St. Thomas Office (340) 774-9000. The Virgin Islands Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs (DLCA) maintains a registry of every corporate entity that is incorporated under the … Free Nationwide Business Search (free commercial database of 28 million U.S. business … St. John Office (340) 776-6400 DLCA will complete the "One Step" review process with the following government agencies: Police Department VI Bureau of Internal Revenue (tax clearance) Department of Planning and Natural Resources (zoning) VI … SBA National Resource Guide for Small Business. Learn what it takes to start a business in U.S. Virgin Islands. Virgin Islands Business Corporation Registry Search. To start a business in the U.S. Virgin Islands you will need to obtain a business license from the Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs (DLCA). St. Croix Office (340) 718-1311. license along with your payment of $390.00 and a favorable Tax Clearance letter. 6115 Estate Smith Bay Ste 225 St Thomas, VI 00802 4008 Estate Diamond Plot 7-B Christiansted, VI 00820-4421 St. Thomas Office (340) 774-9000. Additionally, you … St. Croix Office (340) 718-1311. U.S. Virgin Islands Business … Start a Business in the U.S. Virgin Islands. St. Thomas (340) 774-4268 :: St. Croix (340) 713-4268 :: St. John (340) 776-6262 :: Email: St. Thomas Police Department Alexander Farrelly Criminal Justice Center Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, VI 00802 Phone: (340) 774-2211 Fax: (340) 715-5517 Crime Line: (340) 777-8700 Renew a Business License. In order to effect renewal of your license, kindly submit a copy of your last V.I. The Division has a dual responsibility to a) license and regulate banking, insurance and financial services entities and related service providers that conduct business in the U.S. Virgin Islands and equally, to b) … St. John Office (340) 776-6400 Open a Business. (nationwide search of all 50 official Secretary of State databases, $25 fee for unlimited searches for one day) Find more info on a Virgin Islands company Use public corporation web search tools. Access Financing. Find government-backed loans and other financing programs to start or grow a business in U.S. Virgin Islands.
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