Steven Del Duca is pictured after a swearing-in ceremony following a cabinet shuffle at the Ontario Legislature in Toronto on Wednesday, January 17, 2018. Brampton Library materials now available right at your fingertips. HUMBER NEWS/Eli Ridder. News Steven Del Duca named Ontario Liberal leader in first-ballot victory. All And an increasingly avuncular yet quotable premier — once unpredictable, now unflappable — patiently fielded and deflected their queries. Galit Baram, consul general of Israel in Toronto and Western Canada, and a descendant of Holocaust survivors, spoke about the “alarming rise” of antisemitism, assaults and Holocaust denial, even in democratic, western societies. WATCH: The Ontario Liberals elected former cabinet minister Steven Del Duca as the new party leader, succeeding former Premier Kathleen Wynne, who … The Liberals stole a march on both Tories and New Democrats by putting out their own detailed plan for a safe return to schools amid COVID-19. Star Newspapers Limited and/or its licensors. myFM News had the chance to speak with Steven Del Duca. presentation-ready copies of Toronto Star content for distribution He is immersed in an internal Liberal restructuring — eliminating party membership fees in hopes of broadening its base beyond the current 40,000, recruiting more candidates under 30, increasing diversity and achieving gender parity. Steven Del Duca is Minister of Economic Development & Growth at Government of Ontario, Canada. to colleagues, clients or customers, or inquire about Del Duca says he has reached out to Ford personally, speaking by phone three times to suggest policy ideas in mid-pandemic. News. Steven Del Duca looks set to become the next leader of the Ontario Liberal Party. Ten Holocaust survivors who have made it their mission to educate younger generations about the dangers of antisemitism and racism were honoured by the Ontario government in a virtual ceremony on Nov. 5. The annual ceremony, usually held at Queen’s Park, was scheduled for last spring but … myFM News had the chance to speak with Steven Del Duca. John Lappa/Sudbury Star . Steven Del Duca was born on July 7, 1973, and from Canada. Steven Del Duca, the front-runner in the race to become the next leader of the Ontario Liberal Party, and his wife want the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) to hand over a section of protected land to save an in-ground pool they've built, CBC News has learned.Del Duca and his wife, Utilia Amaral, live on a cul-de-sac in Vaughan. But cash is still king in politics, forcing him to deal with the $6-million party debt he inherited — now down to less than half that. News Steven Del Duca named Ontario Liberal leader in first-ballot victory. To order Constrained by COVID-19, starved of cash, short on charisma, Del Duca wants to get the message out that he’s banking on policy over personality. MPPs Roman Baber, Will Bouma, Rima Berns-McGown, Gila Martow, and Steven Del Duca, leader of the Liberal Party of Ontario, introduced each honoree. He previously served as the Ontario Minister of Transportation and Minister of Economic Growth and Development … “The pandemic has for sure changed people’s perspectives on leaders,” Del Duca told me. Share; Tweet; 1.4. By Victoria Gibson. That means a reduced appetite for partisan spats, which is one reason he’s in no hurry to seek a seat in a byelection to engage in question period combat. Canadian Jewish Record is a not-for-profit online publication including community, food, rabbinic, editorial, obituary and opinion sections. Citing his four years in the last Liberal cabinet, when he oversaw transportation and then economic development, Del Duca says he will offer substantive economic ideas in the 2022 election campaign because politicians cannot merely press the flesh as in the past, nor offer traditional economic prescriptions amid the devastation of a pandemic. By using Steven Del Duca's website you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with Steven Del Duca's privacy policy. By LILA SARICK. “The only difference between us and the Liberals is as soon as we found out we were transparent compared to Steven Del Duca who wanted to hide it … rights reserved. Del Duca says that he’s excited to see what she can do should she win the next provincial election. To order copies of Canadian Jewish Record | News, Commentary, Lifestyles. Author of the article: Sudbury Star Staff. John Lappa/Sudbury Star . myFM speaks with Ontario Liberal leader Steven Del Duca. Steven Del Duca is seen in this undated file photo. One consolation for Del Duca is that his opposition rival, NDP Leader Andrea Horwath, isn’t making any headway either — overshadowed by Ford and overtaken in the polls by the Liberals. Cookies are used in some areas of our site to enable the functionality of this area and ease of use for those people visiting. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Email a Friend. Recent polling shows Ford’s Tories far out in front again, with the Liberals trailing and the NDP even further behind. Milton Town Councillor for Ward 4, Sameera Ali, won the vote earlier this month. Now that Ford is staging an unprecedented comeback, reinventing himself in a COVID-19 crisis, the Liberal leader remains in political limbo. August 13, 2020 – The Buck Stops With Doug Ford News. Ontario Liberal Party leader Steven Del Duca shares insight on the province’s latest auditor general report that Premier Doug Ford called “21 pages of inaccuracies.” Copyright owned or licensed by Toronto Star Newspapers Limited. myFM speaks with Ontario Liberal leader Steven Del Duca. Del Duca’s path to victory — within the party and across the province — has always relied heavily on the premier’s self-defeating ways. Most of the modern day interactive web sites use cookies to enable us to retrieve user details for each visit. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Email a Friend. - Ontario Liberals crowned former cabinet minister Steven Del Duca as their new party leader Saturday. Peel eliminating School Resource Officer program. Ontario Liberal Leader Steven Del Duca outside St. Mark's Catholic Elementary School in London, Ont. Steven Del Duca has been an active Liberal since he was 15. Steven Del Duca is pictured after a swearing-in ceremony following a cabinet shuffle at the Ontario Legislature in Toronto on Wednesday, January 17, 2018. This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. There was a lack of high-profile candidates in this leadership race, but Del Duca winner will surely become one as he builds up to the next election. Regardless of Ford’s current resurrection, Liberal strategists believe their pathway to recovery is through once-loyal ridings that went NDP in the 2018 election — the Liberal vote count dipped by 1.5 million in the last election, with two-thirds of that going to Horwath’s New Democrats when supporters tried to avert a Tory majority.

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