iCarly, Season 2 Episode 16, is available to watch and stream on Nickelodeon. When he wins a six month cruise that was given to him by the school, he gives it to Missy so she will go away. ). Spencer disguises himself as an old woman in order to trick Nevel into signing the URL transfer document during an autograph event, but Nevel recognizes and outsmarts him, and he is chased out by security. Year: Season 6. Spencer then trades the three first-class tickets for 5 coach tickets when Mrs. Benson refuses to let Freddie go without her. Meanwhile, while packing for a camping trip, Spencer is locked in the basement by Chuck, who is seeking revenge on Spencer for telling on him and getting him grounded for playing racquetball in the lobby for two days when he was filling in for Lewbert in the episode iHurt Lewbert, so Chuck says that Spencer is "grounded" for two days. Kyoko and Yuki are arrested for kidnapping, and the iCarly gang return to America on a fishing boat, having refused to go back on the cargo plane. Carly and her friends hire some doppleganger fans to stand in for them while they sneak off to interview some mixed martial arts athletes. Spencer brings in a good-looking science geek he met named Cal (, After an episode of iCarly, Wendy and other kids at school tell Carly, Sam and Freddie that a show on the Dingo Channel (parody of, Alex Schemmer as Wade Collins ("iRocked the Vote"), This page was last edited on 2 January 2021, at 17:00. The only person believed to have the recipe is Mr. Galini's granddaughter, Trudy. Conclusion. The complete guide by MSN. Satisfied, Freddie leaves right before Melanie arrives to go to the mall with Sam and Carly. 16. iBelieve in Bigfoot. They then strand the trio in the middle of nowhere after giving a phony excuse to leave, while Spencer breaks himself and Mrs. Benson free from being wrapped in seaweed after being abandoned by the cousins. (Note: this is the 2nd and last appearance of Mandy in the series. Believing it is just another of Sam and Carly's pranks to show how gullible he is, Freddie does not believe it, so he invites Melanie to a dance with him as his date. Sam later gets annoyed when her twin sister Melanie comes home for three days. The trio found out that Nevel was the one who created the contest, hiring a kid to pretend that he was the lot owner's son to set them up in another revenge plot to get iCarly shut down by the LCC for fraud. They feel sorry for the runner-up, Wade Collins (Alex Schemmer), who claims he wanted to win the prize money to help his sick mom get surgery. Spencer lets Griffin off the hook, but Carly becomes upset. However, he is unaware of the broken elevator, which causes him to fall down the shaft. The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. When Freddie offends an international internet sensation named Fred and tells the whole world he does not think his Fred videos are very funny, Fred tells all of his fans that he will not make any more videos. This season features Carly Shay (Miranda Cosgrove), Sam Puckett (Jennette McCurdy) and Freddie Benson (Nathan Kress), as their web show, iCarly, is becoming more popular worldwide.iCarly aired its 100th produced episode in this season, making it the first Nickelodeon live-action sitcom to reach that number. It is revealed that pillowmyhead.com multiplied his order. Avg Rating (0) Your Rating. Spencer becomes furious, forces Griffin to leave, and forbids Carly to see him, though he eventually allows them to resume dating. Carly and Sam assume that Freddie is gullible after they trick him into coming to school dressed as a clown. iCarly just keeps getting crazier! Freddie tries finding a way to succeed in making his cousin laugh. Fearing that Shelby will hurt her Carly withdraws the fight only to be ridiculed as a coward by her friends, teachers, and Nevel. The iCarly Crew performs sketches on their show that spoof those on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon," which the host finds so impressive, that he invites them on his show for a rare live performance. May 7, 2010. Freddie failed because his technology composting project caused him to import worms from Portugal by burning a lot of jet fuel from an airplane. 26:07. iCarly. Buy HD £2.49 The second season of iCarly aired on Nickelodeon from September 27, 2008 to August 8, 2009. Third Season? Carly gives Sam a makeover when she develops a crush on a boy at school who only likes girly-girls. In the first iCarly movie, the trio learn they have been nominated for an iWeb award and win tickets to attend to attend the award ceremony in Japan. The iCarly gang celebrate "Halfoween" because they think Halloween is so great that it should come twice a year! At the end of the episode, Wendy tells Carly that Freddie gave the trip to Missy and Carly realizes that Freddie does care about Sam. Carly gets revenge on Chuck by telling him there's a new number called "derf" between 5 and 6, and because of this, Chuck fails his math test. "Jerry Trainor co-stars as Carly's big brother Spencer. Carly, Sam, and Freddie hatch a plan to find the recipe in Mr. Galini's computer at the pie shop during the memorial service. Carly inadvertently builds an illegal nuclear-powered generator while trying to complete a school assignment for an environmental project. With Freddie behind the camera, and Carly and Sam hosting the … Yakusoku no Neverland 2nd Season -Episode 4 Watch Free Online Carly Shay finds her previously "normal" life turned upside down when her Internet show, "iCarly," becomes an instant smash with young Web heads. Meanwhile, Spencer hires an incompetent repairman dancer to fix the elevator because he thinks it'll take longer. 2-3 : 11 Oct 08: ... 2-16: 09 May 09: iDate a Bad Boy (60 min) 42. Shelby later appears on iCarly, now firm friends with the gang. Meanwhile, Mrs. Benson's cousin is going to a comic book festival in New Jersey while her baby daughter Stephanie visits for a few days, making Freddie uneasy because the baby always has a blank expression when she sees Freddie, and he believes she doesn't like him because he is not funny. I use this episode and other iCarly … 51:09. iCarly. TV-G. Subtitles. Click here and start watching the full episode in seconds. Carly's father has the chance to watch iCarly live for the first time, but Sam ends up in juvie that night (after shoving a hot chili dog down the pants of a man who turned out to be an ambassador from Mexico). Carly confronts Nevel, and he signs the document. Carly tries to lure Spencer away from an addiction to video games. Directed by Russ Reinsel. Sick of Spencer's paranoid regimen, Carly and Griffin devise a plan to see each other. This is followed by them becoming somewhat closer. [1][2] This season has specials "iGo to Japan", "iChristmas", "iKiss", "iReunite with Missy", "iMake Sam Girlier", "iDate a Bad Boy", and "iFight Shelby Marx". iCarly Season 1 Episode 2 IWant More Viewers iCarly Season 1 Episode 2 IWant More Viewers Watch Free Online icarly season 1 episode 16 iHatch Chicks - video Dailymotion Nevel's plot is revealed and as punishment, he is trapped in a cage with an angry Shelby, Carly and Sam. Carly and Spencer become upset when their new neighbor Griffin steals the motorcycle that Carly bought for Spencer. It was the first episode to be shown after the iCarly special iGo to Japan. The First 48. Paying homage to "It's a Wonderful Life" and lifting dialogue from "A Charlie Brown Christmas," when Spencer builds a metal Christmas tree containing an electromagnet that sets the gifts that Carly plans to give on fire, she wishes that her brother had been normal. At the hotel, they are visited by Kyoko and Yuki, fellow competitors for the same award. Keep up with your iCarly, with the continuation of Season 2. Sat, Apr 11, 2009 22 mins. The annoying doorman Lewbert gets injured during an "iCarly" sketch, and he and Freddie's mom end up falling in love with each other while she nurses him back to health. Carly and her peers desperately try to pass a class assignment given by an eco-obsessed science teacher. Buy iCarly: Volume 4 Episode 10 on Google Play, then watch on your PC, Android, or iOS devices. But after the show, he snaps at the iCarly gang for ruining his life by ruining his chance of winning the contest, and is revealed to be very rude, angry, obnoxious, and narcissistic. Carly visits Shelby and apologizes, and the fight is back on, with Shelby again promising to go easy on her. Goofy's antics and constant crashing are causing many problems at the House of Mouse for Mickey and his crew. The season continues the stories of Carly Shay (Miranda Cosgrove), Sam Puckett (Jennette McCurdy), and Freddie Benson (Nathan Kress) as they produce their own web show called "iCarly. Later, Sam overhears Freddie make a confession to Carly that he has never had his first "real" kiss, implying that his former girlfriend Valerie, kissed him for half a second at school with a bunch of other kids hanging around. Sam tries to con Freddie into thinking an un-forwarded chain e-mail is bringing him bad luck. When Freddie and Sam go to retrieve the car for him, the two find out that the owner does not even have a son named Jeffrey and was never planning on giving away a free car, confusing them and Carly. The plan to prove Melanie is really "Sam" takes an unexpected turn when Melanie kisses Freddie, who then becomes extremely paranoid. Nickelodeon scheduled and aired the show's episodes out of chronological order, which may cause confusion between viewers. Chuck is eventually caught and is grounded by his father once again, only though Spencer remains trapped in the basement. When Carly is not around, Missy confesses to Sam, believing that Carly will not believe anything bad about Missy. 1 Cast 1.1 Main Cast 1.2 Recurring Cast 1.3 Minor Cast 1.4 Special Guest Cast 2 Episodes 3 Trivia 3.1 Renewal 3.2 Production 3.3 Episodes … If they do not get a good grade on their project, Mr. Henning tells his students that they must go on the dreaded "Root & Berry Retreat" for extra credit. However, when Spencer later goes out to get smoothies, he returns to find Carly and Griffin kissing on the couch. Episode 16. iMake Sam Girlier. Sam is forced to ask Freddie for help although he initially refuses because he is mad at her for violating his clothes at school until she admits this is the first time she had ever asked him for his help in a serious situation. After working on the sculpture for some time, Spencer goes out to buy smoothies for the group. New Episode Thurs 9/8c. However, Jade informs her that it costs $3,000 to put on a local production of the play, and … Since Freddie is already making a technology composting box, Carly makes an electric scooter. CODES (2 days ago) iPromote Techfoots (originally titled as iGot a Sponsor) is the eighteenth episode of the first season of iCarly. Even more of a surprise, she's much girlier than Sam and quite fond of Freddie, who suspects that she's actually Sam in disguise. 2-1 : 27 Sep 08: iSaw Him First: 27. Missy then "accidentally" destroys Sam's cell phone, and gives her expired chocolates, which make Sam fall sick right before the webcast while Missy substitutes for her. Carly, Sam, and Spencer learn that the proprietor of their favorite pie shop has passed away. Sam overhears Freddie make a confession that he's never been kissed, and she reveals this secret on Carly's Web show. Sam and Freddie are forced to share a locker, while Carly seeks art lessons from Spencer. Unfortunately, Carly accidentally falls on Shelby's sickly grandmother during a press conference after Sam teaches her how to "trash talk", causing Shelby to get angry. Watch iCarly season 2 episode 18 online. To make matters worse, after struggling to negotiate the return of the rights to her website, Mandy ends up being tricked into signing it over to Carly's nemesis, Nevel Papperman. With Miranda Cosgrove, Jennette McCurdy, Nathan Kress, Jerry Trainor. Despite his cruelty, Carly, Sam, and Freddie help make a music video for Wade Collins. While on the air, Freddie reveals that he is not a fan of an internet sensation; Spencer lets a magic meatball make his decisions for him. As a result, she vents her emotions by cutting up the trash can in the janitor's closet with a pair of scissors. 1 Plot 2 Trivia 3 Goofs 4 Gallery 5 Quotes After seeing MMA-fighter, Shelby Marx, win the female CFC-title as the youngest person ever, Carly jokingly challenges her to a fight, through the web show, "iCarly." Carly clings onto Shelby's leg for the rest of the fight to avoid being hit. Every episode begins with a lower case i which represents the internet, as in "iCarly". Trudy then feels bad and confesses that she never actually owned the recipe, claiming that her grandfather "kept them in his computer". After inviting Sam and Carly to a ride on helicopter, she texts Sam the wrong address, sending her to a piñata shell factory instead. At the end they apologize live during the iCarly webshow and present a new Fred video with Sam, Freddie, and Spencer guest starring as themselves with high-pitched voices like Fred except Carly's voice. The girls set up several different scenarios to try to convince Shane into kissing them, but they are unsuccessful. Carly frantically tries to explain her newfound feelings for Griffin, but this only infuriates Spencer further. They decide that whoever can get Shane to kiss them gets the right to pursue him. With her parents traveling abroad, Carly must rely on the help of friends Sam and Freddie, and her quirky older brother, Spencer, to cope with the newfound success. Special guest star: Lucas Cruikshank as himself/Fred. Consequently, Spencer forbids the couple to see each other and begins policing Carly's daily life. The five later parachute into Japan out of an unsanitary possum-filled cargo plane after the pilot literally makes them fly "over" Japan. When Sam's crush, Pete (, Carly, Sam, and Freddie are assigned to do a school science project for Green Week by their teacher, Mr. Henning. However, as their partnership progresses, Freddie expresses that he cannot keep up with Sam's numerous demands, and tears up the contract. Luckily, iCarly's biggest fan Mandy (from the Season 1 episode 13 "iAm Your Biggest Fan") returns to buy their website back for them, but she gets tricked into accidentally giving it to Nevel. Tulsa homicide delves into a dark world of drugs and prostitution to solve the murder of a man executed in his car in a motel parking lot. The gang disagree with the school, and Cat suggests that Jade produce the play herself at a local theater. This season is the first to have a major plot twist, as it sees Sam and Freddie sharing their first kiss, just to avoid the frustration of not having a first kiss. Browse all Nickelodeon TV shows. Sam has a twin sister named Melanie. Jan 08, 2015 | 43m 10s | tv-14 v,l. However, Principal Franklin informs Carly and Sam that it is illegal to solicit money to kids over the internet, so Sam grudgingly gets a job at the Chilli My Bowl restaurant to earn the money and pay them back. iPie is the eighth episode of the second season of iCarly and the 33rd episode overall. That sound means it’s time for Messin’ with Lewbert. S6, Ep1. 16 videos Updated 6 days ago. iCarly S02E21 iTake on Dingo – video dailymotion. Carly visits Shelby and apologizes, and the fight is back on. Isimsizler Season 1 Episode 1 in Urdu subtitles We are martyrs for our countrymen and travelers of the right path.… Kurulus Osman Season 2 Kurulus Osman Season 2 Episode … Meanwhile, Sam pays Freddie to build a website for her, and has a contract written up as well. They invite Wade for an interview on the webshow and agree to make him a music video. iCarly, Season 6 Episode 2, is available to watch and stream on Nickelodeon. You can also buy, rent iCarly on demand at Apple TV+, CBS, Amazon Prime, Amazon, Vudu, Microsoft Movies & TV, The Roku Channel, Google Play, iTunes online. Later, Nevel demands a kiss from Carly from the day they first met (in "iNevel") in return to claim the transfer document. When Spencer makes an electromagnetic Christmas tree, the tree is set on fire, which makes Carly angry at Spencer because the fire destroys the presents Carly got for Spencer. The series ended on November 23, 2012, with the one-hour special episode "iGoodbye". Thinking Shelby wants revenge, Carly backs out of the fight, only to be ridiculed as a coward. 24min. Sam then reveals that she has sold the website for $1,000, and because of their voided contract, Freddie is not entitled to any of the profit. After confessing they are lost, Kyoko and Yuki pretend to get angry at each other and stage a kung fu fight on the sidewalk. Nevel later alters a clip of the press conference to make it look like Carly intentionally tackled Shelby's grandma to dupe Shelby into fighting Carly. Carly is convinced that a show in Hollywood is stealing her ideas, so she and her friends take a trip to Los Angeles in order to stop the cast and crew. Carly's old friend, Missy Robinson (Haley Ramm) from when they were young, returns to Seattle and tries to become Carly's only best friend and replace Sam. The largest audience of the series was 11.2 million viewers, with the special episode "iSaved Your Life" premiered in January 2010. ", "ALCS Game 7 More Watched Than MNF, Future President and Spongebob", "Nielsen Weekly Cable Top 20 - Election Coverage, Monday Night Football and iCarly: iGo to Japan - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers", Football (though not NFL Network), Jeff Dunham and iCarly lead weekly cable viewing, "Monday Night Football, WWE RAW and SpongeBob lead weekly cable viewing - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers", "Bowl Games, iCarly and WWE Raw lead weekly cable viewing; Nostradamus no match for SpongeBob – Ratings | TVbytheNumbers", Updated:WWE RAW, Cinderella, iCarly and Monk lead weekly cable viewing, "Internet Sensation Fred to Get His Own TV Movie", "iCarly, Burn Notice and WWE RAW top cable charts - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers", WWE RAW, Hannah Montana and Northern Lights lead cable show rankings, WWE RAW and Nora Roberts Tribute bookend cable top 20, Rescue Me premieres, Updated: WWE RAW, NFL Draft and Yankees / Red Sox Lead Weekly Cable Viewing, "On cable, iCarly > Kobe, Lebron, WWE RAW and SpongeBob - Ratings | TVbytheNumbers", NBA Playoffs, NASCAR and WWE RAW lead cable, Nickelodeon’s Penguins is Basic Cable’s # 1 Kids’ Show with Total Viewers for the Week, "Public Catalog - iCarly episode iMust Have Locker 239", "Nick Scores Top Three Kids' Programs in 2Q: iCarly, SpongeBob SquarePants and The Penguins of Madagascar", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=ICarly_(season_2)&oldid=997868603, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox television season with the season name parameter, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Spencer finds an old video game cabinet in the junkyard called Pak-Rat (a parody of, Sam is insulted when she hears that she does not pay back Carly and Freddie the money she owes them, which happens to be $526. Due to a mishap with Spencer's credit card, Spencer inadvertently orders 200 pillows, and Carly loses access to her domain name, only to find that it's now owned by obsessed iCarly fan Mandy Valdez (see "iAm Your Biggest Fan," episode #1.13.). Freddie wires his video camera into the main screen while Carly and Sam try to explain to the security officers what happened by acting, since the guards cannot speak English and the girls cannot speak Japanese. The complete guide by MSN. iCarly Season 2 Episode 24-E25 IFight Shelby Marx ... 26:06. iCarly. Shelby, furious, legitimately attacks Carly during the match. iCarly Season 1 Episode 2 IWant More Viewers iCarly Season 1 Episode 2 IWant More Viewers, iCarly, Watch Dailymotion video and save them to your devices to play anytime for free And forbids Carly to see each other of their favorite pie shop has passed away 09 May 09 iDate! Of an unsanitary possum-filled cargo plane after the pilot literally makes them fly `` over '' Japan on, the. 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