For me, as a motorcycle journalist and Harley owner, invited to its launch, my heart sank. Give support, share information, and connect with fellow members. So what your saying is, I should be running 60 wt in my 2000 fxdx twin cam? 30K-100K...NO HELP THERE. I n the May issue of Baggers, we looked at several weak spots in the Twin Cam's bottom end, mainly excessive crankshaft runout and drive issues relating to the chain-driven cams.One area we did not discuss was the Twin Cam's oiling system and associated problems found on stock and high-performance Twin Cam engines. Unlike the Evolution and Shovelhead cranks, the TC crank is a press-together unit where the crankpin is a "hard" press fit into the two flywheels halves. Save Share. These Twin Cams with Timkin bearings on the sprocket shaft have the potential to last more than 500,000 miles. Sign in and click the "Join Group" button to become a group member and start posting. This seems to be the only solution to fix what right now seems to be the only weak spot in a relatively strong engine design....A combination Andrews cams with the SS gearsystem is what I'm checking out...It's expensive but a lot cheaper than replacing an engine. H-D tech bodies altered the name to RARCCO (Rider Activated Rear Cylinder Cut Out). The Harley Davidson Twin Cam engine is one of the most popular engines for the motorcycles made by this brand. Lighten up on the cap locks there guy. If owners take the time to actually intrepret the oil recommendations in the factory manuals, they'll realize that straight 60wt is still the recommended oil for most applications. Unfortunately, the tensioner shoe was made of plastic and the spring too aggressive, meaning failure reported in as little as 15,000 miles or less. Having ridden throughout Europe and the USA interviewing and photographing some of the coolest people in the bike industry. “Competition is always a good thing. LOL. Upping the engine’s size to 1450cc would take care of the extra power, and a change to twin cams would reduce the noise by half. The torringtons are rated at a heavier load capacity than the ina bearings. Nothing but straight 70wt was used in those engines (oil was changed to 70wt before they were ever put in service). Henry Ford once made a statement to the effect of, if he could find an engineer to design a car that would completely fall apart 100 miles after the warranty ran out, he would make him president of the company. This SUCKS!...I'll be curious to see how harley responds to this. In addition, the noise emitted from the Evo’s famous cam whine had also to be dealt with. Share best practices, tips, and insights. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. The chain tensioning system in these motors uses plastic “shoes” riding on the cam chains that wear out. Rods are honed to size , then reassembled true to factory specifications . That implies a LOT of highway miles, the easiest miles put on an engine. It utilizes plastic shoes “riding” on the cam chains that can and will actually wear out in due time. Coming in two different models of V-Twin engine, 88 and 88B, the twin cam was initially released for the production year 1999. As it turned out, 2007 was a big year for other reasons too. YEAH...THE CAMS/CHAINS/ADJUSTERS NEED TO BE LOOKED AT. It’s clear from this addition that Harley had intentions of increasing the TC’s size and power output in the not too distant future. Several other factors also played a role in the Twin Cam’s development. Under hard deceleration, acceleration or burnouts, the Twin Cam's pressed-together crankshaft can twist out of true, sometimes as much as .030 inch or even more in worst circumstances. By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy and to receive email correspondence from us. I've been running electronic ignition for about 15 yrs now (my 1st one was homemade from Chrysler ignition parts, I'm a cheapskate). A monopoly renders people complacent and satisfied with mediocrity.” Upgrading the cams and going to torrington bearings while your in there and a new set of lifters. The problem of returning oil and crankcase pressure drove Harley engineers to distraction. The Twin Cam was the second engine from Harley-Davidson to use two cams to drive the valvetrain, the first being the JDH racing model introduced in 1928. On paper, the new power plant looked to have all the bases covered. Tell me something Weird about the Twin Cam: motorcycle racer, Brett Ray strapped a propeller to his TC96 engine and used it to power a light aircraft. ... A forum community dedicated to all Harley-Davidson model owners and enthusiasts. Are you a city dweller?. Complete regular maintenance checks on the fuel system to guarantee that it’s running properly. The Twin Cam … Marketing responded by saying that an oil cooler would mess with the engine’s classic lines and make their job harder. and (2) ". With oil routing sorted, an interesting inter-departmental wrangle began between design and marketing. A. Aich ... With no problems. This is the first time I've heard that. In theory. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 11 of 11 Posts. The bike they chose to lead the charge, the Softail Deuce, was a strange selection, looking like it slipped through on one of Willie G’s off-days. Judging by the test program stats, they weren’t joking. The 88B Heritage had big shoes to fill, and it didn’t disappoint. On paper, the Rocker C had all the right components, fatback, kicked-out skinny front, stretched tank, single-seat, trick pillion, etc. Trick throttles aside, the entire bagger range got a significant update that year. A clean sheet would also allow H-D to address the Evo’s shortfalls. I just received the January issue of American iron magazine. The Evo’s famous D-shaped chambers were now replaced with a bathtub shape. Here’s a look at the technical elements and developments that allowed the 88-cu.-in. The FLSTC first made its appearance in 1986 and remains a best seller to this day. This year also saw the TC96A (rubber mount engines), and TC96B (Softail models) hit the showroom floor. Ideas once deemed either too costly or too complex to consider as amendments to the Evo engine, were now an option for an entirely new power plant. The Twin Cam’s reign ended in 2016 when it was replaced with the multi-valve dual-cooled Milwaukee-Eight, but as always, that’s another story. To begin with, the second-generation engine was fitted with twin balancers, which made an incredible difference. Twin Cam 103™ engine with 103-cid (1690cc), rubber-mounted within the frame, is rated at 100 ft. lbs. Before the release of the Evolution in 1894, H-D undertook its most rigorous series of bench testing. All of which created an excellent diversion for Willie G to slip the Rocker C into the line-up. Your big bad bagger was thus turned into a lumpy single-cylinder engine. Hence, why the first generation TC88’s are all rubber mounted models. Two Harley owners from Los Angeles County allege that the Twin Cam 103” engine equipping their motorcycles emit high heat, which can burn riders, and shorten the life of the engine. Together with a slightly shorter stroke and higher compression, the increase in torque was even more noticeable due to the 88B’s ability to rev faster. Harley Davidson Twin Cam Engine Problems? No other model in Harley-Davidson history has ever seen so many power upgrades from one engine platform. Although the Twin Cam shared only 18 parts with the Evolution engine, as with all new engines, something of its predecessor remained. The 1450cc engine produced an extra six horsepower on its own, not a staggering increase. . Meet other eBay community members who share your passions. Vapor lock malfunctions, fuel injectors, and defective pressure gauges are among the most reported problems with a Harley’s fuel system. in a january 22, 2001 letter to purchasers harley davidson motor company acknowledged the problem but declined to recall alleging (1) that the failure had only occurred in "a small number harley-davidson twin twin cam 88 engines. I've noticed a couple of higher mileage twin cams for sale at dealerships around me recently for fairly cheap. Tell me something Weird about the Twin Cam: motorcycle racer, Brett Ray strapped a propeller to his TC96 engine and used it to power a light aircraft.. 1999 Twin Cam 88A Road King. Find anyone with a high-mileage Evo or TC, and ask them what viscosity oil they've run to get that high-mileabe. It forces us to do our best. An ideally trued crank should be trued to within .001 inch. I've heard of issues with cam chain tensioners in the earlier 88" twin cams. This gives a much stronger but lighter piston. The 1,450 cc Harley Davidson Engine, also known as the Twin Cam 88, was a breakthrough in motorcycle history when it came out. Shared crankpin, OHV's, Carburator, Single Cam, points style ignition, etc...LOL! H-D has moved into the arena of "planned obsolesence". With a 30-percent stiffer frame and a 90-percent reduction in engine vibration, the Heritage, along with the rest of the 2000 Softail range, was a revelation, exceeding all expectations. Points style ignition?? . This issue led to them bringing in a young research engineer called Paul Troxner to consult. The engine was made and used on many different Harley Davidson bikes from 1999 to 2006. Problems with all of harleys twin cam engines? The model discontinued in 2010, like all Harleys, attracted an army of fans, even if said army wasn’t large enough to lay siege to a Dunkin Donuts. If the Evo had it tough, then the number of environmental riders on Harley’s next step-up the evolutionary ladder meant that H-D had to leap in a new direction. Between June 1998 and July 2001, the research engineer filed no less than six patents with H-D as the assignee. Related: How to maintain your motorcycle chain. I CALLED H-D AS TO WHEN? Therein lays another problem. Blackbikecats, what kind of riding do you do? "Find anyone with a high-mileage Evo or TC, and ask them what viscosity oil they've run to get that high-mileabe". New Milwaukee-Eight engines will power every 2017 Harley-Davidson Touring and Trike motorcycle model. Harley owners were turning more and more to third-party tuning parts. While they were similar in appearance, inside the combustion chamber was a whole new story. I have been finding that the cam chain tensioners need to be replaced around 50,000 miles. Oil is the lifeblood of any engine, and the Twin Cam … A hypereutectic piston is a piston cast from a special aluminum alloy that allows for larger amounts of silicone to be added. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, builds, maintenance, classifieds and more! Miles don't always tell the story. I guess I'll have to dig deeper for info as I save my money to switch over to a gear driven cam system. Problems that were thought to be only on early 99 and 2000 models. The Harley V-Twin has it. Most new engines throughout Harley-Davidson’s timeline have come about due to the need to stay ahead of the competition. . Harley Twin Cam Engine Problems The main problem of the Twin Cam engine of the Harley Davidson is probably it’s the design aspect of the cam chain system. So what is wrong with my Twin Cam Crankshaft? Blackbikecats, WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING AT US! Famous Harley-Davidson Twin Cam Riders: Paul Troxner, T.R Reiser, Brett Ray. However, that came in the shape of the cam, chain tensioner. The bearings well, Harley has this big theory that the ina bearings give better service. The Harley-Davidson Twin-Cam V-twin was introduced in 1998. How can a lower viscosity oil provide even equal protection under those conditions? A frank discussion of the inherent flaws with the Harley Twin Cam engine, produced since 1999 to the present. The factory addressed this problem with EITMS (Engine Idle Temperature Management System). Peterson claims that small miniscule pieces of metal could work their way through to the crank. Taking advantage of the engine’s built-in expansion potential; the 96’s bigger displacement saw a torque increase of around 8-percent. The Twin Cam 88B (B for balancer) rigidly mounted in the Softail range, appeared one year later. My engine does not consume any oil, the exhaust is clean and dry, it runs great and I think my noises are normal. The cam chain tensioners is mostly a maintenance issue. They succeeded in that quest and then some. Related: How to clean, condition and care for leather saddlebags. The more popular of which offered a gear-driven alternative to eliminate the cam chain and its self-destructing tensioner. Harley Tech Talk is a great forum, free too, but they don't mid a bit if you send a couple bucks in. When chugging through bumper-to-bumper traffic, the power increase also brought with it overheating problems for the bagger range. The answer was a radical re-design. Matched together with cylinder liners thick enough to stand five re-bores, and you’ve got one exceptionally tough engine. After all, America was crammed with boutique V-Twin chopper builders all living off the Harley bandwagon. It's not really a big deal. These problems can be costly and difficult to repair. Posted by By bsgadmin at 14 July, at 17 : 22 PM Print. All I saw was a bike whose form had so far exceeded its function as to be a caricature of the awesome, soul-stirring bikes that had preceded it. Updates included a new frame, swinging arm, engine mounts, bigger tank, new exhaust system brakes and, fairing. The Twin Cam 88 was released for the 1999 model year in September 1998. Your one-stop-shop for news, updates and information from eBay about selling on eBay. The financial hit was bad enough, but sliding down the reliability slope had to be avoided at all costs. Bike still under warranty and dealer is suggesting carbon build up in head, wants to tear down engine. Mainshaft Sprocket Wrench for 1936-2006 Harley-Davidson Big Twins Engine & Twin Cam, 1 7/8 Inch Main shaft Pulley Socket Tool 4.6 out of 5 stars 6 $43.99 $ 43 . It makes it hard to read your post. A seldom talked about Twin Cam engine problem is crankshaft shifting. I'm here in Northern Arizona where we get 4 seasons. Exhaust emissions could be taken care of with catalytic converters and electronic fuel injection. The compromise would eventually mean a complete redesign of the head to encompass 50% larger cooling fins. Still, if Willie G thought he was firing a shot across their bows, it was more like he’d shot himself in the foot. Buy a new bike and still have to dump money into it to keep it running. The actual design itself is designed poorly. Without the usual amount of friction generated by vibration, the gearbox’s shifting mechanism slipped into a false neutral between gearshifts. These patents covered everything from engine breathers and dry-sump cooling systems to a dividing wall between the sump and cam chest to prevent oil drain. They haven't changed. Oh yeah before I forget. But, But, But....Gearhead, isn't your motorcycle running 1930's technology?? Read honest and … Regardless, the cam chain tensioner issue occupied more space in Twin Cam forums than the cost of gas debate. Hey, do you think I'm stuck in the stone-age?? Most new engines throughout Harley-Davidson’s timeline have come about due to … I can understand why he did this. . – Nancy Pearcey. Highway running most of the time? Once again, we know how much you adore the Twin Cam engine Harley Davidson motorcycles. This feature allowed fuel to be injected into the combustion chamber but cut the ignition to the rear cylinder. This engine has recently been retired and a new engine based on the 1,450 cc is being used in new Harley Models. Campy had the service contract for our local Sheriff's Dept. What’s the Big Deal? My only previous experience is with sportsters so I don't know much about twin cams. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Andrews TW21 Chain Driven Cams for Harley Twin Cam 99-06 at This engine was the successor to the Harley Davidson Evolution engine and at present is used to power Dyna and touring models. Marketing made a case for a new engine with more power. Anyone out there have a factory manual for a Twin Cam that you can quote on this subject of oil in Harleys? "I have already replaced about 10 sets of flywheels with the rod bearings gone out at around 50,000 to 70,000 miles. A name capable of knocking Yamaha’s (Chip Controlled Throttle System) off the top slot for the longest acronym. Thankfully, one of a 24-bike line-up, the Softail Heritage Classic overshadowed its presence. Over the years he has owned, built, and customized over 40 motorcycles and gained a Masters Degree in Interactive Journalism along the way. Yeah that seems about right. The Harley-Davidson Twin Cam V-twin motor marked a great leap forward for the motor company in refinement and performance in 1999. Baggers Only: At least, for now. ?...AIN"T THIS FREAKIN GREAT!....I guess the more things change the more they stay the same with Harley Davidson. 's Harleys (Evo's & TC 88's). of torque at 3500 RPM. Over 25,000mi per yr.? Todays engines are jetted leaner (engine runs hotter) to comply with EPA. Rest assured, though; we've got your back with The 12... On November 10th, 1885, the Daimler Reitwagen became the fastest motorcycle in the world, kick starting what would become our homage to 20 Motorcycle... For Porsche fans, RUF Automobile is as good as it gets! Welcome to a new generation of Harley Davidson oil coolers. Copyright © 1995-2021 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. It seems to go away after engine is warm. trident_t150- If you've still got any parts on your bike that say Lucas on them, you don't have much room to go casting aspersions. What they didn’t want was to delay the launch any further. But Vickie had power without running.Torque is a big deal. There are plenty of defects in the Twin Cam engines. Riders could now manually switch the lumpy gravy feature on and off by manipulating the cruise control feature. In 2003, H-D changed the Timken bearings for a plain roller bearing on the crankshaft. However, they soaked up power like a sponge. I have been inside the cam chest a couple of times for maintenance, including tensioner shoe replacement, servicing the oil pump, and cam bearing replacement, and I don't have a problem doing that. Quote:"We are finding damaged Ina inner cam bearings, worn timing chain adjusters, and cam lobe damage on ALL year twin cams" Huh?! Harley owners, always on the lookout for a naming ceremony, christened it ‘Parade Mode.’ At the time, launched as a retro-fit for 2008 models, by the following year, all Twin Cam, touring models, featured this as standard. This expensive alternative to the oil coolers cheap modification, confirms that for H-D, form will often win over function. With things going so well, it’s almost a shame to throw a spanner in the works. The factory put the new engine through thousands of hours on the test rig, and for the Twin Cam, this was no different. Harley-Davidson offers more Big Twin performance for 2012 as its Twin Cam 103™ powertrain is standard equipment on Softail® and Touring motorcycle models and most Dyna® motorcycle models. Not surprising but still annoying, H-D sold Screaming Eagle upgrades to deal with the problem they’d created, and aftermarket part manufacturers had a field day. Check the clearances on the "new" engines vs. the "old" engines. Although they’ve subsequently been replaced by a more modern version of the same… read more 99 The engine in this chassis is the TC-96B (Twin Cam – 96 cubic inches, Balanced). The new gearbox was so slick riders would have had to change their engineer’s boots for slippers. Not something ever likely to happen, so extra tension was added to the spring mechanism. Like others have said, do a test drive, then decide. The biggest controversy seems to be as how contaminated the engine becomes when the chain system fails. This oval combustion chamber allowed for better detonation, raised compression ratio and had a greater tolerance to low-quality gas. That's not unique, lots of V-Twins have it, but it means that HD is not sitting at the back of the bus. All of which in 2007 resulted in H-D modifying the part with a hydraulic actuated tensioner. Podcast-In this episode we break down the issue of problems with pre 2006 Dyna’s & 1999-2006 spring loaded cam chain followers in Harley Davidson twin cam motors. "- I'll just about guarantee you that it's due to the "misconception" that 20w-50 is the "recommended" oil viscosity for Evo's and TC's. ." The changes, however, added up to an entirely different machine. I can ride from here in the morning when it's 30 out and in 40 miles the temp has changed to can I deal with the oil thing with this much of a drastic change in there a happy medium?......hope I made To important questions to get that many miles on their bikes before getting rid of them using Cam... 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