From the above observations, my main conclusion is that foreign grades are not just numbers that can be calculated by applying a mathematical formula, but a message that needs first to be understood in the original system and in a second stage interpreted by users in their own system. The need to pay attention to grade classes reinforces the conclusion that linear methods, which ignore class boundaries, are nothing but fallacious and dangerous oversimplifications. It would be inaccurate to merely multiply a Moroccan grade by a factor 5 to find its Canadian or USA equivalent. Law grades: law students please consult the College of Law Grading System. In 1993, it was divided into two independent universities: Mohammed V University at Agdal and Mohammed V University at Souissi. In September 2014 the two universities merged into one, known as Mohammed V University, but maintaining the two campuses. Morocco's neighboring countries, Algeria [3] and Tunisia [4] , have a very similar grading system. Admission to universities is granted based on the "selection rank" calculated by each university based on its own unique criteria, i.e. More specifically, the drawing up of tables that can genuinely serve as a basis for interpreting foreign grades is only possible if a certain number of key considerations are observed. It is named after the Romanian politician Ion C. Brătianu. A first priority should be to make certain that this core piece of information is correctly rendered when converting foreign grades; fine-tuning within each particular class/category is only a subordinate exercise: what matters in Britain is whether the grade is a "First" or not, not whether it is a 71 or a 72. To graduate, students are required to have earned appropriate credits in a number of specific subjects by passing year-long or half-year courses, after which they must pass at least five Regents examinations in some of the subject areas. For primary schools, a new system has been introduced, based on a letter-grade scale; the old system uses a 10-point grading scale for the first term and a 20-point scale for the second and third terms. However, these formulas do not produce figures that are a reliable and fair reflection of the message conveyed by the original grade. The tendency to award progressively higher academic grades for work that would have received lower grades in the past. There are approximately 20,299 schools in India and 220 schools in 28 foreign countries affiliated to the CBSE. Public universities are free, except for Al Akhawayn University and the International University of Rabat, which are tuition-based. The remainder of the article presents six principles that could guide future developments in the area of foreign grade handling. [15], Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Entry requirements for students from Morocco", "The UK Honours degree system for undergraduates", "En prépa, dois-je m'attendre obligatoirement à une chute des notes ? Academic grading in Canada varies by province, level of education, by institution, and faculty. Grading system; Notes; References; Most of the time, the formal grades used in Morocco are not considered in graduate programs acceptance for some misunderstanding reasons: for instance, a grade of 12 (which is actually a passable grade in Morocco … For higher-achieving students, a Regents with Advanced designation and an Honors designation are also offered. International Grade Equivelency Morocco Educational Institutions International Grade US Equivalent Note: A 90-100 (4.0) A B 80-89 (3.0) B … It is possible to draw up tables ("grade equivalence chart," "grade concordance scale") that render a grade's "normal" or "average" meaning in another grading system, first on a bilateral basis and then in a more multi-lateral context. Please see the Financial Aid Programs section of this Walden University Student Handbook for additional information. Thus, even within a given country, a grade may have a "normal," intuitive, abstract meaning which needs to be adjusted (up or downwards) depending on a whole series of factors relating both to who gave it and who interprets it. Scores of 19 and 18 are equally rarely given. This is a list of grading systems used by countries of the world, first organized by continent, with links to specifics in many entries. It is named for Mohammed V, the former King of Morocco who died in 1961.. ISA will provide a cover letter to accompany the transcript with important academic information, including the host university's grading system and recommended U.S. letter grade equivalencies, translated course titles, and credit conversion recommendations. This article is a summary of academic grading in Australia. The Moroccan grading system ranges from 0 to 20. While American or Italian teachers would use the upper part of their grading scales (albeit in different ways), others (e.g., French and British) in practice hardly ever use the top 20% of their scale. In yet other circumstances, a 12 may also be considered as an excellent grade, this especially so when it comes to the Social Sciences or humanities. The remainder of the article presents six principles that could guide future developments in the area of foreign grade handling. The Leaving Certificate Examination, commonly referred to as the Leaving Cert, is the university matriculation examination in the Republic of Ireland and the final exam of the Irish secondary school system. The letter grades below do not count toward credits attempted; however, for federal financial aid purposes, these grades do count toward satisfactory academic progress. Often, an average grade of 7-8 in Preparatory Class for 'Grandes Écoles' (CPGE) can be considered as a satisfactory grade if the best grade in the class is only a 12. While American or Italian teachers would use the upper part of their grading scales (albeit in different ways), others (e.g., French and British) in practice hardly ever use the top 20% of their scale. Morocco needs to start to charge at least nominal tuition at public universities, or else it will be unable to build the high-quality university system that Moroccans deserve. Grading system in Morocco is mostly a 20-point grading scale, it is used in secondary schools as well as in universities. Walden University 2020–2021 Walden University Student Handbook (September 2020) Select a Catalog 2020–2021 Walden University Catalog (September 2020) 2020–2021 Walden University Student Handbook (September 2020) 2020–2021 Tempo Learning® Addendum University Guidebooks Grading system in Morocco is mostly a 20-point grading scale, it is used in secondary schools as well as in universities [1] . However tempting it may be, equating "passable" with "Third Class" because they both correspond to the lowest label of "pass grades" would fail to take into account their real meaning. Although more than 95 percent of school-aged children in Morocco are now enrolled in primary school, the education system in Morocco faces significant challenges. It is commonly known as a 2.2 or “Desmond” (as in Desmond “two-two”). History. Contents. The latter emphasizes Islamic disciplines, national identity and the sciences, and enrolls far fewer students than the former, alt… Higher education falls under the Ministry of Higher Education and Executive Training. However, these formulas do not produce figures that are a reliable and fair reflection of the message conveyed by the original grade. See the College of Medicine Grading System for more information. The distribution of grades tends to be different between certain quantitative fields (with grades distributed over the whole range) and the non-quantitative fields (where grades are more concentrated in the middle, and the upper part of the scale is seldom used). Grades can be assigned as letters, as a range, as a percentage, or as a number out of a possible total. These years are referred to collectively as "The Senior Cycle." A score of 20 signifies perfection and is virtually never given. March 6, 2019 The Presidents of … CBSE has asked all schools affiliated to follow only NCERT curriculum. Grading Morocco uses the French scale of 0-20 with 10 as the lowest passing grade. It takes a minimum of two years preparation, but an optional Transition Year means that for those students it takes place three years after the Junior Certificate Examination. Famously, in Preparatory Class for 'Grandes Écoles' (CPGE), an optional 2-4 year preparation for the most elite universities in France, students are graded so harshly that class ranking, rather than individual grades, usually reflects an individual's performance, especially when comparing the grades to secondary or university grades. A first priority should be to make certain that this core piece of information is correctly rendered when converting foreign grades; fine-tuning within each particular class/category is only a subordinate exercise: what matters in Britain is whether the grade is a "First" or not, not whether it is a 71 or a 72. A bachelor’s degree is awarded in university upon completion of a course lasting from about 3 to 7 years, similar to “ la license ”. The percentage causes the grade can vary from teacher to teacher. Grade Description US Grade 15.00 - 20.00 Très Bien (Very Good) A+ 13.00 - 14.99 Bien (Good) A 12.00 - 12.99 Assez Bien (Quite Good) The meaning of these labels in their own context is tainted by culture and tradition. The first nine years (ages 6-15) of education in Morocco are compulsory and guaranteed as a fundamental right by the Constitution. Grades vary from 1 to 5. Mathematical Formulas Fail to Capture the Message Scores of 19 and 18 are equally rarely given. The higher education system comprises 13 public universities, 8 private universities, and 211 private institutes and schools. It was introduced by Napoleon I in 1808. Morocco. Grading system in India is most often percentage. ATAR is calculated at state level, and NSW and ACT ATARs are considered equivalent to ATARs in all other states. The following are commonly used conversions from percentage grades to letter grades, however, this is not necessarily meaningful, since there is not a uniform scheme for assigning percentage grades either. But this exercise has more to do with the complexity of human language than with mathematics. Since 1890, the French baccalauréat exam, required to receive a high school diploma, has traditionally scored students on a scale (Barème) of 0-20, as do most secondary school and university classes. Related Article: Public Holidays in Morocco; Facts about education in Morocco. But this exercise has more to do with the complexity of human language than with mathematics. Thus, a British "Third Class" (a pass mark, but usually given only to a relatively small number of very borderline students) is very different from a Moroccan Passable (a widely used label that normally applies to the vast majority of pass grades). The Literacy rate in Morocco is 72%; Most universities in Morocco use Arabic as main language of instruction, and French as secondary language. Grading system in Morocco is mostly a 20-point grading scale, it is used in secondary schools as well as in universities [1].. 0.0 grade point equivalence is considered a failing mark. Most of the academic institutions had an average grade below 10; grades over 12/20 rated the best 10% to 15% of the class. selection rank is a combination of ATAR and additional points based on universities own criteria used for selecting students such as a "personal statement, a questionnaire, a portfolio of work, an audition, an interview or a test". In the final classes of German Gymnasium schools that prepare for university studies, a point system is used with 15 points being the best grade and 0 points the worst. This observation is particularly relevant when converting grades from systems using a broad numerical scale into, for example, the U.S. system which usually has only three pass grades (or categories) corresponding to the letters A, B, and C. In the United States, a "D" may also be considered a passing grade [13] , but not for transfer purposes [14] . Depending on the subject and level, a 16 is an excellent grade. This is the lower division of a second-class degree. The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) is the primary criterion for entry into undergraduate courses in universities in Australia. [5] Theoretically, an average student was rated 11/20; a brilliant student scored - 15/20. The distribution of grades tends to be different between certain quantitative fields (with grades distributed over the whole range) and the non-quantitative fields (where grades are more concentrated in the middle, and the upper part of the scale is seldom used). Thus, in the United Kingdom [9] , there are "First Class," "Second Class" (divided between upper and lower sub-classes) and "Third Class" performers, while French [10] , German [11] or Spanish [12] students may be labeled in a similar way as, for example, Passable (Average), Gut (Good) or Sobresaliente (Outstanding). Most of the academic institutions had an average grade below 10; grades over 12/20 rated the best 10% to 15% of the class.[6]. [5] The U.S. GPA is calculated on a … Most of the time, the formal grades used in Morocco are not considered in graduate programs acceptance for some misunderstanding reasons: for instance, a grade of 12 (which is actually a passable grade in Morocco but equivalent to 60% in the US where it is considered a below-average) is generally a good starting grade to apply for graduate studies and financial aids or scholarships [2] . Although the traditional scale stops at 20/20, French baccalauréat results can be higher than 20/20 due to supplementary "options". Mathematical Formulas Fail to Capture the Message Both in Europe and in the United States, there have been numerous recent attempts to put together automatic, mathematical formulas that "calculate" foreign grades in the national grading system of the user. It proves that there isn’t a single standard method of grading system in education, worldwide. The education system in Morocco comprises pre-school, primary, secondary and tertiary levels. It is similar to that in the US. Beginning with basic education, all levels of education in Morocco are offered on two parallel tracks: the modern track (l’enseignement général moderne) and the original track (l’enseignement originel). Depending on the subject and level, a 16 is an excellent grade. Important dates in Moroccan Higher Education Browse in ArabicBrowse in French September 2020 Morocco implements the 4-year Bachelor system in Higher Education instead of the current 3-year system. [17] There may also be minimum pass grades per subject set at a lower level, for example, 8/20. ",,,,, Articles lacking in-text citations from April 2009, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 7 September 2020, at 07:05. For this reason, proposals based on linear formulas can produce devastating results: I recently saw the case of a German student in France who achieved a 15 (quite a good grade) which was converted into a German 2.5 (a rather mediocre one); on the contrary, a British student who gets a 27/30 in Italy would have every reason to be pleased if that grade were linearly calculated to correspond to a British 90/100! • Many grading systems are not continuous but divided into several "classes" or "categories" which correspond to broad levels of performance. Students are required to pass these exams in order to earn a Regents Diploma. Grades of 20 are rarely, if ever, awarded. But some European universities use a different admission requirement for Moroccan students. Countries like Germany utilise the 1-5 score and places like the Netherlands apply the 1 to 10 order. From the above observations, my main conclusion is that foreign grades are not just numbers that can be calculated by applying a mathematical formula, but a message that needs first to be understood in the original system and in a second stage interpreted by users in their own system. ⌉ [68] to [1] is the average student/teacher ratio. This means that a small difference in numbers may conceal a substantial difference in meaning when a "class" limit is crossed: in the United Kingdom, a grade of 70 classified as "First Class" is very different from a 69 ("Second Class"), while the same small difference of 1 point is irrelevant between the grades of 54 and 55 (both "Lower Second Class"). This means that a small difference in numbers may conceal a substantial difference in meaning when a "class" limit is crossed: in the United Kingdom, a grade of 70 classified as "First Class" is very different from a 69 ("Second Class"), while the same small difference of 1 point is irrelevant between the grades of 54 and 55 (both "Lower Second Class"). For this reason, proposals based on linear formulas can produce devastating results: I recently saw the case of a German student in France who achieved a 15 (quite a good grade) which was converted into a German 2.5 (a rather mediocre one); on the contrary, a British student who gets a 27/30 in Italy would have every reason to be pleased if that grade were linearly calculated to correspond to a British 90/100! This is an article on the grading that is used in Finland. • Grading systems are not linear and are often characterized by a strongly skewed distribution of grades actually given to students. As a consequence, conversion scales should pay considerable attention to categories/classes of grades. School education is supervised by the Ministry of National Education, with considerable devolution to the regional level. Most students taking the examination are aged 16–20; in excess of eighty percent of this group undertake the exam. General University Diploma: 2: Preparatory phase: Diplôme ďÉtudes Universitaires Générales: Vocational: Technical: 18–20: 2: Certificate/diploma awarded: Brevet de Technicien supérieur: Tertiary: Bachelor's: 4: Licence: Tertiary: Master's: 1–3: Leads to the award of the Licence / Maîtrise /Diplôme (4 to 5 yeas total including preparatory phase) Tertiary: Doctorate November 15, 2019 Morocco signs revised regional convention on recognition of Higher Education studies, diplomas and degrees in Africa (UNESCO). The BAC degree is more like a high school diploma. In some cases, grades can also be numerical. No you don’t just divide by 5! The Faculty of Arts and Sciences uses the following system of letter and non-letter grades to evaluate undergraduate student work: Letter Grades: Undergraduate Students. Thus, even within a given country, a grade may have a "normal," intuitive, abstract meaning which needs to be adjusted (up or downwards) depending on a whole series of factors relating both to who gave it and who interprets it. In many systems, the full scale of grades is divided not only between pass and fail, but into various "classes" or "categories" corresponding to broad "quality labels" assigned to a certain bracket of numerical grades. • Grading differs not only between countries, but there are, as well, marked differences in grading traditions and policies depending on the type and level of the grading institution, the field of study, or even the type of grade (final examination, mid-term, paper, or average computed from various grade items). study, or even the type of grade (final examination, mid-term, paper, or average computed from various grade items). • Many grading systems are not continuous but divided into several "classes" or "categories" which correspond to broad levels of performance. If all students complete schooling then the average ATAR would be 50.00, but since some students quit studying early the average ATAR is 70.00. Both in Europe and in the United States, there have been numerous recent attempts to put together automatic, mathematical formulas that "calculate" foreign grades in the national grading system of the user. The baccalauréat, often known in France colloquially as the bac, is a French national academic qualification that students can obtain at the completion of their secondary education by meeting certain requirements. [6]. Higher education falls under the Ministry of Higher Education and Executive Training. Grading in education is the process of applying standardized measurements of varying levels of achievement in a course. School education is supervised by the Ministry of National Education, with considerable devolution to the regional level. It is possible to draw up tables ("grade equivalence chart," "grade concordance scale") that render a grade's "normal" or "average" meaning in another grading system, first on a bilateral basis and then in a more multi-lateral context. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is a national level board of education in India for public and private schools, controlled and managed by Union Government of India. The "Ion C. Brătianu" National College is a comprehensive four-year public high school enrolling 1,200 students in grades 9 through 12. A score of 20 signifies perfection and is virtually never given. [14] ⌈ What is the grading system? There are 14 public universities in Morocco. In the 2017/18 academic year, 19% of students achieved a … Moroccan Grading System: ECTS grade: 19 – 20: Excellent: A: 16 – 18: Very good: B: 13 -1 5: Good: C: 10 – 12: Sufficient: D, E < 10: Fail: F, FX Traditionally, the grades are A+, A, A−; B+, B, B−; C+, C, C−; D+, D, D−; F; with A+ being the highest and F being lowest. The Leaving Certificate Examinations are taken annually by approximately 55,000 students. Morocco's neighboring countries, Algeria[3] and Tunisia,[4] have a very similar grading system. However, in Morocco, the government does not supply the educational system with the adequate props; this lack of support is reflected in the profitability of both students and teachers. [6,187] is the number of university teachers in (1990) [2,171] is the number of university teachers in (1980) [150] is the number of university teachers in (1960) ⌈ What is the student/teacher ratio? Medical grades: all 800-level courses offered by the College of Medicine are graded on an honors/ high pass/ pass/ fail system (H, HP, P, F). Simple mathematical formulas with their claim to universality are nothing but a fallacious oversimplification of a reality they fail to capture Morocco has the fifth largest economy of Africa. The most common grade point scale at Swedish universities and colleges ranges from a maximum grade point of 5 to a minimum passing grade of 3. It would be inaccurate to merely multiply a Moroccan grade by a factor 5 to find its Canadian or USA equivalent. The Examination is overseen by the State Examinations Commission. Simple mathematical formulas with their claim to universality are nothing but a fallacious oversimplification of a reality they fail to capture This, however, does not mean that the process of foreign grade interpretation cannot be organized in an efficient, expedient way based on a thorough effort to understand the message that [foreign grades] carry. Numeric to letter grade conversions generally vary from system to system and between disciplines and status. But some European universities use a different admission requirement for Moroccan students. The meaning of these labels in their own context is tainted by culture and tradition. Academic grading in the United States commonly takes on the form of five, six or seven letter grades. In the Moroccan system: a minimum average of 12 out of 20, Assez Bien, Good. It is a number between 0.00 and 99.95 which shows student’s relative position compared to all other students in the age group of 16 to 20 years and not just for the specific cohort or year of passing, an ATAR of 80.00 denotes that a student belongs to the top 20 percent of students within their current age group of 16 to 20 years. It takes more listening, modesty and flexibility rather than a doctrinal attitude and a creed in universal formulas/answers. Grading system in Morocco is mostly a 20-point grading scale, it is used in secondary schools as well as in universities. The education system in Morocco comprises pre-school, primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Serbia inherited the academic grading system of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. However tempting it may be, equating "passable" with "Third Class" because they both correspond to the lowest label of "pass grades" would fail to take into account their real meaning. This is preceded by optional preschool education. As a consequence, conversion scales should pay considerable attention to categories/classes of grades. If your high school uses a different grading scale, please contact us. The right of free public higher education is largely taken for granted. The university was founded in 1957. That will only result in a biased and unfair conversion. It is said that only Allah gets a 20, only the King gets a 19; therefore, the highest grade usually awarded is 18. What are the most popular Universities in Morocco? [15]. Thus, in the United Kingdom,[9] there are "First Class," "Second Class" (divided between upper and lower sub-classes) and "Third Class" performers, while French,[10] German[11] or Spanish[12] students may be labeled in a similar way as, for example, Passable (Average), Gut (Good) or Sobresaliente (Outstanding). There may also be minimum pass grades per subject set at a lower level, for example, 8/20 [18] . French universities traditionally grade in a stricter way than secondary schools, which means that students are unlikely to receive marks as high as they did in secondary school. The Moroccan grading system ranges from 0 to 20. Theoretically, an average student was rated 11/20; a brilliant student scored - 15/20. This, however, does not mean that the process of foreign grade interpretation cannot be organized in an efficient, expedient way based on a thorough effort to understand the message that [foreign grades] carry. The Tunisian grading system is mostly an over20point grading scale: it is used in secondary schools and universities. A 2.2 is often the minimum grade required for most opportunities in employment and further education. This article is about the grades that are used in Sweden. Several systems are in use in different educational institutions in Finland. They distort the original message in the same way as a word-for-word check in a bilingual dictionary: for each word there is a corresponding word in the other language, but the sequence of words thus obtained almost certainly means something different (or nothing at all) in the target language.[15]. The teaching method combines teacher/student contact through lectures and tutorials, with an emphasis on independent study. This international GPA calculator is intended to help you calculate the United States Grade Point Average (GPA) based on grades or points from almost any country in the world. For example, the University of Ibadan (UI) uses a seven-point grading system and the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) once placed its first class honours … At Al Akhawayn, grades are based on the four-point GPA system according to demonstrated performance and skill levels. It was gradually introduced since 2009-10 and has since replaced the Universities Admission Index, Equivalent National Tertiary Entrance Rank, Tertiary Entrance Rank and the Queensland Core Skills Test. Germany uses a 5- or 6-point grading scale (GPA) to evaluate academic performance for the youngest to the oldest students. Thus, a British "Third Class" (a pass mark, but usually given only to a relatively small number of very borderline students) is very different from a Moroccan Passable (a widely used label that normally applies to the vast majority of pass grades). • Grading differs not only between countries, but there are, as well, marked differences in grading traditions and policies depending on the type and level of the grading institution, the field of Rabat’s University went from Top 800 in 2017 to 1001+ in 2020, while Cadi Ayyad University made an alarming decline from 301-350 in 2015 to this year’s ranking. The grading process uses an absolute achievement scale to determine the grade of a student. Notable exceptions include De La Salle University & FEU-East Asia College, which follow the 1.000 - 4.000 grading system, which patterns those of American universities.This system uses the 4.0 grade point equivalence as the highest grade, while 0.0 grade point equivalence is considered the lowest possible grade. More specifically, the drawing up of tables that can genuinely serve as a basis for interpreting foreign grades is only possible if a certain number of key considerations are observed. uniRank tries to answer this question by publishing the 2020 Moroccan University Ranking of 37 Moroccan higher-education institutions meeting the following uniRank selection criteria: . Taking the examination is overseen by the Ministry of higher education studies, diplomas and degrees in Africa UNESCO... 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