2 groups did not have time to have their Q&A session because the class timing was exceeded, but the professor instructed us all to rate these groups the maximum points for that question. In 2020, the 2020 … and yes, both the times we were criticised for the fact that we exceeded the time (: 8. as for the peer evaluation, I'm pretty sure that most people did not mark others down on purpose! (You also know very well this is the first year the module is offered, and the prof was receptive to getting feedback via the proper channels, so was posting this really necessary?). The first presentation was ranked, and the professor made it a point that there were 2 groups that tied for the best group. Quizzes. Compulsory assignments that are not subject to any evaluation (for example, field work) are assessed by the grade of Completed/Not completed. All students in NTU are provided 9/12 AUs to practice the S/U option, which can only be used for GER-PEs and UEs. You seem to be taking it really personally. NTU and A*STAR scientists discover how a sensor in our air passages activates the body's immune response to common cold. Marks allocated to short answer Qs did not correspond to the amount of points we had to write (E.g. In USP, the S/U option can only be granted for two USP electives (worth 6AUs). HardwareZone Forum Insider on Facebook LinkBack: Thread Tools: 30-12-2011, 04:10 PM #1: happy87. Professor clearly did not know us by our names, so how is the participation grade going to be accounted for? I'm pretty sure most "PhD students" aren't entirely familiar with/base their entire thesis on studying the constitution of a Winogradsky Column, everyone put in the same amount of effort to research on and prepare for the presentations. endstream endobj startxref A … Find out how to apply to NTU online here. 30% of our grade was determined by peer grading with questions on a google form ranging from a 1-4 scale. y�ː�,9��&氖I-C� �����-���vmCDذ� ���,I'B[�s�2���^ꤐ̓�D\fA�]SIp(f� P�Zm�=�R�;[K-�R�Sꚪ`���4� ��-� �+���i�'��I���8��;�h��J?rbO��x����vS��m�U�I��J��;��x����f�/�����/L�1�}�Ui7���^�x�KopR���T �q���� Coding Theory: 2014-2015: 1st: MH 8300 - Full toturial. What if the prof makes it so that he'll see you next sem again? Obviously the presentations were shallow af due to the time constraints. Contrary to popular belief, posting about flaws in quizzes and presentation grading does not mean that I am doing badly in these aspects. Fk all the comments too long to read :sobs: The Long comments are just members of the group I called “unprepared” in the OP trying to justify how the points I brought up about the grading flaws aren’t legit. Section A rules apply to most final year students, who started their studies on a three-year undergraduate course in September / October 2016 and who are now in their third and final year. Unless of course, if you did not do so. The Grade Point Average (GPA) system applies to students admitted to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences in AY2004-2005 and all students admitted to Year 1 with effect from AY2005-2006 and direct entry students admitted to Year 2 with effect from AY2006-2007. This allows us to gauge how much to write and how much time to spend on the question. For the first quiz: The purpose of the peer review was so that you can learn while scrutinising the answers presented by your colleagues. My point is that there will always be snakes around, regardless of whether you marked fairly. For the final presentation, the peer grading was stated to be a gauge for each groups performance and also so that you pay attention to the content prepared by the presenters while a the same time learn as you think about the points in the peer review form. I don't know where you got the idea that I was worried about the phD students sharing a bellcurve with us. %%EOF Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. jobs, may apply online form of application before 27/07/2020. Unless you are referring to the benefits of having gone through 2 additional years of irrelevant biology knowledge (Except for the DNA part which was only a small portion of it). 5. :) not everything is going to be like the "structured examination system" you're so familiar and pampered with in Singapore, if you've taken many ASE mods you'll know this is the case. you aren't even competing with them in the same curve? there were actually many many opportunities for you to participate and ask questions, if she knew some of the SBS students by name and face I'm sure she'll recognise yours too (: You seem to be very emotionally charged, and by no means I am trying to insult your group, or any of your group members/classmates who seem to be swarming this thread while circlejerking and making unsavory comments. Hi fellow undergraduate in one of the two teams that did not have their Q&A/phD candidate/TA taking the module. if that's the case, why aren't people being upset with all the obvious advantages in say, BS1001 where a H2 biology student has an advantage over everyone else who HAVE to take the mod and have not taken H2 Biology? 0 EDIT: I need to make some clarifications here. Guess what? The maximum GPA is 5.0, corresponding to a grade A or A+ for a particular subject. In my past 3.5 years in NTU, every single quiz or exam has question scores calibrated to match the number of points required. Of course, if you're talking about the molecular methods, different people with different backgrounds will know different things and isn't that expected in a university? Course Load and the Academic Unit System With the introduction of the Academic Units system in the university, the Master by Coursework programme students have to accumulate a total of 30 Academic Units (AUs) to graduate. Some groups had phD students while some did not. Given that it is the professor's first module, I believe she did a decent job in keeping the module as just as possible. They were part of the presentations as well, which gave an unfair advantage to groups with phD students. If this module is what I think it is, I'm surprised to hear that it was so bad, but I guess it's a new module so things happen. Why do you complain about the PhD students but not Year 4 SBS students? Assessment practice at NTU uses grades. Again, this point takes the cake. NTU employees donate over … These phD students have had years more of relevant education/knowledge about biology and ecology, along with the fact that they were the top of their cohort during their undergraduate years. Most people who have had to take BS1001 are from the Biological sciences major, and they chose that major regardless of their background. here's my take on the points you mentioned: the fact that we had no qna if you were actually listening was because NO ONE ASKED. I can attest to the fact that my group marked everyone fairly, and any snaking attempts would be too obvious if the caliber of answers are high yet the marks low. P�����t!|�"EZ8"| �V��y#�"�M "Explain the assertion: Microbes don't look actually look like anything") - I got this question right, so if anyone would like to make the argument that I'm posting this because I did badly, think again. Let me share my experience in this core module that I took this semester. Students knowing that there is a bellcurve might grade others lower than expected just to give themselves an advantage. But the extent to which this module was flawed and conducted with questionable practices can't be explained by that simple excuse. By the way, since you have taken the liberty to comment that I should have listened better, maybe you too missed the point about 30% of our score being based on the peer evaluation. If you really really want to talk about the unfairness, if you have noticed, "team unprepared" actually has the LEAST number of students amongst all the other groups. : 1pt for derivative of lnx 1pt for derivative of cosx 3pt for chain rule (loss 3 points if fail three times) 1pt for the slope, provided the computation above is correct line. Additionally, students of school X, who might or might not be taking the module in question has since taken the liberty to jump to conclusions, while totally missing the point and purpose of this thread. This isn't a personal attack, but merely a statement of fact.) You have already dropped a huge clue of what the module is in your post. ?��\�y-��,We�´�tLp���6m���pW"?� �0���d ��q�+�&��O��n�W# KY�p��P�����G[��#��C��0Tsi�[8���Z�_��d�(� �N1=@GB[Ł)^Eu^p�(jkT����� �a(v��2�(+[N��qw袷3ה͘��N�)� 큍�"۠��.ѯ��� 횖e�ߢ-�Bˊ}:?��c�Q�J��U�����m���U�DY��yϗ�X���m-.�~T �f������j�00��S)�/9�j+��s�M ���i�. I could have went full philosophy or talked about a hundred other things based on how that question was asked. In fact, I'm certain the students have been inspired by the narratives presented, undergraduates and PhD alike. if you're looking at the "dry as a Sahara desert" part, she does have audio visual materials to engage us, class discussions for us to contribute to, and it can't be helped that some parts of what she is teaching is dry (: how exciting can nutrient cycling be? The purpose of this thread is to elicit sharing from the readers of r/NTU about any unfair grading they have experienced. USP grading system does not follow that of regular NTU courses. I don't know, you decide! Why do you think I got this question wrong? For ASE students who needed to take the mod and felt that it's unfair, environmental sciences and biology walk together hand in hand. Can I conclude the grading system? I'm sure by now you would've realised that too many cooks spoil the broth. 388 0 obj <>stream Grading Schemes. They are designed to nurture a passion for inquiry and to provide you with the tools to tackle intellectual challenges with confidence and creativity. 7. also we weren't crowned the best group twice, we were given a special mention the first time for the originality of idea/creativity of our pitch! 377 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<1E06D537EF4CE045A7C36FCF6D751D46>]/Index[369 20]/Info 368 0 R/Length 59/Prev 107342/Root 370 0 R/Size 389/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream On to the format of the quizzes, just because another course you had attended before had marks calibrated to match the number of points required, isn't it too presumptuous to assume the same for a different course? Grading scheme: 10% participation grade, 70% spread among 5 quizzes, 20% final presentation. A key benefit of grade-based assessment (GBA) is that grades and associated descriptors help you to … other team was also commended for the 'idea' behind their presentation despite getting cut off at the 8 min mark. Copy and paste this whole thing into teaching feedback form. (a) Grades and grade points are assigned as follows: Why? I would say that this prof's lectures are far from horrible; there are WORSE out there (as an SBS student, I'm sure you can attest to that!). But the fact is that there isn't any rubrics, or any mention of penalties for overrunning the time limit. phD students were also involved in the peer evaluation, and they were working very closely and forged some bonds with their groups throughout the weeks. Let's call them "group unprepared". Everything written below has been made known to the relevant official channels (Prof, SFT, etc) with the goal of improving the module, so that students taking it next year will not have to go through what we did. This time the time limit was 25 minutes with 5 mins of Q&A. Zooming in on the Foreign Direct Investment Landscape in Asian Emerging Markets Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows, an integral component of Asia’s strong economic performance over the last few decades, also facilitated the spread of regional production networks. The 2019/2020 pay award for all staff groups has now been agreed. It's a Discreetly Discrete World: 08/'07-11/'10: all: Teaching Assistant. if that's the case, why aren't people being upset with all the obvious advantages in say, BS1001 where a H2 biology student has an advantage over everyone else who HAVE to take the mod and have not taken H2 Biology? The University of Nottingham undertakes annual pay negotiations via national collective bargaining for UCU represented staff groups and through local pay negotiations for staff groups represented by Unison and Unite. Notes on the general grading … why didn't YOU mark us down? Are you worrying about reputation of NTU, the school, or the professor in question? This tool will help you quickly convert marks between different grading systems. endstream endobj 370 0 obj <>/Metadata 24 0 R/Outlines 37 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 367 0 R/StructTreeRoot 44 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 371 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 372 0 obj <>stream However, given that we are in a period of uncertainty granted the COVID situation and the fact that the course coordinator did swiftly rectify mistakes in the schedule ( even gave buffer time to study for the quiz following the incident), don't you think you had an overly critical judgement on the fairness of the course? ; If you are a M.Eng. Again, no presentation rubrics were given to us. The answer is written on week 1 part 2 slide 8. 2. the PhD students actually have a separate bell curve from the rest of us. For the first quiz, we were tasked to do peer marking which made up 30% of our grade. We recognise the value that adult learners bring to the classroom with their work and life experiences that will enrich the diversity of our undergraduates. By far, the lectures of this module was worse than the worst SBS module. Some MCQ questions were worth 5 marks, while others 10 (Similar weightage to short answer Qs). H������� d100M�gH�` Se� Also! Primary schools. why is that so? Our current doctoral candidates . I don't know, why didn't you ask one then? there are many modules in NTU with PhD students in the class, why are u so pressed? Can't share the mod, else I get into trouble. h��X�n7�>���~� ���$����ᇭ���ʒ!m���;gH�)E�]��(�crI�p8s8;+��„$T&R7ҟ�Xj�0��P��X��5�qB'��F)La���;;99�� i���׫�!�C�^u�����_n����{������d&��{��̼{.T7��q�i�����OZ���/C�����|�ǡ��Yn���^��������Nu'������nA���!Oi��e�Fw���x|��|y��9�� ���gO�����w��M��籷��Е���a���'��Ǽ���;���z��]Bv�q�� ����R��Y�d����z}�X�v��j���O��xr�oh�]�Z��K_Vh����GpANfK&sH��x��TRJ��g�4Ya]QE፧��n�}� ����k���ꁎ This means that if you score A or A+ for all the subjects that you take, you will get achieve a 5.0 GPA in the end. If, for example, you have done a placement year, or for any other reason have delayed your studies (perhaps if you deferred your studies, or if you had to repeat a year) then your degree classification may be calculated in a different way. Read about the new NTU grading scheme and advantages of grade-based assessment (GBA) for Nottingham Trent University undergraduate students. NTU academic structure, academic units, curricular requirements, candidature and graduation requirements, registration of courses, examinations and grades, grading system Generally, NUS, NTU, SuSS and SIT have similar grading methods. If the course was truly as unfair as you have portrayed, why would the professor have cut the group off at the 8 min mark? Calculus for the Sciences I, II, and III, Probability and Statistics. The grade of Passed/Failed may be used in some assessments. Now, given that several of your group members and classmates have found this thread and chosen to circlejerk amongst yourselves and make insulting comments, I don't really see the point of arguing any further. And 1 hour tutorial/test per week but there is a scienfitic-ish module with right and answers! Are n't even competing with them in the from field, select grading systems limit was 25 with. Questionable mark allocation for quizzes, they did not do so your QE Report, please here. 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