5 years ago. If they do get wet, make sure you clean the piercing and dry it thoroughly afterwards. However, this may cause the hole to close. You should have the opportunity to confirm the placement or discuss the possibility of piercing a different area. Don't swim. We know ads can be annoying, but they’re what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. An entry from 2011 in BMJ Case Reports describes damage to the intestines that had been caused by a belly button piercing … If the piercing is done either too high or too low, it can cause several problems. Do not allow any soap, shampoo, conditioner or any other chemicals to get on the piercing. To keep your new piercing clean, try taking showers instead of baths while the piercing heals. Water areas like swimming pools, hot tubs, and lakes and rivers should be avoided during the first year after your initial piercing. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. They heal relatively quickly with few complications, like ear piercings. You should ideally not have a soaking bath until the piercing is through the initial healing stages, and oozing, bleeding and scabbing have all stopped. It’s important to not share needles. 0 0. Do not make a decision you will regret just because you want one bath or swim. Healing a Belly-Button Piercing. Thoroughly rinse afterward. Swimming After Belly Button Piercing. You aren’t being pressured into getting it by anyone else? Taking a bath with a new piercing is best avoided, if possible; showering is safer and easier. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. When you get a piercing, you’re at risk for catching a bloodborne disease, such as hepatitis C. The degree of risk depends on where you go to get the piercing and the standards of the place and person performing the piercing. They heal relatively quickly with few complications, like ear piercings. After getting your belly button pierced, clean the area three to four times a day with saline water that is readily available on pharmacies or you can make it home by dissolving one teaspoon of sea salt to eight ounces of warm water. The best option is to just have a shower. yes you can take a bath, it is good for the piercing just to be soaked into some warm water like that, but after the bath take a cue tip and just dry around the area. This information helped, "The tip that showering was best, instead of bathing, helped.". Next, they’ll mark the spot on your navel they wish to pierce. A fully healed piercing won’t hurt at all and the area around the piercing will be the same color as the rest of your skin. After your initial microblading session, your skin should heal in 25 to 30 days. Whether you’re getting your belly button (or any other body part) pierced, it’s important to get quality jewelry. This is why choosing your piercer is so important. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. 17 Things Only Women Who Had Belly Button Piercings Remember Nov 14, 2018 6:56am If you grew up in the '90s, you likely had a belly button piercing, or at least begged your mum to let you get one so you could subtly remind boys you had, IDK, an … You can also leave the piercing empty. Slow Healing Time The navel is slow to heal after a piercing, a process which could take from nine months to a year to complete. The symptoms of an infection can include: If you develop an infection or other irritation, be sure to speak with your piercer or doctor before applying any ointment or other topical treatment to the area. If you have body hair around your navel, they may remove this with a new disposable razor. Piercing is one of the oldest and most practiced forms of body modification. A navel piercing can get infected a few days after piercing. 1. The procedure involves injecting hyaluronic acid…, Buccal fat removal is a procedure that removes the buccal fat pads in your cheeks. Obviously if it still feels tender, you would do best to leave it a while. I pierced my ears a few days ago, and they've started swelling, and they're painful. This is because of the constant movement associated with the location. Wash your belly button regularly, and you’ll reduce your odds of infection. But, as with any type of body piercing, care, cleaning and safety are very important. We include products we think are useful for our readers. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. The healing time for a body piercing can vary depending on which part of your body is pierced and how well you look after it. What should I do? Baths harbour bacteria, and warm water is a great environment for them to grow. You can help the healing process, though, by keeping the piercing … Make sure you visit the shop ahead of time so you can get a feel for the place. https://ironbrush.com/about/piercing-aftercare/, https://www.almostfamouspiercing.com/tea-tree-oil/, https://www.safepiercing.org/aftercare.php, https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/uk/house-and-home/household-advice/a657043/bathroom-cleaning-tips-sparkling-bathroom/, https://www.byrdie.com/body-piercing-aftercare-new-piercing-care-to-common-piercing-problems-4077438, https://www.nhs.uk/common-health-questions/lifestyle/can-i-go-swimming-after-a-piercing/, https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/body-piercing/, الاستحمام بعد حصولك على ثقب جديد في الجسم, Tomar Banho de Banheira com um Piercing Novo, consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. Here’s our process. If the area is red, swollen, and leaking pus, it may be infected. Still, localized piercing infections can happen, and it's important to treat it promptly to prevent it from spreading or getting worse. Use disposable, soft paper products to pat dry. As a general guide, healing times for the most common body piercings can be: ear lobe – 6 to 8 weeks top of the ear – 6 to 8 weeks belly button … Belly button piercing goes through the skin so it’s one of those straightforward piercings you can get. Make sure to keep the water temperature mild, because very hot water will cause swelling and pain. If the piercing is done either too high or too low, it can cause several problems. A belly button piercing takes longer to heal than a piercing in any other part of your body. ok so I am not a professional but I do have somthing to say. I used to use a q-tip and put anti-bacterial soap on it and clean around it. Do not take your earrings out until 6 months have passed, after a shower clean your piercing with the alcohol or whatever was prescribed to you by the piercer. Can you Swim? This undoubtedly will cause an infection. Generally, they’ll recline your chair until you’re lying in a relaxed position. Learn what's involved with getting a belly button piercing, how to care for your new belly piercing, how to spot a developing infection, and where to get gorgeous belly button rings in our The Belly Button Piercing & Healing Process article. Can I wash my hair in the tub after getting an ear piercing? You can help the healing process, though, by keeping the piercing … A belly button piercing,or naval piercing,is basically a piercing on the belly button. Last medically reviewed on December 21, 2018, A tracheal shave is a facial feminization surgery that's used to reduce the size of the Adam’s apple. 0 0. Plus, the running water can remove crusties without you having to touch the piercing. How do they work and are they effective? Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Belly Button Ring Quality is Important. Remember, a piercing constitutes a wound and it’s healing during this time. Getting a belly button piercing does not mean that you cannot swimming with it on. It won't hurt too badly to get your piercing done. Just like you should avoid taking a bath and instead take a shower, you should also avoid other pools or collections of water. If you've got a new piercing, you know how important it is to keep it clean and healthy. How many times should I clean the piercing? It takes most belly button piercings at least 3 to 6 months to heal, but for those who have had problems during the healing process, it can take up to a year for a navel piercing to fully heal. When cleaning your piercing(s), if they are wet from a bath/swimming, pat them dry before you start cleaning. But if signs of infection are present, seek medical treatment. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Tear trough fillers may be an option if you’re looking to reduce the deep creases under your eyes. 2 Answers. I used Dial soap. Laura. Wait and be wise. Navel piercings (belly-button piercings), are a common body piercing among women and some men. Apply a small amount of soap on the new piercing and the area for about 30 seconds. Otherwise, try rolling up a clean t-shirt and making a u-shape around your ear (leaving the space below your ear empty) on top of your pillow so that you put less pressure on your ear. Lv 5. Talk to your doctor to make sure you don't need antibiotics. Can you afford it? Belly button piercings can take longer to heal. Yes. For this reason, if you have a newly pierced belly button, do not shave or wash your hair when you're using a bathtub. If you have a belly button piercing, your belly button needs extra attention. wikiHow's. You are able to take a bath after the first few weeks (approx. You should also take steps to minimize discomfort or pain from friction. [1] X Research source You should ideally not have a soaking bath until the piercing is through the initial healing stages, and oozing, bleeding and scabbing have all stopped. 2. , no bathing in a tube for at least 5 to 6 MONTHS !!!. How Clay Masks May Benefit the Health of Your Skin and Hair, How Botox Can Help Get Rid of Bunny Lines. After meeting with your piercer, they’ll ask you to have a seat in a hydraulic chair. Generally, piercers use an autoclave to kill any possible bacteria or other pathogens on the equipment. If it's hurting more or leaking pus, that could be an infection, so talk to your doctor. Learn more about the procedure, potential side…. Can you Swim? I got my ears pierced 3 days ago. Take a look. Getting a belly button piercing does not mean that you cannot swimming with it on. You can develop an infection no matter how long you’ve had that extra hole. Answer #2 | 03/04 2017 15:04 yes you can take a bath, it is good for the piercing just to be soaked into some warm water like that, but after the bath take a cue tip and just dry around the area. Also i would wash it with sea salt in water.Then after the shower i would put polysporin ( which is pure vit e) around it. Learn more about the procedure…. To avoid infection, you should daily cleanse the navel area in the shower or bath. Cleaning and caring for a fresh belly button piercing prevents the irritation and infection that could otherwise slow down the healing process. They can increase your risk for an allergic reaction. Removing belly button jewelry before the piercing is healed may result in the hole closing before new jewelry can be inserted. Skimping on the material can lead to undue irritation or infection. However, it is good to know that even a healed belly button piercing can get infected. On the paper that the piercer gave me it said I can change jewelry in 2-3 weeks. A bath can be really really awful for a piercing...you're sitting in your own filth. During this time it is important that you learn how to clean it properly and that you don't fall for some of the most common mistakes. You aren’t considering it on a whim? Don’t pick at the area, as it can cause further irritation or bleeding. For more advice, like how to shower with a new piercing, read on. And if the piercer uses cheap jewelry or misjudges the size of the ring needed for your body, the risk of irritation and infection increases. Although it saw waning popularity in the 2000s, it has made a comeback like none other. This fluid may form a crusty material. I need to remind you to keep that new piercing absolutely clean. Infections can cause misshapen piercings, ones that point in off directions, scarring, complete rejection of the piercing, permanent damage, and blood poisoning if not dealt with quickly. Word of mouth is often the best way to find a reliable and reputable shop. This practice has expanded to many different areas of the body, including the belly button. You should not soak your piercing in anything other than sterile saline solution, otherwise you risk infection. However, such pain will not last forever. Once the hole has been made, they may use forceps to hold the area of skin taut while they insert the jewelry. A belly button piercing can take between 6 to 12 months to heal. You can try covering it with a waterproof bandage, but it could still get infected. If you don’t have a solid flap of skin on the top of the belly button, sometimes piercers can go for the lower lip of the belly button instead (though this is a rare option). Avoid nickel alloys and brass. You can also leave the piercing empty. Think of this as your body coming to terms with the new object in your navel. em. All piercing needles should come in sealed, sterile packages. You can do this yourself with clean hands, or have it done at the shop where you got pierced. Fortunately, there are several ways to add more shine and natural luster to your hair. Take a shower instead, if you can. Is this normal? If the shop uses piercing guns, cancel any appointment you may have made. I was wondering if it would be bad to take a bath? It’s common practice to ask around for recommendations when looking for a piercer. Typically, the navel piercing … It's done to create a slimmer face. I got my belly button pierced a week ago and the top of my belly button piercing went kinda through the whole there’s a whole around the piercing angel on October 16, 2018: Hey im angel, i got my piercing for 3 months its red, it hurts it doesnt look infected can someone help me I have my belly button pierced. It can take anywhere from nine months to a year for a belly button piercing to fully heal. My piercer never told me anything about using sea salt with warm water or using antibacterial soap to heal the piercing all he gave me was the cream. During this time, the … Remember, a piercing is something for you to enjoy for years to come. After getting pierced, clean the area twice a day (as well as after the shower, after swimming in the beach, etc). Should I use just the saline water and nothing else? No matter how you look at it, piercing any part of your body will hurt the skin for sure. A fully healed piercing won’t hurt at all and the area around the piercing will be the same color as the rest of your skin. They can also cause local tissue damage during the piercing process. I can't sleep because it hurts. Considerations Before Getting a Belly Button Piercing . If you are wondering whether one can actually swim with a belly button ring, the answer is yes, you can! Soak the piercing 2-3 times per day in a mixture of warm (not hot) water and non-iodized salt. Maybe take it out right before and put it back in once you're back at home, maybe after you shower. I got very little aftercare advice/tips after I got my piercing today. Try pure aloe gel for new piercings. I got my piercing done around November 4th I've been taking care of it since I got it and so far it's not infected. When a piercing is performed outside of a specialized, sterile environment, your risk for contracting an infectious disease increases. Your piercer should also wear disposable gloves at all times. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Can i take a bath? Healing a Belly-Button Piercing. I have my belly button pierced. If you have a belly button piercing and it becomes infected, the infection can cause the area to smell pretty gnarly. Navel piercings typically take four to 12 months to fully heal, but if you take proper care of your piercing, you can make the process go more quickly and painlessly. I got my nose and belly pierced and I hit it on accident. % of people told us that this article helped them. Wet a washcloth with a saltwater solution and gently dab it on the piercing. Botox is often used to reduce the appearance. After the placement is confirmed, the piercer will use a hollow needle to create a hole in the designated location. So in august I got my belly button pierced. It can take about 4 to 6 months to heal after getting pierced. I wouldn't recommend it, but if you have to, try to avoid getting soap in the piercing. It takes most belly button piercings at least 3 to 6 months to heal, but for those who have had problems during the healing process, it can take up to a year for a navel piercing to fully heal. Yes I'm the same female that posted in the other post. By using our site, you agree to our. A belly button piercing can take between 6 to 12 months to heal. Also i would wash it with sea salt in water.Then after the shower i would put polysporin ( which is pure vit e) around it. Bunny lines are the diagonal wrinkles that appear on either side of your nose.

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