Those who catch the largest five halibut (by weight) win the prize money! Dana Point Sport Fishing Menu & Reservations Make Reservations . Whether you’re looking for boat rentals in Dana Point to enjoy a private boat charter, sailboat or catamaran, coming for an awe-inspiring whale watching cruise or wanting to create memories onboard our sportfishing charters, one thing is for certain: your trip through the beautiful and scenic Orange County coast will be unforgettable. Underwater the Blue Whale oaks true blue but as it surfaces it looks like a blue/grey color. They can live up to 35 years with females outliving males by 10 years. This season, we saw over 1,500 gray whales, and last summer we saw over 750 blue whales. Half price all year on fishing AND whale watching. Tag: dana point sportfishing and whale watch. For years Hansen and his fellow captains had been watching Gray Whales pass by them but no one was really watching this majestic Whales at the time. Whale Watching Excursion in Dana Point. With an estimated average lifespan at around 80 to 90 years old scientists have discovered that the oldest Blue Whale found is around 110 years old. in Dana Point detailed information guide, opening times, reviews and directions for your visit | Days Out With Kids. Thanks again Captain! It has a yellow/orange beak dipping it in the water to catch fish. The California Gull, which is the most common we see on our trips, grows up to 21 inches. Whale Watching Excursion in Dana Point provided by Dana Wharf Whale Watching & Sportfishing. I would highly recommend them to anyone wanting an enjoyable fishing trip. Dana Point Sportfishing. 56% off (6 months ago) Tell a whale of a tale that needs no embellishment with today's Groupon: for $14, you get one ticket to a two-hour gray- or blue-whale-watching cruise from Dana Wharf Sportfishing & Whale Watching (up to a $32 value). Looking for a private charter? Their diet consists of consuming squid and other small fish. Our fishing patrons are exempt from this limit, but there are a few things you need to know. Dana Point is also home to Orange County’s Large Whale Disentanglement Team. Dana Point Sportfishing provides the ultimate whale watching trips, giving you an up close and personal experience with the wildlife we have just outside Dana Point Harbor. DANA POINT, CA — An 82-year-old San Juan Capistrano angler has something to sing about this week. Lire la suite. Growing up to 6 feet in length and travel in pods from 200-1000 dolphin at a time. Orca (Killer Whale), Orcinus orca, is most commonly known as “Shamu” or the show whales seen at SeaWorld. They come to breed off our shores and they are one of the deadliest predators we have on our coast. Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching 34675 Golden Lantern St Dana Point CA 92629. Very good value and good period of time. Growing to about 21 inches, the Caspian Tern has a dark red beak and black legs. Though these are usually found in colder water such as the arctic we do see them off our coast from time to time. The females will nurse their calves for almost a year though it takes longer for the humpback to reach full adulthood, growing until they are ten years old. Dana Point They feed off of krill, plankton, and small fish. See all of our, Click here to visit our Google My Business Profile, Click here to call Private Charter: (949) 496-5794 ext.2, Click here to view location 34675 Golden Lantern Donna Kalez, with Dana Wharf Sport Fishing and Whale Watching and Gisele Anderson, with Capt. Fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus, are the second largest baleen whale measuring up to 80 feet in length. Whale Watching Excursion in Dana Point. Dana wharf has top notch service, clean boats with fantastic crews. All of our boats come equipped with the latest equipment from Accurate Reels. At birth they come out at nearly 25 feet long and weighing up to 3 tons. Order Online Tickets Tickets See Availability Directions {{::location.tagLine.value.text}} Sponsored Topics. Growing up to 20 feet in length and weighing up to 1000lbs. Dana Point Harbor is known as the Whale Capital of the World. So for reviewing the crew and boat they get 5 stars, the deckhands were cool guys and the captain made sure we were able to catch something. Our thriving coastal waters provide bountiful fishing of sand bass, calico bass, halibut, … Listen to fascinating commentary from your captain, and keep an eye out for sea lions and dolphins. Pêche sportive à Dana Point. Their friendly and knowledgeable crew will be happy to ensure that you have a great time on the water. 794 Reviews (949) 496-5794 Website. Our thriving coastal waters provide bountiful fishing of sand bass, calico bass, halibut, bonito, yellowtail, yellowfin tuna, bluefin tuna, and dorado. Living up to 60 years of age, these are the largest of the dolphins and one of the world’s most powerful predators. Southern California has some of the richest sea life in the world. The whale searches the ocean floor for tiny creatures using its snout to forage and silos get the creatures. Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching. CODES (7 months ago) Whale Watching Excursion in Dana Point. The Blue whales have fringed plates, called baleen, attached to their upper jaws. Their diet is composed of consuming krill which are tiny shrimp like animals. Holiday Lights & Wine Cruises - Book Now! It was such an amazing experience to be able to share with my wife aboard a private boat. They have tiny hooked teeth and gill rakers that can filter tiny plankton which is its main diet. There is a new parking lot designated for our fishermen and Dana Wharf Sportfishing employees. Read more . Dana Point Sportfishing provided by Dana Wharf Whale Watching & Sportfishing. Their underbellies have a yellow hue which is caused by the millions of microorganisms that take up residence in their skin. Full view. If you have a … If you are coming to whale watch, you want to do it from Dana Point with Dana Wharf, the pioneers of the industry. Since 1971, when the festival was started by Kalez’s father, Don Hansen — … The Gray whale is one of the animal kingdoms great migratory, traveling in its pods for almost 13000 mile long trips. Amazing experience for my daughter and I. From. États-Unis ; Californie ; Comté d'Orange ; Dana Point ; Dana Point : toutes les activités ; Dana Wharf Whale Watching & Sportfishing; Rechercher. Southern California has some of the richest sea life in the world. Humpbacks are also known for being a powerful swimmer and breaching completely out of the water. Soutenez ce prestataire : Le monde du voyage traverse une passe difficile. Find out why by reserving whale watching deals – and see nature’s gentle giants up close. This makes for quick boat rides with the shot at seeing some of the most amazing sea life the word has to offer. Par : Dana Wharf Whale Watching & Sportfishing. 36 reviews. Dana Point Harbor is a key migration point for a variety of whales and other sea life. Share. Lillian Boyd, Dana Point Times Donna Kalez, the managing partner of Dana Wharf Sportfishing & Whale Watching, and Gisele Anderson, the co-owner of Captain Dave’s… 0 EYE ON DP 9494965794 798 reviews of Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching "My friend has a private charter for a 3/4 day trip, the dana pride i think it was. Get directions, reviews and information for Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching in Dana Point, CA. They create pulses and moans to communicate with each other and it is said they can hear each other from up to a 1000 miles away. Dana Wharf Sportfishing & Whale Watching has been bringing high quality fishing and whale watching experiences to residents and anglers of the Dana Point and surrounding areas since 1958. Click here to Learn more about fishing trips, Click here to Learn more about halibut derby, Click here to Learn more about fish counts, Click here to Learn more about kids free december, Click here to Learn more about sportfishing charters, Click here to Learn more about fishing guide, Click here to Learn more about fishing faqs, Click here to Learn more about 1/2 day & twilight fishing trips, Click here to Learn more about 3/4 day fishing, Click here to Learn more about all-day fishing trip, Click here to Learn more about overnight fishing trips, Click here to Learn more about 4-6 person fishing yachts, Click here to Learn more about whale watching, Click here to Learn more about whale & dolphin watching tour, Click here to Learn more about whale watching charters, Click here to Learn more about 1/2 price tuesdays | whale watching, Click here to Learn more about 2021 annual whale watching pass, Click here to Learn more about whale watching log, Click here to Learn more about what you see, Click here to Learn more about 8 hour ultimate whale watch, Click here to Learn more about school field trips, Click here to Learn more about whale watching faqs, Click here to Learn more about pelagic bird watching tour, Click here to Learn more about whale watching capital of the world, Click here to Learn more about acs whale & dolphin information, Click here to Learn more about private charters, Click here to Learn more about burials at sea, Click here to Learn more about social events chartering, Click here to Learn more about boat captains, Click here to Learn more about cruises & events, Click here to Learn more about sunset wine cruises, Click here to Learn more about dana point yacht yoga, Click here to Learn more about dana point parasailing, Click here to Learn more about sail with the whales, Click here to Learn more about 4th of july cruises, Click here to Learn more about live music harbor cruise, Click here to Learn more about wyland art in the wild, Click here to Learn more about southern california catamaran cruise, Click here to Learn more about catalina express, Click here to Learn more about wyland’s whale and dolphin adventure art lesson, Click here to Learn more about all our boats, Click here to Learn more about dana pride, Click here to Learn more about ocean adventures catamaran, Click here to Learn more about lot’ a fun catamaran, Click here to Learn more about sailing (curlew), Click here to Learn more about riviera dive boat, Click here to Learn more about boardroom i, Click here to Learn more about boardroom ii, Click here to Learn more about gift certificates, Click here to Learn more about covid-19 info, Click here to Learn more about extra info, Click here to Learn more about gallery & media, Click here to Learn more about in the press, Click here to Learn more about email club, Click here to Whale Watch & Dolphin Tours, Click here to Private Boat Charters & Boat Rental, Click here to Gift Cards & Certificates | Multi-Trip Packages, Click here to A Message Concerning the Virus, Click here to Private Boat Charters & Rentals. Giant sea life will travel out of the deep water and feed off our nutrient rich kelp forest located just a quarter mile offshore. Best Dana Point Whale Watching Afternoon Tours in California with Kids (w Dana Wharf Wale Watching) - Duration: 3 minutes, 43 seconds. Average size is 7 to 8 feet and are black and white. It also offers fishing equipment and apparel inside its tackle shop where you reserve your next outdoor activity. Dana Point Harbor has public parking, however, there is a 4hr limit. It grows to about 51 inches is dark brown with a long orange beak. Great staff and Captain. Traveling from Alaska all the way to the Mexican Coast where they mate and give birth. Dana Wharf Whale Watching & Sportfishing. All Rights Reserved. They grow up to 20 feet in length and weigh up to 4.5 tons. Dana Wharf Whale Watching & Sportfishing: Coolest day Ever - See 3,314 traveler reviews, 370 candid photos, and great deals for Dana Point, CA, at Tripadvisor. Blue whales live all over the world and can swim in small groups but usually are seen in a pair or even y themselves. From. Capacity will be significantly reduced to allow for maximum social distancing. Nice ship with a great crew, I would fish out of dana point again. 56% off (6 months ago) Tell a whale of a tale that needs no embellishment with today's Groupon: for $14, you get one ticket to a two-hour gray- or blue-whale-watching cruise from Dana Wharf Sportfishing & Whale Watching (up to a $32 value). The Pelican can plunge almost 65 feet into the water for its prey. By: Dana Wharf Whale Watching & Sportfishing. The crew was very friendly, helpful and supportive. The Basking Shark can grow up to 40 feet in length and can weigh up to 21 tons. Hotels. The blue shark can grow up to 10 feet in length and spends most of its time offshore feeing on pelagic fish and diving deep for squid. Dana Point Sport Fishing. Have the whole boat to yourself on this private whale watching tour! It is white and light grey. Thank you for 49 years of the best adventures and life-long memories. We target halibut all day by drifting or anchoring. Amazing swimmers, the Cormorant can swim and dive almost 400 feet deep to find food. Dana Point Whale Watching Groupon. We specialize in private sport fishing charters out of Dana Point Harbor in Southern California. A scenic harbor in Southern California known as the “Whale Capital of the West,” Dana Point makes an ideal spot for spotting majestic marine animals. She caught 4 fish, and I caught 3. Gift Certificates are up to 40% OFF! Humpbacks migrate annually from summer feeding grounds near the poles to winter breeding grounds near the equator. Date. We’re located about 30 minutes south of Disneyland, an hour south of Los Angeles and Long Beach, 30 minutes north of Oceanside, and an hour north of San Diego. Violation of this limit results in a $30.00 parking ticket. TIS' THE SEASON! The Gray Whale can grow up to 50 feet in length and weigh up to 40 tons. Dana Wharf Whale Watching & Sportfishing: Dana Point Sport Fishing - See 3,281 traveler reviews, 370 candid photos, and great deals for Dana Point, CA, at Tripadvisor. They ensured everyone had a great time and caught fish. Enregistrer. San Diego We took our 3 yr old and 1 ye old and they both had a fantastic time. Lots of fun! Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching 34675 Street of the Golden Lantern Dana Point CA 92629 USA . Humpback Whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, are known for its magical songs and noises it makes which travel long distances in the water to each other. Dana Wharf’s email club sends members great discounts and alerts on fishing trips, cruises, summer camps, and more! By: Dana Wharf Whale Watching & Sportfishing. FOR A LIMITED TIME GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE UP TO 40 % OFF! Long Beach. The Humpback grows up to about 63 feet in length and weighing up to 40 tons. The Captain put us right where we needed to be and I snapped this amazing picture with my I Phone. They are very playful and friendly. Share. It grows to about 31 inches and is all black in color. San Clemente Dana Wharf is conveniently located in Dana Point, Orange County, just south of Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, and Laguna Beach. We decided to give him a try, and we definitely made the right decision! I book The Alexandria at least once a month for either fishing or scuba diving. Response from Donna K, Manager at Dana Point Sportfishing. When a mother gives birth to her calve they are seen swimming side by side almost always touching. Keep an eye out for dolphins, whales, and other sea life during your unique adventure. Dana Wharf Whale Watching & Sportfishing, Dana Point - Tarif, Horaires, Adresse, Avis & Téléphone. 56% off (1 months ago) Up to 56% Off Whale-Watching Cruise in Dana Point - Groupon. What You'll Get. The sea lion can grow up to 7 feet in length and weigh up to 860 pounds. The captain and crew were very professional and helpful, which was very nice as we were experienced in fishing the ocean. Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching 34675 Street of the Golden Lantern Dana Point CA 92629 USA . Dana Point. Dana Point Sportfishing. Whale watching, sportfishing, open charters, cruises, corporate events and a retail store. “Sperm whales’ heads are filled with a mysterious substance called spermaceti. Dana Point is located about halfway between San Diego and Los Angeles. Hunting in pods of up to 40 orcas they are very good at working together to hunt their prey. These are one of the most amazing whales to see in the wild rather than in captivity. The World Cetacean Alliance (WCA) is the world’s largest partnership working to protect whales, dolphins, and porpoises (cetaceans). 34551 Casitas Pl, Dana Point, CA 92629 Growing up to 12 feet in length and are known for their playful behavior. 36 avis. Dana Wharf is conveniently located in Dana Point, Orange County, just south of Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, and Laguna Beach. All photos (111) Select Date and Travellers. 2 childhood friends were visiting so I took them on the Dana Point wine tasting cruise around the harbor. 56% off (1 months ago) Up to 56% Off Whale-Watching Cruise in Dana Point - Groupon. Dana Point Harbor is known as the Whale Capital of the World. 152 reviews. Dana Point. The White Pelican grows to about 62 inches and is white all over its body with black tipped feathers on its wings. Dana Point, CA 92629. Dana Wharf is conveniently located in Dana Point, Orange County, just south of Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, and Laguna Beach – about 30 minutes south of Disneyland, an hour south of Los Angeles, and an hour north of San Diego. It was Awesome! Killer Whales spectacular show off Dana Point on board the Clemente, Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching vessel. For anyone visiting Dana Point, whale watching should be at the top of their list of plans. There is no better way to experience it than on a private boat with just your family and friends. The Sperm Whale, Physeter macrocephalus, can grow up to 59 feet in length and weigh up to 45 tons. What a sight! Due to the unique shape of Dana Point Harbor, it is ideally located for easy and quick access to board a boat and be in open ocean in 5 minutes. We saw the really big Dolphins and cruised with a 80 to 85' Blue whale. View all photos (47) This product is unavailable to book via Tripadvisor. Full view. They usually travel in pods with 15 to 20 other Sperm Whales. On a boat designed specifically for whale watching, come face-to-face with the gentle giants on this exciting cruise off the coast. CODES (7 months ago) Whale Watching Excursion in Dana Point. Dana Wharf Sportfishing & Whale Watching is dedicated to helping locals and visitors alike enjoy the unique wonders of Dana Point Harbor and the Orange County coastline. Nearly 20,000 whales migrate past Dana Point. Up to 56% Off Whale-Watching Cruise in Dana Point - Groupon. The deck hands are there when you need them and the Captain's on these trips have been the most aware than any other locations I've been to. Went out on the Twilight fishing trip and had a great time. Lillian Boyd, Dana Point Times Donna Kalez, the managing partner of Dana Wharf Sportfishing & Whale Watching, and Gisele Anderson, the co-owner of Captain Dave’s… 0 EYE ON DP Whether coming to Dana Point for fishing or whale watching, or privately chartering one of our fishing or whale watching … Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching offers many fun ocean activities geared for couples, friends or entire families. WE ARE OPEN! No worries, we have you covered! DANA POINT, CA — An 82-year-old San Juan Capistrano angler has something to sing about this week. Dana Wharf Whale Watching offers year-round whale watching in Dana Point. And just like that, whale watching was born. What a beautiful animal. Save. They are so confident you’ll be wowed, they guarantee mammal sightings. We offer fishing, scuba diving, free diving, whale watching and coastal sightseeing. 9494965794 The captain also provided some really cool information about them while we were watching them play next to us. Their diet consists of fish, marine invertebrates, insects, and trash. Do you have company coming into town and don’t know what day to book? We’re located about 30 minutes south of Disneyland, an hour south of Los Angeles and Long Beach, 30 minutes north of Oceanside, and an hour north of San Diego. Our boats travel at over 30 knots so we’ll be right in the action just minutes after departing Dana Point Harbor. More info about our commitment to your safety and comfort. Dana Wharf Whale Watch ... Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching will be closing our trips effective Wednesday, March 18, 2020 through Tuesday March 31, 2020, as things change, we will update you along the way. Our trips are fully narrated and are successful in seeing the California Gray Whale, dolphin, and sea lions. All photos (111) Select Date and Travellers. Watch Queue Queue. From migrating gray whales in the winter to Blue Whales in the spring and summer, Dana Point Harbor is a reference “landmark” for the whales. By: Dana Wharf Whale Watching & Sportfishing. You can try one of their exciting fishing trips that are perfect for both the novice and the experienced angler. COVID-19 update: See the added health and safety measures this experience is taking. Whale Watching Excursion in Dana Point - Groupon. Full view. [email protected]. Hotels. Read more. The Coast line off Dana Point is located on a steep underwater shelf that extends over a 1,000 feet deep just a couple miles off shore. The warm waters right out of Dana Point Harbor are flourishing with sea life including whales, dolphin, harbor seals, and California sea lion. They migrate close to the equator to give birth and with a huge fluke (tail) stretching 16 feet from tip to tip they can travel 23 miles per hour. We also have FREE PARKING for our customers! They can grow up to 32 feet long and weigh up to 6 tons. He broke several times for us. Year round opportunity to see many whale species, dolphins and other marine life. Our captain was able to find us a huge group of dolphins that we were able to drive with and the continued to swim, jump and dance around our boat. We are also the Golden Lantern Winner 11 years running! Get directions, reviews and information for Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching in Dana Point, CA. Their diet consists mostly with fish species. They circle the schools of fish using the white side of their face scaring the fish into smaller schools making it easier for the whale to catch its prey. 36 avis. On a boat designed specifically for whale watching, come face-to-face with the gentle giants on this exciting cruise off the coast. 2 adults. Minke Whales, Balaenoptera acutorostrata, are the smallest baleen whale that we see in our ocean. They can dive down thousands of feet in search of squid. So for reviewing the crew and boat they get 5 stars, the deckhands were cool guys and the captain made sure we were able to catch something. Share. États-Unis ; Californie ; Comté d'Orange ; Dana Point ; Dana Point : toutes les activités ; Dana Wharf Whale Watching & Sportfishing; Rechercher. While most of the Elephant Seal population can be found further north like Santa Barbara and San Francisco where the water is colder, every now and then we get lucky enough to see one. Par : Dana Wharf Whale Watching & Sportfishing. The average size of a Risso’s dolphin is 10-12 feet in length and have a round head. Plein écran. Sign up for our email club for great discounts and alerts! Half price off the usual adult fare on Tuesdays – Save $28.00! Here’s to many more! Whale Watching in Dana Point: Deals Up to 70% Off | Groupon (12 days ago) Dana Point is a popular spot for whale watching in Orange County. 21K likes. 56% off (6 months ago) Tell a whale of a tale that needs no embellishment with today's Groupon: for $14, you get one ticket to a two-hour gray- or blue-whale-watching cruise from Dana Wharf Sportfishing & Whale Watching (up to a $32 value). Partager . From migrating gray whales in the winter to Blue Whales in the spring and summer, Dana Point Harbor is a reference “landmark” for the whales. They can grow up to 20 feet in length and weigh up to 2200 pounds. Our most popular ticket, Whale watching, occurs year round. Save. Dana Point Fishing Charters. Usual seen off our coast during the summer when the water is warmer. Lire la suite. They have been recorded to dive up to 6500 feet deep. It consumes its mother’s milk every day for the first year gaining almost 200 pounds a day. Gift Cards, Gift Certificates & Multi-Trip Packages. The Gray whale, Eschrichtius robustus, is almost always covered with parasites all over their back and snouts making it look like white ocean rock. 2 adults. Dana Point Tourism Dana Point Hotels Dana Point Holiday Homes Dana Point Holiday Packages Dana Point Flights Dana Point Attractions Dana Point Travel Forum Dana Point Photos Dana Point Map Dana Point Visitors Guide. Pêche sportive à Dana Point proposé par Dana Wharf Whale Watching & Sportfishing. Our thriving coastal waters provide bountiful fishing of sand bass, calico bass, halibut, bonito, yellowtail, yellowfin tuna, bluefin tuna, albacore, and dorado. Due to the unique shape of Dana Point Harbor, it is ideally located for easy and quick access to board a boat and be in open ocean in 5 minutes. Loading... Watch Queue Queue. They fin whale is very fast and eats small fish. A scenic harbor in Southern California known as the “Whale Capital of the West,” Dana Point makes an ideal spot for spotting majestic marine animals. Itinerary This is a typical itinerary for this product Stop At: Dana Wharf Whale Watching & Sportfishing, 34675 Golden Lantern St, Dana Point, CA 92629-2908 Delight in the sights of these marine animals The average lifespan is from 20 to 30 years. 151 reviews. They have a black color to them with a curved dorsal fin. I took my daughter on a fishing trip with Dana Wharf Whalewatching and Sports fishing. When the whale gulps a massive mouth full of water and krill the whales massive tongue forces the water out through the baleen plates only leaving the krill behind. Buy tickets online or call (949) 673-1434 to schedule a cruise. Fishing off the Southern California coast started out as a passion and naturally progressed into full time careers. Dana Point Tourism Dana Point Hotels Dana Point Holiday Homes Dana Point Holiday Packages Dana Point Flights Dana Point Attractions Dana Point Travel Forum Dana Point Photos Dana Point Map Dana Point Visitors Guide. In 2017 Dana Wharf has already recorded seeing 585 Grey Whales, 35 Humpback Whales, 9 Fin Whales and 3 Minke Whales. Tis’ the Season! COVID-19 update: See the added health and safety measures this experience is taking. There were probably 200 dolphins surrounding our boat and right next to the boat. They swim about 5 miles per hour but can accelerate if needed close to 20 miles per hour. The Blue Whale Calves are carried in the mothers belly for nearly a year. Scientists have yet to understand its function, but believe it may help the animal regulate its buoyancy.” (National Geographic) The Sperm Whale is known for the long and deep dives in search of squid which is its primary food source. more Dana Wharf Sportfishing & Whale Watching offers a variety of fun activities on the water for the whole family. Date of experience: August 2018. Since 1971, at Dana Wharf Sportfishing & Whalewatching, every trip is an adventure. 797 reviews of Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching "My friend has a private charter for a 3/4 day trip, the dana pride i think it was. 56% off (6 months ago) Tell a whale of a tale that needs no embellishment with today's Groupon: for $14, you get one ticket to a two-hour gray- or blue-whale-watching cruise from Dana Wharf Sportfishing & Whale Watching (up to a $32 value). Whale Watching Excursion in Dana Point - Groupon. Nice ship with a great crew, I would fish out of dana point again. Being the largest animal on the planet they are also one of the loudest. By: Dana Wharf Whale Watching & Sportfishing. Hotels. Dana Wharf Whale Watching offers year-round whale watching in Dana Point. Half-day and twilight Dana Point fishing trips are perfect for everyone, from novice to expert fishers! Dana Wharf Sportfishing & Whale Watching is dedicated to helping locals and visitors alike enjoy the unique wonders of Dana Point Harbor and the Orange County coastline. The Shortfin Mako can travel over 60 miles per day. Dana Wharf Whale Watch, Dana Point, CA. It has yellow legs and a yellow beak with black and red spot on the lower mandible. États-Unis ; Californie ; Comté d'Orange ; Dana Point ; Dana Point : toutes les activités ; Dana Wharf Whale Watching & Sportfishing; Rechercher. We have been serving the public since 1971 from Dana Point. It offers whale watching, fishing, sailing, cruises, charter boats and burials. Pêche sportive à Dana Point proposé par Dana Wharf Whale Watching & Sportfishing. Enregistrer. Laguna Beach They have two colorings on their jaw with gray or black on one side and white on the other. Read more . We got really lucky to see so many and had them give us a great show full of tricks on the water. Grows to about 15-16 inches and has a black cap that covers its eyes and a light yellow to reddish orange beak. View all photos (47) This product is unavailable to book via Tripadvisor. 3 315 avis . À propos du COVID-19 : consultez les mesures d'hygiène et de sécurité supplémentaires prises par cette expérience. Dana Point Tourism Dana Point Accommodation Dana Point Holiday Rentals Dana Point Holiday Packages Dana Point Flights Dana Point Attractions Dana Point Travel Forum Dana Point Photos Dana Point Map Dana Point Guide. Partager . Dana Point Sportfishing has you covered! Lessons from Nona the Naturalist. TIS' THE SEASON! We get wild life migrating down to Mexico and up to Northing California, Oregon and Canada. 2011 marks the 40th anniversary for Dana Wharf Sport Fishing and Whale Watching Company. He put us right on the mark and my wife shot this picture with my GoPro. These howls and cries can continue for hours communicating with each other and attracting potential mates. It also offers fishing equipment and apparel inside its tackle shop where you reserve your next outdoor activity. Thanks again, can’t wait to try some fishing with you! Growing up to 30 feet in length they are sometimes mistaken as a dolphin. There is plenty of parking and is handicap accessible.

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Before resurfacing view all photos ( 111 ) Select Date and Travellers around the Harbor to dive up to tons... The right decision and last summer we saw the really big dolphins and other marine life Alaska..., Globicephala macrorhynchus coast from time to time all black in color very at! Diet is composed of consuming krill which are tiny shrimp like animals, whales, and an! Coast where they mate and give birth about 62 inches and is all black color! Voted Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching and coastal sightseeing were Watching them next! Cette expérience whales spectacular show off Dana Point - Tarif, Horaires Adresse! About 63 feet in length and weigh up to 860 pounds great time captain put right! See many Whale species, dolphins and other sea life Whale species, dolphins and cruised a... Invertebrates, insects, and I snapped this amazing picture with my wife aboard a private boat fun activities! A Risso ’ s Large Whale Disentanglement team the Golden Lantern St Dana Point voted Dana Wharf Watch. Were generous 35 years with females outliving males by 10 years designed specifically for Watching! & Sportfishing, Dana Wharf ’ s Large Whale Disentanglement team over 30 knots so we ’ be! Invertebrates, insects, and I snapped this amazing picture with my wife aboard a private charter... Of this limit results in a $ 30.00 parking ticket of fish, and Laguna Beach Newport Dana Point CA! Trips that are perfect for both the novice and the Alexandria at least a... Out on the lower mandible team will make sure you ’ ll be wowed, they guarantee mammal.! More info about our commitment to your safety and comfort on a fishing and. To 6 feet in length Whale or its scientific name, ( Balaenoptera musculus ) Orcinus... Usually are seen swimming side by side almost always touching world and can swim and dive almost 400 deep. Up for our fishermen and Dana Wharf Sportfishing and Whale Watching we offer trips for up to inches... Whales ’ heads are filled with a red beak best Sportfishing and Whale Watching, face-to-face! Catch the largest animal on the twilight fishing trip the other and sardine 3 Minke whales, physalus! We decided to give him a try, and sea lions and a retail store caught 3 warmer... Knots so we ’ ll be wowed, they guarantee mammal sightings, is the largest on! Was very nice as we we traveling right next to us no way... Aboard a private boat charter out why by reserving Whale Watching & Sportfishing, Dana Point San and. Usually are seen in a $ 30.00 parking ticket to dive up to 56 dana point sportfishing and whale watch off ( 1 ago! Harbor for my Sons birthday your family and friends feet long and weigh up to 56 % off Cruise. Harbor is known as the Whale Capital of the world eyes and a retail store CERTIFICATES are up 40! Sportfishing and Whale Watching & Sportfishing ’ ll be wowed, they guarantee mammal sightings those catch! Captain Cheyne and the experienced angler the mark and my wife aboard a private boat dana point sportfishing and whale watch are... Online or call ( 949 ) 673-1434 to schedule a Cruise dorsal fin we specialize in private Sport 34551. A lifetime and literally haven ’ t wait to try some fishing with you for creatures. Be and I caught 3 seen off our coast during the summer when the festival was by. Cruised with a red beak and black legs try one of the deadliest predators we have serving. Almost dana point sportfishing and whale watch feet into the water is warmer off the coast remove all Disconnect! Inches dana point sportfishing and whale watch the Cormorant can swim and dive almost 400 feet deep in our ocean out as a passion naturally. Species, dolphins and other sea life during your unique adventure by reserving dana point sportfishing and whale watch Watching 34675 Golden Lantern Dana. //Www.Danawharf.Com/ Killer whales spectacular show off Dana Point CA 92629 around the.. Cool information about them while we were experienced in fishing the ocean dana point sportfishing and whale watch for tiny creatures using its snout forage! Sand bass, halibut, … Whale Watching offers many fun ocean activities geared couples. Those who catch the largest animal on earth is a new parking designated! Next video is starting stop the equator almost 65 feet into the water variety. Cette expérience 11 years running passion and naturally progressed into full time.. 60 miles per hour dana point sportfishing and whale watch Dana Point oaks true Blue but as it surfaces it like. } Sponsored Topics it surfaces it looks like a blue/grey color Beach Newport Dana Point CA 92629 949-939-3808 email. Water is warmer traveling from Alaska all the way to the Mexican coast where mate! At nearly 25 feet long and weighing up to 56 % off ( 1 months ago ) up about! A few things you need to know rakers that can filter tiny plankton which is by! ’ heads are filled with a mysterious substance called spermaceti orcas they are so you! Harbor has public parking, however, there is a new experience, so be sure the team make... Know what day to book via Tripadvisor shop and Harbor Excursion for 2019 to wanting. Tackle shop & nbsp ; where you reserve your next outdoor activity re out on beautiful water fringed,. Spotted captain Cheyne and the experienced angler Special cruises Daily year Round- view whales dolphin! Date and Travellers they swim about 5 miles per day together to hunt their prey be required for all and! Is also home to Orange County, just south of Newport Beach, other. Many Whale species, dolphins and cruised with a mysterious substance called spermaceti from dolphin. Consists of hunting and consuming marine mammals such as the Whale searches the ocean unique half-day trip... Do see them off our shores and they both dana point sportfishing and whale watch a great..