Cover with ½” (1.3 cm) of fine mulch. Keep the soil moist and after the seeds germinate thin them to stand 3-5 inches apart. Spinach is an annual plant (rarely biennial) growing as tall as 30 cm (1 ft).Spinach may overwinter in temperate regions.The leaves are alternate, simple, ovate to triangular, and very variable in size: 2–30 cm (1–12 in) long and 1–15 cm (0.4–5.9 in) broad, with larger leaves at the base of the plant and small leaves higher on the flowering stem. A garden can range from a small section in your yard to a sizeable plot of land. Space between plants: Plant seeds with a spacing of 10-20 cm (4-8 inches). Plant spinach when it is still cold outside. You would have 16 square feet or 16 mini square areas to plant your vegetables in. This site is owned and operated by DTP Partners LLC. This equates to about 160 000+ plants per hectare. You can harvest the spinach plants earlier for baby spinach, so that may be a smaller diameter. This program utilizes cookies to track visits for the purposes of assigning commission on these sales. A whole 12-inch square is required for each broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, eggplant, muskmelon and pepper plant… Sowing Time If your soil is less than optimum, space plants farther apart, so each plant has access to more water and nutrients. This method by far is one of the easiest and simplest methods since you can draw these grid lines. The plant is drought tolerant but the leaves will not be as tender. Direct seed early in the spring after soil temperatures have reached 45 degrees F. Space seeds 3 inches apart in rows, or equidistantly in wide rows or beds. You would account for approximately 4 inches for each spinach plant, so you can plant maybe 9-11 plants. Egyptian spinach prefers hot weather so it's best to grow this plant in a warm spring or summer. Read on and we will help you decide the best spinach plant spacing tips so you can plant spinach like a boss. A quick and easy way to help you get your spinach plant spacing right in the square foot is to draw 2 horizontal and 2 vertical lines that are equally spaced. Plant Spacing When Growing Spinach Plant spinach seeds ½ inch deep and about 1 inch apart. Plant spinach seeds an inch apart in rows 14-18 inches apart and cover the seeds with a 1/2 inch of soil. Single Plants: 35cm (1' 1") each way (minimum) Rows: 30cm (11") with 40cm (1' 3") row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant. Molokhia, or also more commonly known as Egyptian spinach, is a tasty edible green that grows very quickly and easily! Malabar spinach is a climbing plant that can reach 8' to 10' in height. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is a wonderful source of Vitamin A and one of the healthiest plants that we can grow.In fact, growing spinach in the home garden is a great way to get plenty of iron, calcium and vitamins A, B, C and K. Spinach also matures and goes to seed quickly, so it is better to re-seed every couple of weeks than to try and plant a large crop to harvest over time. Essentially, once you can easily work the soil in the spring, it is time to plant spinach. Let’s start with smaller garden space. The reason is that you may mix in different crops in between your plants. Most gardeners like to do this in several passes to determine the strongest plants to save. Start off the growing season right by mixing in several inches of aged compost or other rich organic matter into your native soil. Recommended Varieties of Spinach. Container gardening can vary a bit depending on your needs, so use these tips as a guide. Check out this guide here for more information on planting spinach in a home garden. #spinach #growspinach, 2 – Spinach Plant Spacing for Square Foot Garden, 3 – Spinach Plant Spacing for a Container, 4 – Intensive Garden Spacing for Spinach Plants, Spinach Plant Spacing for a Square Foot Garden, Intensive Garden Spacing for Spinach Plants. Winter Blomsdale; America; Viking. In cool climates, you can give plants a two-week head start indoors. Planting and spacing. You love eating fresh spinach and you went out and maybe bought some seeds. Some of these may be affiliate links, meaning we earn a small commission if items are purchased. Plant Spacing: 6 inches Row Spacing: 1-2 feet Maturity: 40-48 days Soil: Average, well-drained Growing Habit: Upright annual Sun: Full sun Fruit Size: 10-12 inches History. The bottom range of 3 inches is ideal if you are planning on baby spinach greens and harvesting them much sooner. As part of this Amazon Associates program, the Website will post customized links, provided by Amazon, to track the referrals to their website. Experiment with your spinach plants to help you gauge the right spacing for them. Sow seeds of summer cultivars every few weeks from February (under fleece or cloches), or outdoors from mid-March to the … Nature has a funny way of adapting to different environments. Hints: Grows best in full sun, in a sheltered spot that does not dry out. Our Garden Planner can produce a personalised calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. . Spinach plant spacing in a raised beds. Spacing. This is very similar to what square foot gardening is, but you may not be so rigid. The natural selection may help your plants grow stronger. Special Considerations: When growing spinach for seed, increase spacing to 8-12 inches between plants in rows 22-30 inches apart, or to at least 12 inches on center. We absolutely love these fabric containers and use them for all of our container growing needs. Having wide enough rows gives you this needed access to the spinach plants. If you are still wondering why does spinach plants need to be spaced? The soil should be almost loose and frilly to allow for the spinach plants roots to grow efficiently. Spinach is one of the fastest growing vegetable crops, reaching full maturity in 35 to 55 days after germination of the seeds. A classic farm or good size garden plot will need to have ideal sized rows in between the spinach plants. Keep these questions above in mind when you plan your garden spacing for spinach. Sow seeds ½” (1.3 cm) deep every 6” (15 cm) along the row, or sow more seeds and thin to this spacing. So many different … Single Plants: 7" (20cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 7" (20cm) with 11" (30cm) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant. Closer spacing (no thinning) is satisfactory when the entire plants are to be harvested. Spacing. Square foot gardening is all the rage these days. Try to plant lettuce and spinach together and harvest the greens when they are young so you spread your seeds pretty thick. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Step 4 Keep in mind that determining the ideal spacing for spinach plants is not a hard-fast rule. Spinach, Spinacia oleracea, is a leafy herbaceous annual plant in the family Amaranthaceae grown for its leaves which are used as a vegetable.The spinach plant has simple leaves which stem from the center of the plant and measure about 2–30 cm (0.8–12.0 in) long and 1 to 15 cm (0.4–6.0 in) across. 5 inches is ideal spacing for the fully matured spinach plants. Please post in the comments below thoughts on this type of gardening. The word ‘spinach’ is derived from the Persian word for ‘green hand’, as the plant was cultivated in Iran more than 2,000 years ago. The spinach plant seed packets were written for medium gardens to big farms. The amount of light the plants receive also affects how fast they grow. It has short, arrowhead-shaped leaves with good flavor. Take notes of what worked and didn’t work so you can vary it accordingly the next time you plant spinach. In fact, nature is much wilder than the back of a seed packet. Sow 12 to 15 seeds per foot of row. Because they mature so quickly, spinach plants do not have much time to get very big, and the largest size they reach is only about 16 inches (40cm) tall before they bolt. You will learn a few tips about ideal spacing for your spinach plants: You will not only learn the requirements for each, but you will also know the reason why these requirements are ideal. This spinach plant may be better adapted to the environment. You will need to plant each spinach plant to give them spacing of about a 3-5 inch diameter. Check out the latest prices on Amazon here. Sow New Zealand spinach ½ inch (12mm) deep and 2 to 4 inches (5-10cm) apart. Another possibility is you may also have other plants in your container to make it more artful and eye-pleasing. Check the plant spacing directions on the seed package for the variety you are growing. Keep in mind that these are recommendations based on our experience. Our Garden Plannercan produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. The general idea to get the most bang for your buck in spacing. This survival of the fittest may result in healthier plants as the weaker ones may not grow as large as they are crowded out. Divide the planter box into squares, and see how many plants will feel comfortable in it. They prefer full sunlight but will tolerate partial shade. The soil where the spinach plants must remain pretty much undisturbed. Figuring Out the Right Spacing for Spinach Plants, Spacing and Planting Depth for Spinach Seeds, Eggplant Spacing – Optimum Planting Distance, Growing Spinach and Avoiding a Bolting Crop, Growing and Transplanting Spinach Seedlings, A Guide to Growing Spinach in Your Home Garden. Proper spacing insures that roots do not compete for moisture and nutrients and that above ground growth is not crowded and has needed exposure to light and good air circulation (essential for preventing disease). You will learn these 4 fundamental tips about spinach plant spacing. This way is probably the closest to how nature works. Seedlings are typically ready for transplant approximately three-weeks after initial seeding. This may play a factor when determining the spacing of your spinach plants. 2. Grab FREE Garden Hacks that Save Me $512/year, 1 – Spinach Plant Spacing for Your Garden, A quick and easy way to help you get your spinach plant spacing right in the square foot is to draw 2 horizontal and 2 vertical lines that are equally spaced. Do you need to use a vehicle to harvest or plant? This added knowledge may also help you with other plants. This gives you general guidance on spinach plant spacing. Plant spinach 4-6 weeks before the last frost in the spring. We at Green Thumb Gardener provide tips and guides for both for beginners and advanced gardeners out there. Because of their compact nature, you can plant spinach seeds fairly close together. Little cultivation is necessary. Water spinach plant is a frost sensitive plant. For hot weather "spinach" there are several substitutes: New Zealand "spinach" a plant discovered in New Zealand by Captain Cook, is grown as a summer crop. Optimal temperatures for development are between 75° and 85° F and chilling injury can occur below 50° F. Direct seed or transplants can be used. Many Asian growers in Massachusetts will soak the seed until germination to ensure the seed is possible. Before sowing, ensure good growth by digging in up to two bucketfuls per square metre (square yard) of well-rotted organic matter such as garden compost, and raking in 150g per square metre (5oz per square yard) of general fertiliser. Container gardening can vary a bit depending on your needs, so use these tips as a guide. Sow the spinach seeds thinly in rows spaced about 12 to 18 inches apart, or simply scatter the seeds in blocks. Fast growing and compact in size, spinach plants grow easily as long as you grow them in the right season in fertile and well-drained soil and give them adequate water. Growing spinach requires regular watering, particularly in … Provide each spinach plant a space of 3 inches, if you want to pick large leaves, give more space to each plant, 5 inches. You might be curious if it is easy to plant Spinach. You can easily figure out the spacing for your container with a few simple rules. Let’s say you have a container of approximately 14 inches round in diameter. When the plants are one inch tall, thin to 2 to 4 inches apart. Container gardening is such a wonderful way to help you learn ideal spacing requirements for vegetables. When it comes to vegetable gardening, spinach planting is a great addition. Easy to grow from seeds sown in spring, one-half inch deep and 2 inches apart. Sow the seeds in the rows at a space of 2 to 6 inches (5 to 15cm) apart. This is our first year to plant a garden (fingers crossed!) If you want to harvest leaves at very young age, then the spacing can be reduced to 2 inches only. You may find you only need 10 inches in between rows because you are just awesome on foot when you care for your spinach plants. Space rows 12 to 18 inches (30 to 46cm) apart. This will give you nine mini squares to plant your spinach seeds in. Sow direct into the ground in mid spring onwards. You will place each spinach seed in the middle of these mini squares. This article will provide you with all the information you need to know. Your spinach might be tastier because of this or you may get more yield in a denser planting. When planting vegetables, spacing can be a confusing topic. You may want to stick with 4 inches of diameter to be safe, but push the bound and go to 3 if you are daring. Harvesting If your plants are in a sunny, warm spot, they will grow faster and get bigger sooner, so give each plant a bit more space to mature. As a general guideline, plant spinach seeds in fertile and well-prepared soil at a depth of about ½ inch (1.3cm), and compact the soil firmly over the top of the seeds. Make several small plantings several days apart. Check out this post here for more info about harvesting spinach. Your results may surprise you. Let us define a garden so you know if this is for you. However, your row sizes may vary depending on your needs for equipment to plant, maintain and harvest. Most spinach plants have a diameter of about 4- 5 inches when they are ready to harvest. . The requirements that are typically listed there will be ideal for your space. Don’t be afraid to try out different ways of spinach plant spacing after you get more accustomed to growing. Planting spinach in a container is an excellent way to enjoy this wonderful vegetable. Check out this monumental guide here if you want more information on planting spinach. Popular in Egyptian cuisine, the molokhia plant is usually ready for harvest after 60 days, and, if uncut, can grow as high as 6 feet tall. Soil with a spacing of your container keep these questions above in mind that determining the ideal spacing for.! Plants should be spaced ten to 20 cm apart in rows that typically... Time to plant each spinach plant spacing lettuce and spinach together and harvest to what square foot garden of... These are recommendations based on our experience occasionally links to product and/or services offered vendors... Size garden plot will need to have ideal sized rows in between the spinach plants to save ) deep 2. Than the back of a seed packet depending on your needs for equipment to plant a garden you... Guides for both for beginners and advanced gardeners out there can draw these grid lines this by! Sticking spinach plant spacing the spinach plants a bit closer together spinach during the cool weather of spring and fall and! 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