Nigeria, like other countries of the world, is not left out of this sweeping wave of democratic awareness and enlargement. It is noteworthy that it is one of the countries in Sub-Saharan Africa still struggling to develop. Though consistently ranking near the bottom of the UN’s Human Development Index, Niger is forecasted to have one of the fastest growing economies in 2012. ��r���y[b�͍�-0$,lI�&�K�-�*�P(��� ����V��'�t�]6)�sP}B�Ή��ł�k�gT�I�����gP��C�����i��i���7�����[ĸ���>ت��l�8��DΟ!�� ���[. This work seeks to establish a working relationship between democracy and sustainable development in the context of national development, with particular reference to Nigeria. However, global goals do not easily translate to particular national contexts due to different starting points, capacities, priorities, etc. The relevant concepts are introduced and robust argumentation is made with respect to the context of Nigeria. sustainable development identified corruption and lack of required skills on the part of public officials to perform in terms of proper policy formulation and implementation among others. Good Governance, Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law: Imperatives for Sustainable Development in Nigeria OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. Engendering Development
Culture is the central pillar of sustainable development, therefore, cultural diversity in Nigeria should be seen as an asset rather than a burden. Whereas part three focuses on the conceptual underpinnings of sustainable development, part four examines a brief historical background of Nigeria. They balance the economic, social and ecological dimensions of sustainable development, and place the fight against poverty and sustainable development on the same agenda for the first time. affecting Nigeria’s bid to achieve sustainable economic growth and development with particular reference to such sectors as agriculture, manufacturing and mining and quarrying (solid minerals) over the period of 1970-2005. 06, No. TABLE OF CONTENTS. The network’s vision is to be the vanguard of the national sustainable development efforts and the custodian of science, knowledge, and innovation for the sustainable development agenda. 10.3390/su2061558 Article Google Scholar Country Report to the Rio+20 sumit, June 2012. Contributing to the discussion, Michael Saward (1994:6) notes that the properties of democracy can only be derived and enlisted after the term has been defined adequately. He opines that “it is illogical to define democracy by induction from the practice of any one political unit or any one subset of political units.” For a government to be defined as being democratic, such government has to ensure that the fundamental human rights of its individual citizens are respected and protected collectively. ASL2050 will facilitate dialogue and con- With the methodology of simple - Publication as eBook and book sustainable development question in Nigeria and contends that policy gaps and disconnect and the ensuing action dilemma have the potency of constraining the actualization of sustainable development efforts with the possibility of environmental crisis. Some sustainable strategies that can ensure a low carbon development in Nigeria are also explored on the basis of successful country cases in relation to the Nigerian LEAP model. Nigeria's Path to Sustainable Develeopment Through Green Economy. First, democracy has gained acceptability as a form of government based on equity and justice. Sustainable development calls for constant effort to initiate programmes and executing them for the overall interest of the people (Akuegwu 2014). The theme, ZGreen Economy in the Context of Sustainable Development and Poverty This paper. Nigeria adopted the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as a vehicle for freeing humanity from poverty, securing a healthy planet for future genera-tions, and building a peaceful, inclusive society as a foundation for ensuring a life of dignity for all. The concern of sustainable development relates to the need to face and save the future in order to keep and safeguard the interests of coming generations. CSD-ULAB and ICCCAD ... Egbe, E. J. Obviously, the term ‘democracy’ has a long standing history with opposing or contradictory connotations and denotations in its usage. - It only takes five minutes Democracy has come to assume a new aura of significance in contemporary world affairs. The clamour for development is one that has been on the lips of everybody but the recipe/prerequisite for such development seems to be missing from the agenda of the relevant government policies and their agencies. �#m6^��b�+AFp�jo撣Y�2�Y�i]@8��D\�Ѓa+d���VDP�d�&�������RA�r�����l~��͞�4�բ�U��2�J�N=������gZƌ�( ��
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r������MI��.�'F��=�� This is a bit problematic, given that virtually every government claims to be democratic politically, whereas socially, economically, and otherwise, it is quite the contrary. Provide an explanation within 3-4 short sentences. Given that it is not universally accepted and practiced, democracy has faced a lot of ideological contradictions, with criticisms. Introduction The objective of skill development is not only timely, but appropriate in view of the present global socio-economic challenges. 5 0 obj (a) The Planning and Development Act 2000, which gave statutory recognition to the concept of sustainable development; the list of possible development plan objectives in the First Schedule illustrates a variety of practical methods of implementing sustainability, such as promoting sustainable settlement and transportation strategies. This could be attributed to many factors, which include poor development of democratic institutions, ideological confusion and misconceptions, as well as other factors. Inspite of its widespread, there still exist difficulties in adopting and translating its holistic values into the framework of sustainable development in most parts of the world. Quite often, there is increasing participation in elections without corresponding political choice; especially in the less developed countries. While some countries of Africa (Botswana, among others) have witnessed commendable success in the practice of democracy, the overall scenario is one of dismal failure. The above principle informed Michael Saward’s observation that states that the most ready way to justify democracy is to start from an assertion that all people are equal in some important respect since it follows from this, that all should be treated equally in certain specific political respects,” (1994:8). 10. Development Policy Management (ECDPM), Maastricht and at the Centre for the Study of the Economies of Africa, Abuja. The study therefore recommended among others an inter-disciplinary policy approach, et al. Sustainability and saving energy is important as we need to safeguard the future both for our planet and for the upcoming generation. Nigeria already has a National He is an expert on peace, security and governance issues in Sub- Saharan Africa with a special focus on Nigeria. Democratic revolutions have swept over the past two decades. Sustainable development is the organizing principle for meeting human development goals while simultaneously sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services on which the economy and society depend. In this section, I review some literatures on the conceptual underpinnings of the subject of democracy. 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. transformative plan of action based on 17 Sustainable Development Goals—to address urgent global challenges over the next 15 years. {���~sc�u�1�hf�M},��������McnL/�덧�9EAft�ɓ��.�8�Q����v�1
S�9Wzj")Ʒ�E��N���H5�g�ͥ~�kH�>]�.�������]7�ita2�JX��DDZ�P��4��4Y; ^J�~��Dܮ���`C��G��uR�6�4"��';�RtR���?^�ݍՉ�|�DX���8�}��=q�B�Ƥ}�¹3�9��>��|�5\���)6��i^q+��s�t1n�1H�/D'�/4���'�A�(��u����7qJnOi-�0R��(��*\��K�.��S��M^7�����BrR�\R˟����ay\襛y�.�x�O��?��4vW���xV3 The primary objective of this work is to provide guidance to policy-makers, planners, and development practitioners in Nigeria. %�쏢 Culture should be put at the centre of the sustainable development paradigm to allow for greater diversity in policy choice. ABSTRACT . Words of this kind are often used in a consciously dishonest way” (1946:62). Concise Summary: Help us pitch this solution! Really, there still exists confusion over the ideology. Niger is a prime example of this issue. ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES. The resultant Master Plan was designed with the specific peculiarities of Lagos in mind to avoid reoccurrence, although, the concept of environmental sustainability and development was not the preoccupation of urban design and planning in the 1970s, Abuja Master Plan incorporated the concepts, principles, and practice of sustainable development today. 8 SRH Sexual Reproductive Health STEM Sciences, Technical, Engineering, and Mathematics UN-DESA United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs UNDP United Nations Development … Table A reviews Nigeria… Curbing Endemic Corruption, SOCIAL REFORMS
These … SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. A short summary of this paper. INTRODUCTION. Democracy ought to guarantee regular free and fair elections; freedom of expression and association; accountability of the State’s administrative organs, universal suffrage; equal rights and participation of the local citizens in the formulation of and implementation of development plans, and as well, guarantee security to the entire populace. HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2018 ACHIEVING HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN NORTH EAST NIGERIA iii Chapter 4 Journeying Towards a ‘New Way of Working’: A Framework Model for Achieving Rehabilitation, Re-Integration and Sustainable Development 55 4.1 In Search of Models that Deliver 56 4.1.1 The UNs ‘New Way of Working’ 56 Sustainable development is the organizing principle for meeting human development goals while simultaneously sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services on which the economy and society depend. This clarion call was made for the nations of the world to embrace it, given that it is perceived to enhance development. Nigeria’s HDI value for 2019 is 0.539— which put the country in the low human development category— positioning it at 161 out of 189 countries and territories. 15 Goal 15. Format: PDF, ePUB and MOBI – for PC, Kindle, tablet, mobile Book for only US$ 11.99 Shipping worldwide Add to cart. Therefore, in order to be useful - Every paper finds readers, International Politics and Country Analyses. According to him, “…the defenders of every kind of regime claim that it is a democracy, and fear that they might have to stop using the word if it were tied down to any one meaning. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF NIGERIA. Rural and community development in Nigeria: An assessment. A critical challenge to effective governance in Nigerian is how to make housing adequate and sustainable. Improving the Basic Infrastructure, SOCIAL MOBILIZATION
To move on the path to sustainability, we can either go for energy supplies that has no carbon release, or find ways to use less energy. Sustainable energy development in Nigeria is the key to the stability of the country, in terms of viable economy, social order and political stability . By this, I do not mean that modern democracy does not have its flaws. As such, the book will help policy makers devise energy and sustainable strategies to achieve low carbon development in Nigeria. The role of universities in achieving the sustainable development goals. Challenges of agricultural adaptation to climate change in Nigeria: … Excerpt. Stabilizing Population Growth, MACRO-ECONOMIC REFORMS
Key words: Culture, cultural diversity and sustainable development. In addition, a robust mix of energy sources (fossil and renewable), combined with an improved end-use efficiency, will almost certainly be required … This Country Report documents what Nigeria has achieved over the last 20 years in our quest for sustainable development. It is also a political activity performed by the vast majority of the population. Events. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework, norms and principles are relevant to all nations, irrespective of economic, social or environmental contexts. 129-142, 2013 14 Pages Posted: 21 Jan 2014 B˂[~mӓ��~|��>mm�;:$��4c`m���d�e�@c�5�����&��� It has been observed that the phenomenal rise in population, spontaneous increase in size of most Nigerian cities have hitherto led to acute shortage of decent and affordable dwellings. Africa's mode of response to the ESD challenge could be gleaned from the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD). Often times, they achieve their aim by buying off the security officers and electoral officers, who ought to safeguard the ballot boxes, and this has led to a lot of disputed elections –the outcome is usually disastrous (see cases like Kenya, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Yemen, Democratic Republic of Congo, etc.). Nigeria, as a member of the United Nations (UN), is actively involved in the processes leading to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), the conference and other activities therein. This work has been divided into seven parts. sustainable development in Nigeria. Most importantly, democracy should be able to enhance the provision and equal distribution of resources and basic human needs, and as well, enable a fragile State to manage its divides peacefully. In Nigeria, sustainable development requires an integrated and inter-disciplinary policy planning and management which transcend the parochial legal, political, environmental, economic and ethical boundaries. To achieve its objective of sustainable development, Nigeria needs to substantially increase the supply of modern affordable energy services to all its citizens while, at the same time, maintaining environmental integrity and social cohesion. Enete, A.A., & Amusa, T. A., (2010). Table A reviews Nigeria’s progress in each of the HDI indicators. However, this does not guarantee that it is a prime indicator for democracy. SDG 7 interconnects with other goals because it plays a vital role in socio-economic development (Ramchandra and Boucar, 2011). Keywords: skill development, education, Nigeria 1. (2020) Livelihood Support Programmes for Sustainable Development Goals in Rural Nigeria. Key barriers to Nigeria’s sustainable energy development. Halting the Wave of Crisis
Nigeria’s HDI value for 2019 is 0.539— which put the country in the low human development category— positioning it at 161 out of 189 countries and territories. )�S&u��3�gD�O"�M��>�EllYLk|��� Sustainable development; Project Summary. NIGERIA’S DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES: 1960 -TO DATE. Energy consumption and energy poverty As observed in Ogwumike and Ozughalu (2012), energy consumption refers to the use of energy for various purposes such as cooking, heat-ing, lighting and powering machines. Accountable and Transparent Governance
Sustainability 2010, 2: 1558–1570. Between 2005 15.9and 2019, Nigeria’s HDI value increased from 0.465 to 0.539, an increase of percent. Hence, he pinpoints that “democracy offers the radically different promise that freedom need not be sacrificed for order because the constitution guaranteeing both is supported not by force alone, but also by the express and regular consent of the governed,” (1996:2). On the other hand, David Beetham, seeks to isolate the three core ideas or principles that embodied the historical conception of democracy as “rule of the people” and equates it with “popular control” and “political equality,” (1993:6). Secondly, it purports to uphold the rule of law, and as well, guarantee the preservation of human rights. Achieving Sustainable Development and Promoting Development Cooperation– Dialogues at the ECOSOC iii DESA The Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat is In other words, there was conflict over the definition of the term, given that there was no agreed or accepted definition for it. Part five highlights Nigeria’s development strategies from 1960 till date and part six focuses on the proposed strategies for sustainable development in Nigeria. Several reasons exist why voting should not be taken as an indicator for democracy. - Completely free - with ISBN Past studies in Nigeria on the challenges of leadership and sustainable development identified corruption and lack of required skills on the part of public officials to perform in terms of proper policy formulation and implementation among others. Adenipekun Martins T. (2013), "Sustainable rural infrastructural development in Nigeria within the context of Vision 20:2020". Many would wonder what this recipe The term democracy was invented by the ancient Greeks, and developed earlier by the Athenians. Agenda for Sustainable Development, there is increasing interest in access to and utilization of primary health care in low- and middle-income countries. Despite the availability of wide opportunities offered by the advent of ICT, it has been observed that application of ICT to library services in Nigeria seems inadequate probably due to variety of challenges. Undecided voters face the challenge of voting the wrong candidates into office. - Unregistered voters: Ill-equipped electoral facilities, coupled with insufficient voting registrars hinder the complete registration of legal voters. of accountability, development is more likely to be a mirage. Energy utilization pattern of the country was investigated, and possible areas of energy conservation in the major economic sectors (industry, transportation, office and residential buildings) were considered. sustainable development in Nigeria Sunday Olayinka Oyedepo Abstract This study takes a look at the national energy outlook of Nigeria. DEMOCRACY AND DEVELOPMENT. - As a result of poverty, many prospective voters are brainwashed with a little token (usually money, gifts, promises of future employment) to vote for candidates who are not their original choices. 1990. It highlighted existing strategies for development in the country, examined progress and challenges in implementing the strategies, and further identified measures which when adopted and implemented, will likely change the social, economic, and political condition of the country for economic growth and sustainable development. AFP PHOTO/DON EMMERT In September this year, under a relatively quiet banner, the Sustainable Development Goals … Provision of affordable and clean energy is one of the seventeen sustainable development goals, which is paramount in most countries in Africa such as Nigeria. Some sustainable strategies that can ensure a low carbon development in Nigeria are also explored on the basis of successful country cases in relation to the Nigerian LEAP model. It highlights our policies, programmes and activities. The Nigeria Economic Sustainability Plan 2020 was produced by a presidential committee led by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo in response to the health and economic challenges foisted on the country by the novel coronavirus. Inclusive education and sustainable development goals: A study of the physically challenged in Nigeria Abigail, O. Kusimo 1 and Felix, C. Chidozie * Abstract: The objective of this paper centres on quality, equitable and inclusive education for all, which underscores SDG 4. Elevator Pitch . Lafarge Africa Plc is a member of the LafargeHolcim Group – the biggest building and concrete solutions company in the world. To move on the path to sustainability, we can either go for energy supplies that has no carbon release, or find ways to use less energy. The main goal of this kind are often used in a consciously dishonest ”... Come to assume a new aura of significance in contemporary world affairs in Sub-Saharan still. Really, there has been taken as an indicator of democratic awareness and enlargement struggles to ensure their candidates.. Make use of various sources of energy to what are the principles of?. Of legal voters corresponding political choice ; especially in the realist theory not mean that modern democracy not... The objective of skill development is not left out of this sweeping wave of democratic,! 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