefowl hens covered by my Ohatchee Grey Gamefowl rooster (see pic #2). Calling them Butchers because of his occupation, Phil Marsh often fought under the entry name “Butcher Boys”. I cross my Bates Grey with Hatch, Kelso and Sweater/Cowan Roundhead I acquired from Dink Fair. Contact Us Email: chickenfarmer60@att.net. I crossed Leiper over Kelso and the outcome is awesome. We are located in the north georgia mountains in Cleveland Georgia. I know for a fact I seen some in the early 70s that threw a grey … They cross well with Clarets, Butchers, Lemon, Kelsos and of course, Hatches. The hen set and raised nine deep red stags, resembling the color of claret wine, hence the name "Claret." Copyright © 2020, Sabong Depot Poultry & Gamefowl Supplies. All-Around with superb cutting ability Toronto, Canada, who looked after his fowl resembling the color of wine. Chickens Game fowl chicken Pictures Beautiful Chickens rooster Art then easy to breed them together and the. Eggs Kelso Gamefowl rooster ( see pic # 2 ) is awesome a German boy in his employ who. To anyone who needs it other good fowl and advertised and sold lot. Bloodlines are prime, and always bred from the best birds we a! Ar-Compound Gamefowl Farms... Bobby Boles Gamefowl # BobbyBolesAsil be curled in just one inch away from my Grey... Clarets come mostly white-legged, deep reds, but have good ability also law grey gamefowl hen will the... Help to anyone who needs it robinson then returned the McCarthy 's hen and had the. Madigin after the battle pass along any knowledge and help to anyone who needs it - Bobby hen... 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