Early marriage also results in greater number of children. India has the second-highest population across the entire world. Several species of animals and birds have been impacted due to this. Both the public and the government require working together to control this problem. Man has always thought about his well-being and comfort overlooking the impact it has on the plants, animals and the overall environment around him. Medical procedures can often control population, but such practices are not highly regarded. But often they fail to recognize that this leads to a burden on the whole of the country. What are the effects of population pressure? What are the varying reasons for migration in a developed country? Eradicating illiteracy is another way to control population. A post graduate in English Literature, writing comes naturally to her and she is doing what she does best - writing and editing. This is because it is having a negative impact on the weather. Population Explosion Essay | Essay on Population Explosion for … The lack of income and nonfulfillment of basic needs as well as lack of access to social infrastructure is called poverty. Article shared by: ADVERTISEMENTS: India with a population of about 950 million (in 1997) accounts for 16 per cent of the world population, as compared to about 15 per cent a decade and a half ago. The rapid growth of population in certain parts of our planet has become a cause of concern. Even though certain places around the globe have low density of population, the overall population of the country has increased over the last few decades and is likely to increase manifolds in the times to come. Essay on Population Growth and Its Effects – Essay 2 (300 Words) Introduction. Answer: The birth control measure that is adopted by various countries includes medical procedures and sterilization campaigns. Such problems include difficulty in implementing decisions, providing social security to everyone, and ensuring employment. There are several reasons for the same. More and more natural resources are being used to meet the demands of the people. It helps them get access to each other and gives them a chance to express themselves in front of their beloved ones. While earlier there was a balance between the birth rate and the death rate of human beings, the advancement in medical science has created an imbalance in the same. Such individuals usually tend to settle down in such countries for the rest of their lives. People must understand the importance of controlling the population. First world countries such as U.S.A. attract a lot of immigrants as they offer much better packages and a good standard of living to people. Over-population has been major problem in India. Essay On Pollution for School Children and Kids in 200, 500 Words The government of India has also made free education available for the children of the country by way of its Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act. The population is the total number of people living in a country. Tell Us, “Do My Homework Cheap”, And Gain Write An Essay On Importance Of English Language In About 150 Words Numerous Other Benefits!. Know about essay on afforestation for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 While the government has taken certain steps to control the same these are not effective enough. Firstly, more children for them mean more number of hands to work and earn money for the family. On the other hand, countries with poor or unstable government see many people leaving at the availability of any good opportunity elsewhere. People from the uneducated and poor class are seen bearing greater number of children. Natural resources are being depleted at a rapid pace because of greater number of people using them. These countries attract immigrants from other countries there by populating the area. Lack of education and lack of family planning are among the top reasons for the high birth rate in these countries. This thought on their part stems from the fact that their children would grow up and feed them for the rest of their lives. There have been various population control measures implemented by countries at different times. google_ad_slot = "1982849078"; At certain places you will see greater number of animals while at some places you will hardly find any. The migrated population often does not wish to leave such facilities. 500+ Words Essay on Population. For instance, if we know the particular population of a city, we can estimate the number of resources it needs. Medicines and advanced medical equipments have been developed to cure several diseases. They incur certain diseases due to it and face fatal consequences. In countries like India, the population increases every year due to the lack of primary education. The increasing population is one of the biggest concerns of all in India and many other countries. Population pressure exerts a burden on the economy. Essay on oceans today essay writing on butterfly in english. World Population Day essay is convenient for students in grades 7, 8, 9, and 10. This is causing an imbalance in the environment. 1: Introduction Language always works as useful instrument that helps to bring the people of different areas with each other. target_type: 'mix' What are the ways of controlling the population of a country? What are birth control measures adopted by developing countries? As far as migration is concerned, people often migrate from one country to another for various reasons. The world population is 7.7 billion as … Due to faulty word order, is removed. Essay on Population | Population Essay in English for Students Essay on Population: Population is the most prominent problem of this century. Population of the World is increasing day by day and it is becoming a huge concern for the world. The government of India has taken certain steps to control the Indian population. Population pressure is the pressure exerted by the population in a country. A penalty should be levied on the families with more than two children. 200 Words Essay On Population Growth Search. Deforestation means destroying their habitat. There are several factors that have led to population explosion in various parts of the world over the last few decades. Those who do not get their desired jobs often adopt unsolicited means to earn money. Apart from a few nations, the people of almost all countries go on increasing every year. Steps Taken for Population Control in India. When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. The population is currently growing at the rate of 76 million people per year. With the help of these, the death rate among human beings has been brought down and this has led to population explosion. The climate in various parts of the world has changed drastically. Students often migrate to other countries for education. Nevertheless, the human beings are ruthlessly cutting and destroying the forests to fulfil their own needs. If human beings continue to behave this way earth would no longer remain fit for the survival of the human beings. The best way to tackle an increasing population is to engage in birth control measures. The population is an important issue these days. The density of population differs in different places owing to several reasons. Young people often migrate to advanced countries through their work. placement: 'Right Rail Thumbnails', The government must not only implement the aforementioned points but also keep a stark check on the same and ensure that these are followed. Today India is ranked 7th with 2.4% of the world’s geographical area, whereas in the case of population, it is second in the world with 17.6% of the population. This is because they usually do not consider the medical rights of an individual, and there are high chances of dying during such procedures. It is necessary for establishing balance and harmony in the environment. You can select the needed ones population essay: The world population is increasing at a very fast pace. Diwali essay simple line how to cite an author in an essay apa format short essay writing on my best friend exercise 150 words physical Essay ielts essay on growing population need focus on gm food. – Ancient Ayurvedic Proverb. The population of any country or region is the total number of people living in that country or region. There are also other facilities which people of first world countries get by their economy. The Causes of Poverty in Pakistan English Essay. Here are a few possible steps to control the human population: People from the poor and uneducated classes are mostly the ones who do not plan family. Treatments and cures for various illnesses have been developed and thus the death rate has gone down. An avid reader, a fashion junkie, nature lover, adventure freak and a travel enthusiast are some of the other terms that describe her. }); Copyright White Planet Technologies Pvt. English: English, An International And International Language 1225 Words | 5 Pages. Ltd. | 2017 All Rights Reserved. It is time the governments of the countries with high population must take strict measures to control the same else our planet will no longer be fit for the survival of the mankind. This leads to population pressure. The population is often a problem for both developing and developed nations. Population helps us get an estimate of the number of beings and how to act accordingly. Unemployment causes poverty which is another problem. Population is the term used to denote the total number of people living in an area. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need. Long Essay on World Population Day 500 Words in English. While earlier most people were involved in agricultural activities and earned their livelihood via the same, many have now turned towards jobs in different factories. Answer: Population pressure creates a burden on the economy and society, thereby decreasing the availability of resources in a country. The governments of quite a few countries have already implemented such policies. Another reason is the growing birth rate especially in the poor and developing countries. Population control methods that have been devised and implemented included educating people on population and effective ways of birth control. The density of population in any area is calculated by dividing the total number of people by the area they are living in. How is apparent depth and real depth related to refractive index? However, the word population does not only mean the human population but also the wildlife population and the overall population of animals and other living organisms who have the ability to reproduce. As is the case with almost every developing country, there are several reasons that contribute to the increase in population in India. There are numerous people seeking jobs but the vacancies are limited. Essay on Increase in Population in India. Question 2. There are many other measures that need to be taken to curb this issue. While there are certain countries that are facing the problem of population explosion others are sparsely populated. Here are some essays on Population of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exams/school assignments. Poverty and the subsequent lack of education among the masses are often a reason for the increase in population. In little places, people are not aware of the problems of having excess kids. India and China have the second-highest and highest population, respectively. Population on earth is distributed unevenly. Here we are sharing some beautiful essays on my grandmother in 100, Short essay on population is best suited for students studying in classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, for their examinations and assignments. The density of population in different parts of the world varies drastically owing to several reasons. Population Explosion Essay for Students and Children | 500+ … Many species of animals are not being able to cope up with the growing pollution. Shailja is one of those who is lucky to have turned her passion into her profession. The population of the regions where these industries are set up is thus becoming denser by the day. The large population makes it difficult to implement policies. These countries are being advised to control human control measures. While the human population is on the verge of explosion, the wildlife population is decreasing over the time. Secondly, most of them are not aware about the birth control methods. Increasing Population – A Major Problem in India. This is not just the case with the human population it also holds good for animals and other organisms. The population can be controlled in various ways. Our population growth has exploded since 1967, let alone back in 1750. Essay about a good man is hard to find 5 paragraph essay with examples dissertation topics in economics and finance a good topic sentence for an essay daily routine german essay, 150 words essay on internet burger king case study international business, research paper about leadership styles. Free essay for download; Thesis dedication to teacher; Beti bachao beti padhao essay 150 words; 14A; Interestingly, the romans had s built more than twenty 2011 india population essay on of videos. The government should exempt the taxes or provide other monetary benefits to the families who have single child. How to write an essay on lockdown essay formats narrative, short essay information technology essay on the trip i enjoyed the most human service topics for a research paper. Some of these are as follows: The government has set the minimum marriageable age for men as 21 years and for women as 18 years. Population of India Essay in English 300 Words There are many problems to say in India if seen, the root of every problem is somewhere related to India’s vast population. Controlling the population has thus become the need of the hour. It will also ensure better standard of living for people. Ironically, while the human population is increasing rapidly, the population of animals and birds is decreasing by the day. Just as the government can provide monetary benefits to those who do proper family planning, it should also put a fine on the ones who do not. In the wealthy countries of the world, population pressure is manageable because of the wealth that it has. People in the rural and backward areas of the country still marry their children at an early age. Around 17% of the world’s population resides in India making it one of the most populous countries in the world. The areas with good availability of resources such as oil, wood, coal, etc are densely populated while those that lack these basic resources are sparsely populated. Lack of education and poverty is the reason for an increase in population. They are the best at what they do and will never turn you down. Population refers to the total number of organisms inhabiting in a particular area. Forests are being cut and huge office and residential buildings are being made in their place. Arguing argument essay: 150 words essay on trees short informative essay about depression case study on nokia pricing strategy: essay about bhagat singh in malayalam, how to prepare essay writing for upsc. Population commonly refers to the total number of people living in a particular region. Essay on social media advantages and disadvantages (Social media essay in 150 words) In this modern world, social media has occupied a separate place … Question 3. Ironically while the human population is increasing at a rapid pace, the population of animals is going down. The government must increase the minimum age of marriage and also keep a stringent check on the same. Population of a country also increases due to migration. Population is the number of people living in a country. of us on a global scale for society. Many areas that earlier received moderate rainfall now witness flood like conditions. It also creates dissatisfaction among the people and gives rise to crime. This causes an enormous population pressure on their society and economy. Here we have added two essays on the topic which are for the benefit of students in case of their exams. The population in many parts of earth is increasing. The developing countries are struggling hard to reach up to the level of the developed countries and the rapid growth in the population in these countries is one of the main hindrances in this direction. Been impacted due to scarcity of resources huge concern for the family China,,! Government see many people leaving at the beginning of 1800, the influenced. Curb this issue is one of those who do not get their desired jobs often adopt means! And many other measures that need to be taken to curb this issue was at. Ironically while the human right to plan for a state to provide everyone with the rate. 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