At the top of the turn, they both take 20 points of radiant damage from being in the sunlight. LAURA: Yes, we're about to open up shop in Wildemount, actually. MATT: Nereid, sure, it's a medium fae, it is an aquatic creature, the drowning-- Sure, we'll let that work. SAM: Do you get to open your presents now? MATT: And then you also suffer-- ooh, nine points of necrotic damage and your maximum hit points are reduced by nine. LAURA: Maybe we'll just tell him tomorrow then. MATT: "Yes, indeed!" MATT: Going to warp around that way at an immense speed as he spins around behind, he's now flanking the guy on the opposite side of you, having you surrounded Grog. MATT: So the Revivify has an element here, where, when it brings you back I roll, just in general, to see if the previous resurrections you've had to see what the different DC is. MATT: Exposed blood now dripping down the front of its jaw. So as you're shooting forward, making your way towards that cliff--, SAM: ♪ Making your way towards that cliff ♪. Speech. After you guys finished your turns, the mist encompassing the space here. MATT: So you are, Pike, unfortunately being left in the suds a bit here. As soon as another layer I would come in, I'd be like--. MATT: Time for some creative thinking, I guess. MATT: But this is technically not lock picks, this is a pin. MATT: All right, Keyleth is done. So that's, wait, what's Guiding Bolt at--. MATT: You go to swing and this first strike goes through and you watch as a dark blood spatters across the beach side sand on the ground. TALIESIN: For a bonus action, I'm going to Second Wind. They're just--", MATT: "--gifts from folks who could not be here, I think. TRAVIS: I will do the second one with Great Weapon Master, reckless. I'll take bribes at the break. MATT: Okay, so you're pulling her along with you, roll once more with disadvantage. TRAVIS: Where is that again? I'll run over and I jump up on that middle table. MATT: Still grappled, unfortunately. You have given me a family I thought forever lost and a future I was prepared to sacrifice for something so trivial, I just literally just watched you take it and it means nothing compared to this. One and all, welcome to this most blessed union of two of my best friends in the whole wide world. MATT: 17, (metal smashing) you smash it, as hard as you can, against the rock, the rock splinters and breaks. TALIESIN: And a hat for some strange reason, sorry. MARISHA: And then I drop form. There's a bit of clouds in the sky, and you guys glance around. MATT: There is the edge of the cliff itself has some jagged rocks and barnacles and stuff, it's about 20 feet away from you. I'm going to try to fix it. MATT: All right. MATT: Okay, go for it. Oh you're going in the water? MATT: Yeah. MATT: But you got like a-- just unloading into Sylas as he's running backward, just taking all these shots to the chest, you see splatters and explosions across as each bullet impacts his torso. TALIESIN: For my full movement and I'm going to be--. MATT: So Percy, what are you doing? So on my turn I will--. MATT: Okay. TALIESIN: The rest of your outfit seems to be missing, but the hat is lovely. Critical Role Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. You see Scanlan at your feet, you see Derrig in front of you and you see Trinket behind you. LAURA: How are you going to-- okay. MATT: All right, so you both approach. and have Keyleth move half her movement forward. Yes? TRAVIS: Oh Jesus, he's still poisoned, somebody punch him. I just wanted to--. MATT: All right, wonderfully poetic. The Tempest has told me that you guys can kind of be a pack of assholes. That's cocked. MATT: Everyone gets 20 temporary hit points from her Inspiring Leader feat. Oof, that is almost 90 points of damage in one round. Where's my grit points? LAURA: I mean, I know it's stupid, but I have always looked up to you. TRAVIS: 22, 26, 26 plus one hit necrotic for 27 and 30 total. MATT: That's a rogue and a monk thing. TRAVIS: That is fully automated. When your heart beats faster as he approaches, biology can explain why. All right, so go ahead use the--. The city is bustling and, as is to be expected in a tourist town, everything is a little more expensive than Vox Machina are used to. I'm going to Guiding Bolt him up the butt. MATT: Right now, you don't see any, the mist is too strong. He's starting to look a little haggard, you can see now, the sweat and the dark undead blood that's pouring out of his face, he's starting to look like he's-- He's not doing great. You are currently-- you're a raven, circling up the edge of the cliff. MATT: Grog and Trinket actually go first. TRAVIS: I-- would like-- (tearfully) some ale. Two plus nine is 11. They have all sorts of large heavy kegs and crates. That is going to be a 19 to hit. MATT: Are you trying to break the chains? And we'll say, brings you to one hit point to come to consciousness. Yeah, I don't get a bonus on that, do I? MARISHA: I scoop up underneath of her and grab her. It's looking very hurt and it tries to stand back up, you can see its face burning into ash from the divine power. That is right next to Grog. Giornale Italiano di Ortopedia (2004) 30, Fasc 2, Is closet-suction drain necessary in unicompartimental knee replacement? You are welcome to take a ship, if you like, across the long journey and enjoy a sea voyage towards to the wedding, but you have more immediate means of transportation at your disposal. ASHLEY: Keyleth, okay so-- Goodness, it's been a minute. Do I see anything? LAURA: Thank you. I'm so excited. By sundown this evening, for the rehearsal, it will--". ASHLEY: Okay, ooh. Percy, you see, is sort of hobbling up there. Because this is hard to try and get both of you with this. Okay--. I have a ship chartered, ready to go, taken care of everything. You have everything? MATT: A shove is a five-foot shove. MATT: Trinket goes (confused bear sniffing) and just starts freaking out in space, unable to see where you went. Games Movies TV Video. ASHLEY: Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. MATT: Go ahead and roll your critical damage. As she raises her hands in the air, you watch as the mist suddenly vanishes from around and begins to push it away, the marine layer begins to pull back. Those who have already found their way MATT: You got it, so you're back in that space there. One arm is clothed in a very nice white linen shirt, for the occasion, the other arm is bare and has a full shoulder and arm tattoo of clouds breaking with a sun, right here on the shoulder. What the fuck is going on? MATT: Yeah, it should have been an attack. ♪ The boring ballad of Derrig ♪. SAM: Crack open some of that red, will you? ASHLEY: Wait but I thought these mean a-- shit, sorry, this has been a while. MATT: Correct, and reckless was only on your turn anyways. I'll never get over you. MATT: All of you are at zero hit points and stabilized. It's possible. I got a letter from Percival, my science bro, and I did write a speech for him. Critical Role dines alone without its audience. MATT: All right. TRAVIS: I'm sorry, is there a space between there and the top? However, I do need somebody to walk me down the aisle tomorrow and-- Well, I was wondering if it would be you? MATT: It doesn't matter, how do you want to do this? MARISHA: Okay. MATT: Guiding Bolt, it gives you an initial d6, so it's 5d6. The one who's grappling you is the one that Liam lunged at, right? As a friend, of course. I lost that in the water. MATT: That'll be-- 13 to reduced to six points of slashing damage to you and is going to attempt to bite attack you. Stora Gungans väg 6 B Lgh 1202. MATT: Disadvantage on you, Pike, actually. They probably won't come. ♪ Derrig the brave is married to his wife ♪ MATT: This was part of our Kickstarter. LIAM: Second attack probably whiffs, that's a 16. [Source] SAM: Can you smell what The Rock is cooking? TRAVIS: 27 points of damage on the first one. MATT: That's your movement, so it'd be, ten feet up, ten feet with your action. It's now your turn, Derrig. MATT: We all dressed up a little nice for the evening's occasion. I was really planning on being super, duper drunk with Grog the whole day. You see Jarett, you see Cassandra has arrived. LAURA: I already used my ring, for the search for Bob, but-- And we haven't replaced them yet, we were going to do that tomorrow, dear. MATT: This is a strength check, specifically to try and break a heavy metal shackle against a blade. MATT: You're not wearing armor currently. MATT: "All right, all right." MATT: You suffer-- 18 points slashing damage reduce to nine. So he goes-- and is going to scoot off in this direction. LIAM: That might be the second largest amount of dice rolled next to Keyleth's cliff dive. MATT: Which reduces your maximum hit points by six. LIAM: Right now. MARISHA: You have seven hit points, Pike. Okay. TALIESIN: Approximately, I'm forced to invite, at least 150. MATT: So you're keeping along but Keyleth is just rocketing as an elemental. As you make your way through the hallways between the various separate little bungalow-like homes that sit on this beach front, you walk around sort of out front of The Perfect Pearl. And then we can begin the rehearsal.".